Wii ebay sales today 12/14


As of 3 minutes ago there are: 22106 Wii consoles for sale on eBay.

7062 ending in the next 24 hours.

Not a single one under $400, including shipping, ending in the next 5 minutes.

And does anyone still wonder why they can't be found in stores coast to coast? That's a large number of consoles which are being held hostage.

Before anyone flames me saying I could spend time looking in stores: 1) I do, nightly this week, 2) I've got friends and family covering my city and in another state for Sunday morning early early AM, 3) Honestly, no single person would have to search or get up midnight to stand in a line for a Wii if resellers would just leave them in the stores.

One popular argument I've heard for this is "you don't know the circumstances of the seller, they may rely on the sale, they may be poor, living sale to sale" (Yes, actual/factual argument in regards to an eBay reseller). To this I have to say: it doesn't matter- what they are doing is inherently wrong and hurtful to others in our society. Resellers have no argument to justify what they do except maybe this: "I am greedy, I hate my fellow man". It really is a black and white issue.

Someone needs to end the madness.
[quote name='meesterjojo']As of 3 minutes ago there are: 22106 Wii consoles for sale on eBay.

7062 ending in the next 24 hours.

Not a single one under $400, including shipping, ending in the next 5 minutes.

And does anyone still wonder why they can't be found in stores coast to coast? That's a large number of consoles which are being held hostage.

Before anyone flames me saying I could spend time looking in stores: 1) I do, nightly this week, 2) I've got friends and family covering my city and in another state for Sunday morning early early AM, 3) Honestly, no single person would have to search or get up midnight to stand in a line for a Wii if resellers would just leave them in the stores.

One popular argument I've heard for this is "you don't know the circumstances of the seller, they may rely on the sale, they may be poor, living sale to sale" (Yes, actual/factual argument in regards to an eBay reseller). To this I have to say: it doesn't matter- what they are doing is inherently wrong and hurtful to others in our society. Resellers have no argument to justify what they do except maybe this: "I am greedy, I hate my fellow man". It really is a black and white issue.

Someone needs to end the madness.[/quote]

You must hate capitalism.
You hate America
[quote name='ma']It's a market economy. Supply vs. demand drives prices. Do you hate the stock market too?[/quote]

Supply vs Demand vs. Hostage Supply creating a demand.

Historical facts point to the creation of a demand for a product which is hard to come by. People want what they cannot have.

It's a pretty simple issue, and just because one is asking for something to be done about an obvious supply problem, does not mean one hates capitalism. What's wrong is that some persons are inserting themselves as an extra-link in the supply chain which normal capitalism does not allow/account for.

And who, oh ye grand economic wizards, knows the term for that phenom?
and yet 22,106 people were able to find one in the stores and put it on ebay. If you really want one, you will do what it takes to get a high demand item during the Holiday season, meaning standing on lines in the cold overnight, fighting crowds. Every week, the ads are posted early on CAG and if the Wii is listed in said ad, that means they will have them available Sunday morning when the ad starts. That means you should go Saturday night and stand on line. You can't go into a store every night as you say (I take that as meaning at night after the stores been open all day) and expect to find one sitting on the shelf for you.

It's not just a new revelation with the Wii, every year there is a high demand, low supply *hot* item that people want and other people scalp. It's been going on for decades. Remember the Cabbage Patch kids craze in the 80's. People fighting each other over them in the aisles.
[quote name='meesterjojo']Supply vs Demand vs. Hostage Supply creating a demand.

Historical facts point to the creation of a demand for a product which is hard to come by. People want what they cannot have.

It's a pretty simple issue, and just because one is asking for something to be done about an obvious supply problem, does not mean one hates capitalism. What's wrong is that some persons are inserting themselves as an extra-link in the supply chain which normal capitalism does not allow/account for.

And who, oh ye grand economic wizards, knows the term for that phenom?[/quote]

Wait out in the cold like everyone else, the ebay scalpers got them fair and square.

You are just slow.

Now please its not like they are stealing them.
The problem is that you should not be looking for a Wii at night... look in the morning when stores open or early afternoons at Gamestops.
[quote name='scsg75']and yet 22,106 people were able to find one in the stores and put it on ebay. If you really want one, you will do what it takes to get a high demand item during the Holiday season, meaning standing on lines in the cold overnight, fighting crowds. Every week, the ads are posted early on CAG and if the Wii is listed in said ad, that means they will have them available Sunday morning when the ad starts. That means you should go Saturday night and stand on line. You can't go into a store every night as you say (I take that as meaning at night after the stores been open all day) and expect to find one sitting on the shelf for you.

