Wii Fit discussion

[quote name='mykevermin']I'd like to see them remake "Slalom" for the Wii and implement this doohickey into it. Get to it, Nintendo![/QUOTE]
I like your thinking. But I vote for Wii Jamaican Bobsledding.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Those who like it (or see potential)
Those who don't like it (or don't see potential)
Those who insist everyone must like it

I don't like it, but I see the potential. As of now it's just used in a pointless "game" aimed at non gamers. But it could be used in shooters and other games as noted throughout the thread, so their is potential there.

I just don't care as I have no interest in standing up and wobbling around on a board to play games. Games are my down time, and I just want to sit/lay on the couch and unwind for a bit.

Flicking my wrists in zelda etc. is fine, but standing up and doing all that motion just doesn't appeal to me.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Games are my down time, and I just want to sit/lay on the couch and unwind for a bit.[/quote] Preach on, brother. The last thing I want to do after coming home from a long work day is wobble around on a board. I play games to chill out, not work up a sweat.
Even then, it will still be hard to work up a sweat on this. I mean, unless you never work out...or do the yoga properly while turning the heat in the room up. But as someone else said, this is marketed towards people who sweat on the third set of wii bowling :lol:

Now using it as pedals for Mario Kart...THATS cool. I'm not 100% sold on using it in FPS to lean, because then you have to stand up the entire time while playing.

The could come out with a drum game (you use 2 wii motes and the pad as a pedal). I like that idea.

I think everyone is being so hard on this because:

1.) They wanted to see a new Nintendo IP revealed that put the Wii-moe to really good use


2.) Honestly, who want's to exercise and track their BMI from a videogame? (I'm talking about people like us on these boards, not the casual crowd)
from most of what i've been reading. people are assuming that wii fit will be really big amoung the casual community. i'm not excited for it at all. and i'm curious how nintendo will advertise this puppy.

here are some quotes that matt at ign had displayed.

Washington Post: "Nintendo is the Star of E3 as Rivals Scramble to Catch Up."

Forbes: "Sony Draws Yawns"; "Nintendo Capitalizes on Wii"

USA Today: "Nintendo and its Wii are riding the biggest wave of success at the E3 game summit, overshadowing tech giants Microsoft and Sony and their more powerful entries."

in the media, apparently nintendo is doing great and wii fit will be a great success. i don't know. i guess i hope they're right. so long as i can keep playing real games i guess it's all good.
Wow, people are really pissing all over this thing.

I for one think it's a great idea, and no one has seen close to the 40 activities included with Wiifit. Even if you work out on a regular basis like I do, I think it's good to have a peripheral that gets you off your ass and actually moving around. Aside from the fitness aspects, there is HUGE potential for this device that I really don't think a lot of people see.

With the news of having the ability to calibrate the wii zapper to act as a real light gun, combined with this board, we may be able to see games like Police 911, where you duck and weave around cover and pop up to take shots. I love that game in the arcade, and having a similar experience at home would be just plain awesome.

We need more innovative devices like this and Nintendo is just leading the charge. Hopefully Sony & Microsoft follow suit in the future. Sixaxis is a decent start, but in the next console generation I don't want to be tethered to the same game controller that's been released in various iterations since the beginning of console video games.
What I am interested to see is if all these "casual" gamers hold onto their wii within 2-4 years, or if they all ditch it and sell it on ebay, at which point I will be able to capitalize and buy myself a very cheap Wii. Also can we get the casual gamers to fork over money for more software, most of the casual people with a Wii at least that I have heard of have only bought the Wii package with Wii sports, and no other games in addition to that. I would really like to see if casual gamers are keeping their Wii and buying more software for it, or if they are tossing it aside as if it is just a fad. Only time will tell though.

WiiFit will probably be a huge success in the beginning as millions of parents will be buying it for their kids in hopes to get them up and moving around more, but like most excercise equipment and video games they will get bored of it and toss it aside after a while of playing it. This game WILL sell Wii systems, especially to American soccer moms who have this huge desire to get their kids up and moving without actually having to do anything themselves, so the Wii seems like the perfect answer to this dilema, I can get my kids to excercise, but I don't have to participate in it myself or lug my kids to baseball/soccer practice or do anything like that. I already know parents in my family that are strongly considering buying the Wii as an excercise tool for their kids, especially for the winter months, so for Nintendo to put this game out is simply genius, and yes it will print money for them.

