Wii Pre-Order Thread - Facts, Rumors and Everything In Between

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Some people have been asking about preordering the Wii. Right now there are two confirmed locations about where one can jump on the boat early.


1. Gamestop
For Previous Information on Pre-Order Deal for HAWAII ONLY - Refer to this post: this post
Status: Pre-Order Info Sign Up
Conditions: Unknown
Start of Preorder: Unknown
Link: http://www.gamestop.com/gs/wii/wii_signup.asp?

2. Amazon (Thanks to bmarquardt for the Heads Up)
Status: Sold Out as of September 15th
Conditions: Unknown
Start of Preorder: September 15th
Link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0009VXBAQ/

3. FYE
Conditions: Put down $50
Start of Preorder: Sometime during late spring 2006
Store Locations: http://shop.fye.com/StoreLocator.aspx

4. Lik-Sang.com
Conditions: No Money Down
1. Your pre-order is not binding and you can cancel at any time.
2. Once release details are known, you will receive an email that you need to confirm.
3. Should you decide to confirm, you will keep your position in the pre-order list.
4. Unit price and features are not confirmed and can change at any time.
5. Release date is not confirmed and might change.
6. The product is listed with a dummy price - your credit card is NOT charged.
7. All special pre-orders are limited to a maximum of 1 unit.
8. Depending on release schedule, you will be offered choice between European, US or Japanese.
9. Choices and changes are also allowed if several editions/colors are made available.
10. Once games and accessories are confirmed, you will be able to add them to your order.
Start of Preorder: I forgot ^^;
Link: http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=351&products_id=6998&

I will update the post as more pre-orders (hopefully) start up. Good hunting!
I appreciate that post, billyrayearl. You make some big-time sense. Tell me this, though, if you don't mind: when you were waiting outside Target, what happened when the store opened? Did everyone in the line charge the electronics counter or did they hand out vouchers or what? That's one thing I'm kind of wanting to avoid - I don't want to have to make the decision to start throwing bows to get what's rightfully mine, you know what I mean?
hmm... I think i will just actually preorder the ps3 and stand in line for wii. Anyone know, if EB/GS will actually tell you where your at on the list?
[quote name='strayfoxx']If I wish to get in on this, and I live in an area that is moderately interested in videogames (Charlottesville, VA)when do you think i should show up?[/quote]

As soon as your store opens.

The GameStop that I got my information from specifically told me that I should come in on Monday when they open and do my pre-order as soon as possible, because they can stop taking pre-orders at any time.

So as soon as possible.
[quote name='Nealocus123']1st of all, why why are people getting mad at Gamestop and EB? You guys have to take 10seconds to think about this. Gamestop and EB are not production companies, they do not make PS3's or Wii's, as you should know, that would be the job of Sony and Nintendo. Therefore Gamestop and EB are just RETAIL stores. They do not get to go "Alright, Sony, lemme have, I dunno like, 40 PS3's! Alright? Thanks dude!"...

That's not how it works, they are told an amount of PS3's they will be given by SONY. And considering that Sony is only releasing 400,000 PS3's at launch in the U.S., that dosn't leave a lot of room for Gamestop and EB when Walmart, KMart, Best Buy, Circuit City, etc. are receving some as well.

And #2... My store is receving around the number of 10 PS3's if we are lucky. Now, coperate knows that Sony's launch systems well, are not all that sturdy, hell, no launch system is very sturdy, so we are forced to hold up to 3 consoles for switches when someone brings in a defective system.

So 10 total systems - 3 = 7 to sell.

Employees also have first dibs on systems, so lets say 2 employess decided to fork over the 500 or 600 bucks for a PS3.

So 7 Systems - 2 = 5 systems to sell to the public...

