Why the PSP will lose...


61 (100%)
I feel this article is a good read:


October 29, 2004

by: Casey Ayers

Disclaimer: Note that the views expressed in this article are solely the opinions of the author, and in no way reflect the official positions of DSAdvanced or the Advanced Media Network.

Why The DS Will Win

"We’re a little less than a month out from the launch of the Nintendo Dual-Screen. The launch of the Playstation Portable in the United States remains at least four months away. I’m going to make the projection already that the DS will win- not by a few market share points, not even sizably. It will be a crushing defeat, and here I shall do my best to explain why. Some reasons you may have heard before elsewhere, others I like to think are newer or more original to myself in past editorials. All of these, however, are integral points as to why the PSP will lose direly.


I’ve got to say, this may be the single most important reason why the PSP will fail where the DS will succeed. I was personally confused after the Nintendo Gamers’ Summit at which the DS’s price was unveiled- I thought it was $179. I thought this price was incredibly low, accounting for the fact that two software titles are included. I was astounded when I found out that I had overpriced the system by another thirty dollars. $149 is a trivial price for the overall package- merely the launch price of the Game Boy Advance. Think about this- you get the ARM7 and one of the screens, essentially the GBA hardware, for $75. You only get another screen and the graphical power of an N64 included for the other $75. Really, if you think about the sheer amount of hardware included, the price is a steal- substitute in whatever other variables for those numbers you like, perhaps $50/$99, and it may seem like an even better deal to you. Why does it seem to me that even at this low price point, Nintendo has found a way to make money on the system right out of the gate, or they plan to lose a trivial amount offset by one or two game sales?

The PSP, however, finds itself in a very tight spot on this issue. I have been told that Sony had a press conference scheduled for the same day as Nintendo’s Gamers’ Summit regarding the PSP, and possibly a price point. This conference was allegedly cancelled shortly after the initial batch of data- including price point, the bonus software, and release date of the DS- was announced from Redmond. Like I say, I don’t personally have hard proof of this, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if this were the case. Why would Sony do this? They’re running away from their impending financial train-wreck, the PSP. This is even more true following the release of their price information. At the price of $185, Sony is frankly out of their damn minds.

For the purposes of calculation, I’ll figure that the PSP costs Sony $320 per unit to manufacture- a conservative estimate. Now, figure in the costs for deployment and then what the wholesale cost is to retailers- we’ll say it’s fairly high, around $165. So, Sony recoups $165 per console. This is a $155 dollar loss per unit. Think about it this way: if Sony comes even close to their sales projections- say three million units are sold within the first year, Sony will have lost almost half a BILLION dollars. Frankly, this is financial suicide the likes of which have NEVER been seen in the industry. Not even Microsoft went this far- they only lost at most $100 per system near launch, and that number has gone down over time. The most expensive parts in the PSP, the screen and battery, will not go down in price over time as more are produced (for Microsoft, the processor and graphics chip costs, as well as the hard drive cost, went down over time.) In fact, there’s evidence that the price of the LCD may even go up, as there’s a shortage of the materials needed to make them right now.

All of this leaves Sony in a constant tailspin financially- a loss they can’t afford to make up through other product lines. If you take a close look at Sony’s financials, they’ve been hemorrhaging money on their Trinitron and Wega TV lines for some time now, and recently had to discontinue their Clié line of PDAs due to lack of profitability. The new Walkman is being trounced by the iPod. Their music store is sagging in the face of iTunes, due mainly to very restrictive rights and Sony’s asinine insistence on converting all MP3s to their standard format (to be fair, it seems this may change for future iterations). You know what’s sustained Sony financially for the past two or three years? The Playstation 2. As that console ages and the market simply gets saturated, Sony’s profitable standby is beginning to fade. The PS3 won’t hit the market for another two years at least, leaving the PSP to bring in much needed cash. Losing five hundred million dollars by your own projections in the first year worldwide doesn’t exactly accomplish this.

Shareholders simply won’t stand for financial indiscretion of this magnitude. As the analyst reports come out, favoring Nintendo if only for their stranglehold of this Christmas, they will begin to criticize Sony’s outlook on sales. To combat this, Sony needs to woo the analysts quickly- today’s launch lineup, though numerous, only has two or three big-hitting titles. They need to fix this for the US release; table-top and puzzler games won’t suffice. Assuming negative analysis begins to emerge, combined with the prospect of losing money, it will be made to seem they’ve lost the war before it began. This is not a winning strategy. Either Sony’s accountants know of arithmetic magic far past my level of comprehension, or they think they’ve got one hell of an Investor’s Relations team. Of course, I’ve not even accounted for the money involved in marketing the product- add a couple tens of million of dollars to the overall launch/sustain costs there.

