Wii Fit to player: You're fat.

If they do that, and aren't losing weight, I feel really bad for them. However, I feel NO sympathy for a fat person who eats whatever they want. They ARE killing themselves.

And you can tell the difference how?
[quote name='VioletArrows']And you can tell the difference how?[/QUOTE]

Are you serious? One would eat whatever they want and not exercise, and the other would eat a balanced diet and exercise.
Just thought I'd throw this in, but the guy I mentioned before (5foot7, 250 pounds) had a personal sized Chicago deep-dish pizza, chilli-cheese fries and topped it off with a large m&m mcflurry and this was all ONE meal. He says he eats healthy.
He needs help.

But basically, you can never tell the difference until you actually know the person.

Yeah, Sean is pretty much right.
[quote name='VioletArrows']Are you planning to follow every fat person around and judge them accordingly?[/QUOTE]

When did I say that? Is it not safe to assume if I see an obese person in McDonalds, eating a big mac, that they do NOT eat healthy?
[quote name='doc_zaius']Jesus, you guys are bunch of jerks.

I'm sure overweight kids don't here it enough from other kids at school, etc. Yeah, they need to here their frickin' toys call them fat as well.

Well, being hassled at school wasn't enough to get them to put down their candy bars, soda etc. and eat health/exercise to get in shape....

I haven't been to a Mc Donalds in god knows how long, but I'll probably soon because I want to see just what all the fuss is about with these southern chicken sandwich coupons I got in the mail.

You catch me there that ONE TIME, and somehow, I might as well throw a noose over the rafters. And don't pull that "when did I say that?" shit again. Your quote,
However, I feel NO sympathy for a fat person who eats whatever they want. They ARE killing themselves.

And I'll catch hell for it, but I am one of those poor bastards who has a thyroid problem; no it's not just a thyroid problem, my entire endocrine system from top to bottom is fuckED. It IS genetic, my aunt and grandmother have it, and my father's a carrier with male-specific symptoms. My mother shows symptoms, but that's the least of her problems right now. It hit full on when I hit puberty, but none of the doctors were in any way helpful for 12 years other than just thinking I was a normal fatass and telling me to lose weight. Even they couldn't tell the difference, and they had my whole medical history.

Except the weight never comes off. I tried and failed so many times now my body doesn't stand for any sort of attempt now and I wind up sick as a dog. I walk everywhere (no car), more often than not (I'm also not supposed to eat fruit, but you'll have to pry my mangoes, bananas, and grapes from my cold dead hands) I cook real food and eat my vegetables, I love yoga and just wandering around walking new places for hours. I however refuse to take the medicine the doctor gave me because it tears the fuck out of my liver and kidneys, sucks nutrients out of my body, and the stuff she gave me to prevent cancerous cells CAUSES CANCER. But people can't tell the difference (I hide the disfiguring traits as best I can), and I might as well have just rolled in from the buffet.

I know full fucking well I'm fat. Very few people know how I got that way or care, and I get shit for it. I wish it would fucking kill me, but if my grandmother's any indication, I get 50 more years of this intolerant, ignorant bullshit.
[quote name='VioletArrows']No.

I haven't been to a Mc Donalds in god knows how long, but I'll probably soon because I want to see just what all the fuss is about with these southern chicken sandwich coupons I got in the mail.

You catch me there that ONE TIME, and somehow, I might as well throw a noose over the rafters. And don't pull that "when did I say that?" shit again. Your quote,

And I'll catch hell for it, but I am one of those poor bastards who has a thyroid problem; no it's not just a thyroid problem, my entire endocrine system from top to bottom is fuckED. It IS genetic, my aunt and grandmother have it, and my father's a carrier with male-specific symptoms. My mother shows symptoms, but that's the least of her problems right now. It hit full on when I hit puberty, but none of the doctors were in any way helpful for 12 years other than just thinking I was a normal fatass and telling me to lose weight. Even they couldn't tell the difference, and they had my whole medical history.

