Wii Pre-Order Thread - Facts, Rumors and Everything In Between

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Some people have been asking about preordering the Wii. Right now there are two confirmed locations about where one can jump on the boat early.


1. Gamestop
For Previous Information on Pre-Order Deal for HAWAII ONLY - Refer to this post: this post
Status: Pre-Order Info Sign Up
Conditions: Unknown
Start of Preorder: Unknown
Link: http://www.gamestop.com/gs/wii/wii_signup.asp?

2. Amazon (Thanks to bmarquardt for the Heads Up)
Status: Sold Out as of September 15th
Conditions: Unknown
Start of Preorder: September 15th
Link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0009VXBAQ/

3. FYE
Conditions: Put down $50
Start of Preorder: Sometime during late spring 2006
Store Locations: http://shop.fye.com/StoreLocator.aspx

4. Lik-Sang.com
Conditions: No Money Down
1. Your pre-order is not binding and you can cancel at any time.
2. Once release details are known, you will receive an email that you need to confirm.
3. Should you decide to confirm, you will keep your position in the pre-order list.
4. Unit price and features are not confirmed and can change at any time.
5. Release date is not confirmed and might change.
6. The product is listed with a dummy price - your credit card is NOT charged.
7. All special pre-orders are limited to a maximum of 1 unit.
8. Depending on release schedule, you will be offered choice between European, US or Japanese.
9. Choices and changes are also allowed if several editions/colors are made available.
10. Once games and accessories are confirmed, you will be able to add them to your order.
Start of Preorder: I forgot ^^;
Link: http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=351&products_id=6998&

I will update the post as more pre-orders (hopefully) start up. Good hunting!
If this does happen in the US later, then we won't be getting the trade 3 in get $10 extra credit deal, which is the only thing that will actually make this worth doing.
[quote name='Roufuss']This is very true. If the promotion works amazing in Hawaii, expect to see it everywhere. If it fails, they will have to think of something new.[/quote]

If the reaction I'm seeing around the net is any indication, I don't think this will do too well at all here. I already expressed my unhappiness with the process, and I'm sure others will do the same or simply go elsewhere.

Unfortunately, there aren't many choices of dedicated video game stores in Hawaii. A few local shops, a few Software Etcs., and a whole lot of GameStops. There are of course big box stores... but they aren't 'dedicated video game' stores.

If this is a test, then it pretty much skews the facts when it comes to the results of this test since GameStop pretty much owns the gaming shop market down here. XD
Something I forgot to add to my earlier post is that the pre order situation hinges on what happens at the Gamestop manager's meeting at the end of the month and not to expect pre orders until early-mid october. The earlier post that mentioned how much more gamestop and eb makes if this is true me weary because you never get face value for trade ins and it's pure profit for the stores. That said, if this is real that would actually mean that the street value that the retailers are selling it is actually higher than the MSRP. Is that legal, moral, or give a good image of the company? I'm pretty sure at least 2 out of three of those responses is no.
I like the wording of a few posts that implies that Hawaii isn't part of the United States. ;)

Interesting to see what happens with this...
I don't like this idea, because I don't know if I couls get $50 from a GCN tradein with like 7 games... So what if I get like $45 with tradins, do I still get a Wii preorder?
[quote name='daroga']I like the wording of a few posts that implies that Hawaii isn't part of the United States. ;)

Interesting to see what happens with this...[/quote]

Hahahaha. Yeah. That tends to happen a lot. Hawaii sometimes manages to suddenly not become a state.

Maybe its because we're so far?

Or maybe Hawaii will be abandoned now because of this horrid pre-order process. XD
FWIW, the manager of my EB Games had not heard of this, laughed like crazy when I mentioned it. I told him I'd print the poster and bring it in.

I don't really think that they will be doing this everywhere. Damn shame that Amazon is sold out of preorders already for the Wii.

Glad that this looks like a fake rumor, or limited to Hawaii.

I had more than $50 worth of stuff I still wanted to trade in anyway (X-box and a few games) so not a big deal for me, but would suck for many others.

Guess I'll just wait until Monday to be sure, and then trade in that crap and preorder Zelda and hope to get on the call list for when Wii preorders start.
That "reserve a wii game, get a call" thing is most likely bullshit that that person is pushing just to get you to reserve a game, so he could meet his daily quota.
The situation sucks mainly because as of right now I have about $330 in Gamestop credit. I only trade in games there when they have promotions and with the recent K-mart clearance I've made some decent money in trades.
Luckily between games I've finished and a few clearance games left...I have enough to trade in to get me to $50 if need be. That process would be total bullshit though.

