Why no civ rev? why cancelled?


93 (100%)
any reason why? just curious. The ds game is incredibly addictive as I've played it at 2 hour periods since I got it. But it seems like a little better presentation and a bigger screen would really make the game great on the psp.
I guess that's why they canceled the entire Civ series on PC.... piracy. Oh wait, it's thriving. I'm sure there was a less sensationalistic reason, considering the genre's resilience to those "eeeevil pirates!"

I would've liked to have seen it on the PSP, simply because it's finally a Civ game that really doesn't require a kb/mouse combo to enjoy. (And doesn't sacrifice fun and challenges because of the input device.)
I was looking forward to Civ on the PSP. And as for Piracy, the DS is getting the game i believe so that point is mute.
Moot. ;)

I have never played the series (never been a PC gamer), but may end up getting the 360 version. A PSP version could've been nice.
DS piracy is no where as bad as PSP piracy is. PC requires no royalties to the hardware maker. Anyone who thinks piracy had nothing to do with Civ Rev not being on PSP is someone who most likely uses CFW or pirates games. If I had a shotgun for everytime I met such people, well... I'd have less shells lying around.
No heartbreak here. The PS3 demo played like Civ 2 with shittier controls, so the PSP would probably play worse than that.
I can buy a new copy of Civ2 for $5 (but I bought it when it was worth $50), and it plays best on PC. If you're a real CheapAss then download FreeCiv, it's not exactly a power hog.
[quote name='missingno81']Every game besides for PS3 is pirated, its probably because the psp would lag horribly like with Dynasty Warriors.[/quote]
As i said earlier, the same can be said with the DS, but they still make shitty games for that handheld. Civ Rev got some great reviews, press, and media coverage, i really think it would sell well NOW if they made it.
If you are referring to the how the games are read off their formats (cartridge vs. UMD), then obviously the read times are going to be slower. Many games are now caching data onto the extra RAM in the Slim models, as well as using the memory stick to store frequently used files. Seeing the DS version makes me cringe. I couldn't imagine playing the game in 2D and on that small of a screen. Not to take away from the DS, but it just doesn't look fun.
[quote name='SynGamer']If you are referring to the how the games are read off their formats (cartridge vs. UMD), then obviously the read times are going to be slower. Many games are now caching data onto the extra RAM in the Slim models, as well as using the memory stick to store frequently used files. Seeing the DS version makes me cringe. I couldn't imagine playing the game in 2D and on that small of a screen. Not to take away from the DS, but it just doesn't look fun.[/quote]

the visuals suck hard ass, but its what i would expect from the ds. Look at advanced wars, I liked that despite of it being 2d.

But even if they ported it to the psp with the shitty visuals, I would consider it an improvement simple since its a bigger/move vibrant screen.

The ds screens are so small and lack widescreen support. I dont even use the touchscreen since it is slower?more annoying to use that than the controls.
For me the PSP's widescreen and vibrant colors make a world of difference. Comparing the Madden NFL 09 screens for each handheld is all the proof you need. Instead of squinting to see who i'm throwing two (and again, this isn't a jab at the DS), on the PSP i can actually wait in the pocket and see who is open.
[quote name='J7.']DS piracy is no where as bad as PSP piracy is. PC requires no royalties to the hardware maker. Anyone who thinks piracy had nothing to do with Civ Rev not being on PSP is someone who most likely uses CFW or pirates games. If I had a shotgun for everytime I met such people, well... I'd have less shells lying around.[/quote]

I don't buy that logic anymore than I buy the logic that music and movie piracy is killing their respective industries either. The game companies generally trot out the specter of piracy when they want to avoid the real answer why they won't/don't/can't develop for a particular platform (why not just use the old standby "installed base" and stop inciting moronity?)

Piracy is eternally rampant on the PC platform and yet there's a new Civ coming soon (Colonization remake), in addition to expansion packs and the like. So blaming piracy is not unlike claiming one would shoot someone for having a different opinion. Simplistic and childish comes to mind. As of January 2008, there are over 10 million PSP's in the US alone. You cannot claim that they're all pirate haven devices any more than you can claim they were all bought as game systems. (Some are not... it's a given.)

