Wii U - General Discussion Thread

So we've had it since Friday. Mommy-in-law sent us an early christmas gift -- the black edition + Zombie U.

We both agreed that we didn't really WANT it.. at least yet..because of being fairly disappointed with the Wii over 5 years. However, as a gift, we decided "Why not?". If we hated it, we couldn't really complain about wasting money.

I am slightly impressed, but I feel cheated. I feel that THIS is how the Wii should have been. I know, I know.. the Wii would not have sold the way it sold if it was more expensive. I get that. Really! But it just seems like such a slap in the face.

I'm still a little confused as to why the "eShop" isn't the same as the Shop Channel on the Wii. So basically I have to go to the Wii menu, to play virtual console games? It seems just silly. The load screens -- NOT IN THE GAME!! -- are just really long. Going from the system settings back to the main menu was really like 15 seconds. Woah. This seems to be the norm for everything going back to the main menu. Perhaps in time this can be fixed with an update. That'd be pretty fantastic.

Nintendo Land, Zombie U, and we bought NSMBU (purchased Sunday) are fun and "as expected". Mario is Mario.. it's fun, it's very pretty looking... but it's nothing "omggg!!
The first free DLC update for Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge was released last night, which was Momiji as a playable character. She's pretty awesome, just like she was in Sigma 2.

But this game still has a big problem: Since the framerate drops hard, and boy do I mean HARD, it causes severe input lag, meaning you will miss inputs during these moments, as well as the block button locking up sometimes; meaning you won't be able to move. :\ It's enjoyable, but man this game needed like 2 months of more work.
Technically none of these systems are "a failure". As stated before a failure is a system that dies off shortly after launch and has about 10-12 games put out for it. The neo geo pocket color, n-gage and game.com are example of failure systems and to some extent the virtual boy.

A failure system wouldn't have games scheduled to come out in a year or more and it wouldn't have many games beyond the initial launch lineup. I don't own a Wii U or 3DS so I can't even say if these systems are really that bad or not, but technically they are not failures as they will probably be around for a long time and have many games scheduled to come out for them.

Nintendo's treatment of American fans is absolutely atrocious though, and therefore I probably will not be buying any of their products in the future. If I do buy their products it will be when the Wii is in the state it is now and the 3DS costs $99 or less. They promise TVii at launch, it is not here, it is now past Dec. 8th and the feature still isn't out yet. This is not a way to treat the launch buyers of your console who pay a premium to get promised features that ultimately never come.
Not to go too far off topic but I'm pretty sure the Neo Geo Pocket hung around longer than the Virtual Boy.

I want more Wii U games. The immediate release slate is pretty sparse. I guess that's the risk you run by having a good launch but alas, I already owned stuff like Blops 2, ME3, Batman AC, Darksiders 2 and Ass Creed 3 when the Wii U came out. I feel like I'm going to be rocking Mario and Nintendoland for ages.
Yeah I specifically held off on Darksiders II so I had a lengthy Zelda-esque game for the Wii U. Still actually gotta finish the first one though, got that like a month ago and haven't put much time into it.
[quote name='Halo05']Not to go too far off topic but I'm pretty sure the Neo Geo Pocket hung around longer than the Virtual Boy.

I want more Wii U games. The immediate release slate is pretty sparse. I guess that's the risk you run by having a good launch but alas, I already owned stuff like Blops 2, ME3, Batman AC, Darksiders 2 and Ass Creed 3 when the Wii U came out. I feel like I'm going to be rocking Mario and Nintendoland for ages.[/QUOTE]

I highly recommend Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed if you have even the slightest interest in kart racers. It has the best single player modes I've ever played and the online runs well on Wii U as well - plus off TV play.
[quote name='elessar123']Sure, let me sell $150 sealed copy because you saw the used price being listed at $60, assuming you can even find a copy.[/QUOTE]