It's not just a new revelation with the Wii, every year there is a high demand, low supply *hot* item that people want and other people scalp. It's been going on for decades. Remember the Cabbage Patch kids craze in the 80's. People fighting each other over them in the aisles.[/quote]

You 1) presume grossly, and incorrectly that 22,106 of the auctions are unique. They are not.
2) I've already stated I'll do "what it takes", and in fact have a plan of action.
3)I've been monitoring CAG and have not been able to garner one (I don't live in a tiny town)
4)Cabbage Patch kids I do remember, my cousin collected the rarer ones. There was no way for people to easily resell, and thus a distinct lack of motivation, these back in those days. Now a days as soon as one is snatched up it can be resold in minutes for 200% profit.

Also, to some of the other posters, I know this is a shock: but I'm not a college child, or a High School age kid- I have a job, I need to be there early. I have doctor's appointments, meetings, and family things to take care of. Having spoken with some of the staff at one of the Target Super Stores, and the Best Buy near me, I hear some of the same people argressively camp out these places. I just can't do that beyond this Sunday early morning.

Fact remains: I would not have to do that if 22,000+ units were in stores right now.

Of course there'll be another 10 or so posts with the same advice "get up early or stop complaining". All I'm suggesting is that resellers develop some, oh, morals, or a concern for society at large other than taking advantage of it.
[quote name='InuFaye']Wait out in the cold like everyone else, the ebay scalpers got them fair and square.

You are just slow.

Now please its not like they are stealing them.[/quote]

Actually it seems most of America is slow, add to it few buying restrictions from stores, and you end up with posts like yours.

I hope you're not in college, or planning on going. If so, please seek the nearest ethics course.
[quote name='meesterjojo']1) I do, nightly this week[/quote]

This is your problem.

Get up early this Sunday, get your Wii. Problem solved. They're out there to buy, you need to be willing to wait. And if you refuse, then you can't want one that bad.
[quote name='meesterjojo']Actually it seems most of America is slow, add to it few buying restrictions from stores, and you end up with posts like yours.

I hope you're not in college, or planning on going. If so, please seek the nearest ethics course.[/quote]
Let me get this straight.

Person A waits outside in the cold for over 6 hours.
Takes Wii home, and decides he wants to sell it.

Its his right if he wants to or not.

He paid and waited for it fair and square.

Just because you cant get one makes you angry at some guy who did wait, and then resells it on ebay.

Im in college, and blantant attempts to attack my ethics are not needed.

Learn your place noob.

Edit: Thank You Rocko.
Sometimes this bites people in the ass. Remember last year when all the eBay scalpers put up PS3's with ridiculous "Buy it now" prices ($3000).
meesterjojo's plan of action to acquire Wii:
1) Look for Wii at night
2) Fail
3) Surf ebay
4) Sign for CAG, troll Wii forum by asserting a few thousand Ebay scalpers are preventing him from getting a Wii
5) ?????????
6) Kids cry on Christmas morning when they don't get their Wii
Yeah, there' really no reason to whine about this. If you have kids that wanted one, you've had a lot of sunday mornings they were in the ads to just show up an hour or two before opening and get one for them.

And if you want one just for yourself, rather than a gift, either do the same or just wait until next year. The handful of games worth playing on it will be just as much fun then, and maybe some price drops on them will occur as well (but unlikely as most are Nintendo titles and they're slow as fuck about cutting game prices).
[quote name='ma']5) ????
6) Kids cry on Christmas morning when they don't get their Wii, while eBayers PROFIT!!!![/quote]
[quote name='meesterjojo']

Fact remains: I would not have to do that if 22,000+ units were in stores right now.

You don't know that with any semblance of logic. There are probably 20,000,000 more people, including yourself, that still want a Wii. Therefore, adding 22,000 to the retail shelves still allows a significant deficit, never entering th realm of them being available for purchase.

However, I could have gotten another Wii dozens of times visiting Target, Meijer, Bestbuy, etc. this summer and fall. Yes, they sold out fast (within an hour) but I still managed to get the opportunity just by random chance of being in the store at the tight time. Prior proper planning would probably better my odds.

Santa Clause hates just you.
[quote name='meesterjojo']As of 3 minutes ago there are: 22106 Wii consoles for sale on eBay.

7062 ending in the next 24 hours.