Will I be buying the system yet, not yet sorry, I have yet to see Nintendo cater to the single player gamer with this system yet, plus its still very pricey for my budget. Not to mention you still cannot buy one on a store shelf here. I don't lke mario kart, metroid prime, mario platformers or super smash brothers and the new pokemon game is just pathetic and a clear attempt at milking the franchise. I want a system with Japanese RPG's and since this does not yet exist in the "next gen" of consoles, I am sticking with what I own.
I like it. While Wii Fit isn't a particularly interesting concept, I like where it's going, and I like the experimentation Nintendo is doing with its software and peripherals. I don't really see how Wii Fit hurts gamers, aside from take up time in a press conference. There's still plenty of games coming out, and I'm still going to be broke end of winter. And from my perspective, their targeting towards the non-gaming older folks seem to be working; my mom wants one, and my coworker's dad has been wondering when a fitness game would come out for the Wii, so he was really excited to hear the news of Wii Fit,
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I don't really see how Wii Fit hurts gamers, aside from take up time in a press conference. There's still plenty of games coming out, and I'm still going to be broke end of winter. [/QUOTE]

Therein lies the rub. For many of us there just aren't many games we're excited about, and seeing development efforts spent on crap for non-gamers like Wii Fit doesn't give me a lot of hope that matters will change for me any time soon.

But as I've said in other threads, I don't fault Nintendo. They're making a fuck ton of money by appealing to causal gamers and non-gamers, and it's those of us that let our Nintendo loyalty and/or hype for the new control persuade us into buying a console that in the end just isn't our cup of tea.

Time will tell if it will change, but it's not looking good at the moment. Maybe TGS or some other show will have a boat load of hardcore game announcements for 2008 and totally change my mind. We'll see.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Therein lies the rub. For many of us there just aren't many games we're excited about, and seeing development efforts spent on crap for non-gamers like Wii Fit doesn't give me a lot of hope that matters will change for me any time soon.[/QUOTE]I guess I just feel their development isn't wasted on non-gamers. I feel all Wii Fit does is open more game development opportunities.

And is it more because Nintendo is coming up with something like this instead of a 3rd party? I think we all can agree that we want to see more Nintendo games, so using their developers for Wii Fit seems like a waste to some. If a 3rd party came up with this, would it be better?
Personally, I would rather have Miyamoto working on Wii Fit right now than a new IP. We have 3 AAA titles coming out this year alone from Nintendo, one of which has his deep involvement.

Looking just at Nintendo development, that is plenty for me. I will probably only have enough time (and money) to cover 1 or 2 of those AAA titles. At this point I would rather have an large audience expanding game that my family and friends can enjoy than a new IP for this holiday season.

One measly new IP can come later, I prefer fantistic updates to proven franchises + one truly experimental game that my family and friends can enjoy.

Honestly, I loved the game, but Pikmin wasn't exactly a system seller.
This is only one of the most aggressive first party core pushes in the history of the company. If you dont like what they are doing now, theres really no way you've ever really liked them.

In just a little over 1 year you're getting lots of major franchise releases: Mario Galaxy, Smash, Kart, Metroid, Zelda.

What the hell did you ever like about Nintendo in the past? Seriously.
If you want to complain, complain about 3rd parties, wii channel support, vc game prices, etc. But, don't knock Nintendo's software effort, they're churning out a Nintendo fanboys wetdream within the first year of launching.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']If you want to complain, complain about 3rd parties, wii channel support, vc game prices, etc. But, don't knock Nintendo's software effort, they're churning out a Nintendo fanboys wetdream within the first year of launching.[/QUOTE]

I'll reserve judgement for when I have the games in my hand. It was mentioned far to often that these games (with the exception of Smash I think?) coming out could be easily picked up and played by anyone. I hope that =/= dumbed down.
[quote name='seanr1221']I'll reserve judgement for when I have the games in my hand. It was mentioned far to often that these games (with the exception of Smash I think?) coming out could be easily picked up and played by anyone. I hope that =/= dumbed down.[/quote]
It always scares me when I hear that phrase, because a lot of the time that is indeed what it means. There have been a number of times that where that wasn't the case, Wii Sports, Kirby Air Ride, etc. Luckily, early reports (for Mario and Metroid) indicate that we are in for a treat.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I guess I just feel their development isn't wasted on non-gamers. I feel all Wii Fit does is open more game development opportunities.

I guess I just consider any time spent developing games I don't want to play as "wasted." :D

But seriously, maybe that was a poor word choice. The main point is games like this, and the lack of announcement of a single new game (i.e. something I hadn't already heard of) that remotely interested me was discouraging as it leads me to believe that the Wii will just never be my cup of tea.

And as a life long Nintendo supporter, and not much of a fan of MS, it pains me to see so many games I want to play on the 360 and so few on the Wii. :(
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']
In just a little over 1 year you're getting lots of major franchise releases: Mario Galaxy, Smash, Kart, Metroid, Zelda.

What the hell did you ever like about Nintendo in the past? Seriously.[/QUOTE]

1. I loved and still like those. But they are getting a bit stale after playing them for upwards of 20 years. I mean I loved playing through Twilight Princess, but it didn't have the same Magic as say A Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time as it just bring as much new to the table as prior games in the series did compared to their predecessors. So to some degree it seems like they are running out of things to do in these worlds that can feel new, fresh and exciting.

2. They usually introduce new franchises every generation, both first and second party. So it's disappointing to see the only new franchise announcement be a non-game. At least to me anyway.