But there's no discussing with pedantics.
[quote name='Mechafenris']I don't buy that logic anymore than I buy the logic that music and movie piracy is killing their respective industries either. The game companies generally trot out the specter of piracy when they want to avoid the real answer why they won't/don't/can't develop for a particular platform (why not just use the old standby "installed base" and stop inciting moronity?)

Piracy is eternally rampant on the PC platform and yet there's a new Civ coming soon (Colonization remake), in addition to expansion packs and the like. So blaming piracy is not unlike claiming one would shoot someone for having a different opinion. Simplistic and childish comes to mind. As of January 2008, there are over 10 million PSP's in the US alone. You cannot claim that they're all pirate haven devices any more than you can claim they were all bought as game systems. (Some are not... it's a given.)

But there's no discussing with pedantics.[/quote]
The gaming industry sells a lot less games than music companies sell CDs & the movie industry sells DVD's & Blurays. (Not $ sales, quantity of item sales).

The PSP has a great installed base. Publishers are not avoiding PSP because of how many PSP's have sold in relation to DS's. They are avoiding because PSP games DO NOT SELL. Je5us F'n Chr1st.

Piracy is bad on PC but a helluva lot more people own PC's than people do PSP's, DS's, or any console, and as I mentioned earlier there is no royalties to pay for PC games. PC games are also increasingly sold digitally. Not to mention that Civilization is a PC based series. Your words come from someone probably trying to justify using CFW or piracy on PSP, in order to lower your cognitive dissonance. Ruining everything for those who support the PSP by purchasing games for it. And I should not be angry when I am trying to keep PSP alive, paying money for games, when others who make more money than I do steal the fucking games...
[quote name='J7.']The gaming industry sells a lot less games than music companies sell CDs & the movie industry sells DVD's & Blurays. (Not $ sales, quantity of item sales).

The PSP has a great installed base. Publishers are not avoiding PSP because of how many PSP's have sold in relation to DS's. They are avoiding because PSP games DO NOT SELL. Je5us F'n Chr1st.

Piracy is bad on PC but a helluva lot more people own PC's than people do PSP's, DS's, or any console, and as I mentioned earlier there is no royalties to pay for PC games. PC games are also increasingly sold digitally. Not to mention that Civilization is a PC based series. Your words come from someone probably trying to justify using CFW or piracy on PSP, in order to lower your cognitive dissonance. Ruining everything for those who support the PSP by purchasing games for it. And I should not be angry when I am trying to keep PSP alive, paying money for games, when others who make more money than I do steal the fucking games...[/quote]
Get over yourself, would you? You keep using the same bullshit line that we're only arguing trying to get this on the PSP because we pirate games. I own something like 10 games currently for my PSP. I've probably had over 25 overall but have traded some off obviously. You seem bitter about not being able to afford more games...go cry about it somewhere else. Point is, people WOULD buy the game if they priced it right ($29.99 or less) and marketed it properly. Not that hard. Pre-order bonuses seem to be the key to better sales, they should think about that when trying to combat piracy.
[quote name='SynGamer'] Pre-order bonuses seem to be the key to better sales, they should think about that when trying to combat piracy.[/quote]

That is a good point. Bonuses can help move product. Although many probably just pirate it and buy the bonuses off eBay. Either way I agree with your point and I think bonuses do encourage sales.
According to Firaxis, the reason the PSP isn't getting Civ is the same reason PS2 isn't getting it - they don't have enough manpower to recode the graphics.

Only reason DS got it, is because that game isn't exactly graphically heavy.
[quote name='62t']R Type command has a really cool bonus, and it didnt really help that much[/quote]
If the game sucks, no pre-order bonus will save it ;)
[quote name='Skandis']According to Firaxis, the reason the PSP isn't getting Civ is the same reason PS2 isn't getting it - they don't have enough manpower to recode the graphics.