This type of money crunch is clearly unacceptable to all involved. So, Sony is only left with one option- coercing developers. Expect the royalty and manufacturing fees to be astronomical on the PSP. Sony will most likely force PS2 developers to release games for the PSP in order to continue releasing PS2 games- much like Nintendo did to Square-Enix with Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, except in reversse. At its new $185 price point, Sony will undoubtedly sell a sizable number of PSPs at launch, giving them the chance to poke the developers in the eye. ”My way or the highway, buddy…” will be the mantra. And in this decision, I think that you may see developers choose the highway; remember that this kind of strategy is what lost Nintendo its home-console crown. Clearly from the simple business standpoint, Sony is grasping for straws that don’t exist, preferring to weave themselves in a web of financial deception than cede the day to Nintendo."

I’ve seen the videos of the DS in action, side by side with videos of the PSP. The PSP is admittedly very impressive in its graphical prowess- but that’s its downfall. This is crazy, you say- let me clarify: the graphics won’t kill the system, but the side effects will. Three major side effects will plague the PSP:

1) Battery Life

First and foremost, the battery life of the PSP is despicable. There, I said it. It’s not Sony’s fault, understand- there isn’t battery technology with the capacity, stamina, voltage output, size, and right price point for the PSP anywhere in the world, and it won’t be another ten years until there is. The best hope for Sony are the new supercapacitors being developed by Honeywell- essentially batteries that can fully charge in seconds, rather than hours or at best minutes. Next to that, some sort of photovoltaic solar cells that could be used as the PSP’s casing would be preferred. It’d be nice to use fuel cells, but they’re too expensive, big, and have the tendency to explode. Now I know this all sounds funny to you, but I’m serious (relatively)- a portable system isn’t portable if its battery lasts two hours. I can hear some of you now: “Sony claims it’ll have up to three to six hours of on-time, though!”. Sure, maybe if the system’s on standby, with the screen off, and no disc in, the wireless disabled, and you don’t hit any buttons.

The battery-use of keeping the UMDs spinning, in addition to the high-power, high-range WiFi, added to keeping that really awesome screen going is incredible. If a developer does a bang-up job with dumping disc information into memory and letting the discs spin down, you can probably add an hour or two- but it’s still not even close to enough.
I don’t know how Nintendo managed to keep the battery life so high with the DS, considering the fact that it’s running two backlit screens- I believe this is truly telling of just how damaging disc-use is to battery life. Even from Nintendo, however, I’m slightly skeptical of these numbers- I’m almost positive the 8-10 hours predicted refer to using the system without wireless use. However, even here Nintendo has an advantage- their proprietary wireless system for short-range linkups is very similar to Bluetooth, in data speeds, frequency, and low-power consumption. So yes, WiFi will tend to cannibalize your battery life, but you’ll be using the proprietary wireless far more with the DS, methinks.

2) Development Issues

Developer interest is another big issue where the DS edges out the PSP. The DS, Nintendo claims, stands for “Developer’s System” as much as it stands for “Dual-Screen”. Well, we’ll see if that’s the case, but already we’re seeing promising signs. For one, if you ask developers about the DS, almost all of the quality studios seem genuinely excited to see what they can do with the system. Nintendo has truly provided developers with a funbox of tools- touch screen, two screens, wireless, dual cartridge use, 3D/2D graphics, etc. Not many developers will utilize all of these tools, but almost all of them will utilize at least one. Frankly, they’re all grand gimmicks- but people love gimmicks, and if the gimmicks make the games more fun, I’m all for it. After all, the analog stick, rumble pak, and transfer pak were all gimmicks in their day, were they not?

However, Nintendo faces a double-edged sword in that developers will never be able to merely make a port of a PSP game for the DS- any ports would have to be so heavily reworked that they’d basically be new games. Assuming the DS grabs the lion’s share of the market, this is great news, as it will serve to further choke off the PSP. However, if the PSP somehow makes a sizable impact, this could come back to haunt Nintendo. Of course, I’ve not touched on perhaps the most important element- portable developers have used Nintendo’s development kits for years. I assume that Nintendo has made sure development tools are similar to the GBA’s in many ways, and this will make it much easier for developers to adapt to the new system.

Sony has made the argument that the PSP is easy to develop for, as well. From what I can tell, their idea of easy is making PSP development as similar to the PS2 as possible. Don’t get me wrong- this definitely has advantages. Developers have been pumping out games for the PS2 for years now. This doesn’t mean that it’s easy, though- the PS2 is the most difficult of the current systems to develop for, especially now that Microsoft has developed XNA. What Sony really means is that development will be easier for those with experience on the PS2. Where does this leave developers? Well, they have two choices- they can take their portable-system developers and waste valuable time training them on PS2 intricacies, or they can take their PS2 teams and shift their focus to PSP. This has multiple repercussions. If they choose to retrain their portable teams, this wastes both time and money. If they shift their PS2 teams to the PSP, either the amount of PS2 titles will decrease, or the systems will forever be caught in a synergetic deadlock of simultaneous releases of the same title. Sony has already said this won’t be acceptable, leaving developers in a financial sticky spot.

