Wii Pre-Order Thread - Facts, Rumors and Everything In Between

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Some people have been asking about preordering the Wii. Right now there are two confirmed locations about where one can jump on the boat early.


1. Gamestop
For Previous Information on Pre-Order Deal for HAWAII ONLY - Refer to this post: this post
Status: Pre-Order Info Sign Up
Conditions: Unknown
Start of Preorder: Unknown
Link: http://www.gamestop.com/gs/wii/wii_signup.asp?

2. Amazon (Thanks to bmarquardt for the Heads Up)
Status: Sold Out as of September 15th
Conditions: Unknown
Start of Preorder: September 15th
Link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0009VXBAQ/

3. FYE
Conditions: Put down $50
Start of Preorder: Sometime during late spring 2006
Store Locations: http://shop.fye.com/StoreLocator.aspx

4. Lik-Sang.com
Conditions: No Money Down
1. Your pre-order is not binding and you can cancel at any time.
2. Once release details are known, you will receive an email that you need to confirm.
3. Should you decide to confirm, you will keep your position in the pre-order list.
4. Unit price and features are not confirmed and can change at any time.
5. Release date is not confirmed and might change.
6. The product is listed with a dummy price - your credit card is NOT charged.
7. All special pre-orders are limited to a maximum of 1 unit.
8. Depending on release schedule, you will be offered choice between European, US or Japanese.
9. Choices and changes are also allowed if several editions/colors are made available.
10. Once games and accessories are confirmed, you will be able to add them to your order.
Start of Preorder: I forgot ^^;
Link: http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=351&products_id=6998&

I will update the post as more pre-orders (hopefully) start up. Good hunting!
This is horseshit, i think that this is just gamestops great plan to massively inflate there used games. Think about it you trade in all these games to get 50 bucks worth of credit so you can preorder, then if you decide you want to cancel you are screwed because all your cash is in store credit so either way they win and get your cash, This is fucking retarted, if i worked at gamestop i would be ashamed of my company.
[quote name='musicnoteless']QFT.

Last back friday was not even worth it to go out and shop.[/quote]

This is the first black friday in five years that I haven't worked retail.

I'm trying to decide myself about shopping.
fuck this. GS can suck my balls. I don't need a Wii THAT badly on launch day that I have to pander to these assholes. I have like $200 in credit from these douchebags, no way am I giving them more games to fuck me up with ass with in trade-in value. I was thinking of trading in my DS and then just getting a DS Lite, but I believe that they only give $30 for a DS. fuck that.
Let's all just forget about video games, pre-orders, and new consoles... it's not even gonna be that great...am I right? :)
My Gamestop has no idea what I'm talking about, and someone on GAF called their store and they hadn't heard anything either. One person on GAF said that he had heard that this was something they were testing in Hawaii ONLY. I'm calling bogus, I don't see how they could be doing this Monday and the stores know nothing on Saturday.
So, I called a good 10 gamestops in the NYC area.

The response was either we doubt we will do pre orders, or we won't do them at all.

Two guys actually said that the trade in 50 bucks of stuff on monday was completely false and bogus.

But I guess we will not know until Monday or later tomorrow for sure.
Oh, and some other guy told me they had not received any email. He said ps3 they almost definitely will not take pre orders. As for the Wii, they are waiting on final verification or osmething like that. He said call back on Monday.
I hope not, because this is the most insanely infuriating way they could think of for a preorder system (that's still within reason). I don't know, the poster just looks kind of...fake. I'll have to wait until Monday, I guess.
[quote name='pop311']wow, that's fucking stupid.[/QUOTE]


Basically, they want to make it more "nice" for them considering that they always get a high influx of pre-orders and here's how: make more money off of selling games that they don't pay the companies for. Really really weak.
This sucks! (gamestop pre-preorder deal requiring $50 trade-in. WTF?)
I should of order from Amazon yesterday when I had the chance but I wanted a system on day 1.
me StUpId..............
more importantly,
fuck gamestop and ebgames!
[quote name='o_O']Would you people quit whining? If you don't like it, then simply pre-order somewhere else. It's not that hard.[/QUOTE]

Where? FYE so you can never get your system? Amazon where they already stopped taking preorders? Lik-sang where everyone and their mom already preordered just in case?
Anyone think Gamerush will take pre-orders? I pre-ordered my 360 from them last year and I got it on launch day, but they've been kinda crappy lately.
[quote name='o_O']Would you people quit whining? If you don't like it, then simply pre-order somewhere else. It's not that hard.[/quote]

