Wii Tennis Query


This is actually a two part question but the first one involves Wii Tennis.

Is there a way to put spin on the ball by flicking your wrist a certain way. I think I have noticed a coupla times where I put backspin on it when returning a volley but it's not consistent. I know this kinda of a tech demo so I'm not expecting complete spin control, but I was curious how to do it consistently.

Also, will there or has there been a Virtua Tennis type game announced for the Wii? There are only a few games on the Wii that have my interest, but I would with out question get a Tennis game if it was good for the Wii.

I've heard that you can put spin on the ball, but I've never been able to consistently hit the ball how I want. Frankly I think it's a bunch of bull and the way the ball is hit depends on where your mii is and how his body his turned - two things you cannot control.
I can consistently put spin on the ball. Just use motions like in real tennis.

Now once in awhile you can really spin the ball and make it go left to right or vice versa (after it bounces.) That could be random or just very difficult. Not quite sure.
Thanks for the replies. I guess it just takes a little practice to get it down.

Have you heard anyword on a Virtua Tennis type game for the Wii though?
No new tennis games have been announced for the Wii yet, sorry.

As for tennis controls, the factors that impact how the ball ravels are the timing of your swing in relation to how close the ball is to your character, and the actual swing itself. The closer the ball is to your character, the more it will travel in the opposite direction of that which your racquet swings.

So if your character is right-handed, and you swing when the ball is very very close to you, the ball will travel to the right a bit. If the ball were further from you but still in swinging range, it would travel to the left more. The way you swing is what affects the spin, the speed, and the arc of the shot. Put some top spin on it by swinging and quickly flicking your wrist down while rotating the controller face from up to down, or keep the controller level and swing your arm up, which also successfully puts spin on it for me.

Once you notice the timing aspect of the game, you get a very distinct feel of having better control. Good luck!
Yeah...you also have to consider you're rating. The higher the rating, the more spin you will be able to put on the ball.
I think the higher the rating, the more power behind the shot. Not sure about spin, though, but it doesn't seem too far stretched.
bread's done