You guys better start waiting in line soon...[/QUOTE]

Look....if they are gonna get 10 units...take 10 pre-orders. Simple math. Why make 100+ people sell their games at a loss while Gamestop make money off of them. They way i look at it, they're trying to rip us all off. Sorry but any business with that mentality ain't getting my money. I'm just gonna wait this one out. Worst of all, you are not even gurantee to get it at launch.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']I appreciate that post, billyrayearl. You make some big-time sense. Tell me this, though, if you don't mind: when you were waiting outside Target, what happened when the store opened? Did everyone in the line charge the electronics counter or did they hand out vouchers or what? That's one thing I'm kind of wanting to avoid - I don't want to have to make the decision to start throwing bows to get what's rightfully mine, you know what I mean?[/QUOTE]

The target which I failed to get my 360 from, passed out first come first serve vouchers at like 5:15 am. they saw enough people where in line as they had systems. Bad thing was they didn't give the voucher holders a certain time to be back. I'm sure most came back right when they opened.
[quote name='vhgong']Look....if they are gonna get 10 units...take 10 pre-orders. Simple math. Why make 100+ people sell their games at a loss while Gamestop make money off of them. They way i look at it, they're trying to rip us all off. Sorry but any business with that mentality ain't getting my money. I'm just gonna wait this one out. Worst of all, you are not even gurantee to get it at launch.[/QUOTE]

QFT. Well Said.
[quote name='Nealocus123']You are taking it like Gamestop is doing this personally to you, so they can fuck you over. All there doing is to try and limit the number of pre-orders so they don't get screwed like they did with the 360. And if you wanna spend your cash so bad at Gamestop...just buy 15 1.99 games or 2.99 games, payout like $40, turn around and trade them all back for $50 + whatever the game trade values are + 10%...

Boom. You save money, and get a pre-order...[/QUOTE]

I assume you are refering to the trade 3 get $10? Don't they exclude pretty much all the games that sell for 1.99/2.99?

It's not that I want to spend my cash so badly, it's that I want a Wii on launch day and have the cash to pay for it in full now.
One question.

So say I go to Gamestop this Monday and am the first guy there and trade in my stuff to get the $50 credit towards the Wii/PS3 (so I'm 1st on the pre-order list). If they're handing out the systems at midnight but I'm not able to pick it up at that time, will they hold it for me so I can pick it up later during the day or will they give my system to someone who showed up at midnight?
[quote name='TheRock88']One question.

So say I go to Gamestop this Monday and am the first guy there and trade in my stuff to get the $50 credit towards the Wii/PS3 (so I'm 1st on the pre-order list). If they're handing out the systems at midnight but I'm not able to pick it up at that time, will they hold it for me so I can pick it up later during the day or will they give my system to someone who showed up at midnight?[/QUOTE]

i think their policy is to hold it for 48 hours.
[quote name='videodrone']I have given quite a bit of money to GS/EB over the last 15+ years, not to mention bought my last five system from them. Being a extremely loyal customer, if my cash is not good enough for them f'em.[/QUOTE]
Totally agree and feel the same way.
bah I got a 160 bucks with them, and now I cant use it to buy the Wii. I guess I could just buy a second controller combo and 2 games with the Credit.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']bah I got a 160 bucks with them, and now I cant use it to buy the Wii. I guess I could just buy a second controller combo and 2 games with the Credit.[/QUOTE]

Wii costs $250. You only need to trade in $50 to reserve it so that leaves $200 left that you can pay with any method you choose.
I'll play their game, after all, I already have a bunch of GS credit waiting to be spent. What time does EB/GS open? 9 or 10? I've gotta be at work at 9:30am.

Unfortunately i already burned up all my GameRush credit transferring it over to GS earlier this summer during the last Trade-3-Get-Additional-$10 promo, and there aren't any convenient coinciding clearance sales to help me get cheap trade fodder.
[quote name='pinoy530']Wii costs $250. You only need to trade in $50 to reserve it so that leaves $200 left that you can pay with any method you choose.[/QUOTE]

yeah but i traded most of my games in that I no longer want earlier for the 3 for xtra 10 deal. I will have to find like 9 ass games to trade in now
[quote name='Nealocus123']1st of all, why why are people getting mad at Gamestop and EB? You guys have to take 10seconds to think about this. Gamestop and EB are not production companies, they do not make PS3's or Wii's, as you should know, that would be the job of Sony and Nintendo. Therefore Gamestop and EB are just RETAIL stores. They do not get to go "Alright, Sony, lemme have, I dunno like, 40 PS3's! Alright? Thanks dude!"...

