Wii 2007: Slim Pickins?

Ah, but it does. It demonstrates that plenty of gamers are still not grasping how naive it is to buy into (the scam of) early projected release dates, regardless of how improbable they may be (based on lack of anything concrete about the impending game), and regardless of how many precedents have dictated the likelihood that the bigger the title the further back from its initial release date it'll end up.

I don't know...is childlike optimism and hope like that admirable or delusional? Maybe both to some? I find it kind of annoying, quite honestly.

But, hey, thanks for the post with no purpose! At least you're staying on-topic!
[quote name='jollydwarf']Ah, but it does. It demonstrates that plenty of gamers are still not grasping how naive it is to buy into (the scam of) early projected release dates, regardless of how improbable they may be (based on lack of anything concrete about the impending game), and regardless of how many precedents have dictated the likelihood that the bigger the title the further back from its initial release date it'll end up.

I don't know...is childlike optimism and hope like that admirable or delusional? Maybe both to some? I find it kind of annoying, quite honestly.

But, hey, thanks for the post with no purpose! At least you're staying on-topic![/QUOTE]

So you've changed your tune from "the Wii has nothing officially announced in 2007" to "nothing/very few good things the Wii has announced in 2007 will make it out in 2007". Let's not even say changed. You re-emphasized a different part of what you were saying before to what you are now saying. I really want to try and keep this as civil as possible.

Look, man. What's the point of all of this? To knock Nintendo fanboys off their current high considering Nintendo had a successful launch with games people actually want to play? To predict the inevitable downfall of basking in the glow of the Wii? To make the relatively obvious statement of "the Xbox 360 has a ton of great games coming out in 2007, and it already has a ton of great games out now! You should really consider getting one." We know that. Despite not having one, my desktop background has been screenshots from Alan Wake since E3 firmly knocking out that neat "retrogasm" (the one with every character sans Link and Mario from the NES/SNES/Genesis/TG-16 era) Virtual Console wallpaper.

I, for one, think that the Wii will be able to support itself this time around as there's more then a steady trickle of good games coming out for it, and that people are perfectly happy with Zelda and Wii Sports and Rayman and Trauma Center and (flawed as it may be) Red Steel at the moment. I think that some people will happily buy Super Swing Golf, Metal Slug Anthology, and Elebits in the next month and won't be underwhelmed like they were with DOA 4 with at least two of them. Then there'll be games like Wario in January and Mario in March and a few surprises as well (since do you honestly believe EB's release dates as complete and total?).

Looking at what Nintendo has done right recently, we only need to take a gander at the DS's big hits of early 07. Tetris came out of no where and NSMB came out of almost no where. This was in stark contrast to the release of Metroid Prime Hunters which was at first promised as a launch game and then delayed and delayed and delayed. Could Nintendo finally have gotten the hint that we don't want to be given a release date only to see it come and go? It's worked well with GTA. It's been great for Halo and (most recently) Gears of War. Perhaps they're just holding back on saying game X will be out on date X simply because they don't want to date something that's only 40% done.

Regardless, I doubt that people with a Wii right now are sitting and saying, man I'm really uncertain about this console's future. For once, at launch, they're playing the damn thing rather then E-Baying it or re-watching trailers for the "good" games that'll justify their early adoption. Can't people just do that without having someone harp on the "mindblowing" facts that the weather service isn't ready or that EB only lists three games coming out in the first three months of 2007?
Well I've always said as long as a system has one game a month that really interests me.

For the 360 I've gotten one game every month (or more) since launch. I would expect the Wii to do the same once March hits. Far Cry, Red Steel, Zelda and TC should be enough for me now anyways.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Ah, but it does. It demonstrates that plenty of gamers are still not grasping how naive it is to buy into (the scam of) early projected release dates, regardless of how improbable they may be (based on lack of anything concrete about the impending game), and regardless of how many precedents have dictated the likelihood that the bigger the title the further back from its initial release date it'll end up.
It only demonstrates that you have too much time on your hands.
Thread over. Furyk wins.

And with that, those were the last words jollydwarf ever heard from one evanft.

It only demonstrates that you have too much time on your hands.