Not a single one under $400, including shipping, ending in the next 5 minutes.[/QUOTE]

Really? Man, I should find a few in stores to hawk online. Actually, I know a guy at Best Buy who would probably call me right before they put them out....
Problem is that you should have done your Christmas shopping this summer or early fall. ;)

I have not seen a Wii on store shelves since November, but I saw several in October.

But for your desperate search for a Wii, here is my advice......

Rural area stores tend to keep Wiis longer on the shelves than in urban areas.
If people want to get up early enough, every single person on CAG looking for a Wii can land one this Sunday. Get there at 5AM and you're pretty much guaranteed a console. If you get there an hour before opening, then you must not have wanted one all that much in the first place.
I was considering selling my launch day Wii console on eBay before Xmas. I love the system but I could really use the money right now. Would I be able to turn much of a profit or no?
[quote name='meesterjojo'] What's wrong is that some persons are inserting themselves as an extra-link in the supply chain which normal capitalism does not allow/account for.[/quote]
This is so blindingly stupid that I now suspect you're a troll. You can't possibly believe the things you're posting.
[quote name='meesterjojo']As of 3 minutes ago there are: 22106 Wii consoles for sale on eBay.

7062 ending in the next 24 hours.

Not a single one under $400, including shipping, ending in the next 5 minutes.

And does anyone still wonder why they can't be found in stores coast to coast? That's a large number of consoles which are being held hostage.

Before anyone flames me saying I could spend time looking in stores: 1) I do, nightly this week, 2) I've got friends and family covering my city and in another state for Sunday morning early early AM, 3) Honestly, no single person would have to search or get up midnight to stand in a line for a Wii if resellers would just leave them in the stores.

One popular argument I've heard for this is "you don't know the circumstances of the seller, they may rely on the sale, they may be poor, living sale to sale" (Yes, actual/factual argument in regards to an eBay reseller). To this I have to say: it doesn't matter- what they are doing is inherently wrong and hurtful to others in our society. Resellers have no argument to justify what they do except maybe this: "I am greedy, I hate my fellow man". It really is a black and white issue.

Someone needs to end the madness.[/QUOTE]

gee now I know why you were such a dick when I posted about selling my Wii.

You said you started looking THIS week to get a wii (way to wait til the last minute) people have been looking for these for months and not finding them.

supply is greater than demand, regardless of resellers they would STILL fly off the shelves (if the resellers are buying them and THEN selling them.. someone ELSE has to be buying them right?)

every year people go nuts over some item (it just happens it was the wii last year and the year before, and it so happens you are trying to get one) It was tickle me elmo's a few years back, cabbage kids years before, and i could go on and on.

like others have said, for weeks CAGers have posted WHEN wii's will be in stock and where. go a few hours before, wait in line (or have one of your MANY family members combing the city for them wait) and you'll get one. I believe this sunday K-mart is getting some.. and probably Best Buy as well (thats usually your best bet).

good luck...
[quote name='meesterjojo']

All I'm suggesting is that resellers develop some, oh, morals, or a concern for society at large other than taking advantage of it.[/quote]
You want World Peace with that? Seriously, you know what this world is like and what people are like and what greed is like. You are suggesting the impossible just so you can get a Wii without effort. I ain't saying it's fair, but neither is life. I have a job I have to be at, I have a family, yet I got one back in December of last year, when they were even harder to find. Not by complaining about the morals of resellers on the internet, but rather by going to Target at 4 am and waiting until they opened Sunday morning, then going to work, cold and tired.
Everytime you post about the Wii problem, I put another one up. If you want it to stop, please stop posting. If you keep posting you are only supporting what you hate you hypocrite.
I wonder how much time he's spent in the last few weeks with trolling alone. I've seen him bitching and cussing at people in at least half a dozen topics. That's valuable Wii-buying time, son!

No, seriously. Get a brown bag of liquor and a lawn chair. Sit in front of Best Buy or Target or wherever tomorrow night. Get smashed, have fun, get your Wii in the morning, and then you'll never have to bother us again.
OP - if you really try that hard and can't find one you are pathetic. Go out one night and sleep out if its that big of a fucking deal. All you ever do on these forums is cry about scalping. Ive seen it in like 300 threads by now. This shit is more played out than rickrolling.
[quote name='meesterjojo']Someone needs to end the madness.[/QUOTE]

Without reading the thread, the fuckers PAYING that price need to stop. Yes, yes - you can engage in all the hyperbole you want about Wiis being "held hostage" - but it's not going to stop as long as people are willing to spend disgusting amounts of money over MSRP to sate their little bastards on Christmas day.
Hey OP, I bet this will piss you off (it is a picture from an auction ending right now for about $400):

[quote name='meesterjojo']As of 3 minutes ago there are: 22106 Wii consoles for sale on eBay.[/QUOTE]

I skimmed the thread, so someone may have already pointed this out.

