Why no AC2 or ride?


CAG Veteran
Has anybody seen a decent deal on assassins creed 2 or tony hawks ride? I was really looking forward to these 2 games but they seem to be the ONLY games that have had no deals on either that I've seen. Anyone have a lead on these titles?
can you not read what it says at the top in all caps? here ill make it big enough to see.

I appologize Serpent01. I did'nt realize where I posted. I'm sorry for the mistake and any mod please post this in the correct place. Once again I was only wondering and I appologize for anyones inconvience
[quote name='gomikeoh']You have shamed this website.[/QUOTE]


I acted before thinking. I personally blame the even williams.

I got AC2 for $40. First days, Best Buy did $10 free gift card if your in Gamers Zone, and also Fry's was selling it for $49.99 so I pm'd it also. Good luck finding a deal though.
[quote name='venom077']Has anybody seen a decent deal on assassins creed 2 or tony hawks ride? I was really looking forward to these 2 games[/QUOTE]

In regards to TH Ride: how well do you handle crushing disappointment? Seriously, it is one of the absolute worst games this gen, and is basically pretty much everything that is wrong with gaming today. Don't buy it.
if you really want ride, then wait a few months. combining horrible reviews and poor sales might give you the opportunity to own it really cheap at gs down the line.
[quote name='venom077']I'll take yor guy's advice on TH ride but I don't think I'll be talked out of AC2[/QUOTE]

Thats the even williams talking. :)
[quote name='venom077']I'll take yor guy's advice on TH ride but I don't think I'll be talked out of AC2[/QUOTE]
Don't worry AC2 is great; maybe Cyber Monday will have something.
I'm looking for an AC2 deal too, although if Ubisoft's track record is any indication, don't they drop prices on their games relatively quickly? With so many good titles coming out in Q1 2010, I wouldn't be surprised to see the MSRP take a fast dip.
Which version of AC2? I think it was GoGamer.com that currently has the 360 version down to around $48 currently. The PS3 version, however, isn't reduced
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