Except the weight never comes off. I tried and failed so many times now my body doesn't stand for any sort of attempt now and I wind up sick as a dog. I walk everywhere (no car), more often than not (I'm also not supposed to eat fruit, but you'll have to pry my mangoes, bananas, and grapes from my cold dead hands) I cook real food and eat my vegetables, I love yoga and just wandering around walking new places for hours. I however refuse to take the medicine the doctor gave me because it tears the fuck out of my liver and kidneys, sucks nutrients out of my body, and the stuff she gave me to prevent cancerous cells CAUSES CANCER. But people can't tell the difference (I hide the disfiguring traits as best I can), and I might as well have just rolled in from the buffet.

I know full fucking well I'm fat. Very few people know how I got that way or care, and I get shit for it. I wish it would fucking kill me, but if my grandmother's any indication, I get 50 more years of this intolerant, ignorant bullshit.[/QUOTE]

That's not the point. In a group of 100 fat people do you really think that most, no no.. at least HALF of them have thyroid problems? if so, then... well, I don't even know.

Of course these problems exist! Some people, yes, ARE fat NOT by choice.. but there's no way that this accounts for the obesity problem in this country.

All this talk about "PUT THE MCDONALDS DOWN, PIGGY" is for the people who MAKE those bad choices DAILY. It's not about US being ignorant, it's for fat people wanting us to feel bad for them! I'll believe you, but I love how EEEEVVVVERRYONE who gets offended by people talking down on fat..seem to ALWAYS have a thyroid problem. Again, I will believe you since I don't know you.. but I find it IMPOSSIBLE that every. single. overweight person. has a thyroid problem.. OR everyone that I have met/offended.
[quote name='tehweezner']BMI is not a reliable indicator if one is fat or not. a bodybuilder would be obese according to that game[/QUOTE]

The game's foundation is built on the idea of BMI as a reliable and meaningful indicator of health/fitness, so it's a farce from the beginning (the idea of stepping on and off a 1/2" high pad being "exercise" notwithstanding).

It will still sell quite well, though.

How many fatties are pissed off this isn't on the 360?

Srsly, you guys are dicks. My big stomach is such a pain on your life that you have to act like you are still in middle school and ridicule those people. If someones fat they are fat, they know it. Why does it bother you? You dont like to look at them? How is that different than not wanting to look at someone because they are different than you, like lets say race? But wait, that's not cool. It's totally fine though cause you can change right?

Got some stuck up pricks here
Phew. I was going to come back and say two things.

1) This thread just got heavy. *snort*

2) Where's myke? He usually ends up smack in the middle of these discussions.
I'm going to jump onto the seanr bandwagon and agree that fat people who want sympathy for being fat but don't try to change their lifestyle earn no sympathy from me. I was fat at a point, but I changed the way I lived and now I can't wait to rip my shirt off.
And the point of that was if you don't know, what's the point of giving shit to EVERYONE about it? Some people are gonna do something about it, some aren't. It's somehow become a mission from God to be as vigilant, vocal, and paranoid as possible to save... what, the human race? The environment? Or just everyone's boners?

There's tough love and then there's being a self-righteous dick to someone you don't even know, and a hell of a lot of it turns out to be the latter.

But I guess the beatings encouragement will continue until morale health improves.
[quote name='Dyson']Srsly, you guys are dicks. My big stomach is such a pain on your life that you have to act like you are still in middle school and ridicule those people. If someones fat they are fat, they know it. Why does it bother you?

1. Fat due to poor eating and lack of exercise shows people don't give enough of a shit to even take care of themselves. I have no interest in such people.

2. Said fat people have more health problems and thus need more care. Thus insurance premiums are higher in a country like the US with an obesity epidemic. Thus I liken them to smokers. Burdening us all because of their poor health habits.

3. Sucks balls to get stuck next to a fat person on a plane, subway etc. Now they're physically impacting me because they can't take care of themselves.

So yes, it has direct impacts on us beyond not liking to look at them. I don't like to look at ugly people either, but they're not having direct impacts on me because they can't fucking take care of themselves.

And yes, I feel bad for people with legitimate medical conditions that make it hard for them to lose weight. But even the few people I know with real thyroid problems still compound their problem by eating like shit as they get depressed that diet and exercise don't make them skinny, but rather just make them "less fat."