Worse comes to worse I will just get my games and stuff there saving the extra credit for a 360 when it gets the new CPU in 2007. Then I will try my luck at Target or Best Buy or something. I want to play Zelda upon launch but if I don't end up with a wii I have plently of games to hold me over until I can get one.
I'm the assistant manager at a Gamestop store in Indiana. Im going to look into this when I go in today. If it's really going to happen then my store should have the sign in the back and we should have an email or some sort of paper explaining the promotion.

If there is nothing in the store talking about it though chances are it isn't happening. Today is the last day the sign would be sent out since it starts Monday and we don't get mail or UPS shipments on Sunday.
How does Toys R Us usually handle launch day? Do they go by pre-orders or are they more like the Targets and Wal-Marts of the world where it's a matter of waiting in line? Is their launch day stock traditionally more than that of these other stores, as well? I ask because I haven't shopped there in a while - the Toys R Us in my neighborhood closed a few years ago, so now it's a matter of a 20 minute or so drive to get to one...but I'm curious as to whether that'd be a solid pre-launch waiting option or not.
I just called my favorite EB and got the manager - he said I was the second person that called about this but that he knows nothing about it. He figures he would know by now if it started Monday. Now I'm sure it is possible it will still happen, and he's keeping an open mind about it. Since I'll be out of town he says he'll try to save me a spot if it actually does go through on Monday - but he doubts that it will. I mentioned the Hawaii thing (which I just read while I was on the phone with him) and he said there are a lot of franchise GS in Hawaii, so they may be operating differently than the rest. I've heard of franchise Blockbusters - not GS though :lol:.
gamestop doesn't franchise as far as I know. Since the IPO they would never relinquish any control over a GS branded store. Let me know if I'm wrong.
I always thought GameStop was a franchise-type store. There are tons of GameStops in Hawaii, and a few Software Etcs (that are all being slowly converted into GameStops).

But I don't know, I've never been to a GameStop outside of Hawaii. Maybe our situation is different?

Anyway, here is a list of games that the GameStop employee printed out for me. This information was accurate in Hawaii as of yesterday, and I'm sure stuff will change. Even if the pre-order process turns out to be a Hawaii-thing only, this list should at least be helpful. XD

At the EB I work at we haven't received any kind of flyer or mention of this pre order method. Its already the weekend, and we don't get any shipment on Sat or Sunday so I don't know how we are suppose to promote it for Monday. Hopefully its just a regional thing, but I wouldn't be surprise if it is nationwide.
And now, welcome to EBGS Blackmail!! You want a console, well maybe we can work something out... for a price...

I spoke to a few folks in my district. No one has recieved emails regarding this, or signage. Including the DM. If this promotion is to start Monday, they'd have to get the signage in by tomorrow at the latest, and will do the store set ups Monday Morning before opening along with their Monday Morning conference call.

It's not impossible, but it's highly unlikely this is happening, if the flyer states that the promotions begins Sept 18.

What was mentioned was that the district did toss around ideas of doing trade-in amount minimums towards the PS3 pre-sells earlier this year, as corporate was asking for ideas. So if this flyer and promotion is in any way true, I can personally thank the idiots in the district for turning a straight up pre-sell into blackmail for y'all. >__<

But again, I don't see this happening. Managers and DMs currently have no solid info on PS3 pre-sells (other than they'll probably be alloted 5 units per store on release) and won't until the vendor show which is in a couple of weeks. So doing the math, that means this promotion if it happens at all, won't begin until a few weeks from now. OR, that corporate will be springing a huge surprize on their DMs and store managers this Monday Morning, and be footing a huge bill to get the store signage to stores on time.

[quote name='bryankot']So what is the deal with walmart at midnight? Do they sell the wii right at midnight?[/QUOTE]
For those of y'all who have not yet done a midnight release of a system, don't get there at midnight. Get at your Wally at least THREE hours early. Some folks arrived at their walmart over six hours early. Depending on your Walmart (I recommend asking the management of the specific store you'll be hitting a week to two weeks in advance) if they'll be doing first-come, first-served sales OR Lottery sales of the consoles.

First-come First-served is self explanatory, and the reason some folks camp out in the Layaway area (generally where they'll have chairs set up for the midnight hunters) as early as 4 or 5pm (yes, some folks wait 8 hours). You get their really early, and they give you a slip of paper or some tag to indicate you have one guranteed. If the store has 24 units of the Wii to sell at Midnight, the first 24 folks to show are given a tag, and they then wait till midnight to actually buy the product.