ROFL. What did you expect? We're all CAGs here, aren't we? I hardly expect a CAG to pay 'market value' for a rare and somewhat expensive game.
[quote name='Drclaw411']I wonder if they'll release Wii games as "New New Play Control" lol[/QUOTE]
Hey if they do New Play Control HD Remakes of Wii games, this could be something interesting.
[quote name='coolz481']I highly recommend Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed if you have even the slightest interest in kart racers. It has the best single player modes I've ever played and the online runs well on Wii U as well - plus off TV play.[/QUOTE]
This. I mean yeah it could seem like oh just another Kart Racer that rips off Mario Kart, but it's way better than Mario Kart's recent offerings imo. Plus it has a singleplayer mode. Not just grand prix. Highly worth the money.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']This. I mean yeah it could seem like oh just another Kart Racer that rips off Mario Kart, but it's way better than Mario Kart's recent offerings imo. Plus it has a singleplayer mode. Not just grand prix. Highly worth the money.[/QUOTE]

I think you guys have convinced me to pick this up the first time it drops a bit. I am still having fun with Nintendo Land, and, am not even halfway through NSMBU. (And I will 100% NSMBU...)
To be fair the launch lineup here is actually much better than other consoles, because all consoles have a crappy launch lineup and the games will drop to a couple dollars each eventually in a few years. I fully expect Nintendo Land to reach Kinect Adventures pricing at GS eventually. It happens every time a system is launched. There is no killer app but has there ever been at a console's launch? The N64 was launched with 1 game from what I can remember and the Gamecube only had 2 games. The original DS only launched with a remake of an N64 game, Super Mario 64 DS, that was really terrible. The Wii and Wii U have had significantly more.
[quote name='Halo05'] I want more Wii U games. The immediate release slate is pretty sparse. I guess that's the risk you run by having a good launch but alas, I already owned stuff like Blops 2, ME3, Batman AC, Darksiders 2 and Ass Creed 3 when the Wii U came out. I feel like I'm going to be rocking Mario and Nintendoland for ages.[/QUOTE]

I'm in the same boat, but there are a few good games to be found on the e-shop. Trine 2 is a pretty lengthy platform/puzzler that's well worth the price tag at $20, for example.
I've been loving the Wii U since getting it and surprisingly enough a lot of my hours have been spent on Miiverse XD

Currently only have three games for it,Nintendo Land/NSMB U and Zombi U but I've rented others like TANK! TANK! TANK! and Scribblenauts just got shipped by Gamefly, so I should be playing that in the next few days.

My personal ''cant wait for'' games at the moment are LEGO City,Pikmin 3 and Monster Hunter :D
Update #2 completed: Awful that on a Wed afternoon, it took almost an hour to get that done. That included a disconnect from their side...

Menu navigation continues to be just as bad as before. Attempted to access the store to see if there's anything worth my time, but it's 'under maintenance' at the moment.
And by far the worse thing about today's interaction, was seeing the red charge light on the tablet. Most things in my play room are wireless, but this dangling wire/short battery life is going to be a nuisance.
[quote name='dragonjud']Update #2 completed: Awful that on a Wed afternoon, it took almost an hour to get that done. That included a disconnect from their side...

Menu navigation continues to be just as bad as before. Attempted to access the store to see if there's anything worth my time, but it's 'under maintenance' at the moment.
And by far the worse thing about today's interaction, was seeing the red charge light on the tablet. Most things in my play room are wireless, but this dangling wire/short battery life is going to be a nuisance.[/QUOTE]

They updated again? Takes an hour? FFS... I updated the damn thing and then wrapped it so my kid wouldn't have to sit through that crap on Christmas day. :(
[quote name='pseudonem']They updated again? Takes an hour? FFS... I updated the damn thing and then wrapped it so my kid wouldn't have to sit through that crap on Christmas day. :([/QUOTE]

The update I did today was released last week, I believe.
There was a day one update, and then another one last week (or week before that).
Nintendo promised another update for the TVii feature in December, so I'm assuming that regardless of anything else there will be another painful update just before Christmas.
I don't care anymore. I wrapped it today, and I'm not opening it again until Christmas day.
[quote name='dragonjud']The update I did today was released last week, I believe.
There was a day one update, and then another one last week (or week before that).
Nintendo promised another update for the TVii feature in December, so I'm assuming that regardless of anything else there will be another painful update just before Christmas.
I don't care anymore. I wrapped it today, and I'm not opening it again until Christmas day.[/QUOTE]