Hey, I thought you were "moving on"!

EDIT: Furyk, a few things:

1.) I never changed my tune. Clarified, perhaps, changed, no.
2.) I don't like said "fanboys" equally distorting things with a positive skew, like throwing ever game they've ever heard mentioned into one calendar year to counter my valid concerns. Also, I don't like fanboys period. Anything to ruin their day.
3.) I think with EBGamestop, it's their business--literally--to know what's coming. If anything, they usually do the fanboy thing (for cheap preorders) and make up ridiculous release dates. I'm sure there will be plenty of unspectacular titles (read: CG film licensed shovelware, kid's show games) appearing on that list from March to December, but not much in the way of games we'd want.
4.) You're right. Concrete ship dates work. So what's with "March to December" for Galaxy?
5.) I don't give a s*** about the weather channel. I'm fine with the VC's offerings and have a pretty que sera sera attitude about whatever else is coming and when. But the VC won't sell systems alone. (And now, the one weirdo who honestly wants it for the VC, with the new games being a 'bonus'!)
Technically you won't be reading him anymore, but that's besides the point...

Unless you've got one of those neat type and speak programs! Man those are cool.

Edit: Well I learned from this thread that starting threads gets you to ignore people :(
Natural e-selection? Oh, and I really didn't want this discussion to become 360centric at any given point. But (sigh) I knew it'd go there.

EDIT: And with this post, jollydwarf gives users his word of honor (for what that's worth) that he's OFFICIALLY done with this thread. He still might add a couple "Ignore List" users if necessary, but he's done fueling the fire.
One thing that concerns me is that a few years from now, what if the Wii still has worse graphics than the first Xbox, third party developers are focusing on the 360 and maybe the PS3, and us Wii owners are stuck in minigame hell.
[quote name='furyk']Technically you won't be reading him anymore, but that's besides the point...

Unless you've got one of those neat type and speak programs! Man those are cool.

Edit: Well I learned from this thread that starting threads gets you to ignore people :([/quote]


He'll be back.
I am guessing we won't see Smash Brothers until 2008 and the same with the next Mario game. Nintendo (along with Square Enix) and the masters of procrastination. Sure we may get metroid over the next eight to ten months and Wario Ware is fun for some (not me), My Wii will probably sit lonely with Zelda and Monkey Ball for the next year.

And as big of a Nintendo fan as I am, I'm glad I have an xbox 360 to tide me over.

Nintendo says they learned from their mistakes, but they don't care. They sell systems and are good at it. I just wish they'd listen to the gamers every once in a while.

One last thing...Zelda should have never been counted as a launch game (which is TOTAL BS). I love the game and am almost done with it, but it was announced as GC and should not give any credit to the Wii. Nintendo has tricked everyone into thinking this was a spectacular launch title. Is it one of the best games of all time? I would say so. But I wouldn't call it a Wii game and sure wouldn't call it a launch title.

EDIT: I want to add that the PS3 has done far worse than the Wii in terms of software, and the 360 did just as bad on its launch. In my opinion, the gaming industry has been on a downward decline ever since the SNES with the PS1 coming in at a close 2nd(which in my opinion was the pinnacle of gaming).
[quote name='tayaf69']One last thing...Zelda should have never been counted as a launch game (which is TOTAL BS). I love the game and am almost done with it, but it was announced as GC and should not give any credit to the Wii. Nintendo has tricked everyone into thinking this was a spectacular launch title. Is it one of the best games of all time? I would say so. But I wouldn't call it a Wii game and sure wouldn't call it a launch title. [/QUOTE]

Indeed! How dare we consider a game that came out at the same time on a system was released a launch title!
[quote name='tayaf69']I am guessing we won't see Smash Brothers until 2008 and the same with the next Mario game. Nintendo (along with Square Enix) and the masters of procrastination. Sure we may get metroid over the next eight to ten months and Wario Ware is fun for some (not me), My Wii will probably sit lonely with Zelda and Monkey Ball for the next year.

And as big of a Nintendo fan as I am, I'm glad I have an xbox 360 to tide me over.

Nintendo says they learned from their mistakes, but they don't care. They sell systems and are good at it. I just wish they'd listen to the gamers every once in a while.