Only reason DS got it, is because that game isn't exactly graphically heavy.[/quote]
They haven't completely ruled out the game coming to the PSP...just depends on if they have enough people to work on it yet.
[quote name='SynGamer']Get over yourself, would you? You keep using the same bullshit line that we're only arguing trying to get this on the PSP because we pirate games. I own something like 10 games currently for my PSP. I've probably had over 25 overall but have traded some off obviously. You seem bitter about not being able to afford more games...go cry about it somewhere else. Point is, people WOULD buy the game if they priced it right ($29.99 or less) and marketed it properly. Not that hard. Pre-order bonuses seem to be the key to better sales, they should think about that when trying to combat piracy.[/quote]
Get over myself for what? All I did was state facts and information. I never said you wanted this game on PSP so you could pirate it. I never said anything to that effect. I can afford the games that I want. That has nothing to do with me paying for games, while others who make a lot more money fucking pirate them. Your point is wrong, people do not buy the games when they are lower priced, they still pirate. There have been many games for PSP that launched at $20-$30, but they did not sell well either. So keep on shelling out false insults because that is all you have to say... you might as well not say anything at all.
Civilization Revolution not coming to PSP due to "lack of resources"
Firaxis, devlopers of the upcoming Civilization Revolution, has given a statement to Eurogamer to explain why there is going to be no PSP version. Put simply, they simply don't have a big enough team. The entire development staff is currently working on versions for the PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS. They have even delayed the Wii version to Autumn 2008, while the other versions are out in the Spring, because of resource shortages.

Firaxis seems to be very proud of the fact that the game is being developed in-house. The only way a PSP version would be possible would be if they "farmed it out", which they are seemingly unwilling to do. Barry Caudill, of Firaxis, made sure to defend the handheld, saying that "it's not like we're dissing the platform - I use a PSP. We put Pirates out on it." The official word, then, is that there will be no PSP version. However Caudill's wording certainly leaves room for that to change in the future.

I remember that article very well too.
[quote name='J7.']Get over myself for what? All I did was state facts and information. I never said you wanted this game on PSP so you could pirate it. I never said anything to that effect. I can afford the games that I want. That has nothing to do with me paying for games, while others who make a lot more money fucking pirate them. Your point is wrong, people do not buy the games when they are lower priced, they still pirate. There have been many games for PSP that launched at $20-$30, but they did not sell well either. So keep on shelling out false insults because that is all you have to say... you might as well not say anything at all.[/quote]
Blah blah blah...

"Your words come from someone probably trying to justify using CFW or piracy on PSP"

That's what i read when you were replying to Mechafenris. People who pirate games likely never had the intention of buying the games to begin with. The problem with PSP software sales is that the games are inferior ports of console games. I'm not saying Civ Revo. is that kind of game, but if you look at the titles released on the PSP, many of them are titles that you can buy on the PS2, 360, or PS3 and they usually have more features. Developers need to distingush their games, make them see exclusive or specifically tailored for the PSP rather than a simple graphics downgrade and 1 less analog.
[quote name='SynGamer']Blah blah blah...

"Your words come from someone probably trying to justify using CFW or piracy on PSP"

That's what i read when you were replying to Mechafenris. People who pirate games likely never had the intention of buying the games to begin with. The problem with PSP software sales is that the games are inferior ports of console games. I'm not saying Civ Revo. is that kind of game, but if you look at the titles released on the PSP, many of them are titles that you can buy on the PS2, 360, or PS3 and they usually have more features. Developers need to distingush their games, make them see exclusive or specifically tailored for the PSP rather than a simple graphics downgrade and 1 less analog.[/quote]

That [piracy] is often why other games have not released on PSP because they will not sell. Of course Civilization on PC is freaking thriving because it's one of the most popular PC series of all time... Anyone who defends CFW and piracy so heartedly as you do or tries to downplay it repeatedly, clearly demonstrates their intentions. The games that are made specifically for PSP have not done much better than the ports. Even the best games released have pretty bad tie-in ratios to the hardware sold.
[quote name='J7.']The gaming industry sells a lot less games than music companies sell CDs & the movie industry sells DVD's & Blurays. (Not $ sales, quantity of item sales).