In addition to this simple case for developer interest is developer cost. Did you know that it costs less for developers to manufacture DS titles than GBA titles now? This is including a recent drop in Nintendo’s GBA surcharges, too. Nintendo’s cutting Sony’s legs out from under them on this issue- they’re realizing (for once) that they may lose a buck here to pick up five or ten later on. Sony’s UMD format could potentially pose a threat in this area, as discs are much cheaper to manufacture. However, Nintendo claims that the new “Game Cards” are much cheaper to manufacture than traditional cartridges. This remains to be seen. Nintendo’s best bet is to keep their manufacturing royalties low enough to make the cost difference negligible- and make sure it stays that way, lest risk losing developer confidence, which will be unimaginably important in this race. "

This goes on with a third page click the link to read his third page please......


Very interesting..
Well, I not only didn't read all that text, I'm also going to make a comment on it: it comes from a DS fansite. Doesn't bias colour the article?
Addressing the cost issue, NO one makes profit on the hardware. All the profit is made in the software and accessory sales. I think the DS will win because the idea is new and innovative. The PSP is going to be pretty cool too though. Think about the battery life of a laptop or portable DVD player its around 3-6 hours for those devices. My major problem with the PSP is the lack of a screen cover, the thing is going to get beat upon. I for one am going to probably get both. I am going to get the DS for the great concept of something new and nintendo has always impressed me with their hardware so it really has a 0% chance of floping. While I am going to buy the PSP for the expandability of the unit. It had a memory stick slot, meaning probably 5 days after it comes out people will figure out how to convert full length movies onto 512 or 1 gig memory sticks. The PSP's options are pretty big at this moment.
I must say that I agree with the poster/article. I personally have 3 DS's pre-ordered (1 for me, 1 for my fiance, and 1 for my brother). I asked either of them if they would rather have a PSP or if they would like a PSP too, and they both answered no. I can understand my fiance, since her FAVORITE game is animal crossing. However my brother has all 3 consoles (like me) and he just hasnt seen anything that screams "GET THE PSP!!!". That, and sony has a reputation for announcing something ultra special right before someone elses product is released, then after the others product starts to fail, sony slowly begins to roll back features (LIKE BATTERY LIFE!!).
[quote name='asuitor']I am going to get the DS for the great concept of something new and nintendo has always impressed me with their hardware so it really has a 0% chance of floping.[/quote]

*cough*Virtual Boy*cough*
hey man the virtual boy ruled, except for the whole seizure thingy. I have liked every one of the nintendo consoles and portables. The Virtual boy flopped on the whole. I just never had any gripes with it. I think it died before its time.
::Goes back to playing Galactic Pinball::
[quote name='jmcc']Well, I not only didn't read all that text, I'm also going to make a comment on it: it comes from a DS fansite. Doesn't bias colour the article?[/quote]

It does, but it also make some good points.

Sony has been in real trouble recently, in non-console areas. It used to be that the Sony name could get a premium price and demanded respect, but that is not so anymore. People are just as content to go to Walmart and pick up a $65 DVD player as they are to go and get a Sony DVD players. Sony now has less of the DVD player market share than Cyberhome (I personally have never heard of them). And they also have been forced to lower their price to meet the industry average.

Sony needs this next round of videogame hardware to go well for them. There was a time when they were the big dog in everything, but given that consumers care a lot less about brand name these days and the lack of brand loyalty in the world, that is quickly changing.
[quote name='Cornfedwb'][quote name='asuitor']I am going to get the DS for the great concept of something new and nintendo has always impressed me with their hardware so it really has a 0% chance of floping.[/quote]

*cough*Virtual Boy*cough*[/quote]

haha, what you didn't like Mario Tennis?
This is really interesting Snake, thanks for posting it.

Ever since Sony announced their new competitive price, most people have just kind of said "Well you're screwed now nintendo". MOst people just kind of assume Sony will win, merely because they are Sony. This fellow offers some interesting counter-points, some of which I'd not heard before...
Make sure to click the link and get the closing arguments and points.

I found it interesting. Obviously its hard to not have a bias but I think this did its fair share of giving both sides.
Page 3:

3) Feasibility of Gameplay
The feasibility of gameplay on the PSP is Sony’s biggest issue. By this, I mean the ability for a gamer to enjoy themselves for as little as fifteen or thirty minutes at a time. So far the games we’ve seen for the PSP have all been incredibly impressive- Metal Gear Acid and Gran Turismo 4 are great examples. There’s a problem with these, however- they’re console games in the sense that gamers must invest a sizable amount of time each time they play to progress or have much enjoyment. This has probably been the point that Nintendo has most vocally criticized Sony on- they don’t seem to understand what type of game portable gamers are looking for. I know that personally, my average game time on my SP for any given session is between 15 and 45 minutes. It may take a good five minutes of that time to fully configure and load up a race on GT4 if your as customize-savvy as me!

