Wii not to cost more than $250

Here's another article saying the same thing.
$250 would be great but at $200 I think they will have trouble keeping them on the shelves.


Nintendo plans to ship 6 million Wii units by March
Paul Loughrey 12:05 25/05/2006
Console will retail for under USD 250

Nintendo has announced that it intends to ship 6 million Wii units by March next year, confirming that the console will retail for USD 250 or less when it goes on sale in the US.

According to Nintendo's senior managing director, Yoshihiro Mori, the console - which is scheduled for a release in the fourth quarter alongside Sony's costly PlayStation 3 - will retail for YEN 25,000 or less in Japan.

The news came as part of the platform holder's full-year financial report, which revealed a 19 per cent fall in annual operating profit due primarily to a slow demand for the GameCube and GameBoy Advance hardware and software and start-up costs for the next generation console.

The company saw a rise of 12.5 per cent in net profit, which reached YEN 98.4 billion, boosted by the continued success of its DS handheld. Nintendo plans to sell 16 million hardware units and 70 million units of software for the handheld in the current business year, and is forecasting a twenty-two per cent rise in operating profit to YEN 110 billion this fiscal year.

The Wii console is key to Nintendo's future success and the company is banking on its strategy of introducing disruptive technology to capture a large percentage of the market, bowing out of the high-tech hardware race between Microsoft and Sony and concentrating on innovation and affordability in place of the superior graphics and processing power that has dominated the next-generation platform.

Much has been made of the console's projected low-end pricing structure, executives from both Microsoft and Sony predicting that consumers will purchase the Wii as a second console and switching the focus back to a consumer choice between the Xbox 360 and the considerably higher priced PS3 - while Nintendo could potentially secure a massive segment of the global games market.

Sony is targeting 6 million PS3 sales by March 2007, despite a dual SKU price point of USD 499/599 for its Blu-Ray enabled console. Nintendo has projected the same figures for the Wii, which comes in at half the price and could potentially be purchased alongside an Xbox 360 for less than the cost of Sony's base level machine.
[quote name='Scorch']I wish they'd quit with the fucking riddles and confirm the price already! Good god, it's annoying[/QUOTE]

QFT. Just tell us it's $200, please!
Look, it's going to be $200, but you're going to have to trade your PB&J sandwich for their tuna salad.

And then Reggie is going to come and take your chocolate milk money.

If you resist, he'll add on an ass kicking after that.
I don't quite get the logic you guys are using who claim that, if Nintendo sez it won't cost over $250, it must be $199.99. Please explain to me how you get from point A to point B.

Nevertheless, confirmation of a sub-$250 price point is fantastic news. I held out the possibility that it could reasonably ship for $299 (with a myriad of extras, like that super-duper NES that came with ROB and Gyromite, the Zapper and Duck Hunt), and wasn't convinced that they'd start off this low.

Wow, you can buy two Wii's, if we assume their max price point ($249.99) for the price of one shit-ass PS3. Or, one Wii and 7 (*SEVEN*) fucking games (at $50 per) for the price of one super-fantastico PS3, with no games. Jesus is Sony fucked.
As stated above, $249.99 is still under $250. I dont see the problem it the Wii has a launch price of $250, thats cheap when compared to the 360 and PS3. You can get a new system and a game for $300(before tax of course), thats a steal in this so called next generation of gaming.
"Less than $250" when you're not revealing the price just lends itself to be $200 or thereabouts (since prices usually aren't like $230). That'd be like them saying (when they know the price is going to be $213.95), that the console will not sell for more than $214. At that point you may as well just say what the price is.

Saying 249.99 is "less than $250" tends to be what businesses do when they want to make their product sound cheaper. Time will tell if this applies to hints at your product price as well.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']249.99 is less than 250, so I still am not sure on the price[/quote]

I was thinking the same thing. They're pretting much saying it will be $249.99
I don't see how or why Nintendo would bother to release the Wii at $249.99 at launch... unless they plan on bundling some games or whatever with it, I think Nintendo will launch the console at $199.99.
[quote name='Foolman']I don't get where everyone is getting $250 from in the first place...

25,000 yen is $223 not $250.[/quote]

They dont always if never sell for the same price, its always close but not the same.

They stated USD will not exceed $250 and yen will not exceed 25,000
[quote name='LinkinPrime']
They stated USD will not exceed $250 and yen will not exceed 25,000[/quote]

Ah, whoops. My eyes completely skipped the USD comment in the original article. My bad.
As long as there's a game where I can use the Wiimote (a name I will never say aloud) to roast marshmallows over a virtual open fire, I'm in.
[quote name='Smada Bez']The gamecube launched for 25,000 yen in Japan but was still $200 in the US. So hopefully the wii will be the same.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure that's all it launched for? I can't seem to recall, but I thought it was $250. So, in essence, other than the ultra-meda NES pack, no Nintendo console launched for more than $200? Woah.
[quote name='mykevermin']Are you sure that's all it launched for? I can't seem to recall, but I thought it was $250. So, in essence, other than the ultra-meda NES pack, no Nintendo console launched for more than $200? Woah.[/quote]

Nintendo announced a $250 price but then they dropped it down to $200 right before it launched.
Everyone's so set on either $200 or $250... what about $225? I could see that happening.

I also think it would be a mistake to not include two controllers in the box, no matter what the pricepoint is.
[quote name='Scobie']Everyone's so set on either $200 or $250... what about $225? I could see that happening.[/QUOTE]

It's called "digital preference." It would make *sense* given that 25000 yen is roughly $230 ATM, but digital preference prevails - once you get past a certain pricepoint, increments of $50 become the norm. Retailers may deviate from such a standardized MSRP, but since there is so much evidence that retailers make nothin' offa hardware, and all the ducats off of software, that there's very little room for retailer-level price fluctuation.

And I agree that two wiimotes should be standard. I'm curious, however, what people expect be included in a $200 or $250 version. Just the console and one controller? Two? One controller, a virtual console pad, and/or a zapper? (IIRC, Gamecube controllers will work on the Wii, so it's a moot point - let me know if I'm wrong about that).
bread's done