Why is this board so dead

[quote name='johnmirra']by pc like i meant its boring as hell, its a off white box wow what a styling choice, dont get me wrong there are games coming out im gunna buy for it im just saying i prefer my ps3 at the moment[/quote]

Yaeh, uh...ok. I like the design of the 360. It's aesthetically pleasing and looks a hell of a lot better than the previous generation's model. If you want to talk about the aesthetics of the PS3, then I think the joke about it being modelled after the Foreman grill has already been beaten to a dead horse.
i wouldnt say its aesthetically pleaseing i would say its design wont offend anyone, microsoft played it safe with that design, plus the white theme is definatly ripped off of apple not ot say 1000000 other companies dont do it too
I'm not one to really care about how a console looks but... black has always been > white for me when it comes to electronics. The Ps3 just looks more at home next to the TV than the 360/wii.

But let's get real now, if you let a console's looks significantly factor into your buying choice that's getting a little ridiculous...
[quote name='johnmirra']i wouldnt say its aesthetically pleaseing i would say its design wont offend anyone, microsoft played it safe with that design, plus the white theme is definatly ripped off of apple not ot say 1000000 other companies dont do it too[/quote]

You're right, white is so out for gaming consoles :roll: Personally, I would have been much more pleased had they come out with an Orange console that doesn't fit with anything (still orange is badass cool) or better yet, Rainbow. Nothing says buy me like Rainbow. When a console or electronic product comes out on the market you can pretty much count on it coming out either in White or Black. While the design is a bit bulky, it is after all a first gen version of the console so they can still make revisions later on, but I think it looks close to one of my DVD Players so i can let it slide on that end.
At least it didnt copy apple as closely as the wii but thats a differnt argument all together. As i said i have both and had a wii for about 2 months and so far im most pleased with the ps3. for some reason the 360 still seems a bit off to me but hey once bioshock finally hits myabe ill change my tune
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I can see where the PS3 has it's ups. I personally am getting more from my 360 than my PS3. The PS3 is like the little bastard step-child. The 360 has been an amazingly well received console for me. As a former Sony fan, I can tell you that I went into this generation hoping for the PS3 major victory, but I was pretty amazed by what Microsoft brought to the table. I used to hate Xbox with a passion because I saw it as a greatly inferior product to the PS2, but with the 360, I see what a difference support makes. I've never had a console where everything felt so closely knit.

As I said, Every system has its perks and everyone has their opinions. I am still waiting for the PS3 to show me something the PS2 or PSP haven't done. For being the "most advanced piece of technology on the market," Sony is doing squat with the PS3. If the PS3 has so much potential, they need to pick it up a notch and show the masses why Sony dominated the last 2 console wars. I know Sony will win this console war as well, but the Wii and 360 are gaining some pretty good market share.
[quote name='guyver2077']wow just wow...

and the ps3 offers you what.... nothing?[/quote]


Well, it offers, um...a nice, uh....

an upgraded version of RR6.
[quote name='s3v3n777']Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I can see where the PS3 has it's ups. I personally am getting more from my 360 than my PS3. The PS3 is like the little bastard step-child. The 360 has been an amazingly well received console for me. As a former Sony fan, I can tell you that I went into this generation hoping for the PS3 major victory, but I was pretty amazed by what Microsoft brought to the table. I used to hate Xbox with a passion because I saw it as a greatly inferior product to the PS2, but with the 360, I see what a difference support makes. I've never had a console where everything felt so closely knit.

As I said, Every system has its perks and everyone has their opinions. I am still waiting for the PS3 to show me something the PS2 or PSP haven't done. For being the "most advanced piece of technology on the market," Sony is doing squat with the PS3. If the PS3 has so much potential, they need to pick it up a notch and show the masses why Sony dominated the last 2 console wars. I know Sony will win this console war as well, but the Wii and 360 are gaining some pretty good market share.[/quote]

At the current rate, I doubt that Sony will really catch up. Just go look at the comic I put up. They are going to need many price drops until they'll be looked on as truely favorable, but by then it might be too late. The Wii is still getting talked about CNBC for pete's sake. I was watching it the other day and the newscaster (probably Maria Bartiromo) was talking about how much she loved her Wii. That pretty much shocked me right there.
I think there's probably a lot of people like myself that are patiently waiting for a few model revisions and price drops before considering one. Some more strong titles like Resistance couldn't hurt either...

