Wii more fun than 360?


Not trolling for comments...You guys are hardcore gamers like me...I've had the wii since launch, same with the 360...Now that the shock of next gen graphics have worn off for me...I find myself having more fun with the Wii...I wanted to know what others thoughts were...It just seems that there is little to no innovation on games in general these days...It's the same formula driven franchise gameplay each and every year...Even as I look at Assassin's Creed, which will be a killer app...I can't help but think that I might have more fun playing Nights, or the new Metroid...I don't know, but after playing games like Scarface, Zelda, Trauma Center...I'm more excited by the gameplay possibilities on the Wii...And think that the truly creative game designers, mostly in Japan...Will turn out some of the truly legendary games over the next 5 years...

Could be that I seem to have less time to devote to games nowadays, but when I go to play games, more times than not, I boot up the Wii first...

Just wanted to see what you guys thought, seeing as most have both systems on this site...
I don't know.. I love it but the Wii leaves a lot to be desired, like traditional gameplay and HD graphics. I still play a lot of PS2 to cover the traditional part. A year ago my mindset was to buy a Wii and eventually get a PS3 down the line. Now I want a 360, with a PS3 purchase pushed further. I'm just going where the games are.
Rather strange, as I experienced the exact opposite. The novelty of the Wii has pretty much worn off for me and I find myself craving traditional games on the 360 more.
It's really a matter of opinion. If you have friends over than the Wii is amazingly fun (add alcohol for even more insanity).

Otherwise, the Wii seems on and off. I played it a ton the month I got it (March) then I barely touched it for two months and now I'm playing it like crazy again.
My Wii was collecting so much dust I just ended up selling it last week.

To be fair I haven't played my 360 much lately but with the fall line ups I didn't see my Wii getting any play so I sold it while it was still worth about what I paid.

The thing that bothered me the most about the Wii was that it used Pro Logic II and no digital sound output. I can handle the no HD (I don't like it but I can handle not having it) but not having DD sound hurt my ears.

I will rebuy a Wii in a couple years when it has more games but not anytime soon.
Depends on what type of gamer you are. Wii works for me at the moment but I'm craving a few different games on the PS3/360 at the moment.
[quote name='dserafin1986']Not trolling for comments...[/quote]

yes you are. this topic has come up regularly in some shape or form since november of last year.
360/PS3 are better. I have a modded Wii and every game released, and even I haven't played it since I got tired of Wii Sports. Stop hiding behind this innovation bullshit excuse, there's nothing more than a 3D pointer for most games, and I'd rather play a nice/better performing game than a shitty port with tacked on motion controls.
[quote name='TimPV3']360/PS3 are better. I have a modded Wii and every game released, and even I haven't played it since I got tired of Wii Sports. Stop hiding behind this innovation bullshit excuse, there's nothing more than a 3D pointer for most games, and I'd rather play a nice/better performing game than a shitty port with tacked on motion controls.[/quote]A shockingly unexpected response.

Other than a few XBLA games, there's not much I feel like I'm missing on the 360, so yeah, the Wii certainly can be more fun, depending on what you're looking for. Of course, the DS and PS2 are better than both at the moment.
[quote name='io']Meh - I'd say they are dead even and they compliment each other so well...[/quote]

I agree. My situation is similar to yours, Ive had a Wii since launch, and I just got a 360. So right now I spend more time with my 360 cos its newer to me.

But I really like both of these consoles, and the different gameplay types on each one do compliment each other.

Heres the thing for me, I dont think I could part with either my Wii or 360 at this point, I love them both. But what they have done is satisfy my gaming needs soo well, that they've put all thoughts of a PS3 out of my head. Theres really no reason to consider a ps3 before holiday 2008 at the earliest. Wii and 360 together have what I need.
It's all about the games to me, not so much which one is "more fun." During the 360 drought I played Paper Mario or VC games. During the Wii drought I'm playing a handful of 360 games.

It's really like Peanut Butter & Jelly.
It's really up to you if you think it's more fun.

Although, if you'd rather play Scarface Wii over Assassin's Creed...I'm coming after you ;)
I flip flop between Wii and ... Saturn. RE4 I feel is pretty traditional, but with more intuitive controls. I'm waiting on Mercury Meltdown to finally ship, and there are a good number of titles that I'm waiting on a $20-ish price range for. After the launch day splurge, I told myself I would never purchase another Wii game at full price ever again. That unfortunately has forced me to wait on a lot of titles I've been itching to play.
Interesting...Reason for the post, is because I'm debating on selling my 360...Once NeoGeo hits VC, its all over for me...I can't see touching my 360, except for maybe Madden until Xmas...Ahh, the decisions...Thanks for the input guys/gals.
I'd have to say no right now as well, and I own a Wii and not a 360.