And they are beside the point, the societal problem is with people who don't take care of themselves and eat like shit and sit on their asses all day.
[quote name='VioletArrows']And the point of that was if you don't know, what's the point of giving shit to EVERYONE about it? Some people are gonna do something about it, some aren't. It's somehow become a mission from God to be as vigilant, vocal, and paranoid as possible to save... what, the human race? The environment? Or just everyone's boners?

There's tough love and then there's being a self-righteous dick to someone you don't even know, and a hell of a lot of it turns out to be the latter.

But I guess the beatings encouragement will continue until morale health improves.[/QUOTE]

Do you smoke? Can you imagine what smokers go through constantly being told they can't smoke? Smoking will kill them? Smoking is bad for you?

What if commercials showed how much artery clogging fat is really in fast food? Oh then everyone would be up in arms :roll:

Look, you have a medical problem, you are the exception, not the rule.

We are talking about the majority of fat people here.
[quote name='MorPhiend']I don't get it. I think "fat" is a kinder term than"obese". Obese is what that person who is nothing more than a gelatinous mass is. Fat could be someone who isn't "ripped" because they have a little extra pudge.

Also, to those who are criticizing people who are overweight for their McDonald's habits, not everyone who has weight problems is a giant pig. It's not like smoking at all. You can't smoke unless you pick up a cigarette and light it and stick it in your mouth. But some people have serious problems with weight and can't get rid of it and stay rid of it, no matter what they have tried.

People complain about fat people. What I hate is people with un-naturally high metabolisms who couldn't possibly understand a problem they have never dealt with, yet criticize over it. Or even people who are fit through effort but treat others like crap because of their weight, despite their efforts to do something about it not working.[/QUOTE]

Fat Fat Fatty McFatterton!
[quote name='Deadpool']Fat Fat Fatty McFatterton![/QUOTE]

Nice one dude!

*high fives*

Let's totally go hang out with all the cheerleaders.
We must remember that looks don't always convey if a person is healthy or not. Someone who is a stick and eats tons of McDonalds and other fast foods is NOT healthy even though they don't appear to be unhealthy based on looks. Regardless of your looks or BMI or any other factor, fast food and processed food ARE BAD FOR YOU! It doesn't matter who you are, your size, race, age, color or whatever, the food is still bad for you.

You cannot really judge a person's health based on their looks. A fat or overweight person might be really trying to lose weight and eating healthy. You also might come across a fat person who eats nothing but healthy food and is still fat. Unless you know the person's eating habits for a fact then you cannot judge them.

Thyroid problems are real, and you usually have to have your blood tested for them at a doctor, so if the person hasn't had this done and it hasn't been diagnosed by a doctor, then its probably not legitimate and they are using it as an excuse. So you know if someone hasn't gone to a doctor in 30 years and they are claiming a thyroid problem, they are probably lying.

For kids, since their bodies are constantly changing and growing, they can't really lose weight at least until they are done with puberty and the major changes the body goes through during that time. Before having kids parents should think about feeding their kids as much healthy food as possible, avoiding addictive pre-packaged snacks (the junk food companies make every effort to get your kids hooked early, so that you can spend money on junk food and become their customer for life) and making sure their kids get enough exercise, and make a real initiative to do these things.

Adults should be able to feel if they are getting fatter, when your clothes aren't fitting you anymore and you have to go out and buy new ones that should be a cue that maybe you need to do something about your weight. We shouldn't need a video game to tell us that we need to lose weight, it should just be evident in the way our bodies feel and the way our clothes fit, and that should be enough of a signal.

Weighing yourself daily isn't really good either, because your weight will fluctuate, once a week would be much better. Obsessing over the 1-3 lb fluctuation that will happen day to day is not cool and its not healthy to constantly be obsessing over your weight from day to day like that.

There is a lot of money in the US that is spent on exercise gimmicks however nothing will help if you don't make the initiative yourself, you aren't going to get fit by just playing wii fit every day, you have to make changes to your diet and exercise as well to get results.

Finally if you are fat and considering losing weight you should be doing it for no one but yourself and only yourself, don't do it for someone else do it for yourself and your health.
You know, it's just as bad to be really skinny. Every time I see some 6+ft, 150lb Auschwitz-Survivor looking motherfucker call someone unhealthy I feel like the world is going to implode with irony.