For those wondering why Nintendo’s examples of gameplay have all seemed short and sweet, they’re trying to bring this point home. Games like Wario Ware and Yoshi’s Touch and Go are certainly not enthralling masterpieces that will keep you involved for hours at a time. These are examples of games at their purest form- just fun little ditties that keep you entertained for short amounts of time. I think Miyamoto and Co. truly believe that portable gamers aren’t looking to sit down and play for hours at a time- they’re looking for maybe a half hour of entertainment on the bus ride to school or work.

Portable gamers look for a few minutes of fun waiting in a long line, in dead time between classes, or for a short while during their lunch break. Sony’s newly announced offering that might seem to be aiming for this timeframe are weak indeed. Mahjongg? Board Games? That’s what cell phones are for. On this issue, Sony’s got another problem- even if I’m dead wrong, and the portable market’s absolutely dying or the chance to sit hunched over or stand playing a portable system for hours at a time, they won’t be able to do it on the PSP, because the battery will die on them.


There’s a few other points that I think are important to stress:

I cannot emphasize enough the significance I find in Sony’s single weak salvo a day or so ago after months of veritable silence. This price point, while a bombshell, is by no means smart business, and I think will hurt Sony much more in the long run that it will help. They can say all day long that the DS isn’t a competitor, but they know as well as anyone else that it certainly is- the typical mainstream gamer does not by multiple consoles, and they won’t buy multiple portables, either, if only for the fact they simply don’t have the pocket room. Sony’s recent announcement affirms this point. I believe that Sony is running scared now because they’re slowly realizing some of the points I’ve made previously.

Nintendo has changed. Don’t believe me? Look back to the marketing campaigns of a year or two ago versus today. I think what finally woke them up is when the Gamecube did not absolutely dominate the market in 2002 when Mario, Metroid, Star Fox, Zelda, and others all hit the market within six months or so. They realized the old formula was no longer working. Wonder why we haven’t seen another Mario game on the ‘Cube? Miyamoto-san also realizes it’s time for change. He’s spending as much time as he needs to make sure that this next iteration of our favorite plumber is as revolutionary as Mario 64. Want proof? Look at the new Zelda. If that doesn’t signify a paradigm shift in the corporate culture, I don’t know what does. How about the new internet marketing ploy for Metroid Prime 2? Though limited, it takes direct pot-shots at Halo 2, a move almost as suicidal as the PSP’s price point in the month before Halo 2’s release as the most-hyped game of the year! How about the new DS marketing campaign? “Wanna touch?”. Is this the same Nintendo behind the infamous Super Mario Sunshine “Diaper” commercials? I think not. I think Nintendo’s marketing as a whole has improved by leaps and bounds in the last few months since E3. As Nintendo supporters, we need to hope that they continue to become more sharp and innovative in their marketing- Nintendo’s going to need all the firepower it can get.

Most importantly, Nintendo is hiding something. Regarding the DS, something’s not quite right yet. I can’t put my finger right on it, but there’s something integral missing from the puzzle, something that will only be revealed in time. I’d bet the farm if I had one that Nintendo’s hiding an extra ace, which is the only way to explain their almost brash confidence in the face of an insidious foe like Sony. Perhaps Warp Pipe’s Demasked is the secret being withheld, or maybe not- just know that Nintendo’s not only taking the DS seriously, they’re betting the entire future of their company on it. I haven’t seen much outside of broad philosophy thus far that could possibly connect the DS to the future of the “Revolution”, and yet Nintendo continues to harp this point. I promise you, something’s up. Hopefully we’ll figure out what soon.


Sony’s announcement troubled me at first. I’ve done my best in this article to wipe out any fanboyistic tendencies and rather rely completely on facts and educated analysis; however, like you, when Sony made their announcement, I felt my heart drop a bit. However, I was over this within the hour. As I realized how incredibly absurd the whole idea of the PSP is, the more confident I feel. As should you. I like to think of this article as a spark-point for debate- a big assertion meant to be argued with. Agree with my platform? Disagree? Let me know, either in the reader’s comment box below or at the accompanying thread on the forums. In the end, all the analysis in the world doesn’t matter- the fans and consumers will decide this fight. Game on.
Why do you keep attacking consoles before they come out?

Do you really care which one other people buy? Do you have a personal stake in it?
[quote name='Quackzilla']Why do you keep attacking consoles before they come out?

Do you really care which one other people buy? Do you have a personal stake in it?[/quote]

yes......yes he does, its a scary thought
[quote name='Quackzilla']Why do you keep attacking consoles before they come out?

Do you really care which one other people buy? Do you have a personal stake in it?[/quote]

Honestly both are awesome looking. What I dislake is blind purchasing.

If I found a counter article about the DS I would post it.

I think its interesting to see all sorts of opinions, then form my own especially since its so close to launch. We will see who was right in the next coming year.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Why do you keep attacking consoles before they come out?

Do you really care which one other people buy? Do you have a personal stake in it?[/quote]

Um, I don't find those articles attacking the PSP. Don't be so defensive, people criticize any new technology. Go google search the debate over the new Dvd format and you'll find tons of pro & con articles on both sides. Just because someone is writing an editorial about a console doesn't make them a hater or a fanboy.
Where do they get the finacial numbers? Is he just making up the numbers?