The Wii's game line up has been slow this first year, and the E3 press conference didn't do much to convince me that it will get better for me any time soon.

So I'll definitely have to pick up a 360 soon, probably wait for a price drop and hopefully the new, cooler chips.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
The Wii's game line up has been slow this first year, and the E3 press conference didn't do much to convince me that it will get better for me any time soon.


100 *new* Wii games by the end of the year doesn't say anything? What about the big three, Metroid, Mario, SSB all before Christmas? Mario Kart in first quarter? Those are just the big games.
Simple answer: no.

[quote name='Corvin']100 *new* Wii games by the end of the year doesn't say anything? What about the big three, Metroid, Mario, SSB all before Christmas? Mario Kart in first quarter? Those are just the big games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and most of those will be shovelware, ports, lame mini-game collections, or retarded casual games, like Wii Fit or whatever the fuck that abortion is called. Even if you just look at the big 3 and Mario Kart, it still absolutely pales in comparison to the 360's upcoming lineup for the net 6 months-one year:

Assassin's Creed
Blue Dragon
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Devil May Cry 4
Grand Theft Auto IV
Guitar Hero 3 (360 version will have better online play, so I'm putting it in here)
Halo 3
Mass Effect
Resident Evil 5
Rock Band
Soul Calibur IV
Virtua Fighter 5

[quote name='Corvin']100 *new* Wii games by the end of the year doesn't say anything? What about the big three, Metroid, Mario, SSB all before Christmas? Mario Kart in first quarter? Those are just the big games.[/QUOTE]

Everyone knew those three were coming this year, and Metroid already had a date, so no those didn't excite me as I was already anticipating them this year.

As for the rest, nothing else announced really interests me. There will probably be a few sleepers in there, but nothing to really get me excited like announcing a Zelda sequel, an RE5 port or just some big title aimed at hard core gamers would have.

To be fair, MS's conference was equally lackluster in terms of announcing anything new. Just a disappointing E3 in general so far.
[quote name='dmaul1114']To be fair, MS's conference was equally lackluster in terms of announcing anything new. Just a disappointing E3 in general so far.[/QUOTE]

The difference: MS actually had a substantial amount of awesome footage of the games that will be worth playing this year. Nintendo had a live demo of Wii Fit.
[quote name='evanft']The difference: MS actually had a substantial amount of awesome footage of the games that will be worth playing this year. Nintendo had a live demo of Wii Fit.[/QUOTE]

Meh, I don't care that much about footage. It takes new game announcements to get me excited. I generally don't watch many trailers etc. for games anyway.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Meh, I don't care that much about footage. I takes new game announcements to get me excited. I generally don't watch many trailers etc. for games anyway.[/QUOTE]

Well, MS' lack of any new annoucements is still better than Wii Fit.
[quote name='evanft']Well, MS' lack of any new annoucements is still better than Wii Fit.[/quote]What is that, addition by subtraction?
Even though Nintendo has a few more mature and deep games up, you can still see a huge difference between the selections in games. Nintendo is still kiddy in my eyes.
The games may be for "everyone" in Nintendo, but personally, I don't think you can find much in Nintendo for something like Forza or Oblivion. The older generations are buying nintendo because the controls are simplified and not button, but they are sticking with the same kind of games as before. They are pretty simple. I'm tired of those games, so, wii more fun? No.
[quote name='PawnTakesKing']Rather strange, as I experienced the exact opposite. The novelty of the Wii has pretty much worn off for me and I find myself craving traditional games on the 360 more.[/quote] I completely agree. The 360 blew me away when I played GOW at my friend's house. I just don't think the Wii's full potential is being fully realized. Waaayyy too many ports and minigames. I don't find myself looking forward to any Wii games with the exceptions of Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl. There doesn't seem to be much third-party support that is going all out to create deep games for the Wii.
[quote name='AmigoOne']Even though Nintendo has a few more mature and deep games up, you can still see a huge difference between the selections in games. Nintendo is still kiddy in my eyes.
The games may be for "everyone" in Nintendo, but personally, I don't think you can find much in Nintendo for something like Forza or Oblivion. The older generations are buying nintendo because the controls are simplified and not button, but they are sticking with the same kind of games as before. They are pretty simple. I'm tired of those games, so, wii more fun? No.[/QUOTE]