One last thing...Zelda should have never been counted as a launch game (which is TOTAL BS). I love the game and am almost done with it, but it was announced as GC and should not give any credit to the Wii. Nintendo has tricked everyone into thinking this was a spectacular launch title. Is it one of the best games of all time? I would say so. But I wouldn't call it a Wii game and sure wouldn't call it a launch title.

EDIT: I want to add that the PS3 has done far worse than the Wii in terms of software, and the 360 did just as bad on its launch. In my opinion, the gaming industry has been on a downward decline ever since the SNES with the PS1 coming in at a close 2nd(which in my opinion was the pinnacle of gaming).[/QUOTE]

I think they can take all the credit they want for Zelda being a launch title, but they should be slammed for it basically being a GC game. I mean, remember Halo was supposed to be a Mac game, but instead it was a step forward for console gaming. If Halo looked like Marathon I would have complained.

I blame Sony for the gaming industry's downward decline, but also I think the Xbox was a huge deal at least for the people who bought it. The Xbox basically brought high-end PC gaming to consoles for the first time, and this trend has continued into the next gen. PC gaming is now in a serious decline, because a lot of people are realizing it's just not worth it to keep upgrading your PC when you can get a console to play the latest games for 5 years.
[quote name='furyk']Indeed! How dare we consider a game that came out at the same time on a system was released a launch title![/quote]

Indeed! How dare they!
[quote name='furyk']Indeed! How dare we consider a game that came out at the same time on a system was released a launch title![/QUOTE]
Glad I made my point.
[quote name='tayaf69']I am guessing we won't see Smash Brothers until 2008 and the same with the next Mario game. Nintendo (along with Square Enix) and the masters of procrastination. Sure we may get metroid over the next eight to ten months and Wario Ware is fun for some (not me), My Wii will probably sit lonely with Zelda and Monkey Ball for the next year.

Mario will definitely be out this year. It's listed March-December now, and it will likely be a big holiday game. I think smash bros will be out this year as well.

Ideally for Nintendo would be getting Metroid out in spring (around March), Mario in summer (Jun/July/Aug) and Smash Bros in the holiday season. That way they have their big three spaced out and can sell consoles through the year.

We should also see third parties get a better handle on the system and start putting out better games by mid to late 2007 as well to help supplement this.

I'm personally not worried. As noted repeatedly, I don't have a lot of time for gaming anymore, so the Wii, DS and catching up on missed PS2 games will be more than enough for me even if the Wii games trickle in like GC games (which I don't think will be the case as the Wii looks like it will sell better and thus get more 3rd party support).
[quote name='dmaul1114']

Ideally for Nintendo would be getting Metroid out in spring (around March), Mario in summer (Jun/July/Aug) and Smash Bros in the holiday season. That way they have their big three spaced out and can sell consoles through the year.

That would definately be the best strategy by Nintendo.

They need to make the next F-Zero game. The controls would be perfect. Steer just like in Excite Truck, but wiggle the Wiimote to do your spin attack. I really hope they release this game. And I still am waiting for Pilotwings!!!
I just want to say that if you honestly think Zelda's graphics are bad, you are a total idiot.

Total motherfucking idiot and I want to know who you are, so you need to have a tag put in your ear so we can identify you for the rest of your life.

That said, all this nonsense about how "I'm gonna start not having fun NOW with my Wii instead of 6 months down the road when I've refused to buy a new game 'cuz it totally doesn't have MyFavoriteGaem on it by now, and Nintendo is a bitch" is really stupid.

Sell your goddamn system on eBay and meet me back in a year, when I'm totally buff 'cuz I kept playing Wii Tennis, and I murder the shit out of you online.

God, every iteration of consoles we get, people get stupider. "I think it's all minigames with shitty graphics." How goddamn stupid can some of you be?

I bet some of you had personal chauffer schoolbuses. Shit.
[quote name='Strell']I just want to say that if you honestly think Zelda's graphics are bad, you are a total idiot.

Total motherfucking idiot and I want to know who you are, so you need to have a tag put in your ear so we can identify you for the rest of your life.