Just curious how he would know what Sony's costs are.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Do you really care which one other people buy? Do you have a personal stake in it?[/quote]

The personal stake in it is this: if you buy a console, you want to to do well so games will continue to be made for it. Why would you want to own the console that will flop? I know I wish people bought more Saturns back in the day because then maybe I'd have gotten all 3 Shining Force 3 games.
The article has some good points but it also makes some assumptions that make for good reading but are really only guesses. Still, I can't see why the market can't support 2 handhelds. Just because you're not number 1 in a particular market doesn't mean you can't exist and still make a profit.
I'm not really hot and bothered about either handheld right now. The DS I expect to be pretty much gimmicky, unused by third party developers, and quickly gone by the wayside. Put that together with Nintendo's own admission that this is not the successor to the GBA, we could see a newer, better handheld relatively quickly on the DS's heels.. I'll pass.

The PSP I expect to suffer from N-Gage disease, jack of all trades, master of none. The handheld itself doesn't look pleasant in an ergonomic sense.. and not realizing Nintendo's mistake with the early GBA and giving the PSP a cover.. both bad moves. Put that in the cauldron and mix it up with a battery life too short by half.. I'll pass.
[quote name='Indiana']Where do they get the finacial numbers? Is he just making up the numbers?[/quote]

I believe the words were "For the purpose of calculation, I'll approximate that...", which would mean, yes, the numbers are made up.

[quote name='asuitor']Addressing the cost issue, NO one makes profit on the hardware.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure you are dead wrong there. I believe Nintendo has been making a profit off of their hardware for a long time. Also, I may be wrong, but I think Sony is making a profit, although not a huge profit, off of PS2 sales.
[quote name='johnnyc']Still, I can't see why the market can't support 2 handhelds. Just because you're not number 1 in a particular market doesn't mean you can't exist and still make a profit.[/quote]

I see your point here, but, unlike the console market, which has supported two or more consoles for a very long time, history has shown that the handheld market can't support two consoles. Believe me, I'd want the PSP and the DS both to do well - I assume that I'll own both, eventually - but, looking at the history of that market, I'd think it's unlikely.
Nintendo is the only company that insists on making a profit on hardware. This is a good idea for them, because third party software support seems to dwindle more and more for the big N as time marches on. (thus lower returns on licensing profits)
Personally, I want both. A LOT.

But at this point in the game, I haven't seen a SINGLE game for PSP (apart from the new FFVII sequel slated for 2006) that interests me one bit. I'm not too fond of Metal Gear, I HATE the Gran Turismo series (just sold 1-3 @ Blockbuster today), and nothing else really screams "BUY ME!" at this point.

The DS on the otherhand, has a remake of probably the best 3D platformer ever with brand new levels and tons of multiplayer options. Granted, a brand new game would've been nice, but this is a nice substitute in the meantime. Also, the DS counterparts of the other big N franchises look damn fun. And plus you can play any GBA game on it (its a shame about the missing link port tho).

Like I said, I'm sure I'll end up with both, but I'm not sure if PSP is all its cracked up to be (YET).

Oh and call me a fanboy but I loved Virtual Boy :lol:
[quote name='alongx'][quote name='Indiana']Where do they get the finacial numbers? Is he just making up the numbers?[/quote]

I believe the words were "For the purpose of calculation, I'll approximate that...", which would mean, yes, the numbers are made up.

[quote name='asuitor']Addressing the cost issue, NO one makes profit on the hardware.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure you are dead wrong there. I believe Nintendo has been making a profit off of their hardware for a long time. Also, I may be wrong, but I think Sony is making a profit, although not a huge profit, off of PS2 sales.[/quote]

Also on gamespy.....yup I am quoting another game site... Even though they gave both PSP and DS 50/50 of the market in their "guess" they estimated it in the $300 production cost range also. so take that for what you will.
I am sorry, what I was trying to say was that almost no profit is made from the company on consoles. Manufacturer makes a couple of dollars and the retailer makes a couple of dollars. I was manager of electronics at a wal-mart the consoles Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony all were sold to us at around 1-5 $ less then we resold them for. People make a profit but nothing really to talk about. Most of the money is in the software and acc.
[quote name='asuitor']I am sorry, what I was trying to say was that almost no profit is made from the company on consoles. Manufacturer makes a couple of dollars and the retailer makes a couple of dollars. I was manager of electronics at a wal-mart the consoles Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony all were sold to us at around 1-5 $ less then we resold them for. People make a profit but nothing really to talk about. Most of the money is in the software and acc.[/quote]

you sure that the companies at least Nintendo wsnt making more than $5 I am guessing they are.
Everyone loses money at the original launch, as the chips get cheaper they begin to turn a profit. I have seen estimates that they are makeing between 15-20$ per console while Sony is making like 10$ a console and MS still is not making a profit.
[quote name='asuitor']hey man the virtual boy ruled, except for the whole seizure thingy. [/quote]

Don't know why that made me crack up but it did. :lol:
[quote name='magilacudy'][quote name='asuitor']hey man the virtual boy ruled, except for the whole seizure thingy. [/quote]

Don't know why that made me crack up but it did. :lol:[/quote]

It didn't give people seizures. It just ruined your eyesight if you were under the age of 10 (or 7, I can't remember).
I think that whole article is a bunch of BS. I think the PSP will win. IMO, I think the DS is a stupid idea and only want to buy one for FFIII. Other than that, the PSP has the best games coming to it and that's what I want.