Bonus points for giving me strength training and dietary "tips" and referring to creatine as " steroids".
I can't/don't smoke, but actually yes, because I would nag my roommate here and there because she used to smoke in the car, and my lungs would burn. XP

And the insulting fat commercials were done last year when Subway thought they were being clever over their fit meals (which are actually salt slabs on corn syrup enriched bread).

Anyway, I give up. Point's just totally flown in one ear out the other. I need to get something between my teeth before I grind them to dust.
I'm going to try to wrangle this back into something relevant to the topic of discussion by posing a question.

The Wii's comical level of market dominance and appeal has led most to think that WiiFit will sell similarly, beating records and becoming a new fitness craze for people of all types across the U.S.

That said, it's a generalization to say this, but the posts in this thread back me up: Americans are notoriously thin-skinned. I think, more important than the "is BMI reliable for anyone at all, or even children" question, is this: has WiiFit's seemingly insurmountable popularity shot itself in the foot by being so flagrant about labeling users "fat"?

Not that it won't sell a lot at release, but will we see sales hit the floor once word gets out that the game calls you fat?
I don't know what will happen to sales, but I know what will happen when it calls someone fat: litigation! Class action law suits all around!

Didn't Nintendo once say that Wii Fit would be designed that it could be upgraded via DLC-like additions? If that's the case, I wonder if a patch will come down quick that throws out that vile, hideous word and replaces it with happy PC phrasing like "your weight is not ideal, but we still love you(r money) anyway."
I don't think sells will bottom out. It may hurt it's sells as a weight loss item, but it should sell to those who just want another fun casual game to play in addition to Wii Sports.

That's the main market IMO, the "cash in on fatties who throw money at fitness gimmicks" market is just the icing on the cake.

Case in point, it sold gang busters in Japan where there isn't anywhere near the obesity problem we have here.
Where I disagree, dmaul, is that you're conflating two very different cultures - ours is one where value meals w/ diet cokes and "hydroxycut" are more common than genuine avenues to fitness via diet and exercise.

(IOW, I'm arguing that the bulk - heh - of people who will buy Wii Fit are the very people who will latch onto any easy-way-out diet method).
[quote name='mykevermin']Where I disagree, dmaul, is that you're conflating two very different cultures - ours is one where value meals w/ diet cokes and "hydroxycut" are more common than genuine avenues to fitness via diet and exercise.

(IOW, I'm arguing that the bulk - heh - of people who will buy Wii Fit are the very people who will latch onto any easy-way-out diet method).[/QUOTE]

I agree on the cultural differences. I just don't think the fatties who latch on to gimmicks will be the main people buying it. My main point with Japan is that it can sell well somewhere that fitness isn't a huge $$$ market. It can sell well without our fatty sucker market.

A lot of sales will go to people who just had fun with Wii Sports and want something else like that to play with their friends and families.

The gimmick sales will be large as well, but I think it will still sell more to Wii Sports fans, Nintendo fanboys who buy everything they make etc.

I also don't think the "fat" moniker will hurt it much. The people who shell out $$$ on gimmicks know they are fat. Hell, I those scales that insult you when you step on them and are overweight must sell since they're still in stores!
This will sell on day one no doubt however will the appeal last I think is the question everyone is asking. Will we see piles of barely used units on sale on ebay after the first month (or perhaps even the first week), or will people latch onto this like they latched onto Wii Sports? Perhaps to get around the "fat" thing people will lie about their height when entering it into the system therefore altering the results just so they can play the games.

I am going to assume for the time being that the audience who buys this is the audience who buys weight loss gimmicks in the hope that they will be a quick fix and will make them lose weight instantly without making other changes to their lifestyle.

Maybe people will keep the board and use it for games like We Ski, which comes out around the same time, so therefore the rash of Wii Fit used sales will be averted?
I'm looking forward to WiiFit as a way of tracking some progress. I could care less about what it thinks my BMI means for my health. My straight weight/height BMI is pretty rough I'd imagine, but it wasn't too bad doing a more technical calculation for it (something that measured arm circumference and shoulders and such I think... maybe that wasn't BMI anymore).

