Why is this board so bias against MSoft?


Obviously the XBX is the superior system of this generation...(Graphically) These facts cant be denied.

Look at the comments below the Xbox Section.
Wow, this is flame bait pure and simple. This board has no bias one way or the other. Some people may fall in different camps, but for the most part it is quite evenly spread out. The board probably has an over representation of Nintendo fans compared to the population, but that's to be expected from a strictly gamer society.
You need to support your own bias with facts instead of a statement. All the posts I've read of yours make statements without any proof. You are just as biased. You think the graphics on XBox are better, whoopdeedoo, maybe I think cell-shading is better so I think Gamecube is better graphically.
Obviously the XBX is the superior system of this generation...(Graphically) These facts cant be denied.

Wait, I thought RE4 on the Gamecube had the best graphics thus far this generation?
[quote name='int80h']Wait, I thought RE4 on the Gamecube had the best graphics thus far this generation?[/QUOTE]

I seriously hope you are joking here.
[quote name='Kastides']These facts cant be denied.[/QUOTE]

Facts can and will be denied by a variety of fanboys. Reason and logic don't necessarily have to be a part of any discussion where rabid fanaticism is involved. :D
"Dont Drop it on your foot"

"Everyone knows Japan makes the best cars and electronics"

"Msoft is still trying"

Read the freaking headliners before you click onto the board.
I've heard of no bias, as each current-gen system has a good number of fanboys. You like the Xbox, I like the GameCube, and little Billy likes his PS2.
If you look at this board you'll see that people are bias to what they like which makes sense. But no one is not going to give credit to a great game. I personally love my xbox and I think the gamecube is a fun system. But at the same time it's hard not to acknowledge the greatness of the PS2. Plus, remember there are more PS2 owners out there.
[quote name='Kastides']Obviously the XBX is the superior system of this generation...(Graphically) These facts cant be denied.[/QUOTE]

You say factS (plural), yet only site one "fact", graphics.
The xbox might have superior graphic capabilities but there aren't 5 exclusive games worth playing for it. IMO, it is easily the worst system of the big three. I am looking forward to the 360 though.
[quote name='Kastides']Obviously the XBX is the superior system of this generation...(Graphically) These facts cant be denied.[/QUOTE]

yea, but it also came out a few years after the other 2 systems. so what? all the systems have their positives and negatives. judging by the 2 threads you started today, you're obviously an xbox fanboy :lol:
[quote name='Kastides']Halo
Jade Empire
Elder Scrolls
Forza Racing[/QUOTE]

...3 of those aren't exclusive.

Halo, KotOR and Morrowind are all on PC. And better for it.
[quote name='Kastides']Halo
Jade Empire
Elder Scrolls
Forza Racing[/QUOTE]

3 of those are on PC, plus when someone says there aren't 5 good exclusives you should probably name more than 5 as they probably won't agree that all 5 are good.
[quote name='Tromack']Wow, this is flame bait pure and simple. This board has no bias one way or the other. Some people may fall in different camps, but for the most part it is quite evenly spread out. The board probably has an over representation of Nintendo fans compared to the population, but that's to be expected from a strictly gamer society.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Moxio']I've heard of no bias, as each current-gen system has a good number of fanboys. You like the Xbox, I like the GameCube, and little Billy likes his PS2.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='AngellicLulu']You need to support your own bias with facts instead of a statement. All the posts I've read of yours make statements without any proof. You are just as biased. You think the graphics on XBox are better, whoopdeedoo, maybe I think cell-shading is better so I think Gamecube is better graphically.[/QUOTE]

Agreed to all of these. And Tromack hit the nail right on the head on this thread. All this thread is flame bait and invitation to argue over pointless shit. You like one system, I like another, it doesn't matter. I have never seen a one system bash on these forums. I have seen gamers say that they aren't partiuclarily fond of some game/s (Halo, wel that's just me, Sneaky, and some others I'm failing to mention;)) but no system bashing. What the OP fails to understand is that each systems has its pros and cons like anything.

Oh, and it really isn't that big of a deal that one system has better graphics. Who cares. I love games for what they are, not how they look. Gameplay makes the game, not graphics neccesarily. Look at it this way, you go back time and again to play games like Pac-man and Galaga, etc. and those have don't really have any graphics at all.

This thread deserves a lock as all it is is a nuisance. Take this shit over to Gamefaqs.
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']yea, but it also came out a few years after the other 2 systems. so what? all the systems have their positives and negatives. judging by the 2 threads you started today, you're obviously an xbox fanboy :lol:[/QUOTE]

XBOX came out a few days before GC.
[quote name='Kastides']Halo
Jade Empire
Elder Scrolls
Forza Racing[/QUOTE]

Nice try. Like others have said, 3 of them are on the PC. I've got nothing against the xbox, I just like it the least out of the three consoles. I would like to play Perfect Dark and the next Banjo game when they come out though... oh, wait...
[quote name='Kastides']"Dont Drop it on your foot"

"Everyone knows Japan makes the best cars and electronics"

"Msoft is still trying"

Read the freaking headliners before you click onto the board.[/QUOTE]
People - He is talking about the headlines CheapyD writes before you click a forum like the old GC one - "Does it even have a slogan?"

I'll vouch for Cheapy and say he is a big fan of the Xbox and those slogans are just jokes.
Looking at your thread making history, all I have to say is wow you make some terrible threads. You've created 9 threads (including this one) and 4 of them have been locked. Not really a good way to start out IMO.