Nintendo says they're shipping 1,800,000 units a month.

That's about 59,016 EVERY DAY.

So, basically, there's less than 1/2 a day's worth of Wiis for sale on eBay right now.

There's not a lot of 'em on eBay either.
Thanks OP for pointing out the resale prices I'm Ebay. Because of you I'm listing my used system on Ebay now and I'm going to wait in line for a new one to resell tomorrow morning.
[quote name='Fuzi0n']Everytime you post about the Wii problem, I put another one up. If you want it to stop, please stop posting. If you keep posting you are only supporting what you hate you hypocrite.[/QUOTE]

HAHA, that is great!
[quote name='meesterjojo']Supply vs Demand vs. Hostage Supply creating a demand.

Historical facts point to the creation of a demand for a product which is hard to come by. People want what they cannot have.

It's a pretty simple issue, and just because one is asking for something to be done about an obvious supply problem, does not mean one hates capitalism. What's wrong is that some persons are inserting themselves as an extra-link in the supply chain which normal capitalism does not allow/account for.

And who, oh ye grand economic wizards, knows the term for that phenom?[/quote]

You are so fucking wrong on this, it is insane.

If you took the ebay market out of the issue, there would be absolutely no change in the demand for the Wii. Scarcity is not making it desireable. Not on something that is being produced as much as the Wii. I don't even know what you are talking about regarding people inserting themselves as an extra link in the supply chain. It would be one thing if people were buying all the Wiis up and then not selling them, but they are all putting them back on ebay. Nothing is being removed from the Supply curve. They are simply making it easier for people who are willing to pay more to get one.

I assume you are some sort of Professor of Economics?
its dumb for people to buy for such over priced wii's

you can get one for $250 tommorow at bestbuy, circuitcity, kmart, toysrus, and target, according to their weekly circular while supllies last
[quote name='io']Hey OP, I bet this will piss you off (it is a picture from an auction ending right now for about $400):


HAHAHAHAHA that's awesome. that little girl will be damn happy in a few days when all of daddy's profits go toward her Xmas gifts.
Stores are holding these in the back for stupid or unfair reasons.

Last year the CC on atlantic ave in Brooklyn would only sell a few PS3's right before the store opened. They told certain ethnic groups to come before the store opened to get one.

I'm assuming they are doing the same with the WII.
[quote name='ICEPICC']They told certain ethnic groups to come before the store opened to get one.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck?
[quote name='Chronotrigga']I agree. wtf?[/QUOTE]

tis true. you know how some people can be.

anyways, i just came back from a Mom n pop BM and they have the $249 WII for $389.99

so dont be so harsh on ebayers. it is a Supply & Demand thing.

waiting for a list price WII in Dec is just stupid!

if you have one, you should sell it now. buy 2 in Feb.
[quote name='io']Hey OP, I bet this will piss you off (it is a picture from an auction ending right now for about $400):


It's a Wii-Tree.

In truth come Sunday, the ebayed wii's should surpass 30K. The problem here is that this is the only item for scalpers to capitalise on this holiday rush, no elmo, no nothing else. Anyways, the price is already starting to decrease at a steady pace. By Sunday there will be so many, profits will be very slim to none for some.

[quote name='ICEPICC']tis true. you know how some people can be.

anyways, i just came back from a Mom n pop BM and they have the $249 WII for $389.99

so dont be so harsh on ebayers. it is a Supply & Demand thing.

waiting for a list price WII in Dec is just stupid!

if you have one, you should sell it now. buy 2 in Feb.[/quote]

From what I read, it's only in america where the Wii is "sold out". These Wii's can be found in abundance in other countries. IMO, I think it's the greed that causes the demand.
[quote name='Dhuk']

From what I read, it's only in america where the Wii is "sold out". These Wii's can be found in abundance in other countries. IMO, I think it's the greed that causes the demand.[/quote]

Canada too
Nice! I still remember people proclaiming last year that they could just walk in to a store and buy them while the PS3 would be uber hard to find. Boy were they wrong.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Nice! I still remember people proclaiming last year that they could just walk in to a store and buy them while the PS3 would be uber hard to find. Boy were they wrong.[/QUOTE]

No, it was the other way around. Wii's were nowhere to be found but I walked into 2 bestbuys in Michigan to be greeted by a pyramid of PS3's and no one was buying.
bread's done