I personally don't mind it too much since I doubt I'll pre-order there AND because I don't mind trading in a few things to meet the $50 even if I were to pre-order, but keep in mind that a lot of these people wanted to pour in the money they have in store credit towards the system...so I can see why they're kinda bothered about having to go through an ADDITIONAL hoop to do what they've expected to be able to do with their pre-existing store credit. They have every right to complain, I'd say...it's a weird policy.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Trading in $50 worth of used games? With EB / GS's prices that's like 10 games right there, and they can just turn around and sell all of those games for pure profit, so it's a win / win.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']I personally don't mind it too much since I doubt I'll pre-order there AND because I don't mind trading in a few things to meet the $50 even if I were to pre-order, but keep in mind that a lot of these people wanted to pour in the money they have in store credit towards the system...so I can see why they're kinda bothered about having to go through an ADDITIONAL hoop to do what they've expected to be able to do with their pre-existing store credit. They have every right to complain, I'd say...it's a weird policy.[/QUOTE]

You realize $50 in used games is more than just a few? EB / GS gives about $2 - $4 per game.

The reservation deposit does not guarantee reciept of a system available to purchase by Christmas."

This is even better, they get all of your games, and you won't even have a system by Christmas. Brilliant!
Well, I've never sold a game to EB/GS for their Disney Dick-Over Dollars in my life, and I don't intend to start now.

Why in God's name would you go through this royal pain in the ass when they won't even guarantee that you'll have it on launch day -- or even by the frickin' holidays?! Isn't that the whole point of preordering? That you get it when it's released? Or am I missing something and preordering is all about paying homage to the store benevolent enough to let you buy from them. fuck that. And once they tell you you're screwed, which is more or less inevitable, they're sittin' pretty with your trade-ins.

Yes sir, this is a hose job of the highest order. If this turns out to be real, GS/EB's already shaky reputation is going to take a major hit in the gaming community.
You know what I can't wait for, is the amount of people who will go apeshit in the store when they find out they can't pay with cash / credit. Some people don't even have games they WANT to trade in.
[quote name='Tybee']Well, I've never sold a game to EB/GS for their Disney Dick-Over Dollars in my life, and I don't intend to start now.

Why in God's name would you go through this royal pain in the ass when they won't even guarantee that you'll have it on launch day -- or even by the frickin' holidays?! Isn't that the whole point of preordering? That you get it when it's released? Or am I missing something and preordering is all about paying homage to the store benevolent enough to let you buy from them. fuck that. And once they tell you you're screwed, which is more or less inevitable, they're sittin' pretty with your trade-ins.

Yes sir, this is a hose job of the highest order. If this turns out to be real, GS/EB's already shaky reputation is going to take a major hit in the gaming community.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Then you get your store credit back, only to be forced to spend it in the store on something, so the money is NEVER leaving EB / GS.... they've essentially trapped you.
FWIW, I called a local EB that I had been considering pre-ordering from. The guy who answered is one of the guys who has worked there awhile, and whom I trust what he says. He said they weren't taking pre-orders until sometime in October in order to avoid another "360 fiasco" in his words. They had no firm date set yet, and paraphrasing his words "one day we'll walk in, and pre-orders will be accepted". When I asked about down payment info he made no mention of the wacky trade in $50 worth of games. Instead he said systems ranged between a $25-50 deposit, so to bank on it being closer to the $50 range. Just figured I'd throw my own findings out there.
yeah this seems odd. I doubt all these GS/EB employees could really be so tight lipped. we all know we have some among us CAGs. anybody care to confirm this?
This does put a damper on nintendo's plan of getting the Wii out to the non-gamers since a non-gamer wont have 50$ worth of games to trade in.

Hahah i cant wait to see the hassle the clerks have to put up with when people go crazy cause they cannot put down cash or other forms of payment for a Wii or PS3. I feel sorry for the people that work there because this could actually lead to customers getting violent, especially if there is no guarantee that you will recieve a system. How much are you gonna bet they will knock the trade in values of almost all games down for this promotion just so it forces you to trade in even more games for the wii preorder, thus ripping you off as much as possible just so you can get the preorder down.

Honestly EBgames/gamestop is genius for offering this, they get to rip you off for your trade in values on games, plus they get tons of used games traded in for holiday stock thus they make more money by selling more used games, plus they sell the systems that have been preordered.
Called my local EBs also and they are saying early october and nothing about trading in to deposit. So umm whats going on here?
Just got back from my gamestop where I know the store manager very well. He went as far as checking his email with me standing there and there is absolutely no mention of any flyer or pre orders next week.
What's next, you must trade in $100 worth of stuff to pre-order the PS3?

This pretty much hurts me trying to get one there, considering I never trade stuff in since I know I'll get fucked with the value.

Oh well, looks like it's to Toys R Us this November.
I think the risk isn't that people will go apeshit over having to trade-in, but that people will go apeshit on launch day when they show up to the store to find out that the Wii they've bought and paid for won't arrive in time for the holidays because there weren't enough to go around.
[quote name='SaraAB']This does put a damper on nintendo's plan of getting the Wii out to the non-gamers since a non-gamer wont have 50$ worth of games to trade in. [/QUOTE]

A non-gamer wouldn't buy a Wii at EB/GS.