Assuming my wife and I are in a house in the next few months, our first purchase will be an elipitical machine because we both really enjoy the cardio from that. I'd like to get some free-weights too, but doubtful it'll be any time soon. For us, WiiFit will be another motivator beyond the normal, "I don't want to die when my children are in high school" pusher. I don't care about the numbers, just that I'm making positive progress.

That all being said, while it's not going to be a comprehensive workout, if it gets someone from being a couch potato to moving a little bit, that's a definite plus. If WiiFit can be step 1 is a life lived more more healthily, I'm all for that. I think Miyamoto even said that goal of WiiFit was not so much making yourself fitter, but paying closer attention to your body and being in tune with how what you eat or do (or the lack of either) effect you.

I am a tad concerned about the obsession that could develop with a tool like this. As a rule I only step on a scale once a week or so to see trends, not day-to-day fluctuations. For some this could lead to really unhealthy habits (in the mental realm).

But yeah, like DDR before it, it's not an all-out health solution, but then again neither is hitting the gym or eating better. They're all components of a whole, and some people are in deep enough that an hour at the gym would probably kill them, whereas a start with WiiFit or a similar program would really get them on the right track.
[quote name='Strell']I don't know what will happen to sales, but I know what will happen when it calls someone fat: litigation! Class action law suits all around!

Didn't Nintendo once say that Wii Fit would be designed that it could be upgraded via DLC-like additions? If that's the case, I wonder if a patch will come down quick that throws out that vile, hideous word and replaces it with happy PC phrasing like "your weight is not ideal, but we still love you(r money) anyway."[/QUOTE]

I don't buy that nintendo will patch any of their games this generation. They might revise the software in the 2nd release to not call people fat. But I even doubt that is going to happen. If people buy Wii Fit and it calls them fat that might give them a reason to stop using it (those people were probably going to quit anyway). I think there will enough people out there who do use it and get some benefit out of it that the hype won't die down until well after xmas.
I didn't say they will, and actually, I agree with the assertion that they never will patch something.

I'm merely pointing out that they said that they could.
Japanese company Nintendo has responded to complaints about labels doled out by their best-selling Wii Fit game. The Americanized version has three new politically correct categories: "Underweight," "Ideal," and "You been at buffet five hours. You Go Now!"
[quote name='dmaul1114']I don't think sells will bottom out. It may hurt it's sells as a weight loss item, but it should sell to those who just want another fun casual game to play in addition to Wii Sports.

That's the main market IMO, the "cash in on fatties who throw money at fitness gimmicks" market is just the icing on the cake.

Case in point, it sold gang busters in Japan where there isn't anywhere near the obesity problem we have here.[/quote]

I went to DisneyWorld and they had this exercise bike hooked up to a TV. You had the perspective of a mouse, and as you pedaled around you went under chairs , into mouse holes, around a big piece of toast, alot of cool stuff. If you could make exercising fun like that - like it is when I run through the city, I bet you could get alot of ppl working out.

So the game called some pansy girl fat, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. I think it's great that ppl are trying to get kids to exercise!
[quote name='KingDox']If people buy Wii Fit and it calls them fat that might give them a reason to stop using it (those people were probably going to quit anyway).[/QUOTE]

And Nintendo has no reason to care about that, they already got that suckers $90 (and their $250 if they bought a Wii just for Wii Fit).

The only thing to be concerned about would be if people found out the game called you fat before they bought it, and thus didn't purchase it. And do we really think the people who'd be buying it for the weight loss gimmick rather than the game play (i.e. the wii sports fans etc.) would be doing that kind of research.

Yes, people may ditch it and not buy Wii Ski etc., but again the people buying it for the weight loss gimmick aren't going to be likely to buy other games that support the balance board anyway--future exercise games aside.
However if it makes the news or Oprah that the game is calling people fat, it might deter sales a bit and people might just cancel their preorders or tell the store they don't want it anymore when they go and pick it up. This has to make a mainstream TV news source though (or newspaper), because the Wii fit audience only knows what is advertised in the sunday paper and does not do the kind of research that most CAG readers do about games.
Be better if it said "One person at a time please" or " When you walk down the street do people shout 'geez you got a big fat ass' ?"