That said, all this nonsense about how "I'm gonna start not having fun NOW with my Wii instead of 6 months down the road when I've refused to buy a new game 'cuz it totally doesn't have MyFavoriteGaem on it by now, and Nintendo is a bitch" is really stupid.

Sell your goddamn system on eBay and meet me back in a year, when I'm totally buff 'cuz I kept playing Wii Tennis, and I murder the shit out of you online.

God, every iteration of consoles we get, people get stupider. "I think it's all minigames with shitty graphics." How goddamn stupid can some of you be?

I bet some of you had personal chauffer schoolbuses. Shit.[/QUOTE]

Are you serious with this shit?
[quote name='rickonker']Are you serious with this shit?[/QUOTE]

Yea, I am. 'Cuz Zelda looks fucking awesome.

True it cannot compare to Gears of War, but I don't give a shit. It looks absolutely mesmerizing and the fact that most of you pretend you have this disease where you automatically say it looks bad is retarded and hysterical.

I mean, how much more logic do you need thrown at you? Zelda isn't pushing the Wii's capabilities at ALL. It is exactly the same as the GC and was purposely kept this way. Which means the Wii hasn't been flexed one bit, which is par for the course for any new system being launched. Games down the line will look better, and that is all there is to it.

I'm not surprised you replied, because you're one of the guys walking around doing nothing but flaming this board because I guess Zelda doesn't have enough bump maps for you, when you don't even know what bump maps fucking are.

The game is gorgeous, the graphics will get better, there will be epic games on the Wii, it's not all minigames, stfu and wait if you have this much fucking of a fucking issue with the system.

It's not that hard. God damn. What a bunch of whiners. No wonder Nintendo learned to be smart and decided to not listen to the endless droning of idiots on the intermotrons, because the population is full of picky little fickle fucks who don't know shit about anything, other than "wahhhh I want this and you suck for not giving it to me."

In five years, all you whiners will come back and say "god the 360's games look like ass," when right now you are praising them. I guess because you have nothing better to do, and I guess because you can't be happy with graphics ever, because some fucker at Epic studios is totally making up tech buzzwords like "spectromotracering lighting, with the 360 totally couldn't do because it sucks." I imagine you'll all eat it up like free pie at the supermarket.
[quote name='Strell']I'm not surprised you replied, because you're one of the guys walking around doing nothing but flaming this board because I guess Zelda doesn't have enough bump maps for you, when you don't even know what bump maps fucking are.[/QUOTE]

Not only do I know what bump maps are, I also never mentioned them before. If you have to make shit up to argue with me, are you really worth responding to? The answer is no, not anymore, in case you didn't get that.
[quote name='rickonker']Not only do I know what bump maps are, I also never mentioned them before. If you have to make shit up to argue with me, are you really worth responding to? The answer is no, not anymore, in case you didn't get that.[/QUOTE]

Good. With the endless amounts of bullshit I've seen you post, I'd rather you not.
[quote name='Genocidal']Funny, I thought the point of ignoring someone was that you didn't want to deal with them anymore.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I thought the point of it was that you didn't see their posts anymore.
Wow. This thread has caused so much hatred and angst. I've never seen Strell go off like that. By the way rickonker, by ignoring Strell you might just be the stupidest CAG ever since Strell's posts are funny as hell. It's like saying that you'll never watch Seinfeld because Kramer hates niggers.* Furthermore, by pointing it out to Strell, you'll only encourage more hilarity.

*And yes, that was simply to get to use the Niggers tag.
[quote name='furyk']Wow. This thread has caused so much hatred and angst. I've never seen Strell go off like that. By the way rickonker, by ignoring Strell you might just be the stupidest CAG ever since Strell's posts are funny as hell. It's like saying that you'll never watch Seinfeld because Kramer hates niggers.* Furthermore, by pointing it out to Strell, you'll only encourage more hilarity.

*And yes, that was simply to get to use the Niggers tag.[/QUOTE]

Well, the last post by Strell that I read was just a strawman attack, and it wasn't that funny. Maybe Strell's other posts are funny, but it doesn't really seem like it's worth it. If there were a way to unignore him in the other forums I would do it. BTW I didn't know about the nigger tag, now that's funny.
[quote name='rickonker']Oh, I thought the point of it was that you didn't see their posts anymore.[/quote]
Go away.