DS will be another Virtual Boy.
I prefer THIS article as it's a more intelligent way to approach this whole thing dispite being form a PS site.

From http://www.ps3insider.com/itex.php?iid=263
Opinion: A Whole New Market
Posted By Josh on Sep 10 2004

When Sony announced that they would be entering the portable gaming industry, fans began to compare the two systems because they thought they would be competing against each other. The fact is, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Sony and Nintendo are going after two different types of gamers, just as they have been since Sony entered the gaming scene. If history has taught us anything, it is that Sony and Nintendo have two very different ideas of what they want to achieve; this may have been the reason for the separation in the first place (Sony was working on a project for Nintendo which eventually became the PlayStation).

Nintendo has set their sights on the younger gamer – from zero to 16 years of age. There is clearly nothing wrong with this approach, as they are still very much in the game, but that is a fact that some fans try to ignore. Nintendo makes consoles and portables in a variety of fashionable colors and are very durable against all kinds of childish abuse. The games are generally more youth oriented, even though they have tried to sway this image with some mature additions to their gaming line-up. Overall, the youth market is their main target, and they have captured it quite successfully.

Sony, on the other hand, is looking for the older gaming audience which has been growing rapidly over the past few years (16 to 28 year-olds). Besides very limited edition runs, their consoles come in one color: the original in gray and the sequel in black. The consoles are considered more on the line of electronics than gaming equipment. The widest variety of games can be found on PlayStation consoles, which attracts more customers than any competitor, including Nintendo. Sony has been eying the portable gaming market for some time, and has chosen now to embark.

This is not an offensive, as some fans are trying to define it, but rather an exploration. Sony isn’t necessarily trying to take market share away from Nintendo, so much, as to create a new market within the portable gaming scene. As with consoles, Sony is aiming for a completely different market than Nintendo has. Sure, some gamers who are looking for a different portable gaming experience may slip over, but Sony’s bread and butter will be new gamers who currently don’t portable game. It is a riskier approach, but one that Sony is sure to dominate.

Let’s first look at the Nintendo DS. First off, the DS is not a successor to the GBA, it is merely a place holder until the next generation of GameBoys is released in 2006. The graphics can be best compared to the Nintendo64, a 64-bit system which couldn’t compete with the already established PlayStation. The system looks durable, because it is durable. Many smooth plastic parts in a clamshell design to protect the two screens. And yes, those two screens do not add up to more than a “ain’t it cool” factor which will either lead to success or complete failure (think VirtuaBoy).

As per usual, Nintendo will be rolling out new versions of archaic series such as Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and Metroid. Nintendo has made a killing off of putting Mario is every scenario possible, so don’t think they won’t do it again with a new system. Mario DS, Mario Kart DS, Mario Paper DS, Mario Tennis DS, etc. – while these will no doubt be spectacular games, if you are looking for something different, you won’t find it here.

The PSP, on the other hand, is a little more dramatic. Its power will be very similar to PS2, a 128-bit system, and you can expect the games to look as good as or better than their current PS2 counterparts. The PSP will not be as durable as the DS, and will have to be treated as an electronic device (think Palm Pilot). That is reasonable considering Sony doesn’t expect children to be taking it out on the playground, as they see adults using it while on the subway or on a plane. PSP owners are looking for highly technical equipment, and that is what they will get.

For games, Sony has implemented a “no direct ports” policy, meaning that existing games on PS2 will not be allowed on the new system as a direct port. While this doesn’t mean that these games won’t make it onto the PSP, it does mean that you will see new features to create a new gaming experience. Sony is not only working towards bringing the best classic series onto the PSP, but also bring new series on to create a balanced library of titles.

These are clearly two different markets. Nintendo will be going after their core audience of diehard fans. Those individuals who have grown up with Nintendo as their primary portable gaming device will flock to the DS for a familiar gaming experience. Sony is creating a new market of gamers who have yet to own a portable gaming device. People who enjoy the experience that PS2 brings them will no doubt feel right at home on the PSP. So, these two devices aren’t competing against each other – they are going after two very different types of gamers.

I have to admit, I am a bit biased – I do work for a PSP site in case you didn’t notice – but I feel I am being fair. Sure, you may not agree with the way I have portrayed the Nintendo DS, but I hope you agree that these two devices won’t be competing with each other, especially if you believed they were prior to reading this rant. The quicker gaming fans can accept the fact that two different people can enjoy two completely different gaming experiences, the quicker we can rid ourselves of the all-too-regular gaming forum console comparison.
[quote name='Alpha2']I prefer THIS article as it's a more intelligent way to approach this whole thing dispite being form a PS site.