Name and shame em. It's the only way they'll learn.
The thing is, "fitness" is so poorly measured in today's society.

Sure, BMI is crappy. Same with straight-up weight comparison. But what're you supposed to do, teach people to use calipers? Use one of those inaccurate electric BF measurers? Take a mega expensive dunk test? IMO, the best way is to take pictures of yourself or just write down your exercise log.

Oh, and nutrition information in this country sucks. Generally, if you follow the food pyramid, you'll look like the pyramid. And there's so much underhandedness going on. The study which concluded that eggs raise your cholesterol was conducted by the cereal board, for crying out loud.

And exercise information, oh boy, that is the worst. Going to the gym sometimes is like watching a train wreck as you'll see people breaking their backs doing bicep curls. Trainers are fat and perpetuate the whole "muscle toning" myth. I see rows of people doing situps thinking that'll it get them their sixpack despite their big belly.

Now we gotta worry about a crappy "fitness"-oriented videogame calling someone fat? Please. It's already bad that they think WiiFit will solve it.
[quote name='kainzero']The thing is, "fitness" is so poorly measured in today's society.

Sure, BMI is crappy. Same with straight-up weight comparison. But what're you supposed to do, teach people to use calipers? Use one of those inaccurate electric BF measurers? Take a mega expensive dunk test? IMO, the best way is to take pictures of yourself or just write down your exercise log.

Oh, and nutrition information in this country sucks. Generally, if you follow the food pyramid, you'll look like the pyramid. And there's so much underhandedness going on. The study which concluded that eggs raise your cholesterol was conducted by the cereal board, for crying out loud.

And exercise information, oh boy, that is the worst. Going to the gym sometimes is like watching a train wreck as you'll see people breaking their backs doing bicep curls. Trainers are fat and perpetuate the whole "muscle toning" myth. I see rows of people doing situps thinking that'll it get them their sixpack despite their big belly.

Now we gotta worry about a crappy "fitness"-oriented videogame calling someone fat? Please. It's already bad that they think WiiFit will solve it.[/quote]
You! Your my favourite.
[quote name='kainzero']The thing is, "fitness" is so poorly measured in today's society.

Sure, BMI is crappy. Same with straight-up weight comparison. But what're you supposed to do, teach people to use calipers? Use one of those inaccurate electric BF measurers? Take a mega expensive dunk test? IMO, the best way is to take pictures of yourself or just write down your exercise log.

Oh, and nutrition information in this country sucks. Generally, if you follow the food pyramid, you'll look like the pyramid. And there's so much underhandedness going on. The study which concluded that eggs raise your cholesterol was conducted by the cereal board, for crying out loud.

And exercise information, oh boy, that is the worst. Going to the gym sometimes is like watching a train wreck as you'll see people breaking their backs doing bicep curls. Trainers are fat and perpetuate the whole "muscle toning" myth. I see rows of people doing situps thinking that'll it get them their sixpack despite their big belly.

Now we gotta worry about a crappy "fitness"-oriented videogame calling someone fat? Please. It's already bad that they think WiiFit will solve it.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='kainzero']The thing is, "fitness" is so poorly measured in today's society.

Sure, BMI is crappy. Same with straight-up weight comparison. But what're you supposed to do, teach people to use calipers? Use one of those inaccurate electric BF measurers? Take a mega expensive dunk test? IMO, the best way is to take pictures of yourself or just write down your exercise log.

Oh, and nutrition information in this country sucks. Generally, if you follow the food pyramid, you'll look like the pyramid. And there's so much underhandedness going on. The study which concluded that eggs raise your cholesterol was conducted by the cereal board, for crying out loud.

And exercise information, oh boy, that is the worst. Going to the gym sometimes is like watching a train wreck as you'll see people breaking their backs doing bicep curls. Trainers are fat and perpetuate the whole "muscle toning" myth. I see rows of people doing situps thinking that'll it get them their sixpack despite their big belly.

Now we gotta worry about a crappy "fitness"-oriented videogame calling someone fat? Please. It's already bad that they think WiiFit will solve it.[/quote]Well said!

