Wii launch felt...rushed?


2 (100%)
I think everybody knows that this is the perfect time to launch, riding the great rep from E3, and sony's horrible horrible rep.

plus this is like, the ONLY time to launch, after people get used to next gen, Wii will have hella hard time, mario or not. Its like releasing Snes ability system during psone era, it just wont work.

So we have a perfect launch window....but is nintendo pushing too hard for that launch date? we already heard about the late wifi service...right after Nintendo talked about how important online is to them.

then theres the complete lack of games from nintendo, zelda is a cube game, it was been developed for cube for YEARS, you can't just add some fishing/arrow gimmicks, an extra layer of rendering, and call it next gen. As cool as wii zelda is, it is more of a last minute "port" because Nintendo had no games ready.

we do have some 3rd party games, but they are either insanely simple and fast to develope, (monkey ball: basically take original monkey ball, add new levels, and add polish) or ports.

oh yea, we also have a freaking game about trucks, good luck with that crap -_-

So all in all, do you think nintendo rushed this launch because this is the ONLY time for them to launch?
[quote name='omegaweapon7']So all in all, do you think nintendo rushed this launch because this is the ONLY time for them to launch?[/QUOTE]


The Wii doesn't seem as solid of a system overall as the N64 as GC are.

The Wii Channels thing seems like it was tacked on to make up for no online at launch.

I don't think that they shouldn't have a Wii version of Twilight Princess. It wasn't designed for the Wii's control scheme.

And I think that the actual console looks a little ugly.
Lack of first party games is GOOD. They need 3rd party support, but 3rd party games historically cant compete with 1st party games on Nintendo platforms. Having a mostly 3rd party launch is good for them, it especially rewards 3rd parties for their early support since there arent a lot of competition (i.e. Ubisoft).
I disagree with the whole Wii channels online functionality bit as well. They've been giving us this whole spiel in response to 360/PS3 for the longest time about how they are just about games, and then they start tacking on all these other things.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I disagree with the whole Wii channels online functionality bit as well. They've been giving us this whole spiel in response to 360/PS3 for the longest time about how they are just about games, and then they start tacking on all these other things.[/QUOTE]

Its not just that but it feels so random. A weather channel on a video game system?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Its not just that but it feels so random. A weather channel on a video game system?[/QUOTE]

Gamers don't go outside!!
[quote name='Roufuss']Gamers don't go outside!![/QUOTE]

Oh, so its kind of a "what if" type of channel. I see.
[quote name='TurboChickenMan']

And I think that the actual console looks a little ugly.[/QUOTE]
Are you insane? Wii is the badest looking console ever! Say what you will about it's hardware or games, but that thing is sexy as hell!
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Its not just that but it feels so random. A weather channel on a video game system?[/QUOTE]
I agree, this really seemed to have come out of left field. I don't really see the point in it. However, knowing Nintendo, there might be more behind the idea than we're being let into at the moment. The Wii Channels will either be forgotten within the first six months, or by next E3 we'll see where their potential is headed.
Yeah what's felt? Did it launch already? I don't think the launch is rushed. IT's still 2 months away. There's alot of games being launched for it albeit probably half are Gamecube/half-ass ports.

ZElda is probably going to be the best launch game of any of the next-gen or new -gen consoles so no complaints there. (whether it's last gen or not.) And ExciteTrucks actually looks like a really fun title.

I think Nintendo is deliberately holding back from launch to maximize ZElda sales and give 3rd parties room to shine. PLus they want to keep the games coming. Something they admit they did not do a good enough job of with the Gamecube.

For instance MP3 was probably held up to keep a AAA game in the pipeline and to let Red Steel shine since it's one of their big 3rd party exclusives.

Nintendo has WarioWare, Battalion Wars 2, Mario STrikers charged, Brain Academy and more lined up and ready to release in the months after launch.

Wii channels might seem rushed because you weren't expecting them. But honestly the photo program looks pretty slick even tho I may not make use of it.

These features tho are designed to attract non-gamers to the system. To get them to mess with the wiimote. From there maybe they play wii sports. From there maybe they buy other software from Nintendo.

I'm sure gamers will check out that stuff too. I check the weather once in awhile you know? I might read some news if it's clearly represented on my 'tube. Or if there's some streaming video.
[quote name='trip1eX']I think Nintendo is deliberately holding back from launch to maximize ZElda sales and give 3rd parties room to shine.[/QUOTE]

They can maximize Zelda sales by only having it on a cheaper system that many people already have.