From http://www.ps3insider.com/itex.php?iid=263
Opinion: A Whole New Market
Posted By Josh on Sep 10 2004

When Sony announced that they would be entering the portable gaming industry, fans began to compare the two systems because they thought they would be competing against each other. The fact is, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Sony and Nintendo are going after two different types of gamers, just as they have been since Sony entered the gaming scene. If history has taught us anything, it is that Sony and Nintendo have two very different ideas of what they want to achieve; this may have been the reason for the separation in the first place (Sony was working on a project for Nintendo which eventually became the PlayStation).

Nintendo has set their sights on the younger gamer – from zero to 16 years of age. There is clearly nothing wrong with this approach, as they are still very much in the game, but that is a fact that some fans try to ignore. Nintendo makes consoles and portables in a variety of fashionable colors and are very durable against all kinds of childish abuse. The games are generally more youth oriented, even though they have tried to sway this image with some mature additions to their gaming line-up. Overall, the youth market is their main target, and they have captured it quite successfully.

Sony, on the other hand, is looking for the older gaming audience which has been growing rapidly over the past few years (16 to 28 year-olds). Besides very limited edition runs, their consoles come in one color: the original in gray and the sequel in black. The consoles are considered more on the line of electronics than gaming equipment. The widest variety of games can be found on PlayStation consoles, which attracts more customers than any competitor, including Nintendo. Sony has been eying the portable gaming market for some time, and has chosen now to embark.

This is not an offensive, as some fans are trying to define it, but rather an exploration. Sony isn’t necessarily trying to take market share away from Nintendo, so much, as to create a new market within the portable gaming scene. As with consoles, Sony is aiming for a completely different market than Nintendo has. Sure, some gamers who are looking for a different portable gaming experience may slip over, but Sony’s bread and butter will be new gamers who currently don’t portable game. It is a riskier approach, but one that Sony is sure to dominate.

Let’s first look at the Nintendo DS. First off, the DS is not a successor to the GBA, it is merely a place holder until the next generation of GameBoys is released in 2006. The graphics can be best compared to the Nintendo64, a 64-bit system which couldn’t compete with the already established PlayStation. The system looks durable, because it is durable. Many smooth plastic parts in a clamshell design to protect the two screens. And yes, those two screens do not add up to more than a “ain’t it cool” factor which will either lead to success or complete failure (think VirtuaBoy).

As per usual, Nintendo will be rolling out new versions of archaic series such as Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and Metroid. Nintendo has made a killing off of putting Mario is every scenario possible, so don’t think they won’t do it again with a new system. Mario DS, Mario Kart DS, Mario Paper DS, Mario Tennis DS, etc. – while these will no doubt be spectacular games, if you are looking for something different, you won’t find it here.

The PSP, on the other hand, is a little more dramatic. Its power will be very similar to PS2, a 128-bit system, and you can expect the games to look as good as or better than their current PS2 counterparts. The PSP will not be as durable as the DS, and will have to be treated as an electronic device (think Palm Pilot). That is reasonable considering Sony doesn’t expect children to be taking it out on the playground, as they see adults using it while on the subway or on a plane. PSP owners are looking for highly technical equipment, and that is what they will get.

For games, Sony has implemented a “no direct ports” policy, meaning that existing games on PS2 will not be allowed on the new system as a direct port. While this doesn’t mean that these games won’t make it onto the PSP, it does mean that you will see new features to create a new gaming experience. Sony is not only working towards bringing the best classic series onto the PSP, but also bring new series on to create a balanced library of titles.

These are clearly two different markets. Nintendo will be going after their core audience of diehard fans. Those individuals who have grown up with Nintendo as their primary portable gaming device will flock to the DS for a familiar gaming experience. Sony is creating a new market of gamers who have yet to own a portable gaming device. People who enjoy the experience that PS2 brings them will no doubt feel right at home on the PSP. So, these two devices aren’t competing against each other – they are going after two very different types of gamers.

I have to admit, I am a bit biased – I do work for a PSP site in case you didn’t notice – but I feel I am being fair. Sure, you may not agree with the way I have portrayed the Nintendo DS, but I hope you agree that these two devices won’t be competing with each other, especially if you believed they were prior to reading this rant. The quicker gaming fans can accept the fact that two different people can enjoy two completely different gaming experiences, the quicker we can rid ourselves of the all-too-regular gaming forum console comparison.

Slightly more intelligent, but still not a very smart critique. "Arachic series like Mario, Zelda, pokemon, and Metroid..." He should mean some old series that still sell hundreds of thousands (if not a million) titles and often a ton of systems. Something Sony may never achieve with their lineups. Also, the no straight ports policy he talks about so much may hold up, but only in name. I'd bet that we'll see many games that are quite similar to PS2 versions. Not to mention it's extreme hard to create a new market niche, there are usually multiple failures before a niche is really carved. I'm not saying the PSP will not fall in that, but there's certainly a chance. The N-Gage, Tapwave, etc. are already near that graveyard.
Nintendo has set their sights on the younger gamer – from zero to 16 years of age.