The PSP has a great installed base. Publishers are not avoiding PSP because of how many PSP's have sold in relation to DS's. They are avoiding because PSP games DO NOT SELL. Je5us F'n Chr1st.

Piracy is bad on PC but a helluva lot more people own PC's than people do PSP's, DS's, or any console, and as I mentioned earlier there is no royalties to pay for PC games. PC games are also increasingly sold digitally. Not to mention that Civilization is a PC based series. Your words come from someone probably trying to justify using CFW or piracy on PSP, in order to lower your cognitive dissonance. Ruining everything for those who support the PSP by purchasing games for it. And I should not be angry when I am trying to keep PSP alive, paying money for games, when others who make more money than I do steal the fucking games...[/quote]

I fully understand that piracy is wrong on a moral level (and an economic one, it's just that I don't like to use it as a specter of doom every time something happens negatively to a product or platform.)

I also understand that installed base is not a good barometer of how well a game will do, either. Most of the time, we get high-expectation games flop miserably in spite of 10 billion users. (Not counting that not all 10 billion play games...)

If piracy ruins a platform it'll take a forensic analysis to determine the demise... (believe me, I used to own an Amiga... I fully believe that it suffered from entirely too many pirates per 100 users) So all I'm saying is we need to temper some of the pirate rhetoric or it'll become a self-fulfilling prophecy. In my tiny demographic of PSP owners I personally know, only 2 of the 10 (me and another friend) are avid gamers. The rest buy UMD movies, or rip their DVDs and play them off the memory card (with the occasional "Lumines" or "LocoRoco" game thrown in... but not NEARLY the volume of say you or I.)

And Syngamer's got a point when it comes to differentiating between portable and "desktop" (for lack of a better term.) In every genre, besides possibly sports, we see too many PSP titles as ports of PS2 games or retro bundles (which I do enjoy, but I suspect they're not a universally accepted genre), and there are fewer first-party titles or unique titles that focus on the very broad strengths of the PSP (which I will go on record as saying it's a wonderful machine. I love mine.)

Analyzing this, we can come to a couple of conclusions (piracy is among the larger group of them, but bear with me here) why devs aren't focusing on the little wonder.

1st, we can surmise that the original crop of mostly ports didn't do well based on sales of games. That, coupled with the multifunction capability of the platform has put a dent in title growth for the platform even before you count CFW. And since we know everything is a profit-driven exercise, focusing limited game company resources on a platfom that hasn't shown success (because of the ports) is a gamble only the big studios can handle.

2nd, if we consider the platform to be somewhat of an enigma in the portable game industry (it does way more than play games), we can see that this first foray into a multi-faceted platform future is going to be met with some confusion in the traditionalist sense of "game machine" mentality development houses. They can't figure out what makes it special yet, and it's going to take some time to get traction. When they do figure it out (Monster Hunter comes to mind) they have a hit.

Granted the 1st assumption is more depressing, but I think the 2nd one is more accurate. No one (not even Sony) really knows how to best position the PSP, having tried as a DS killer, then as a "multimedia" platform in your pocket. Having that schizophrenia from the actual builder of the console doesn't give a warm-fuzzy to 3rd party devs, no matter how many PSPs are in the wild. When they do, boy watch out... we'll see some serious dominance because it's no longer a matter of "what does it do for me" in the minds of potential buyers. (A tad optimistic, but hey... I love the little thing.)