I guess what I always loved was their games were magical, and they were great innovators in the field. And they are still innovating, it's just that the innovations they are making with the Wii is moving them away from the types of hardcore games of there's that I loved in the past.

Sequels to old favorites, new non-gamer focused crap, half assed online gaming service, etc. etc. They're just not living up to what I want from my gaming experience now.

And that's fine as they're making truckloads of money doing it. It just saddens me, again, to think of having to abandon them and turn to MS to fill my gaming needs. **shudder***
What games exactly have you liked as a lifelong Nintendo supporter that arent present? Unless you stopped with the SNES with all its RPGs, the releases now are pretty much standard fare for the past 10 years of Nintendo.
They havent really changed. YOU HAVE. Thats fine, people change. It just might not be your thing anymore.

The games MS has how have for the most part, never had a signficant place on a Nintendo platform, aside from some racers I guess.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']They havent really changed. YOU HAVE. Thats fine, people change. It just might not be your thing anymore.

No they've changed. They used to make games for kids and hard core gamers. Now they're making fitness games aimed at overweight adults. And the've lost a lot of innovation in their series IMO, as shown in the Zelda example above. Rather than innovating, it's starting to feel like the same old shit with a new coat of paint just like most 3rd party franchises--where they were able to avoid that and keep it fresh in the past.

They're still tossing some bones to the long time fans, but they've clearly changed focus, and that's readily apparent from all the comments the past two years about needing to shift gears and lure in the non-gamers to be able to make a profit since they got slaughtered last gen by going after the same crowd as Sony and MS.

And you'll be singing the same tune when they take a bigger online focus, given your strange hatred of anything to do with online gaming.

But I will admit I've changed in my gaming tastes as well, and that combined with Nintendo's changing target markets is making the Wii a real PoS for me thus far.
[quote name='dmaul1114']And as a life long Nintendo supporter, and not much of a fan of MS, it pains me to see so many games I want to play on the 360 and so few on the Wii. :([/QUOTE]That's the kinda thinking that makes me wonder if people would have warmed up to Wii Fit more if it was made by a third party. I think it's a cool application, but I can understand if people would rather have had Nintendo announce a game-game instead. The DS has a lot of casual games and non-game software (at least in Japan) that hasn't affected the quality of the DS gaming library, tho they're mostly made by third parties.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']That's the kinda thinking that makes me wonder if people would have warmed up to Wii Fit more if it was made by a third party. I think it's a cool application, but I can understand if people would rather have had Nintendo announce a game-game instead. The DS has a lot of casual games and non-game software (at least in Japan) that hasn't affected the quality of the DS gaming library, tho they're mostly made by third parties.[/QUOTE]

That is a fair point. I wouldn't warm up to it, I'd just shrug it off with a "fuck that's lame as hell" thought and move on.

But it definitely gets extra criticism as I perceive my favorite developer as putting time into it rather that games I'd actually play. I hold third party developers to lower standards than I do Nintendo for sure.

The DS is a good point, and that's why I'm disappointed. Third parties aren't stepping to the plate, and some of the better ones may not do a whole lot (at least in terms of exclusives) as many of the big studios prefer to focus on the types of games that sell to the hardcore crowd (as that's what they like to play) and to really push the graphical envelope which they can't do on the Wii.

I mean sure, with it selling like hotcakes 3rd party games will come out, but that doesn't mean the guys who made something like Bioshock will want to work on a Wii game rather than on another graphical powerhouse 360 title when they're done etc. etc.
[quote name='seanr1221']I'll reserve judgement for when I have the games in my hand. It was mentioned far to often that these games (with the exception of Smash I think?) coming out could be easily picked up and played by anyone. I hope that =/= dumbed down.[/QUOTE]

Why is it, and this isn't just directed toward you, that people will wet their pants over stuff like, say, Assassin's Creed, that is made by a truly hit or miss company like Ubisoft, but "reserve judgement" for games like Mario? I think people are just overly critical of Nintendo games and view the graphics and believe they're instantly easy and not worther anyone's time.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']You think going next-gen you're going to find something thats not the same old with multiple layers of fresh light bloom and texturing?[/QUOTE]

Sure. Especially with an entirely new control scheme that opens the door for entirely new types of games!!! That's the whole point of buying the Wii for many.

The main thing is just offer improvements. Gears of War is just a shooter, but it felt fresh due to the way it used cover, and changed the way you play a shooter. Not to mention being one of the first 3rd person shooters I played that controlled so well (much better than RE4's clunky controls, for example).

Twighlight Princess, while a great game (a 9.0/10 for me) it just didn't have that kind of magic as it felt like I was just playing Ocarina of Time all over again.

So those two provide a good example of how next gen games can feel fresh, or feel stale, than prior games in their series/genres.

With the Wii controls, we should be seeing a lot more innovation (and not just in casual crap like Wii Sports and Wii Fit).