Edit: Gonna take a page out of crymnl and the Tanuki's book and add to the ignore list.
How is it not bias to say the following:
" The japanese makes the best cars and electronics"
And under Xbox
" No matter how much you hate them they are still trying"
"dont drop it on your foot"

Im not calling any single person on this board bias but rather that the site allowing such personal opinions to be shown is bias.

Finally someone understands what im trying to say....
[quote name='Kastides']How is it not bias to say the following:
" The japanese makes the best cars and electronics"
And under Xbox
" No matter how much you hate them they are still trying"
"dont drop it on your foot"

Im not calling any single person on this board bias but rather that the site allowing such personal opinions to be shown is bias.[/QUOTE]
Like I said, those are jokes and CheapyD is a big fan of the Xbox. You are calling him bias because he is the one who wrote the jokes before the forums.Thanks for repeating yourself and thanks for making me do the same.

And who cares if he has a personal opinion, just because he runs a video game site doesn't mean he can't like one system more then another.
[quote name='Kastides']How is it not bias to say the following:
" The japanese makes the best cars and electronics"
And under Xbox
" No matter how much you hate them they are still trying"
"dont drop it on your foot"

Im not calling any single person on this board bias but rather that the site allowing such personal opinions to be shown is bias.[/QUOTE]
No no, the people who make the statements are biased... to have those threads locked would be biased against them. People have a right to their own opinions and it's not the mods or admins duty to prevent people from sharing opinions no matter how biased they are.
Tromack, AngellicLulu, Moxio, and zewone all make exceptional points. This thread is also awful and is basically flame bait.
[quote name='Kastides']Zewone thanks for the explanation. WTF did all these other people think i was talking about?[/QUOTE]
No problem. I don't know. I think they still don't know whats going on.
[quote name='zewone']No problem. I don't know. I think they still don't know whats going on.[/QUOTE]
well he wasn't very clear and he's still not very clear. I know what he's quoting now, but to come out and say XBox is better, was a foolish way to ask about those sublines. Anyways, most of the regulars knows CheapyD loves XBox, and Halo. Those are meant for humor. I mean have you dropped an XBox on your foot?
If i make silly comments about DDE's and say PS should be renamed to P.o.S i would be labeled a fanboy/bias.

But stating that the Graphical output is better than rest of the systems (based on specs) is a fact and my opinion.

Im done with this thread.
[quote name='Kastides']If i make silly comments about DDE's and say PS should be renamed to P.o.S i would be labeled a fanboy/bias.

But stating that the Graphical output is better than rest of the systems is a fact and opinion.

Im done with this thread.[/QUOTE]

Since when do graphics matter more than gameplay? I just played the Halo campaign al the way throuogh on the comp and was dissapointed.
[quote name='Moxio']I've heard of no bias, as each current-gen system has a good number of fanboys. You like the Xbox, I like the GameCube, and little Billy likes his PS2.[/QUOTE]
You bastard! My name's not "little Billy!" :sad:

Just because one person says they don't like the Xbox doesn't make the whole site biased. People have opinions and they're allowed to express them to their liking. Get over it.
[quote name='Kastides']If i make silly comments about DDE's and say PS should be renamed to P.o.S i would be labeled a fanboy/bias.

But stating that the Graphical output is better than rest of the systems is a fact and opinion.

Im done with this thread.[/QUOTE]

1. A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.

And I've never heard something being fact and opinion. Fact: The grass is green. Opinion: The (Insert system of choice here) has better (insert some quality here).

I'm glad your done because you're just twisting your words.
[quote name='Kastides']Halo
Jade Empire
Elder Scrolls
Forza Racing[/QUOTE]

I absolutely love my Xbox (as well as all my other systems), but Elder Scrolls is far from "must-play".

This board is far from any true biased, you're the only one I see here.

Leave this place, we don't take very kindly to your kind. Take you retarded bullshit here. I'm sure you'll get along with all the other dipshits there.

EDIT:[quote name='zewone']Like I said, those are jokes and CheapyD is a big fan of the Xbox. You are calling him bias because he is the one who wrote the jokes before the forums.Thanks for repeating yourself and thanks for making me do the same.

And who cares if he has a personal opinion, just because he runs a video game site doesn't mean he can't like one system more then another.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck? Is that what he's been trying to get at? You really don't belong here, we have too many dumbasses as it is.
"Do they even have a slogan?"

"Live in your world, buy our stuff."


Use your damn head.
[quote name='eldad9']What's so bad about microsoft?


Keep in mind that this is several years out of date.

If microsoft became the only console manufacturer, I just wouldn't buy any new consoles.
I care where my money goes and what it's used for.[/QUOTE]

...because it must be true if it's on the Internet!

Quality wise Gamecube has the least rate of defects, but seriously I dont give a care about the graphics. Last I checked a game should be fun to play. I dunno, I must be crazy or something.
[quote name='zewone']Like I said, those are jokes and CheapyD is a big fan of the Xbox. You are calling him bias because he is the one who wrote the jokes before the forums.Thanks for repeating yourself and thanks for making me do the same.

And who cares if he has a personal opinion, just because he runs a video game site doesn't mean he can't like one system more then another.[/QUOTE]

Wait a second, this is what he meant by bias and when he started this thread. Umm...yaeh o.k. I'll just leave it at that.
bread's done