I don't find them too kiddy. I love their franchises. That's why I bought the console. I'm just hoping to get more games of that ilk, and not have the library continue to be dominated by shovelware ports, mini-game collections and non-gamer stuff like Big Brain Academy and Wii Fit.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']So far I've had more fun with the 360, but that will change promptly after Brawl is released.[/QUOTE]

For me it will happen sooner. The shine is wearing off on my new 360 (got the Elite when it launched) and I feel the crave for Nintendo games once again. I'll probably switch back to more time on the Wii starting with Strikers and continuing each month with the big titles Nintendo is releasing (Metroid in Aug, Battalion Wars in Sept, Fire Emblem in early Nov, Galaxy in late Nov, SSBB in Dec). I still have a backlog of 360 games to work through so I'll probably split time fairly evenly, but my heart will be with the Wii. (Just because I'll be playing the hot new games for that and things like Tomb Raider Legend and Gun for the 360 - decent games, but hardly groundbreaking or new and shiny ;)).

For many others it will be nothing but Halo 3 from Sept-Nov (or beyond), and I realize that. So it definitely depends on where your interests lie.
I tend to have alot of fun playing online and so far Nintendo has really shit the bed in that area.

So I play 360 alot for that but there are alot of Wii games coming out soon that I really want to play.
[quote name='evanft']Well, MS' lack of any new annoucements is still better than Wii Fit.[/quote]

Why do we need new announcements anyhow? Mass Effect, Bioshock, Halo 3 and Rock Band (yes I know the last one is multiplatform) aren't even out yet.
Depends on your gaming preferences, but at this point I would say yes, most definately. There are 4-5 games worth playing on the Wii, not all of which you may like, while there are much, much more on 360. But that might all change when mario/smash bros come out.
I think the 360 is a generally fun system but i have more fun playing wii. i find that the games are just more innovative and downright enjoyable.
I can see people loving the Wii and the 360. I can see people loving the 360 and being underwhelmed by the Wii. I can't see people loving the Wii but being underwhelmed by the 360. What is wrong with you?

It's not unexpected really, the 360 is in its prime right now, and this holiday will probably be the peak of its lifespan. I'm assuming (and damn sure hoping) that the Wii picks it up a bit for 2008.
[quote name='KaneRobot'] I can't see people loving the Wii but being underwhelmed by the 360. What is wrong with you?[/quote]

At least in my case, there aren't really any games on the 360 that I want, whereas there are games on the Wii that I really enjoy.
For me, the Xbox 360 graphics never appealed to me. Its not such a major leap over past gen consoles. However, the lineup of the Xbox 360 this year is simply phenomenal. Tons of exclusives and great multiplatform games as well (all of which was displayed at E3). Its not about the graphics, its the gameplay and the Xbox 360 excels at both.

For the Wii, No More Heroes, RE:UC, Mario, Smash, and Metroid all look good. Both have good lineups and both are fun to play (IMO).
Honestly, Wii60 is the only way to go. The Wii looks to have the AAA games few and far between like all recent Nintendo consoles, while the 360 is lacking in platformers, doesn't have the motion controls etc.

It was the same last gen, but it was more tolerable since all three consoles were $199.99 pretty early in the generation, so it was only $600 to own ALL THREE. Where as now just the Wii and the 360 run you $650, and owning all three set you back $1050.
If you're thinking about selling your 360, and you decide to "flip a coin" by asking a bunch of video game dorks (us!) which system they prefer you are:

1. suffering from severe dependency issues
2. out of quarters
3. have no intelligent friends who could be of real help
4. have not seen the E3
5. ready to make compulsive decisions based on stuff you read on the internets
6. all of the above.

As a Sony "hater" I missed out on tons of great games on the PS2. After finally getting my PS2 (for free) and about to secure the original XBOX (also free), I don't think I'll sell/trade those systems in until it's time to upgrade. Finally getting around to playing MarioColbert-proclaimed PS2 "classics" during the Next-Generation drought (which is way more thirst-inducing, because the drought is so high definition), and yet I have no regrets. Most people, however, would not want to wait this long to play Shadow of the Colossus (there has to be a story to it, and I'm told there is, but I'm 6 colossi into the game and there's been _nothing_). In other words, keep your systems: 2008 and 2009 have no reason not to be exciting.

EDIT: Before some asshole jumps my nuts, I used the word "hater" in jest. I've had not the means nor the time to play hardly any games last generation, and prior to my current PS2 craze I've been catching up on GameCube. The only title I'm missing on GC is Killer7 and I'm not too sure how much I would like to pay for it.
These threads are pointless and will only serve to make a mess.

Can't we all agree that the Xbox and Wii are both good in their own ways, and that the PS3 is an overpriced piece of garbage, and call it a day?
bread's done