But maybe it's just too early, and it will pick up like the DS did. Though to be fair with the DS most of the games I've enjoyed the most are just traditional 2D games that make little use of the DS's touch screen (NSMB, Castlevania's etc.).
[quote name='munch']Why is it, and this isn't just directed toward you, that people will wet their pants over stuff like, say, Assassin's Creed, that is made by a truly hit or miss company like Ubisoft, but "reserve judgement" for games like Mario? I think people are just overly critical of Nintendo games and view the graphics and believe they're instantly easy and not worther anyone's time.[/QUOTE]

I'm not reserving judgment for Mario, as I've loved every game in the series. That tiny little sections the videos have shown worry me some though, as I'd prefer expansive levels like in 64 and Sunshine.

Metroid I'm reserving judgment for as I hated MP2, so I have a bad taste in my mouth.

Smash Bros is a matter of whether it has online play, and if so, how well it works in terms of match making, not too many 12 year old losers (unlikely on a Nintendo console) etc. as it sucks as a single player game and I don't have people over to game often (and when I do they want to play FPS or Sports games).

But I'm not sure the point anyway, as I reserve judgment on all games, be them Nintendo or 3rd party. And actually do much less so with Nintendo as I trust them for the most part, where about 99% of third party games are garbage.
[quote name='munch']Why is it, and this isn't just directed toward you, that people will wet their pants over stuff like, say, Assassin's Creed, that is made by a truly hit or miss company like Ubisoft, but "reserve judgement" for games like Mario? I think people are just overly critical of Nintendo games and view the graphics and believe they're instantly easy and not worther anyone's time.[/QUOTE]

There's no doubt that the majority of what Nintendo puts out is solid, but this isn't necessarily the same Nintendo that we're used to. There IS the potential that a game could be "dumbed down" to appease this new breed of gamers.

Now is there a chance that everything will be fine? Of course, and that's why I'm reserving judgement. Also, on a personal opinion, I think the only regular franchise that has a high chance of suffering from this is Mario Kart. Let's face it, Metroid won't appeal to casuals so why even bother, and Mario has always been easy to beat, difficult to master.

Ubisoft is only really hit or miss with games they either sloppily ported, or published just to get it to america (I'm looking at you Enchanted Arms!). Ubisoft put out some truly excellent titles on the xbox last generation.
I don't have a problem with the non-games in relation to the general public, but I have a problem with them myself. They are just too boring for me to play and for the price I am paying for a game I just expect so much more content. Sure everyone can agree that Brain age was fun... for about a month or maybe more, then you get bored of it and don't want to pick it up again. Nintendogs lasted about a week with me, because it would not pick up my voice. Cooking Mama lasted about 2 days and from what I hear thats more than most people got out of it. Overall for me these games are a waste of money because they sit and rot on a pile after being played, because there is no motivation to pick them up again after that. Sure they are fun while they last, but not fun enough to last longer than a short while, when I could be putting the 19.99 spent on each of these games toward something that is much longer and more playable. Because of this I am hesitant to try any more of Nintendo's non-games.

I am strange too in that I am a very slow game player as well, contrary to popular belief I do not play games all the time, I like to do other things too, but I just don't find that I get enough value out of Nintendo's non-games in order to buy more of them for myself. If a game is longer then it just means that it takes me longer to finish it, which gives me more value in the experience and makes me more likely to buy the game. I like to game at my own pace, not being forced by anyone to finish a game at a certain time.

If this stuff makes $$$ for Nintendo, then good for them, they have found a way to profit off the mainstream. I have no problem with them expanding their focus. Wii fit will be good because like I said in my previous post, tons of soccer moms will buy it in an attempt to get their kids to excercise without having to do any work themselves as moms to get their kids to excercise. This game WILL sell Wii systems, and it will be a huge success at least in the beginning. People are going to be buying Wii systems as an excercise tool for their children. I don't think this is really targeted at overweight adults, its targeted as more of a way to get children to get up and move around and excercise. It is most definitely targeted at the soccer mom demographic that already owns the Wii console. An overweight adult who has no motivation to get in shape isn't going to buy this game, especially with a name like Wii fit.
Well, its the top news story at yahoo right now.
[quote name='Yahoo']This morning's Nintendo press conference in Santa Monica, CA served to underline what we all knew about the Wii: it's setting its sights firmly on expanding the appeal of video games to older people and women, and it's lining up a portfolio of cool new toys to help it achieve just that. Chief among them, and unveiled today by Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, is a novel Balance Board controller together with a purpose-designed fitness game that aim to help Wii owners lose weight.

Nintendo's Balance Board, a slim, wireless white pad that looks more like a set of bathroom scales than a conventional videogame controller, does more than just measure your weight (although it does that, too). It can detect the exact position of your body's center of gravity, and measure how it shifts as you move your limbs or lean.

How's that going to help you shed the pounds? Wii Fit, a new Nintendo title that'll ship with the Balance Board, tracks your body mass index over time, and offers over 40 minigames that look guaranteed to get you sweating. Fils-Aime showed the Balance Board being used for yoga, step aerobics, balance training, and raw strength exercises like push-ups. No release date was mentioned, but it's sure to sell like hotcakes -- and you though the Wii was hard to find right now.