If that's the case, then Nintendo should rethink the whole marketing high priced electronics to newborns, infants, and preschoolers. But to be honest, I think Nintendo games are made to have universal appeal rather than to specifically target younger children. I think any age group can find enjoyment and challenge in playing games like Zelda, Mario, or even Pokemon. Games like that are probably even more complex than say your typically hack n' slash like Dynasty Warriors.

You guys may want to check out this article. They seem to be very pessimistic about the future of the DS, and this is from a Nintendo fansite. I highly doubt that the PSP is going to "lose", nor do I think the DS is going to go the way of the Virtual Boy. I see it as being more like a PSX/N64 type situation. One system sells more hardware and the other one sells more games per unit.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Slightly more intelligent, but still not a very smart critique. "Arachic series like Mario, Zelda, pokemon, and Metroid..." He should mean some old series that still sell hundreds of thousands (if not a million) titles and often a ton of systems. Something Sony may never achieve with their lineups. Also, the no straight ports policy he talks about so much may hold up, but only in name. I'd bet that we'll see many games that are quite similar to PS2 versions. Not to mention it's extreme hard to create a new market niche, there are usually multiple failures before a niche is really carved. I'm not saying the PSP will not fall in that, but there's certainly a chance. The N-Gage, Tapwave, etc. are already near that graveyard.[/quote]

I wouldnt so much call it "not very smart" as it's one man's personal opinion, aside from that remark he's been pretty even handed. It's true Nintendo's Characters have a much more notable presence, while Sony's been content to focus their image building on the hardware end. Nintendo has the all ages deomographic locked down with it's stable of characters, while Sony aims for the impression of being high concept (hardware wise) or more specifically a trend setting type of company.

Nintendo aims to be cool while your young and watching cartoons and up untill you start getting into girls and violent movies, from there Sony tries to get your attention, of course you may be into girls AND cartoons in which case your the prime marke for BOTH systems.

As for straight ports I think what they're saying is you're not going to see a Classics Series of exactly the same game, no MGS:sons of liberty, no TM:black, no FF7,8,9 or 10, you might se sequels to them or side stories but not those exact games, atleast not in the early going... it'd be too easy to fill the line up with these types of games ans you can see already from them making GranTourismo, Armored Core and one other that slips my mind at the moment. They arnt supposed to be Direct ports, they wont have certain functions they'll probably have some things the home versions dont have and be missing things as well.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']
The PSP I expect to suffer from N-Gage disease, jack of all trades, master of none.[/quote]
Well put, I felt the same way. Though I'm not counting the PSP out completely, I side with the DS. The PSP hasn't really given me a reason to own it alongside a PS2. The games are around the same quality, so might as well buy games for the PS2 I already have.

Its been said by many all ready, but I too was taken in by the innovation of the DS. Sure, mention the Virtual Boy, but you gotta admit the DS has something going with the whole 'new way to play' thing. It wasn't even the touch screen thing that got me, it was the dual screen. Back when they first revealed shots of the DS, I had an interesting conversation with my bro. What if Dual Screens are common in other products in the future? Dual Computer Moniters, Dual Screen TVs, etc. Anyone ever see the movie Timecode? What if certain shows would use that idea with a DS. Or perhaps on some shows use the one screen for advertisements, while the other screen runs uninterupted programming. Those ideas are far and beyond, but how interesting would it be if dual screen format took a seat next to wide and full screen formats ione day. :shock:
What day does the PSP launch. I am hearing that preorders for the DS are being stopped due to stores being afraid they will have more orders than systems. Is the PSP coming out this Christmas? If not I feel that all of the portable gamers will have a DS and will not want to spend another $200 for yet another hand held system.
Dual computer monitors are common. It is not expensive to setup.... and I would never want to work on a single screen again.
The PSP will launch in japan in time for Xmas (at last report) and early 2005 in the US. DS is early november.

I'd expect sony to pull a M$ and shovel money ontop of the PSP for as long as it takes to convince people to buy it. They need it inorder to justify the UMD format (that I suspect they put millions of dollars into development for and millions more into production) since it's not like they;re using it for anything else.
I watched the Japanese commercial for DS and I am impressed. I was a straight PSP man before that. I think the last thing I said about DS was "That shit will suck"
Now... I like it. some of the games are not like anything you've ever seen and thats what's good about it.
PSP is all of a sudden the underdog in my book. I thought I could play movies on this thing! I don't want to buy games and movies. But then again the list of things this thing will be able to do is Crazy!
I'll mention 1 : GPS
PSP is catered to the older market and we don't want to play games all day. we want to be able to say "I use this for work" when carring a pocket toy in our jacket pockets. We want adult options.
My daughter will be getting DS for XMAS though.
bread's done