[quote name='BIG5']Are you insane? Wii is the badest looking console ever! Say what you will about it's hardware or games, but that thing is sexy as hell![/QUOTE]

Well, I suppose it isn't right to call it ugly. Sterile and flimsy is better.
Yea I think the weather thing is pretty fucking random. How is it going to attract non gamers? They have to spend 250 on a sysytem to watch the news, or flip the TV to the news for free.
the "channels" do feel kinda superfluous, but it makes sense the more you think about them. As someone else pointed out in another thread, the controller is a freaking remote. So the "channels" are kind of a natural fit, especially in the eyes of the older non-gamers that Nintendo is targeting.
[quote name='omegaweapon7']So we have a perfect launch window....but is nintendo pushing too hard for that launch date? we already heard about the late wifi service...right after Nintendo talked about how important online is to them.[/QUOTE]

I don't think late WiFi means anything. Or does everyone forget that Xbox Live (still the online set-up to beat, as Sony well knows) took a year to get off the ground?
[quote name='TurboChickenMan']They can maximize Zelda sales by only having it on a cheaper system that many people already have.[/QUOTE]

Um ... what? How would having it on one system instead of two MAXIMIZE sales?

[quote name='TurboChickenMan']Well, I suppose it isn't right to call it ugly. Sterile and flimsy is better.[/QUOTE]

Sterile, maybe. Flimsy? Doubtful.
Hmmm....many people predicting an October launch, yet its releasing a month later.

People complaining that it is a bad move to launch AFTER the PS3.

Yup, seems rushed to me.:roll:
I forsee the weather channel playing into the next Animal Crossing, where whatever the weather is like in your vacinity, it will be like that in your AC town.
OP how can you say this is rushed? They've probably had this date or one close to it when they announced the Wii at E3 last year. I agree with you in some respects to the visual quality of the games, but playable quality Nintendo has never failed...knock on wood:p So is this rushed I think not, but the games aren't as pretty as the PS3/360 and we already knew that from countless press conferences.
The Wii was first unveiled at E3 2005. It's now coming out 17 months later, and according to the Ellen thing, they have the systems ready for home play. The announcement of the shipping date feels a little late, but ultimately the system hasn't been rushed at all.
Rushed? Compared to what? Does anybody remember the PS2 launch? How about the XBOX 360 launch? The game lineup alone puts this launch light years ahead of those.
Personally, I still think they could have launched the hardware in October easily. They would have had little to no software support which is why I think they're doing it in November. The extra month lets them build up their hardware supply more, but it was really needed to polish the software.
[quote name='p00p']I forsee the weather channel playing into the next Animal Crossing, where whatever the weather is like in your vacinity, it will be like that in your AC town.[/QUOTE]

Someone in another thread had the idea of the weather in your area affecting what type of Pokemon you'd be able to encounter. I personally like that idea a lot, and it definitely encourages trading between players.
[quote name='PRMega']Someone in another thread had the idea of the weather in your area affecting what type of Pokemon you'd be able to encounter. I personally like that idea a lot, and it definitely encourages trading between players.[/QUOTE]

Or what about the weather in sports games? What if it was snowing outside in real life and that made it snow in the game? Or if they made Boktai so that you didn't actually have to be outside but they could retain that gameplay mechanic of being powered by the sun? Having the weather incorporated into your game may not be the most revolutionary or practical idea in the world, but I can see some potential for some variety, at least.

EDIT: Sorry, that was off-topic. Do I think the Wii is rushed? It seems like an awful lot of new technology to perfect (verb) in a short amount of time. I didn't think we were this far along with our motion-sensing technology, at least, not as far as making quality equipment affordable for the masses. But Nintendo seems to have done it, so if they're ready, then I can't fault them for launching on November 19.
A full year and 2 months after the controller is revealed, and having the system based quite a bit on the previous generation's hardware (thus, ease of coding and porgramming because, at least the basics, people know how it works)? No, that's hardly rushed at all.
[quote name='TurboChickenMan']Yes.

The Wii doesn't seem as solid of a system overall as the N64 as GC are.

The Wii Channels thing seems like it was tacked on to make up for no online at launch.

I don't think that they shouldn't have a Wii version of Twilight Princess. It wasn't designed for the Wii's control scheme.

And I think that the actual console looks a little ugly.[/QUOTE]

I honestly wasn't sure if this was a joke or not.. Ever heard of the term Double Negatives? Then i read your post further down..