Fils-Aime also showed off a brace of Wii remote attachments that'll be bundled into games releasing later this year. One, the Wii Zapper, turns your Wii remote and nunchuk into a lightgun-like controller, and will release with zombie shooter Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles - while the other, a small plastic wheel, will launch along with Mario Kart Wii.

Hang on, what was that? Yes, in a move sure to put smiles on the faces of longtime Nintendo fans, the Mario Kart series is coming to the Wii. Only shown in video form, it's scheduled to release in the first quarter of next year, but will include online play with an as-yet undisclosed (but presumably large) number of simultaneous players. "This is not your father's Mario Kart," Fils-Aime said.

In another move that'll please Wii owners looking for a deeper online experience, Nintendo announced the Wii version of Medal of Honor will include an online mode supporting up to 32 players. It'll support the newly-announced Wii Zapper, too. [/QUOTE]http://videogames.yahoo.com/feature/e3-day-two-nintendo/522702

Lastly, this topic needs Strell telling how to make his Wii Fit....
I understand that completely. The difference, I think, is that people can look at stuff like Assassin's Creed and say, "Wow, that looks awesome." Nintendo games don't offer the same visual satisfaction. As a result, people are more willing to jump on board an IP that hasn't proven anything but looks good, but will wait on a game that has proven itself time and again on various consoles.

And I can see what you're saying about Mario Kart. But Mario Kart DS is my favorite of all time. And the DS is in a similar boat as the Wii right now. Anyone can pick up and play Mario Kart. To learn all of the intricacies and what not you truly have to sit down and master it. That's why I think Mario Kart will be fine. If anything they would have dumbed down Mario Kart DS since handheld consoles tend to cater to younger audiences than home consoles.

Don't get me wrong, there is that potential to be "dumbed down." But there's also the potential that Assassin's Creed, I'm just using this as an example, will play like crap, have terrible AI (kind of looked that way during the E3 video), or have bad physics (was it just me or did the guy he killed off the rooftop just float in the air?).

To me, I'd bank on Mario being awesome, or Metroid (I'm not a huge fan), or Pikmin or whatever.

Oh yeah, Ubisoft has published great stuff, but they've also published some huge turds last and this gen. Specifically for the Wii. I hope all the games they make are great for all systems. I really hope they publish Assassin's Creed for the PC. But I just don't get the "reserving judgement" for games that are tried and true while having boners for graphically amazing unproven stuff.

[quote name='seanr1221']There's no doubt that the majority of what Nintendo puts out is solid, but this isn't necessarily the same Nintendo that we're used to. There IS the potential that a game could be "dumbed down" to appease this new breed of gamers.

Now is there a chance that everything will be fine? Of course, and that's why I'm reserving judgement. Also, on a personal opinion, I think the only regular franchise that has a high chance of suffering from this is Mario Kart. Let's face it, Metroid won't appeal to casuals so why even bother, and Mario has always been easy to beat, difficult to master.

Ubisoft is only really hit or miss with games they either sloppily ported, or published just to get it to america (I'm looking at you Enchanted Arms!). Ubisoft put out some truly excellent titles on the xbox last generation.[/QUOTE]
Good point about the looks. It's like being swoon'd by a hot chick who might cheat on you, as opposed to the normal looking girl you know will probably be faithful ;)

Eh see, I wasn't TOO big a fan of MarioKart DS. Solid, yes, but I loved the 2 player mechanics of Double Dash.

And of course there is always a chance AC will play like crap. That's why I rarely blindly buy games day one ya know?

I suppose I get nervous the direction Nintendo might be going. However, they can put out as many wii-fits as they want, as long as games like Smash Bros and Metroid deliver, I'll be a happy gamer.

What I really want to see is Wii-fit's lasting power. Exercise isn't something many people engage in (plus there will really have to be a diet change for some people to see any results) so I wonder if the common person will be committed enough.

[quote name='munch']I understand that completely. The difference, I think, is that people can look at stuff like Assassin's Creed and say, "Wow, that looks awesome." Nintendo games don't offer the same visual satisfaction. As a result, people are more willing to jump on board an IP that hasn't proven anything but looks good, but will wait on a game that has proven itself time and again on various consoles.

And I can see what you're saying about Mario Kart. But Mario Kart DS is my favorite of all time. And the DS is in a similar boat as the Wii right now. Anyone can pick up and play Mario Kart. To learn all of the intricacies and what not you truly have to sit down and master it. That's why I think Mario Kart will be fine. If anything they would have dumbed down Mario Kart DS since handheld consoles tend to cater to younger audiences than home consoles.

Don't get me wrong, there is that potential to be "dumbed down." But there's also the potential that Assassin's Creed, I'm just using this as an example, will play like crap, have terrible AI (kind of looked that way during the E3 video), or have bad physics (was it just me or did the guy he killed off the rooftop just float in the air?).