The art design in Zelda is fantastically breathtaking and to me that matters more than simply graphics. Resistance has insanely better graphics than Zelda, but the game is boring as shit to look at. The art design is absolutely abysmal.

Put simply, Twilight Princess escalates gaming to an artform, just as Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and Okami do. Really, if you don't like what you got, sell it off. You'll make more than what you paid back. Really though, you're just bitching for the sake of attention, because if you got rid of your Wii, you'd have nothing to complain about.
[quote name='rickonker']Well, the last post by Strell that I read was just a strawman attack, and it wasn't that funny. Maybe Strell's other posts are funny, but it doesn't really seem like it's worth it. If there were a way to unignore him in the other forums I would do it. BTW I didn't know about the nigger tag, now that's funny.[/quote]
Go away.

The art design in Zelda is fantastically breathtaking and to me that matters more than simply graphics. Resistance has insanely better graphics than Zelda, but the game is boring as shit to look at. The art design is absolutely abysmal.

Put simply, Twilight Princess escalates gaming to an artform, just as Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and Okami do. Really, if you don't like what you got, sell it off. You'll make more than what you paid back. Really though, you're just bitching for the sake of attention, because if you got rid of your Wii, you'd have nothing to bitch about.
LOL...thats pretty pathetic to use such bad language over putting down LOZ:TP's graphics (look at page 6, and strells posts)
[quote name='ahmedmalik']Go away.

The art design in Zelda is fantastically breathtaking and to me that matters more than simply graphics. Resistance has insanely better graphics than Zelda, but the game is boring as shit to look at. The art design is absolutely abysmal.

Put simply, Twilight Princess escalates gaming to an artform, just as Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and Okami do. Really, if you don't like what you got, sell it off. You'll make more than what you paid back. Really though, you're just bitching for the sake of attention, because if you got rid of your Wii, you'd have nothing to bitch about.[/QUOTE]

Wow, it seems like people have built me up into some kind of anti-Zelda fanatic. I've never said half the things people are accusing me of. I actually agree with you on Resistance's art design. I never said I didn't like Zelda either, I'm still playing it. It's my first Zelda game so I don't really have an opinion yet. If I end up not liking Zelda I will do what you said and sell it. Thanks for the advice.
[quote name='rickonker']Wow, it seems like people have built me up into some kind of anti-Zelda fanatic. I've never said half the things people are accusing me of. I actually agree with you on Resistance's art design. I never said I didn't like Zelda either, I'm still playing it. It's my first Zelda game so I don't really have an opinion yet. If I end up not liking Zelda I will do what you said and sell it. Thanks for the advice.[/QUOTE]

So far you've implied Zelda is a step backwards in gaming, said Nintendo should be "slammed" for releasing this as a Wii game at all, and bragged about tossing one of the most beloved posters on ignore. I really don't know what you were expecting.
[quote name='furyk']So far you've implied Zelda is a step backwards in gaming, said Nintendo should be "slammed" for releasing this as a Wii game at all, and bragged about tossing one of the most beloved posters on ignore. I really don't know what you were expecting.[/QUOTE]

Where did I even imply Zelda was a step backwards in gaming?

My point is that if the Wii is really so much of an improvement over the Gamecube, Nintendo's first-party launch titles should take advantage of that in every way. So in other words, saying Zelda was "supposed to be a GC game" is not a good excuse.

And if someone who misquotes and insults people for having a different opinion is a "beloved poster," then oh well. As far as I can remember, I've never been as insulting to anyone on CAG as Strell has been in this thread. That's more important to me than a popularity contest.
[quote name='rickonker']Where did I even imply Zelda was a step backwards in gaming?[/quote]


[quote name='rickonker']I think they can take all the credit they want for Zelda being a launch title, but they should be slammed for it basically being a GC game. I mean, remember Halo was supposed to be a Mac game, but instead it was a step forward for console gaming. If Halo looked like Marathon I would have complained.[/QUOTE]

If Halo is a step forward in gaming and you're criticizing Zelda in the same breath, it comes off like you're implying that Zelda is a step backwards. It's not a hard leap to make (even if you think you didn't make it).