Now if you want to see a dead board, look at the one for PCs. Aside from the help and hardware talk, very little discussion about PC games ever goes on in there.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']At the current rate, I doubt that Sony will really catch up. Just go look at the comic I put up. They are going to need many price drops until they'll be looked on as truely favorable, but by then it might be too late. The Wii is still getting talked about CNBC for pete's sake. I was watching it the other day and the newscaster (probably Maria Bartiromo) was talking about how much she loved her Wii. That pretty much shocked me right there.[/quote]
IMO, they don't really have to... the current consensus is that the console wars (with lack of exclusives, and very similar capabilities) will not produce a clearcut "winner" in this generation. Sure Sony's flubbed some PR and caused a stir with their seemingly incoherent and contradictory statements... but what boneheaded corporation the size of Sony hasn't? I don't put that much stock in their dumb statements (Microsoft's made their fair share in recent years... mostly lashing out at competition they can't crush like Linux) And let's not forget Sony's Music Division.... dumber than a box of hammers.. ;)

Goodwill for the Wii won't last forever... the release schedule keeps moving out to the right... much to the chagrin of some early adopters... It's not a deal-breaker for many, but you have to admit that the GC title drought is shaping up again in the Wii's lineup. I'm not bashing the Wii (so put the swords down).. I'm just drawing my own conclusions. I'm still on the lookout for one...

The PS3 will have its audience, and it will be a solid seller overall, albeit in smaller unit quantity than the PS2, the 360 will blow away the XBox classic's numbers (if it has not already) but will still struggle to find a connection to Japan (in spite of Blue Dragon's bump) and the Wii will fill its niche by being the "2nd console" to most of the gamers and the only console to the traditional "non-gamers"... who are less likely to purchase a huge stable of games...

$400 and $500 consoles are becoming less than impulse buys to the masses.... based solely on price alone, the 360 and PS3 are becoming entrenched in the "luxury items" realm... out of the reach of larger and larger demographics. I for one don't mind that, since perhaps the consoles can go back to innovative games and deep RPGs without fearing the "casual gamer" will be left out.... I can dream can't I?

I am not a "doom and gloom" console owner. I don't regret getting either the 360 or the PS3. They both have great games coming out for them (with the PS3 perhaps having more for my taste than the 360), and they're spectacular looking on my 32" LCD TV. :) No matter which one (or both, or all three) you choose, this generation won't leave you "out in the cold" w/r/t games that the last (and previous) generations have done...

... and that, dear friends, is a good thing. ;)
AWESOME ANOTHER PS3 FLAME WAR THREAD. break out the cucumbers and vasoline!
I'll be getting all three consoles just like I did last generation. I save enough money from this site that I can afford to support all three consoles and both handhelds. They all have really good qualities and a couple annoying qualities. At the end of the day, it's not the console that I'm choosing but the individual game that fits my mood.
i play my ps3 basically evry day be it a ps3 game or a ps2 one. and i really dont think this is a flame war thread, i honestly see this as one of the better ps3 discussion threads in recent months
[quote name='s3v3n777']Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I can see where the PS3 has it's ups. I personally am getting more from my 360 than my PS3. The PS3 is like the little bastard step-child. The 360 has been an amazingly well received console for me. As a former Sony fan, I can tell you that I went into this generation hoping for the PS3 major victory, but I was pretty amazed by what Microsoft brought to the table. I used to hate Xbox with a passion because I saw it as a greatly inferior product to the PS2, but with the 360, I see what a difference support makes. I've never had a console where everything felt so closely knit.

As I said, Every system has its perks and everyone has their opinions. I am still waiting for the PS3 to show me something the PS2 or PSP haven't done. For being the "most advanced piece of technology on the market," Sony is doing squat with the PS3. If the PS3 has so much potential, they need to pick it up a notch and show the masses why Sony dominated the last 2 console wars. I know Sony will win this console war as well, but the Wii and 360 are gaining some pretty good market share.[/QUOTE]I'm the opposite. I feel the 360 is a very small upgrade from the Xbox (other than a few XBL features). PS3 definitely feels like a bigger upgrade from PS2, compared to Xbox to 360. If you say PS3 is basically offering nothing new compared to what has been seen on PS2/PSP, I could say the same for 360 (compared to the original Xbox). Tons of Sci-fi/WWII shooters flood the console (several of them which contain Tom Clancy in the title), sequels to many popular racers on Xbox, same old Team Ninja Games, DDR developed by the same team who made the DDR games for Xbox (who still can't get the timing right, compared to KCET developed DDR games), etc. The 360 for me is like the black sheep of my family. I just can't find much good on it, despite playing most all popular games. Around 80% or more of the 360 games I like, can also be found on PS2 or PS3 (I rather buy them for PS2/PS3 in the first place). [quote name='guyver2077']
and the ps3 offers you what.... nothing?[/QUOTE]It offers better BC right out of the box. I can play ALL my favorite PS1/PS2 games on PS3 while I can only play my worst Xbox games on the 360 (Only 1-2 out of my favorites play on the 360). That's definitely more than nothing. Also, at least PS3 is a more reliable console and doesn't sound like a jet engine while playing a game.
[quote name='johnmirra']i play my ps3 basically evry day be it a ps3 game or a ps2 one. [/QUOTE]Ditto. :) I own just about every console/handheld (except a Wii, which I'll eventually get, but I just don't like Nintendo all that much, which is why I'm waiting), and PS3 gets 75% of my play time (playing PS1, PS2, or PS3 game).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Also, at least PS3 is a more reliable console and doesn't sound like a jet engine while playing a game.

lmao.. wow

Around 80% or more of the 360 games I like, can also be found on PS2 or PS3 (I rather buy them for PS2/PS3 in the first place).