That's not how it works, they are told an amount of PS3's they will be given by SONY. And considering that Sony is only releasing 400,000 PS3's at launch in the U.S., that dosn't leave a lot of room for Gamestop and EB when Walmart, KMart, Best Buy, Circuit City, etc. are receving some as well.

And #2... My store is receving around the number of 10 PS3's if we are lucky. Now, coperate knows that Sony's launch systems well, are not all that sturdy, hell, no launch system is very sturdy, so we are forced to hold up to 3 consoles for switches when someone brings in a defective system.

So 10 total systems - 3 = 7 to sell.

Employees also have first dibs on systems, so lets say 2 employess decided to fork over the 500 or 600 bucks for a PS3.

So 7 Systems - 2 = 5 systems to sell to the public...

You guys better start waiting in line soon...[/quote]

I normally don't like to belittle people on posts, but I'm pretty sure that you're a moron.

Do you really think that anyone on here believes ANY retail store has control over how many systems they will be allotted? Of course we don't. But what we all KNOW is that this is an extremely bullshit way of deciding who will get those very few consoles that GS/EB will have. EVERYONE should have an equal opportunity to camp out this Sunday and secure a preorder. The pricks in charge at your company are making it impossible to get a preorder for those people who don't have a lot of games to trade in, and that is by no means fair.
[quote name='hack']
If you want to know what exactly the text says at the bottom of the flyer, here it is: "Cash or Store Credit will not be accepted. Reservations of the PlayStation 3 or Nintendo Wii are limited to one (1) reservation/purchase per household."

So does this mean I have to decide which one of the two I want to pre-order??

What bullshit.

Can anyone verify this?
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']I appreciate that post, billyrayearl. You make some big-time sense. Tell me this, though, if you don't mind: when you were waiting outside Target, what happened when the store opened? Did everyone in the line charge the electronics counter or did they hand out vouchers or what? That's one thing I'm kind of wanting to avoid - I don't want to have to make the decision to start throwing bows to get what's rightfully mine, you know what I mean?[/quote]

We were lucky enough to have a group of reasonable people around us all night who knew how to behave themsevse. I was the tenth person, give or take to arrive, and shortly thereafter someone came up with the idea to start a list that we all signed, in order of our spot in line. We pretty much policed ourselves in this manner all night, and everybody was cool enough with each other so that we could sort of come and go as we liked, to gas sattion, diner or whatever. We were lucky enough to have been told before the store closed exactly how many systems thery had, and once the list reache that number we politely told any latecomers that they wouldn't bee able to get a system there. It all worked out pretty well.

There were a couple of people who saw the list as a license for them to go home and sleep comfortably in theri beds all night, then try to come back an hour or so before the store opened. THe consensus of the crowd was that this was unacceptable, and we took theri names off the list, giving their spots to others. They were pretty pissed when they came back, but mob rules, you know.


AT my particular Target management came out an hour before the store opened and handed out vouchers to the first 48 people in line. A few people who knew they weren't supposed to get a system had lingered around, and tried to push up in line at this time. But it was nothing the solidarity we had developed throughout the night couldn't prevent. We all knew who had a voucher coming and who didn't, and we qucikly dispatched the cheaters.

All on all things went really smoothly THAT night. You never know, however, when you might find yourself surrounded by a bunch of assholes.
[quote name='ZeroForte']Or?

So does this mean I have to decide which one of the two I want to pre-order??

What bullshit.

Can anyone verify this?