[quote name='rickonker']My point is that if the Wii is really so much of an improvement over the Gamecube, Nintendo's first-party launch titles should take advantage of that in every way. So in other words, saying Zelda was "supposed to be a GC game" is not a good excuse.[/quote]

In terms of graphical innovations, no the Wii is not a leap forward from the Gamecune. Let's forget Zelda's controls for a bit. The way that the game has been edited soundwise is pretty impressive and neat. The various musical cues pumped through the Wii remote is really something that is exceptionally different from the GC. Furthermore, the use of rumble in LoZ is incredibly well done too. I know a number of gamers, myself included, who would have missed out on what Zelda does with Rumble if we were playing with a wavebird. Coupled with the controls (which I feel are a big step forward) and the moderate graphical improvements that Zelda is a game that's made much better then it could have been made on the Gamecube.

[quote name='rickonker']And if someone who misquotes and insults people for having a different opinion is a "beloved poster," then oh well. As far as I can remember, I've never been as insulting to anyone on CAG as Strell has been in this thread. That's more important to me than a popularity contest.[/QUOTE]

He said he was going to murder you after a year of getting buff on Wii Tennis. How is that not funny?
(I gave everyone my word I was done posting in this thread, so instead I'll run a conversation from my new "SimCAGCast" software.)

SimCheapy: So, quite a bit going on in the forums this week, even if the two launches and Black Friday are behind us...

SimWombat: Yeah, people are already looking forward to next year.

SimCheapy: Yeah, hey, I saw that. Man, who's got time to worry about 2007 already?

SimWombat: Well, apparently, uh, jollydwarf and a host of others. Hey--wasn't he...wasn't he the guy who said we got paid off to talk about Gun? Said we got brainwashed in a hotel room?

SimCheapy: Ah...I think you're right, I think you're right. So this sort of thing should maybe have been expected, then, hunh? Anyway, look: the Wii has a lot of choices right now, there are a few more games before the end of the year coming, like that golf game, what's (urp!) it called?

SimWombat: Super...Super Mario Golf? No, kidding. It's Super Swinger Golf, I think.

SimCheapy: Well, that's not very family-friendly! Again, is it Nintendo? Yeah. Did the Gamecube kind of underachieve with having an 'expansive', you know, plentiful library? I suppose. But the Wii's been very successful so far with the public, and I'm sure that eventually it'll take off. It may be 2007, it may be 2008, but they'll find their groove...if owners haven't all killed themselves with flying Wiimotes and nunchuk strangulation.

SimWombat: I fear for Zelda sometimes.

SimCheapy: What about Mrs. Wombat?

SimWombat: Ah, her? She knows better than to be in the room with me when I get too excitable.

SimCheapy: Hey now! (Pause) Look, let's just see what happens, let's wait for the inevitable press releases and Reggie-speak, and if Nintendo drags their feet again and it becomes just a 'fad', well, then it's their fault. We obviously can't do anything but wait or play something else.

SimWombat: Hear, hear. I'm going to be busy enough with my 360 and whatever games companies send me.
[quote name='furyk']Well....

If Halo is a step forward in gaming and you're criticizing Zelda in the same breath, it comes off like you're implying that Zelda is a step backwards. It's not a hard leap to make (even if you think you didn't make it).[/quote]I'm glad you brought this up so I can clarify. As you can see in the last sentence of that quote, I was discussing graphics. Maybe I should have been more clear about that. Zelda is definitely not a step forward graphically. I'd stay it's a step sideways, not backwards.

In terms of graphical innovations, no the Wii is not a leap forward from the Gamecune. Let's forget Zelda's controls for a bit. The way that the game has been edited soundwise is pretty impressive and neat. The various musical cues pumped through the Wii remote is really something that is exceptionally different from the GC. Furthermore, the use of rumble in LoZ is incredibly well done too. I know a number of gamers, myself included, who would have missed out on what Zelda does with Rumble if we were playing with a wavebird. Coupled with the controls (which I feel are a big step forward) and the moderate graphical improvements that Zelda is a game that's made much better then it could have been made on the Gamecube.