Here is what i dont understand.. 360 usually has the superior version..i have yet to pick a ps3 version of a game over a 360 version thats already out...especially sport games.

Now this could change but these are just the facts at the current moment
[quote name='smalien1']I don't have a 360 or a PS3 but anyone who makes an argument based on the aestetics of the console itself is fucking retarded.[/QUOTE]I don't think its retarded to make an argument over the 360 external power brick. :lol:
[quote name='smalien1']I don't have a 360 or a PS3 but anyone who makes an argument based on the aestetics of the console itself is fucking retarded.[/quote]

lmao... well said

youd be suprised how anal ppl can be
how can you say someones wrong if they like how one console looks over another, thats more ignorant then saying you like the shiny clack console over the dull off white one
[quote name='johnmirra']how can you say someones wrong if they like how one console looks over another, thats more ignorant then saying you like the shiny clack console over the dull off white one[/QUOTE]Agreed. There are some consoles I loved the look of, while others I didn't like the look of. Personally, I dislike the color white for electronics and like the color black. If there was a black Xbox 360 and Wii, I'd buy them instantly. However, the reason I prefer PS3 over the rest has nothing to do with the color of the console.
right ,it just helps to have my favorite console fit the aesthetic look that i like my electronics to have. im also really sold on the potential of the ps3 in the future plus, i need my metal gear 4
[quote name='johnmirra']how can you say someones wrong if they like how one console looks over another, thats more ignorant then saying you like the shiny clack console over the dull off white one[/quote]

No, no it's not.
I'd perfer the Wii to the PS3 if the casing was a dildo.
And I don't have a 360 but I think the same goes for that, I'd perfer a penis shaped 360 to a PS3, why? Because I personally like the selection of games (the most important part of any console) and gameplay stlye of both those systems better. Hey, the PS3 probably does look better, but the other two win in important catagories.
if you dont like the thread orr ps3 whyare you on this board, anyway manaknight isnt talking interior decorating hes talking what he like and again how is a preference wrong
[quote name='The Crotch']Also, what Mana Knight said in post 70 was absolutely ridiculous. Most people come to CAG because they like games, not fucking interior decorating.[/QUOTE]I like games and will buy a console because of it (which is why I bought a 360 originally); however, if I can get a color I prefer, there's a good chance I'll get it. The whole reason I didn't get a DS Lite at launch is because it was white (I was waiting for a black one and looked too much like an iPod, and I have some hatred for iPods, but that's another story).

I guarantee that if most CAG members were given a choice of colors for a console/handheld, they'd go with the color they like most. I doubt most CAG males would buy a pink DS Lite if that's all they can find at a retailer (they'd probably wait around until they find a white or black).
[quote name='johnmirra']if you dont like the thread orr ps3 whyare you on this board, anyway manaknight isnt talking interior decorating hes talking what he like and again how is a preference wrong[/QUOTE]
agrred with manaknight again(this must be a record for agreements on cag) personally i would love to see a red console or a blue one but since they dont exist i took the next best thing, and its not like im saying i hate the 360 i have it and play it ocasionally, all i can say s you 360 guys are touchy
and i wont insult your comentary just because i dont agree like some other posters do, i dont see why every thread boils down to ps3 vs wii vs 306 crap i like 2 out of the 3 and the other i just dont know if it can stay in it for the long haul hardware wise
im still waiting for ps3's rumble feedback..............(waits with slack jawed look on face in total disbelief that sony left it out):drool:
Oblivion with less freezes, better load times, nicer graphics, and smoother performance overall? Yes please! I'm getting it for sure even though I already have it on 360.
Has it been confirmed that Oblivion has "better" graphics. Most of the reviews I've read about the cross-platform games give the edge to the 360.