To me, I'd bank on Mario being awesome, or Metroid (I'm not a huge fan), or Pikmin or whatever.

Oh yeah, Ubisoft has published great stuff, but they've also published some huge turds last and this gen. Specifically for the Wii. I hope all the games they make are great for all systems. I really hope they publish Assassin's Creed for the PC. But I just don't get the "reserving judgement" for games that are tried and true while having boners for graphically amazing unproven stuff.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but that's the thing. Sure they devoted a lot of time to Wii-fit, but they also announced that 3 of their big guns are coming out by the end of the year. I made this point in another thread but it bears repeating. 4 of their biggest franchises, not including Super Paper Mario, will be available for the Wii within almost a year after launch. That's awesome. So, they are satisfying the new crowd and the old. But everyone seems to stay focused on shit like Wii Fit.

I love Double Dash too, but I sorely missed the ability to hop. I also wished the courses weren't so wide. Still, it was a solid game.

I'm not sure about the staying power of Wii Fit either. My wife wants it so I'll get it and use it. I, like everyone, hope they and other 3rd party developers find new ways to use it that is engaging.

[quote name='seanr1221']Good point about the looks. It's like being swoon'd by a hot chick who might cheat on you, as opposed to the normal looking girl you know will probably be faithful ;)

Eh see, I wasn't TOO big a fan of MarioKart DS. Solid, yes, but I loved the 2 player mechanics of Double Dash.

And of course there is always a chance AC will play like crap. That's why I rarely blindly buy games day one ya know?

I suppose I get nervous the direction Nintendo might be going. However, they can put out as many wii-fits as they want, as long as games like Smash Bros and Metroid deliver, I'll be a happy gamer.

What I really want to see is Wii-fit's lasting power. Exercise isn't something many people engage in (plus there will really have to be a diet change for some people to see any results) so I wonder if the common person will be committed enough.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='munch'] But I just don't get the "reserving judgement" for games that are tried and true while having boners for graphically amazing unproven stuff.[/QUOTE]

I don't get it either. I reserve judgment for everything for the most part, and give Nintendo more of the benefit of the doubt that others for most games, and only have hesitation with something like Metroid where I didn't care for the previous game in the series.

But graphics sell games, and probably to casual gamers more than hardcore gamers (with little to no effect on non-gamers). So Nintendo brought that on themselves by putting out such an underpowered system.

I'm not a graphics whore, so I can live with it (shit like MP8 which is 480i and 4x3 only aside--480p and 16x9 is a MUST), but it will definitely alienate them even more for the core hardcore and mainstream/casual gamer market. But it looks like they'll more than make up for it selling to the kiddies, Nintendo fans and non-gamers.
Oh trust me, I'm aware that's awesome ;)

It's why I made it a point to get the Wii for Christmas, I knew I'd probably be playing Smash Bros, Mario, Metroid and Zelda all in the first year.

I know I come off as giving Nintendo a bit more of a hard time over the other 2 companies, but most of it stems from my fears on what the casual crowd could do to gaming. I like all 3 of the systems, and think they can live together well :grouphug:
[quote name='munch']Yeah, but that's the thing. Sure they devoted a lot of time to Wii-fit, but they also announced that 3 of their big guns are coming out by the end of the year. I made this point in another thread but it bears repeating. 4 of their biggest franchises, not including Super Paper Mario, will be available for the Wii within almost a year after launch. That's awesome.

So, they are satisfying the new crowd and the old. But everyone seems to stay focused on shit like Wii Fit.

It's mainly:

1. It was E3 so we expected to, first, get some new details on these games, and second to have some new game announcements. All we got were firm dates that everyone pretty much expected, and some tidbits like the bee suit. No word on whether Brawl will have online play etc. And the only big new "game" is Wii Fit, so it gets criticized.

2. As I noted elsewhere, I'm a bit tired of the big franchises. I can't wait for Mario as it's been a long time since Sunshine. But Metroid I'm hesitant on due to hating Echoes, Brawl depends on having decent online play as the series gets old fast in single player, and Mario Kart I'm pretty much done with.

I mean it's a solid line up for Nintendo fans, but it's just more of the same and it's alls hit we knew was coming this year/early next year anyway so it just doesn't have that "WOW!" factor for many of us. Just nothing was shown that made me go "Holy shit I have to play that now!!"

But to be fair, neither MS or Sony showed anything that elicited that reaction from me either. In short, E3, and this generation so far period, have just sucked IMO.
[quote name='dmaul1114']It's mainly:

1. It was E3 so we expected to, first, get some new details on these games, and second to have some new game announcements. All we got were firm dates that everyone pretty much expected, and some tidbits like the bee suit. No word on whether Brawl will have online play etc. And the only big new "game" is Wii Fit, so it gets criticized.