"or" is exactly what the flyer says. I don't know how to interpret it exactly though.

I included a new image, just for good measure.


In other news, I need to learn how to spell flyer.
[quote name='hack']"or" is exactly what the flyer says. I don't know how to interpret it exactly though.

I included a new image, just for good measure.


I really don't want to leave that kinda thing up to interpretation...

Cause last year, with the 360, if you pre-ordered with the same last name as someone or some bullshit... they pushed you and that person to the end of the list.

I don't want some stupid misinterpretation to be the reason I get pushed to the back of the fucking list.

Way to phail, Gamestop.
[quote name='ZeroForte']I really don't want to leave that kinda thing up to interpretation...

Cause last year, with the 360, if you pre-ordered with the same last name as someone or some bullshit... they pushed you and that person to the end of the list.

I don't want some stupid misinterpretation to be the reason I get pushed to the back of the fucking list.

Way to phail, Gamestop.

To be honest, I don't think they'd limit you to either the Wii or PlayStation 3. Then again, with this crap pre-order method, I wouldn't put it past GameStop.

Even if they did, you can always just head to another store. Split the pre-orders between 2 stores.

Best thing to do would be to call up your GameStop/EB and get the real deal. But I'd bet that they aren't going to limit you to only one system. After all, these are two different products.
I dont think people realise how badly they are gonna get screwed over doing this, knowing EB/GS odds are they will adjust credit the day this deal goes live and everything will turn up as 2-4$ trades.

I've always thought that tradeing games in this manner was one of the worst things anyone could possibly do with there purchases, I for one will never visit EB/GS again or purchase from there online store. I seariously hope this company falls under, hell if I really want to get one on launch day ill just show up at Wal-Mart where its first come first serve and skip this bs.
That is retarded... I just traded in like 12 games and got credit at EB, so now I have to trade in more games or something? BULLSHIT
Gay. It will be even worse when everyone shows up at GameStop and find out they have to buy the "World Series of Poker/Tournament Bass Fishing + 3 extra controllers Uber-Platinum Bundle!!" :roll: I'll just wait in line at midnight - it looks like Nintendo will have sufficient supply on the shelves, anyway.
I don't, for a second, believe that this flyer is bogus. hack is a CAG veteran and said he had the flyer in-hand and got it from his local Gamestop. I'll believe him over some losers on some other forum claiming to be Gamestop managers. Where's their proof?
[quote name='rufio2004nfg']I don't, for a second, believe that this flyer is bogus. hack is a CAG veteran and said he had the flyer in-hand and got it from his local Gamestop. I'll believe him over some losers on some other forum claiming to be Gamestop managers. Where's their proof?[/QUOTE]

These are most likely people who are trying to deter people from being at their gamestop monday morning.
Thank you both, and to everyone else. :D

Oh, and since I posted, might as well throw this in. I added new pictures, and updated the existing picture on my original post (page 5, #91). Hopefully they are a little clearer and are more 'believable'. I also updated my original post to be a little more clear, re-worded stuff and threw in some disclaimers. Same content really, just more clear.
[quote name='rufio2004nfg']I don't, for a second, believe that this flyer is bogus. hack is a CAG veteran and said he had the flyer in-hand and got it from his local Gamestop. I'll believe him over some losers on some other forum claiming to be Gamestop managers. Where's their proof?[/quote]
I know two of the GS employees and a manager at neoGAF who are saying they've never heard of this ;)

Two other employees said that they had heard something like this might be happening but not a date, and all the other GS/EB people haven't heard anything about this at all. These are long-time posters who are legit, so that's not in question. They didn't say it wasn't real, just that they hadn't heard of this at all. It looks real, we'll find out in a few hours anyway once east coast stores open up.
hack: Thanks for the info. I'll be calling my GS today to see if they're doing this STUPID way or not.