I guess the 360 is still my main console...maybe I'll get Motorstorm though (at least rent it)
[quote name='GF_Eric']Oblivion with less freezes, better load times, nicer graphics, and smoother performance overall? Yes please! I'm getting it for sure even though I already have it on 360.[/quote]

Uh, where did you get this info from, because none of it is true...
i believe the ign preview said it looked better the the 360 version and that they fixed the bugs that plauged the 360 release
I used common sense. What, do you think they will release something just as buggy and shitty performance-wise when they had a full extra year to work on it? I would hope not. If they do a lot of people are going to be disappointed.
[quote name='johnmirra']just seems like people ignore any news that says something sony related is better[/quote]

Actually, he just said he used "common sense". So there's no news at all, he's just pulling info out o his ass that's not even true.:roll:
"The PS3 version of Oblivion isn't a simple port of the game either, although players who have picked up the 360 version will be very familiar with the control scheme. For one thing, the PS3 version has been optimized to take advantage of the Cell processor and hardware that the system offers. As a result, the game runs a lot faster than the 360 build. Entering dungeons or buildings results in a load of 3-5 seconds, compared to the 7-10 seconds or longer for the 360 version of the game. Similarly, the amount of framerate drops or hitches that cropped up in the wilderness as you accessed a new area on the 360 have been substantially reduced on the PS3 version. There is a plan to completely eradicate these issues as the game nears release, as well as fixing a number of bugs that were present in the other builds. Kiss the item duplication glitch goodbye."

From the ign preview article
but wait, theres more

The visual presentation of Oblivion has also been significantly enhanced. While it was a beautiful title on the 360, far off environmental details often displayed low resolution textures. This has been fixed with new shaders dedicated to rendering the foreground cleanly with sharper details, so rocky landscapes now have craggy appearances instead of smooth, non-distinct surfaces. While there is still a fair amount of pop-in that occurs (which can't be helped due to the size of the world), the draw distance is farther than the 360 version. As a result, screens from the PS3 version should approach those from high end PCs running Oblivion, which is an impressive feat. We'll have more on Oblivion soon, but for now, check out these new screens
to be fair, the 360 version is supposedly getting a patch to fix up its graphics. but the other advantages still stand.
good point about the patch, i was just answering the calls that said all the better graphics info was false
[quote name='johnmirra']good point about the patch, i was just answering the calls that said all the better graphics info was false[/QUOTE]


I couldn't enjoy this game on the 360 at all...I even bought it a second time (albeit for much cheaper) to try and get into it again. The animation, collision detection, loading, freezing, dropped frames etc. etc. killed it for me. I was starting to think the people praising it for being a great technical feat were insane.

If all this stuff gets fixed, I'll have to pick it up again on the PS3 (though for super cheap.)
[quote name='guyver2077']lmao.. wow[/QUOTE]Sony has had the most reliable console this generation. The 360 was fucked out of the gate, even worse than the PS2's DRE, hell, Microsoft knew the problem was so horrible they had to refund all the repair money for consoles made before January 1st 06, then extended the warranty to a year. Not to mention the fact that it gets hot, and is loud as fuck. My PS3 never makes a sound, and besides reading about a few problems with disc drives, there have been no widespread problems whatsoever.

Even the Wii has had numerous issues, crapping out from firmware updates, DOA, and the same disc loading problems as some of the PS3's. This generation is very different. I won't bother mentioning the strap issue, as that's not completely Nintendo's fault.
[quote name='GF_Eric']I used common sense. What, do you think they will release something just as buggy and shitty performance-wise when they had a full extra year to work on it? I would hope not. If they do a lot of people are going to be disappointed.[/QUOTE]

This type of thinking isn't always right. Look at that enchanted arms game...turned out to be worse than the 360 version.

As a rule of thumb, all ports are worse unless you find out otherwise from someone with hands on/review. Look at splinter cell for last gen, they would come out for ps2 and cube like 6 months later but the xbox version would still be the best.
[quote name='Weedy649']This type of thinking isn't always right. Look at that enchanted arms game...turned out to be worse than the 360 version.

As a rule of thumb, all ports are worse unless you find out otherwise from someone with hands on/review. Look at splinter cell for last gen, they would come out for ps2 and cube like 6 months later but the xbox version would still be the best.[/QUOTE]

The PS2 was a significantly weaker console, so it didn't matter how much they optimized it for the system, it was going to turn out worse.

With the PS3 and 360, its a bit different. The general consensus is that both consoles are pretty much equal with the PS3 excelling in some areas, and the 360 excelling in others. Neither is a clear cut 'more powerful' console. Because of this, the ports COULD be about equal to their original (or sometimes better), but it will depend on the developers. All PS3 launch ports look worse than their 360 counterparts because developers were rushing these ports out for launch, and didn't bother to improve them. Sure you could say that 'X' amount of months extra, but that is assuming the PS3 port began the same day the 360 version did. And the actual porting of the game isn't an easy process either. It's not like the PS3 version starts out where the 360 version left off. They have to optimize it for the PS3. So, in the end, if developers take the time with ports, they can look comparable or better, but it depends on if they want to devote the tiem and effort to do so.
bread's done