2. As I noted elsewhere, I'm a bit tired of the big franchises. I can't wait for Mario as it's been a long time since Sunshine. But Metroid I'm hesitant on due to hating Echoes, Brawl depends on having decent online play as the series gets old fast in single player, and Mario Kart I'm pretty much done with.

I mean it's a solid line up for Nintendo fans, but it's just more of the same and it's alls hit we knew was coming this year/early next year anyway so it just doesn't have that "WOW!" factor for many of us. Just nothing was shown that made me go "Holy shit I have to play that now!!"

But to be fair, neither MS or Sony showed anything that elicited that reaction from me either. In short, E3, and this generation so far period, have just sucked IMO.[/QUOTE]

With point #1 I agree with you. I want to see some new stuff too. But that's not the point of E3 anymore. And that's why E3 sucked this year. It's not to show off what's coming next year; instead what's in the immediate future to get good press and such.

With point #2, that sounds more like your own problem. And is the staleness of franchises not true with the other companies? Aren't they giving us generic shooters # 5,6, 7, and 8?
[quote name='munch']
With point #2, that sounds more like your own problem. And is the staleness of franchises not true with the other companies? Aren't they giving us generic shooters # 5,6, 7, and 8?[/QUOTE]

Indeed. Which is why I said:

"But to be fair, neither MS or Sony showed anything that elicited that reaction from me either. In short, E3, and this generation so far period, have just sucked IMO."
[quote name='munch']Yeah, but that's the thing. Sure they devoted a lot of time to Wii-fit, but they also announced that 3 of their big guns are coming out by the end of the year. I made this point in another thread but it bears repeating. 4 of their biggest franchises, not including Super Paper Mario, will be available for the Wii within almost a year after launch. That's awesome. So, they are satisfying the new crowd and the old.[/quote]

Yeah, that's why I was so impressed by this year's briefing. They hit home more than enough to satisfy me, a typical 'gamer' more focused on the traditional Nintendo games than I am Nintendo's new breed of satellite software, but they also dropped what is a pretty rad bomb with Wii Fit.

They achieved just about everything they could, in my mind: they spent a bit more than enough time doing their fair share of well-earned bragging (plus just honestly making known their position in the marketplace), they tossed out numerous goodies for the typical hardcore Nintendo-gamer crowd, and they delivered an unexpected evolution in their new breed of software.

So they covered just about every angle. Being E3, as some of y'all pointed out, we've come to expect more game montages of pretty much every cool title in the pipeline from now 'til two years from now, but I feel great about the things Nintendo focused time on, as a gamer...they did a little bit of everything.
[quote name='n8rockerasu'] The purpose of ending with WiiFit was to continue to blow people's minds with what the Wii is capable of.[/quote]
Mission failed.

And as far as "big guns" go...anyone following the live blog should have picked up this VERY bold statement:

9:32 Trinnen says Metroid Prime 3 will be the best blockbuster first-person game this fall.

Um...hello...Halo 3 anyone? They're making serious statements about rivaling Halo 3?? Sounds like a big gun to me!
I hate to drag out a cliche, but it's really all that fits here...do you work for Nintendo? Why are you so excited over a PR statement? Did you expect them to say that it would be the second or third biggest FPS this fall?
I give you numbers:

1. I think too many people really bought in the marketing speak that Nintendo's "best and brightest" all worked on WiiFit. Miyamoto worked on both SMG and WiiFit, and he said that both were excellent to work on. I pretty much guarantee that there is no Nintendo demon floating around offices, cancelling Animal Crossing and Project H.A.M.M.E.R. and whatever other franchises you're looking for to collect the developer power for WiiFit.

2. What is it about Nintendo systems that somehow make them dependent on software packages available on them? Ever since "Sega got what Nintendon't" we've seen blanket statements regarding "games on a Nintendo console are not as fun/mature/HD/hardcore as their competitors." Last I checked, the Wii was silicon, metal, and plastic in an appealing package. It runs software, and just because one piece of it offends you (which is ridiculous, mind you, because none of you are hating on your PCs, despite wild availability of utter shit infinitely worse than the innocent WiiFit) doesn't warrant this shit-fest of blanket statements.

3. No, I do not own Nintendo stock, and I regret that since Wii's launch. And despite my fanboyism and faith in the big N, my stance isn't about Nintendo, it's about threads like these.. All I know is that the Wii is Nintendo's ticket to securing a largest possible marketshare. With the increase in development costs reaching obscene numbers, as a "CAG" I am most concerned with the fact that developers need to sell half a million titles to guarantee breaking even (I've posted my source for this claim before on three separate occasions.) If Nintendo will secure enough cash to afford more risks, chances are they'll take a couple. No, I'm not delusional that frugal cash-hungry Nintendo will unleash shitloads of weird MarioColbert-friendly IP. But they are more likely to develop shit while making money - Nintendo 64 is my "bullshit proof" that looks good enough on a forum.