Yeah they are already giving the systems and Zelda away to people... It must not be ready yet...
If you consider the Wii launch rushed, I wonder what you'd consider the PS3 launch then since Sony is having a hell of a time finalizing ANYTHING about the system.

A lot of the additional functionality that we just learned about does seem tacked on now but we just learned about it and have no idea if they will interact w/ games. We should hold off our judgements until then.
The thing is, I doubt the weather thing will be used in games as you need the Wii hooked upto the internet to use it and not all people have a broadband internet connection.
[quote name='ananag112']The thing is, I doubt the weather thing will be used in games as you need the Wii hooked upto the internet to use it and not all people have a broadband internet connection.[/QUOTE]
It may not be a required component, but it myabe a little bonus thing. I dunno.
[quote name='omegaweapon7']

So all in all, do you think nintendo rushed this launch because this is the ONLY time for them to launch?[/quote]

every console launch is "rushed"...otherwise it is delayed.
[quote name='trq']Um ... what? How would having it on one system instead of two MAXIMIZE sales?[/QUOTE]

I think that the Wii version isn't going to get as good reviews as the GC version, and because the Wii version is coming out first, it may drive some people away from the better GC version.
Nope, not at all. Nintendo seems to be on top of the Wii launch.. I cant wait to get my Wii, I was lucky enough to get a preorder in through amazon.com last week. I am looking forward to all the downloadable content, more so the fact that I can download TG16 games. With the price point that the wii will have, its going to have a hard time failing. I have already jumped into and out of the Next Gen console race because I just sold my xbox 360 because frankly I was bored with and it wasnt because I didnt have the right games, I just unloaded Dead Rising, Prey, Condemned, N3, Chromehounds and several other titles, do I miss my 360, nope not one bit. I got my $400 back for it plus 75% of what I paid for the games so Im happy, I will most likely rebuy it when theres a nice price drop or a excellent bundle of some kind but again, I dont reget getting rid of my 360. I am more excited about getting my Wii than I ever was with my 360, which I will say was simply an impluse buy and with the price of the PS3 where it is, Im not even remotely intrested in it at this point.

Back to the topic, no I dont think the Wii launch is rushed, it seems the same as every other launch I have been around to see and seeing as Im 31, thats quite a few.
[quote name='TurboChickenMan']I think that the Wii version isn't going to get as good reviews as the GC version, and because the Wii version is coming out first, it may drive some people away from the better GC version.[/QUOTE]

That's an awful lot of speculation there, that even if true, doesn't follow. An inferior Wii version could just as easily drive people to the Cube version in droves a month later, sending sales through the roof. You're kinda grasping at straws here.
I fell the Wii launch wasnt as much rushed but rather they did not take advantage of the time they had. I think the titles should look a bit better,there also should have been more titles before the end of the year NOT MARCH and a lot of the games should have been ready for online play.

[quote name='PRMega']Someone in another thread had the idea of the weather in your area affecting what type of Pokemon you'd be able to encounter. I personally like that idea a lot, and it definitely encourages trading between players.[/QUOTE]

That was me! Im glad you thought it was a good idea.
Rushed is the buggy X-Box 360. Wii is not rushed but time will tell. Rushed is when over 25% of your systems have to be returned because they are bugged. Let's see what systems were REALLY rushed. *Looks at PS3 and X-Box 360* Wii... might be rushed.. you never know but then again.. it was not that big of an upgrade.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Having a mostly 3rd party launch is good for them, it especially rewards 3rd parties for their early support since there arent a lot of competition (i.e. Ubisoft).[/QUOTE]

This pretty much hit the nail on the head. Nintendo needs 3rd parties to feel comfortable. As it is, 3rd parties are worried by massive competition from Nintendo, because they feel they will be overlooked. An article by Chris Koehler on wired.com today talked about how the pack in game reduces sales opportunities for 3rd parties right out of the gate. Last month's EGM (or maybe the month before?) had a quote from the Namco Bandai president saying something along the lines of, "When you publish for a Nintendo console, Nintendo is your biggest competitor."

[quote name='TurboChickenMan']Well, I suppose it isn't right to call it ugly. Sterile and flimsy is better.[/QUOTE]

Amen. Nothing says sexy to me like a George Foreman grill, thus PS3 wins hands down in the looks department.