So, you can see we've got a great deal of facets to deal with, and CFW is pretty low on the totem pole, influentially speaking. :) At least in IMNSHO.
[quote name='J7.']That [piracy] is often why other games have not released on PSP because they will not sell. Of course Civilization on PC is freaking thriving because it's one of the most popular PC series of all time... Anyone who defends CFW and piracy so heartedly as you do or tries to downplay it repeatedly, clearly demonstrates their intentions. The games that are made specifically for PSP have not done much better than the ports. Even the best games released have pretty bad tie-in ratios to the hardware sold.[/quote]
Where in this thread have i defended piracy? I would defend CFW for the sole reason that everything i've read about the features of CFW shows that Sony is dropping the ball. We're seeing a homebrew game being released soon but aside from that, it is evil.
[quote name='Mechafenris']I fully understand that piracy is wrong on a moral level (and an economic one, it's just that I don't like to use it as a specter of doom every time something happens negatively to a product or platform.)

I also understand that installed base is not a good barometer of how well a game will do, either. Most of the time, we get high-expectation games flop miserably in spite of 10 billion users. (Not counting that not all 10 billion play games...)

If piracy ruins a platform it'll take a forensic analysis to determine the demise... (believe me, I used to own an Amiga... I fully believe that it suffered from entirely too many pirates per 100 users) So all I'm saying is we need to temper some of the pirate rhetoric or it'll become a self-fulfilling prophecy. In my tiny demographic of PSP owners I personally know, only 2 of the 10 (me and another friend) are avid gamers. The rest buy UMD movies, or rip their DVDs and play them off the memory card (with the occasional "Lumines" or "LocoRoco" game thrown in... but not NEARLY the volume of say you or I.)

And Syngamer's got a point when it comes to differentiating between portable and "desktop" (for lack of a better term.) In every genre, besides possibly sports, we see too many PSP titles as ports of PS2 games or retro bundles (which I do enjoy, but I suspect they're not a universally accepted genre), and there are fewer first-party titles or unique titles that focus on the very broad strengths of the PSP (which I will go on record as saying it's a wonderful machine. I love mine.)

Analyzing this, we can come to a couple of conclusions (piracy is among the larger group of them, but bear with me here) why devs aren't focusing on the little wonder.

1st, we can surmise that the original crop of mostly ports didn't do well based on sales of games. That, coupled with the multifunction capability of the platform has put a dent in title growth for the platform even before you count CFW. And since we know everything is a profit-driven exercise, focusing limited game company resources on a platfom that hasn't shown success (because of the ports) is a gamble only the big studios can handle.

2nd, if we consider the platform to be somewhat of an enigma in the portable game industry (it does way more than play games), we can see that this first foray into a multi-faceted platform future is going to be met with some confusion in the traditionalist sense of "game machine" mentality development houses. They can't figure out what makes it special yet, and it's going to take some time to get traction. When they do figure it out (Monster Hunter comes to mind) they have a hit.

Granted the 1st assumption is more depressing, but I think the 2nd one is more accurate. No one (not even Sony) really knows how to best position the PSP, having tried as a DS killer, then as a "multimedia" platform in your pocket. Having that schizophrenia from the actual builder of the console doesn't give a warm-fuzzy to 3rd party devs, no matter how many PSPs are in the wild. When they do, boy watch out... we'll see some serious dominance because it's no longer a matter of "what does it do for me" in the minds of potential buyers. (A tad optimistic, but hey... I love the little thing.)

So, you can see we've got a great deal of facets to deal with, and CFW is pretty low on the totem pole, influentially speaking. :) At least in IMNSHO.[/quote]

Thank you for the well articulated response. I do agree with the points you make, but I simply feel that CFW & piracy is the largest problem. I'll leave it at that.
[quote name='J7.']Thank you for the well articulated response. I do agree with the points you make, but I simply feel that CFW & piracy is the largest problem. I'll leave it at that.[/QUOTE]

That's fine. I respect that. And I applaud you for reading that obtrusively long post. :) Maybe Sony will find a way to plug the CFW hole in time to make us both happy for the platform. :)

here's to hoping, right? :)
Hopefully they will before its too late. They seem to be enjoying the hardware sales it helps contribute, but in the end they need software to sell too. They can make profit on the hardware but the 3rd parties need profit on their software too.
bread's done