As is stated above, my local EB said they knew of no date when preorders would start, but early October was likely. No mention of the trade in situation, etc.

Could this be a regional thing?
after going through my stuff, I can't find $50 worth of games to trade in that I'd want to give up. plus, come late November, I'll be lucky to get to play these things at all with finals coming up.

On top of that-- you're never guaranteed a real, concrete spot in line. They just take your credit and you have to pray they don't bump their buddies (or themselves) up the list. what's that Seinfeld quote? "You're good at the reserving part, but not the giving part." :lol:
[quote name='RussellmaniaKW']I think the risk isn't that people will go apeshit over having to trade-in, but that people will go apeshit on launch day when they show up to the store to find out that the Wii they've bought and paid for won't arrive in time for the holidays because there weren't enough to go around.[/QUOTE]

God... if this plan is real, then Gamestop really fucked up... worse than ever before. The concept is flawed on so many levels it's sick.
I'll call up the GameStop that I went to when it opens up later on today and ask them if this is just a regional thing, or what the deal is.

Based on the reaction of people on other boards, its beginning to sound regional (that region unfortunately being Hawaii... dammit). I suppose it makes more sense to test such a system in a small area. Dunno... but if it were regional, I would think there would some type of disclaimer or note on the signage.
[quote name='RussellmaniaKW']I think the risk isn't that people will go apeshit over having to trade-in, but that people will go apeshit on launch day when they show up to the store to find out that the Wii they've bought and paid for won't arrive in time for the holidays because there weren't enough to go around.[/QUOTE]
Lmao exactly, especially when people that didnt reserve it can buy one on ebay or actually on a walk in at any other store couple weeks later..

Anyways I also called my EB and Gamestop and they both mentioned that they are reserving around October... Hmm strange.
I called EB today, the manager who I know and knows me, and asked like I do everyday about Wii pre orders. I mentioned what I saw here on the message board and he laughed and said that I was the 2nd person to believe that today. He said that the pre orders could be any time, and to just watch the website and because I have Zelda pre ordered that I might get an automated call about pre ordering a Wii. So I dunno what to think really, but I'm still gonna be going down on Monday just to be safe. I NEED Wii.
[quote name='hack'] Dunno... but if it were regional, I would think there would some type of disclaimer or note on the signage.[/QUOTE]

There wouldn't need to be if the signage only went to Hawaii.
[quote name='tenzor']I bet the real reason EB/Gamestop are doing this trade in only to pre order is to prevent people from buying it to sell on ebay. In this case it just causes more hassle for the people who want to EBay the systems because they have to sacrafice their games/other systems to pre order (and in reality lose money instead of making money)[/quote]

WRONG! If you lose lets say $40 bucks on trade ins, imagine making $4000 on ebay by selling your ps3 over there... Net Gain = $3960!!!

People were buying ps2 for $5000 when it launched (was it 5 yrs ago?)... can you imagine how much you will make by selling a ps3? My estimate is at least $3000
Obviously a lot of people have already said something like this, but I just called one of my Gamestops and the employee said that there wasn't anything like that, and to just keep checking back.
Pez more or less confirmed (without saying as such) that this is HAWAII ONLY. That's why the flyer doesn't mention EBgames, because there are no EB's in Hawaii, only Gamestop's.

However that doesn't mean that it may not happen in the US later.
Yeah, the guys at my Gamestop said the same thing. That you should reserve a Wii game and you would get a call for when they're taking reservations for the Wii.
[quote name='Apossum']after going through my stuff, I can't find $50 worth of games to trade in that I'd want to give up. plus, come late November, I'll be lucky to get to play these things at all with finals coming up.

On top of that-- you're never guaranteed a real, concrete spot in line. They just take your credit and you have to pray they don't bump their buddies (or themselves) up the list. what's that Seinfeld quote? "You're good at the reserving part, but not the giving part." :lol:[/QUOTE]

Jerry: I don't understand, I made a reservation, do you have my reservation?

Agent: Yes, we do, unfortunately we ran out of cars.

Jerry: But the reservation keeps the car here. That's why you have the

Agent: I know why we have reservations.

Jerry: I don't think you do. If you did, I'd have a car. See, you know how to
take the reservation, you just don't know how to *hold* the reservation and
that's really the most important part of the reservation, the holding. Anybody
can just take them.

:lol: classic...
[quote name='SailorDaravon']Pez more or less confirmed (without saying as such) that this is HAWAII ONLY. That's why the flyer doesn't mention EBgames, because there are no EB's in Hawaii, only Gamestop's.

However that doesn't mean that it may not happen in the US later.[/QUOTE]

This is very true. If the promotion works amazing in Hawaii, expect to see it everywhere. If it fails, they will have to think of something new.
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