I'll also be calling Toys R Us. They didn't know what they'd be doing for preorders. Maybe I'll just preorder with TRU, order a bundle online, and wait at WalMart and hope ONE of those works out. I could probably hook up a CAG with an extra Wii if I managed to get one and they become scarce.

I just sold off the expendable parts of my collection to have enough money for the Wii, so there will be no trading in for me. Oh well. What ever.
Someone over at GAF says he can confirm it's real, and stores are getting 10 PS3's and 20 Wii's each, and they're tripling staff for Monday. Take that as you will.
how will we know in a couple of hours as you mentioned dude??? the GS/EB doesn't start until the 18th...so no one will know for sure until then...
[quote name='musicnoteless']I just called my FYE where I pre-ordered. Last time they were just taking pre-orders with phone numbers (there was no actual pre-order list). I was #3 for the Wii. I re-confirmed today and I'm still #3! So now it's official![/quote] I was number two on the FYE list for the 360 and I got it MONTHS after launch.

Seriously though f*ck GS!!! I assume you have to reserve with trade ins at eb too right?
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']I was number two on the FYE list for the 360 and I got it MONTHS after launch.

Seriously though f*ck GS!!! I assume you have to reserve with trade ins at eb too right?[/QUOTE]
Same company now... so yes.

In fact... by the time these systems come out... the name EB will be no more.
Trust me if you want a Wii on launch day you are better off going to Wal-Mart or Target to get it if you are spending cash compared to GS/EB. Got to remember that GS/EB will be getting the least of these two systems compared to the bigger retailers so if you really want one and spending cash go somewhere else but if you need to get rid of your store credit you will probably have to wait awhile before you can get one.
fucking horsesh*t. I've never heard something so damned outlandish in my whole life. I was in just yesterday trading in 46 dollars worth of games to pre-order Zelda, and now I have to do this? God. If EB wasnt my only shot at getting a Wii I'd boycott the bastards for the rest of my natural life.
The local EB person is insisting that you dont HAVE to trade in $50 worth of stuff to get a reservation. They say that money would work. Until they can prove that I dont believe it.
I tried to come up with a bunch of games to sell, but then I realized that I don't buy bad games and I don't want to trade anything. No systems I want to trade either. No Kmarts around me.

I'll be waiting at Target or Best Buy or something.
I may be missing some policy here, but couldn't we just trade in the GameCube, that would be over $50 right?
It's all a big scam they rip you off on trade in. I think best thing if you really were to trade in gamecube with new coupon on 30% extra trade in.
I think the deal is stupid because I have $250 in cash ready to preorder with, but I also have a lot of mediocre games I'll likely never play anyway from various sales and stuff, so I'll do their preorder thing Monday morning if this is legit because I'd rather not take my chances and avoid another fiasco like I had with XBox 360 launch last year
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']The local EB person is insisting that you dont HAVE to trade in $50 worth of stuff to get a reservation. They say that money would work. Until they can prove that I dont believe it.[/quote]
If your employee doesn't require you to trade in $50 of stuff you're fine. But if the flyer says what it says for all stores, then most of us will find that being enforced. Hence I'm holding out for my manager "buddy" to help me out and just let me pay with existing credit.
[quote name='Legendaryhedgehog06']fucking horsesh*t. I've never heard something so damned outlandish in my whole life. I was in just yesterday trading in 46 dollars worth of games to pre-order Zelda, and now I have to do this? God. If EB wasnt my only shot at getting a Wii I'd boycott the bastards for the rest of my natural life.[/QUOTE]

Which Zelda because if it is the Wii version you know that GS is having a trade-in deal that starts after this promotion period where if you trade-in games toward Wii games or accessories you get an extra 30% in trade-in credit. Also, works for PS3.

[quote name='Jatsu']I may be missing some policy here, but couldn't we just trade in the GameCube, that would be over $50 right?[/QUOTE]

You would be very wrong my friend because GS only gives like twenty bucks for a Gamecube system so you would still need about thirty bucks worth of games to cover the rest of the cost.
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