Really, I don't know where this comes from. It's the smallest console by far, which is nice when trying to keep a low profile home theater set up, and shares a lot of visual similarities with the always-sexy iPod, Mac mini, iMac, and DS Lite.
[quote name='alongx']Really, I don't know where this comes from. It's the smallest console by far, which is nice when trying to keep a low profile home theater set up, and shares a lot of visual similarities with the always-sexy iPod, Mac mini, iMac, and DS Lite.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what it is, but I just don't like the way the Wii looks compared to the N64 and GC.

It also looks like it's made out of low quality plastic, but I can't be sure.
[quote name='TurboChickenMan']I don't know what it is, but I just don't like the way the Wii looks compared to the N64 and GC.

It also looks like it's made out of low quality plastic, but I can't be sure.[/QUOTE]

At least it doesnt look like a toy this gen, and you know they made sure it didn't
[quote name='TurboChickenMan']I don't know what it is, but I just don't like the way the Wii looks compared to the N64 and GC.

It also looks like it's made out of low quality plastic, but I can't be sure.[/QUOTE]
Well, the N64 and GC aren't exactly made of high-end plastic. I mean, the N64 feels like some GI Joe battle station. As for the look, I guess the big complaint would be it's fairly plain looking. It doesn't have much in the way of style, but I don't really care personally. I like that it's small and I can slide it into my home theatre a lot easier than the PS3/360. So, I can see not being impressed with its design, but not really hating it.
[quote name='elwood731']I mean, the N64 feels like some GI Joe battle station.[/QUOTE]

The N64 feels indestructible to me. I really like that somewhat textured plastic.
[quote name='Apossum']it's not as bad as say....the DS launch.[/quote]
They sure made up for that though, didn't they?

I really don't see what the problem is, the Wii's launch looks great to me. Legend of Zelda will provide enough entertainment for a while. If not, I still have Elebits, Trauma Center, and Red Steel to look forward to playing.

And we'll have Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Battallion Wars II, WarioWare, and Mario Strikers from launch until March. And that isn't even counting third-party games.
[quote name='Kendal']The DS launch felt rushed, this doesn't. My opinions are fact.[/QUOTE]

The DS launch is a perfect example of how a console can indeed overcome a shitty launch.

The Dreamcast, on the other hand, is an example of how an excellent launch doesn't automatically transfer to a long shelf life.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']The DS launch is a perfect example of how a console can indeed overcome a shitty launch.

The Dreamcast, on the other hand, is an example of how an excellent launch doesn't automatically transfer to a long shelf life.[/QUOTE]
Very true.

A lot of the Nintendo and Sony fanboyz and girlz liked to rip on the 360 as well, but what the 360 early adopters said is true for Nintendo and Sony now. You don't have to come out of the gates with the fists swinging to do well in a console war. The fact that we've SEEN playable Metroid, Mario, and Strikers makes it harder, but at least you know they're in the pipe and coming. Seeing playable Smash Bros. will make the wait that much harder for those fans, I'm sure. I've not read hardly anything about Sony's launch lineup, but it seems like the PS3 may be even closer to the DS's launch than the 360 or Wii was in terms of lack of heavy-hitting software. I mean, the Wii has Zelda for crying out loud.

As Reggie said in that interview, we won't know whose methods worked in January of next year, but come 2008, it should be a bit clearer.
[quote name='alongx']
This pretty much hit the nail on the head. Nintendo needs 3rd parties to feel comfortable. As it is, 3rd parties are worried by massive competition from Nintendo, because they feel they will be overlooked. An article by Chris Koehler on wired.com today talked about how the pack in game reduces sales opportunities for 3rd parties right out of the gate. Last month's EGM (or maybe the month before?) had a quote from the Namco Bandai president saying something along the lines of, "When you publish for a Nintendo console, Nintendo is your biggest competitor." [/QUOTE]

Ironic, because Zelda is nintendo's biggest gun and lookie here, is at launch for Wii instead of gamecube :3

Almost everyone get one game at console launch, what are the chances that game wont be zelda?
[quote name='omegaweapon7']Ironic, because Zelda is nintendo's biggest gun and lookie here, is at launch for Wii instead of gamecube :3

Almost everyone get one game at console launch, what are the chances that game wont be zelda?[/QUOTE]

You're 100% right, but think about how much worse it'd be for 3rd parties if Nintendo was releasing more. In every territory, they're sticking to three titles. I have a feeling this is why Metroid Prime 3 and WarioWare are delayed for the time being. Hell, we don't even get the nice Wii Play + free remote deal that Europe, Japan, and Australia get - instead we get Excite Truck.
bread's done