Ok, but personally I expect way more from a new console than better sound editing, a speaker on the controller, and adding rumble back in. As for the controls, they didn't make as much of a difference as I thought it would. I mentioned this earlier, but compare the use of the controller in Wii Sports to Zelda...in Zelda it's still mostly analog stick and press A to do this, Z to do that, etc.

He said he was going to murder you after a year of getting buff on Wii Tennis. How is that not funny?

It would have been funnier if the rest of the post wasn't so lame.
[quote name='furyk']So far you've implied Zelda is a step backwards in gaming, said Nintendo should be "slammed" for releasing this as a Wii game at all, and bragged about tossing one of the most beloved posters on ignore. I really don't know what you were expecting.[/quote]

Let it go. He's not worth it.
This really is amusing. It must be in vogue these days with the children to say one thing, get called out on it, and then go back and say "Oh no wait, I totally meant something else."

I'm having fun.
For anyone interested, Nintendo has released their list of Japanese games for 2007:

Animal Crossing
Battalion Wars II
Big Brain Academy
Disaster: Day of Crisis
DK Kongo Blast
Eyeshield 21
Excite Truck
Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn
Forever Blue
Mario Party 8
Mario Strikers Charged
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Wii Health Pack
Wii Music

So pretty much, most of that and WarioWare: Smooth Moves and Pokémon Battle Revolution should hit the USA this year. It seems pretty solid so far, but I'm hoping that they'll make it sort of a stream of games, as opposed to like the DS or GCN where they release all the games at once (Fall, usually).

This thread is priceless, and insulting Zelda's graphics is an unwinnable argument since saying something like that is just fucking stupid. It's really detail that matters and Twilight Princess has a shitload of it.

But now that I think about it, why are we arguing about graffix? In 10 years every current game out right now will look like shit, I remember when I thought Sonic 3's graphics were amazing :lol:
[quote name='porieux']Nobody here knows what Nintendo have up there sleeves for 2007.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I have some information taken on good authority for what Nintendo will have up their sleeves for 2007...

Their arms!
[quote name='whoknows']:rofl:

This thread is priceless, and insulting Zelda's graphics is an unwinnable argument since saying something like that is just fucking stupid. It's really detail that matters and Twilight Princess has a shitload of it.

But now that I think about it, why are we arguing about graffix? In 10 years every current game out right now will look like shit, I remember when I thought Sonic 3's graphics were amazing :lol:[/QUOTE]

We're arguing grafix because it's poke holes in Nintendo fans week. It's been a while since we had a Daddy specifically for the Wii.
[quote name='furyk']We're arguing grafix because it's poke holes in Nintendo fans week. It's been a while since we had a Daddy specifically for the Wii.[/QUOTE]
I wish Daddy would go away, then everyone would be happy. Still, I see your point. If the fans get that offended by the graphics being insulted.....
[quote name='whoknows']I wish Daddy would go away, then everyone would be happy. Still, I see your point. If the fans get that offended by the graphics being insulted.....[/QUOTE]

Well it's like we've been saying for months now. Graphics aren't that important to us. Hey look though, Zelda is a great looking game. Because the Wii puts gameplay at the forefront doesn't mean that all of a sudden we can't appreciate something like a Gears or a Final Fantasy. Saying that Zelda isn't a leap forward like we see with some of the upcoming PS3/360 stuff though is like saying the PS3 costs $599 and the 360 costs the same if you buy an HD-DVD add on. We all know that at this point. It's just fucking irritating when that's all anyone seems to want to talk about. Each console has its ups and downs, and guess what. It's ok to express a preference at this point. Just don't rub it in everyone else's faces in a trolling manner under the banner of "discussion".
[quote name='Scobie']Actually, I have some information taken on good authority for what Nintendo will have up their sleeves for 2007...

Their arms!
[/quote]really? that sounds fucking awesome
[quote name='pop311']really? that sounds fucking awesome[/QUOTE]
Its a lie.

Nintendo is a company, they don't have arms, they have tentacles
bread's done