4. I find that most people here are quite selfish when it comes to game announcement. While the titles people couldn't give half of a fuck about in Sony's Press Conference (Echo Chrome) are quietly ignored, despite my obnoxious salivating over the trailer, Nintendo's WiiFit somehow generates "fuck THEM FOR DOING THIS" response. I'm let down by this E3 overall, but I can't understand the extreme negativism. Either the Wii was a compulsive (in other words "ignorant") purchase for you, or you did not pay attention for two years of DS and almost a year of the Wii (exactly a year if you count the announcements).
Personally, I wasn't bothered at all by the announcement of Wii Fit. It's a cool concept, and will sell more Wii's which is good even for those of us who will never play it.

I was just disappointed that there wasn't a single, solitary new title announced that got me excited. But that's probably just do to E3 now being a pointless joke, rather than Nintendo having nothing in the Pipleline. They surely do, and just choose not to show it here.

I guess that makes sense, not much point in generating much more hype when there are still no consoles sitting on store shelves waiting to be sold. And again, it's not unique to them, neither Sony or MS showed anything new that excited me either. Just a lame excuse for a conference, as far as us hardcore gamers are concerned.

At the end of the day, I'm still getting Metroid and Mario Galaxy this year which I'm fairly excited for, and Brawl which I will be if it has decent online play, so that's not too shabby for a Nintendo console. Can't compare with what's coming on the 360 for me, but not too bad.
[quote name='MarioColbert']I give you numbers:

1. I think too many people really bought in the marketing speak that Nintendo's "best and brightest" all worked on WiiFit. Miyamoto worked on both SMG and WiiFit, and he said that both were excellent to work on. I pretty much guarantee that there is no Nintendo demon floating around offices, cancelling Animal Crossing and Project H.A.M.M.E.R. and whatever other franchises you're looking for to collect the developer power for WiiFit.

2. What is it about Nintendo systems that somehow make them dependent on software packages available on them? Ever since "Sega got what Nintendon't" we've seen blanket statements regarding "games on a Nintendo console are not as fun/mature/HD/hardcore as their competitors." Last I checked, the Wii was silicon, metal, and plastic in an appealing package. It runs software, and just because one piece of it offends you (which is ridiculous, mind you, because none of you are hating on your PCs, despite wild availability of utter shit infinitely worse than the innocent WiiFit) doesn't warrant this shit-fest of blanket statements.

3. No, I do not own Nintendo stock, and I regret that since Wii's launch. And despite my fanboyism and faith in the big N, my stance isn't about Nintendo, it's about threads like these.. All I know is that the Wii is Nintendo's ticket to securing a largest possible marketshare. With the increase in development costs reaching obscene numbers, as a "CAG" I am most concerned with the fact that developers need to sell half a million titles to guarantee breaking even (I've posted my source for this claim before on three separate occasions.) If Nintendo will secure enough cash to afford more risks, chances are they'll take a couple. No, I'm not delusional that frugal cash-hungry Nintendo will unleash shitloads of weird MarioColbert-friendly IP. But they are more likely to develop shit while making money - Nintendo 64 is my "bullshit proof" that looks good enough on a forum.

4. I find that most people here are quite selfish when it comes to game announcement. While the titles people couldn't give half of a fuck about in Sony's Press Conference (Echo Chrome) are quietly ignored, despite my obnoxious salivating over the trailer, Nintendo's WiiFit somehow generates "fuck THEM FOR DOING THIS" response. I'm let down by this E3 overall, but I can't understand the extreme negativism. Either the Wii was a compulsive (in other words "ignorant") purchase for you, or you did not pay attention for two years of DS and almost a year of the Wii (exactly a year if you count the announcements).[/quote]

:applause: Brilliant.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Personally, I wasn't bothered at all by the announcement of Wii Fit. It's a cool concept, and will sell more Wii's which is good even for those of us who will never play it.[/quote]
Dude, don't get all defensive... I fuckin' apologized to you publically in the SMG thread, though you probably didn't notice due to your undivided focus towards experiencing Strell. Notice that my post is just as much of a blanket statement as the rest of this thread. I just blow smoke until you think that it's somehow "not just an idiot's opinion." Opinions are like testicles. Everyone's got them.
Except Wimmins.

I do very much like the fact that Slashdot, Joystiq, and what's-his-face-developer-of-MSG4 all spoke out against this new E3. The show is no longer a show - it's just a media briefing. And as such, the big three covered everything their target market should expect of them.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Indeed. Which is why I said:

"But to be fair, neither MS or Sony showed anything that elicited that reaction from me either. In short, E3, and this generation so far period, have just sucked IMO."[/quote]

I completely agree.
I wasn't being defensive at all as I didn't take your post personally. You'll never see me get defensive on a net forum. I like discussion and debating shit, especially gaming related topics. But I don't care enough about other's opinions to get defensive etc.

I just posted to show that not everyone fits that blanket statement, and there are those of us who realize a lot of the lackluster is due to E3 being pointless now. And to again clarify that I'm not some Nintendo hater, but rather a lifelong fan who's just been disappointed by the Wii game lineup for 2007 a bit.
bread's done