Could you expand on the muscle toning myth concept? I'm not familiar with that I don't think.
[quote name='daroga']Well said!

Could you expand on the muscle toning myth concept? I'm not familiar with that I don't think.[/quote]
Hahah, here's a piece written by one of my friends.

[quote name='daroga']
Could you expand on the muscle toning myth concept? I'm not familiar with that I don't think.[/QUOTE]

It's the belief that you can "tone" a flabby, fat body part by doing an isolation weight training excercise (or body weight).

i.e. go from a fat, flabby stomach to a six pack by doing crunches or whatever ab exercises. All that will do is tone/build some muscle under all that fat. To really tone you need to do a little of that, but a lot of cardio and a diet that intakes less calories than you are burning.

Same with doing lunges to tone flabby fat thighs etc. etc.
ah, ok. That's what I was kinda thinking, but wanted confirmation. Thanks kain and dmaul.

I just got my shipping confirmation from Amazon. I'm gonna be eerily skinny soon! All thanks to Nintendo!
What dmaul is referring to is the myth of spot reduction... that working out one body part will cause fat to diminish in that body part. That is also stupid.

I was more or less referring to the myth of low-weight high-rep, prevalent especially among females.

"Toning" is just being lean and having low body fat and big muscles. Toning has to be my least favorite word ever and I cringe whenever people say "Yeah, I wanna work out but just to tone a few muscles," which leads into a lengthy diatribe by me explaining how stupid the word toning is.
Yea they should remove all traces of the word, "FAT." Because in real life, when they hit Jr. High/High School/Rest of their natural born life they're never gonna be hearin' that word or anything. Get em' nice and prepared for the cushiness of reality. :roll:
[quote name='kainzero']The thing is, "fitness" is so poorly measured in today's society.

Sure, BMI is crappy. Same with straight-up weight comparison. But what're you supposed to do, teach people to use calipers? Use one of those inaccurate electric BF measurers? Take a mega expensive dunk test? IMO, the best way is to take pictures of yourself or just write down your exercise log.

Oh, and nutrition information in this country sucks. Generally, if you follow the food pyramid, you'll look like the pyramid. And there's so much underhandedness going on. The study which concluded that eggs raise your cholesterol was conducted by the cereal board, for crying out loud.

And exercise information, oh boy, that is the worst. Going to the gym sometimes is like watching a train wreck as you'll see people breaking their backs doing bicep curls. Trainers are fat and perpetuate the whole "muscle toning" myth. I see rows of people doing situps thinking that'll it get them their sixpack despite their big belly.

Now we gotta worry about a crappy "fitness"-oriented videogame calling someone fat? Please. It's already bad that they think WiiFit will solve it.[/QUOTE]

This is so true, my doctor who pushes weight loss pills and god knows what else onto people to try and help them lose weight, is very fat, he is much much larger than me, and he is telling me I need to lose weight. He just lost some credibility right there. I know I am fat and I am not trying to deny it by any means but I don't need a fat doctor telling me that I am. And yes I am trying to do something about my fatness.

Nutritional information isn't very good in this country, and its hard to come by, if not misleading at most times, so even when you think you are using common sense and making the right choices very often you find you are taking in a lot of hidden calories simply because the information you are being provided on what is healthy to eat and what is not is entirely false. Plus there are so many different opinions on what you should eat and what you shouldn't that you don't know what to believe anymore. Its like McDonalds (or any other restaurant) advertising that their salads which contain a package of full fat ranch dressing and extra crispy chicken are healthy because you are eating salad and chicken instead of burgers and fries, when in reality you are still taking in a load of fat and calories from that salad.

Don't even get me started on the food pyramid, doesn't it change constantly so that the food pyramid that was drilled into my head when I was in grade school and high school is not the same as the food pyramid of today? Obviously, this country needs some standards for nutrition, and needs to stop providing false and very misleading info to make people think they are eating healthy and dieting by eating a salad that is loaded with fat and calories!
[quote name='SaraAB']Don't even get me started on the food pyramid, doesn't it change constantly so that the food pyramid that was drilled into my head when I was in grade school and high school is not the same as the food pyramid of today?[/QUOTE]I can't be the only old person here who remembers the "four food groups"...
bread's done