The Lottery system is when you arrive between certain hours (determined by managment, which is another reason you'll want to contact them) along with everyone else in town and are given a number. Say "187." Then at midnight, if they have 24 units to sell, they draw 24 numbers and if they draw your number, you get to buy a unit.

My local Wallys did the FCFS for the gamecube/xbox release, and lottery for the 360. I'm a fan of FCFS, as I see it as a more fair way of doing things, and less chaotic. We're all gamers, this happens once a year at the most and we know in advance when it'll happen. We're able to put our time off requests in way ahead of time so we'll be able to take a day off if you feel you need it. And while it can be crowded and uncomfortable, you simply sit and read a book or pull out the DS or PSP or whatever is socially acceptable for passing the time in a public building.

[quote name='hack']The employee I talked to specifically said games and accessories. But that doesn't mean no DVDs, he just didn't mention them.

Also, DVDs don't count for the 3 trade-ins and $10 extra promotion. That promotion applies ONLY to games. More details are in the official thread here on CAG.[/QUOTE]At a guess, and if no one else does before Tuesday, I'm assuming DVDs do NOT count toward the trade-in pre-order. EBGS is looking to add to their game stock significantly for the Christmas season. They make more on games generally, because they sell more games than DVDs. Some stores have a high DVD count which they simply can't move, and they're not looking to increase that.

[quote name='PawnTakesKing']QFT. Besides, it's kinda fun.[/QUOTE]
It can be. To me, the best days were waiting outside the EBs in the mall at 7 or 8am for the SNES and Sega systems. There would be five or six people outside a store, max. While I'm glad the VG business is growing and sales are good, I'm bad with crowds.

[quote name='hack']They are both seperate systems, so unfortunately you'd need $100 to pre-order both.[/QUOTE]
And that's $100 in trade-in credit on the spot. That's a LOT of games to have to trade in this week. Or a handful of VERY new games. Either way, it's kinda less than exciting.

[quote name='Strell']If GS gets 50 bucks straight up, they make just that. But if they get (let's say) 10 games they give 5 bucks for and turn around and sell them for 10, then that's 50 bucks in their pockets.[/QUOTE]
Oh, absolutely. If this gets them the numbers they're hoping for, they'll turn a huge profit. They sat back and asked themselves how they could make the most out of the pre-sells. It's business. Good for them if it works. Personally, I'm not doing a pre-order like this. If no other pre-orders come up at GameRush or online sites, I'll hit Sam's Club early release morning.

[quote name='videodrone']I have given quite a bit of money to GS/EB over the last 15+ years, not to mention bought my last five system from them. Being a extremely loyal customer, if my cash is not good enough for them f'em.[/QUOTE]
By choice you've done that. You make a decision to line some man's pockets every time you put your money down. When you like a company's policies, you stay loyal. When you don't like where you're money is going, you make a choice. Either deal with the fact that you disagree with their dealings, or go elsewhere. Free Market, baby.

[quote name='supafly1824']Would a gamecube system count as a game/acessory?[/QUOTE]
I was just in Gamestop not even 10 miniutes ago chatting it up with the store manager and I quote "Wii pre-orders are most likey happening in October, the rumors on the net are just that rumors...."
So then judging by what you said guinaevere, I'm going to go ahead and start assuming that this is in Hawaii only, and that this is a test for the possibility of doing this later on nationwide.

That means Hawaii gets to pre-order the Wii/PS3 first, but has quite a price to pay in order to do so. >:mad:
this better not be the case. Really making you trade in crap for preorders seems a bit... strange =p? I don't see how this really benifits anyone.
[quote name='hack']So then judging by what you said guinaevere, I'm going to go ahead and start assuming that this is in Hawaii only, and that this is a test for the possibility of doing this later on nationwide.

That means Hawaii gets to pre-order the Wii/PS3 first, but has quite a price to pay in order to do so. >:mad:[/QUOTE]
It sounds as if you folks get to be the guinea pigs to test a new pre-sell requirement. As if living in Hawaii wasn't expensive enough.

Do us a favor hack, and keep us updated on how the pre-sells go there this week.

ps. call me gwen, it's easier to type, and it's what all my friends call me. =)
[quote name='guinaevere']It sounds as if you folks get to be the guinea pigs to test a new pre-sell requirement. As if living in Hawaii wasn't expensive enough.

Do us a favor hack, and keep us updated on how the pre-sells go there this week.

ps. call me gwen, it's easier to type, and it's what all my friends call me. =)[/quote]

Haha. I cheated and copy/pasted. But yes, gwen is much easier to type. If this does turn out to be a Hawaii-only test, I'll make sure to CAG updated as much as possible.

But if it turns out to be nationwide, or even implemented nationwide at a later date, then may CAG help us all. XD
I just called two of my EB games, doesn't seem like they're doing it this way, but it seems preorders might just start on monday.
its pretty stupid, but i was ready to play their game. already got a bunch of used 1.99/2.99 games i got from them. was gonna trade that in for the $50 towards the wii. thought i would actullay benefit from this since i would beat the ebayers trying to snag up all the preorder slots, but if it ends up being regional then oh well.
I have a many reasons to believe this info is not credible.

Considering how information is disseminated to EB/GS employees, every store in the country should already know about this deal. They all get their info at the same time from the same place. Usually a conference call that comes from home office to the managers of the local stores.

That's just one of the many reasons why I'm suspicious. Since I don't want to start any trouble, I'll just take the "wait and see" approach.
Well, I'm new here, but everyone seems to respect Hack, so I'll go by that too, and say that it must be a Hawaii only thing.. otherwise I would think this is complete BS. I work at Gamestop and haven't heard anything to this effect, and corporate would have said something by now if this were going to happen on Monday. No store (Have about 10-12 GS/Eb's in the city) here has any flyers, posters, or even emails in regards to this.

What the current plan is for Wii reservations right now:

Corporate is watiing to recieve actual numbers from Nintendo about how many Wii's GS is getting as a company. Then, they will allocate systems to each store, and tell each store how many systems they will be receiving. Once this happens, preorders are supposed to begin. Right now everyone is saying that managers will recieve these numbers at their conference, which is at the end of this month, which is why a lot of Gamestops are saying October for reservations.

If you want to make sure, just call your local GS/EB. They will either say something about October, or say they don't have a clue/are waiting for allocation numbers.

I feel sorry for Hawaii if this is really happening next week.. that is a horrible "deal".
Not counting on gamestop...went to fye today and added my name to their list...they only had 5 people on it, so hopefully the store will get more than that on launch day.
we seem to have people saying this isnt real right now, but I swear if this deal goes live I will never step foot into the store again, this is completly shady.
[quote name='Wolfgame']we seem to have people saying this isnt real right now, but I swear if this deal goes live I will never step foot into the store again, this is completly shady.[/quote]

I completely agree. I'll go one step futher and say we should organize a boycott of the stores in question.

Of course I still have strong reason to believe this rumor is not true.
[quote name='Roufuss']Saving $10 isn't worth the hassle of Black Friday.


Amen to that. People get in fights out where I live. I sleep in and play games.
Same experience here in the Midwest. Everybody I've talked to looked at me like I was crazy and told me if they even do take pre-orders it will be in October after their conference. I was told today that they will probably have an entire day devoted to PS3/Wii pre-orders.
I have seen two different stores listed as the "source" of this rumor.

One was posted by a user from this forum, on another site. The other comes from GAF.

GameStop #3518
Kapolei S/C
91-590 Farrington Highway
Kapolei HI, 96707 US

Software Etc. #1312
Pearl Ridge Mall
98-1005 Moanalua Road
Aiea HI, 96701 US

Which of these two stores confirmed this rumor? Which of these two stores was the location that had the leaflet we saw in the first post?

Burning questions...
i spoke to different stores in CT and all of them did not get any flyers or anything saying that... they did mention a managers conference in two weeks but as far as preorderign that is just rumors to them. this could just be a hawii only promotion
[quote name='Crygor64']I have seen two different stores listed as the "source" of this rumor.

One was posted by a user from this forum, on another site. The other comes from GAF.

GameStop #3518
Kapolei S/C
91-590 Farrington Highway
Kapolei HI, 96707 US

Software Etc. #1312
Pearl Ridge Mall
98-1005 Moanalua Road
Aiea HI, 96701 US

Which of these two stores confirmed this rumor? Which of these two stores was the location that had the leaflet we saw in the first post?

Burning questions...[/quote]

The Software Etc is where I specifically got the flyer and all my information.
There is another store in the same mall (Pearlridge) that also had this information and signage up.

But the GAF used called the Kapolei GameStop and confirmed it with them.

So it seems to be a Hawaii thing.
[quote name='hack']The Software Etc is where I specifically got the flyer and all my information.
There is another store in the same mall (Pearlridge) that also had this information and signage up.

But the GAF used called the Kapolei GameStop and confirmed it with them.

So it seems to be a Hawaii thing.[/quote]

All this trouble and this deal is limited only to Hawaii?

Something sounds fishy here. This topic and similar topics all over the web have received literally 1000's of hits. And after all the fuss this deal turns out to be limited to Hawaii.

Disinformation FTW.
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