I miss the good old days. Just unwrap, plug-in (sure you had to move a big ass CRT TV) and play!
Apparently the second update (if you did the first) will download automatically in the background as they play, so it doesn't seem necessary to open it and do the update.
I'm a page behind the discussion, but the fact that it isn't sluggish in games is beside the point if Nintendo's concept for the WIIU is taken seriously, a concept that features TVii, Netflix, Tivo, etc. as heavily as it does gaming on a tablet in the shitter.

boo's experience with system navigation load times is stupid. The Wii OS and WIIU development was ample time for nailing basic OS operations. I don't think it's a particularly good sign that they're playing catch-up on OS basics. This is especially out-of-tune from a company with a history of willfully ignored popular hardware trends (N64) or in-house media and readers (GC) to ensure that gamers have the fastest load times possible, the motive being, "You don't buy and use our products to wait on them."

It seems like TVii, Netflix, Tivo, etc. are being promoted in earnest (at least they got my attention with it). If they mean it, and I think they do, then they're an OS company whether they like it or not. They need to lock this shit down. Waiting on games I can understand, that development takes time, but releasing hardware with an iffy OS is not acceptable.
[quote name='chicagocubsfan']Anybody know if these are going to be good controllers/if the company is reliable? http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Controlle...UTF8&qid=1355411487&sr=8-2&keywords=wii+u+pro[/QUOTE]

No one really knows right now. I personally want to try one out with Brawl, because it was always so annoying to need the Wiimote to start the system/game when I was going to use a Gamecube controller. Depending on what early reviews say will determine if I want to pick one up.
[quote name='Rig']I think you guys have convinced me to pick this up the first time it drops a bit. I am still having fun with Nintendo Land, and, am not even halfway through NSMBU. (And I will 100% NSMBU...)[/QUOTE]
Quite honestly, I disliked Mario Kart DS, Wii and 7. 7 was the best of the three, but in my opinion Sonic blows them out of the water. Just alone for it's singleplayer tour mode which has challenges like drift, elimination and such. Things that really enhance the game beyond just basic grand prix. Plus the tracks are great because some tracks even change how you race them on lap 2/3,
[quote name='Strell'][quote name='chicagocubsfan']Anybody know if these are going to be good controllers/if the company is reliable? http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Controlle...UTF8&qid=1355411487&sr=8-2&keywords=wii+u+pro[/QUOTE]No one really knows right now. I personally want to try one out with Brawl, because it was always so annoying to need the Wiimote to start the system/game when I was going to use a Gamecube controller. Depending on what early reviews say will determine if I want to pick one up.[/QUOTE]

Worse, the images used for the product are still just renders. This until it shows up on some site being demoed is just vapourware. The only thing going for this product is that it was announced by Interworks and they have actually shipped some products before.
Frosty's finding himself having a constant stream of chuckles and WTFs while looking at what the Japanese Wii U owners drew on Miiverse. Some quirky imagination right there.

*sucks battle-weary thumb* Just two more ranks until Frosty finally makes his virtual girlfriend Asuka a True Tekken God on TTT 2. Whoo!
[quote name='chicagocubsfan']Anybody know if these are going to be good controllers/if the company is reliable? http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Controlle...UTF8&qid=1355411487&sr=8-2&keywords=wii+u+pro[/QUOTE]

Can't vouch for the functionality, but DAMN it looks EXACTLY like someone slapped analog sticks and shoulder buttons on top of a SNES controller :bouncy:

I hope that was intentional. Also comes in Gold, Black, Silver and White
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[quote name='drktrpr1']Can't vouch for the functionality, but DAMN it looks EXACTLY like someone slapped analog sticks and shoulder buttons on top of a SNES controller :bouncy:

I hope that was intentional. Also comes in Gold, Black, Silver and White[/QUOTE]

Love the retro styling of that controller, but usually aftermarket companies seem to produce no so great controllers - with the exception of Logitech (back on the PS2) which felt like a first-party product.

I hope someone buys one soon on CAG and gives a review!
[quote name='exceed19']I hope someone buys one soon on CAG and gives a review![/QUOTE]

If I don't see a few reviews within 1-2 weeks of release, I'll grab one and let you guys know.
Getting my wii u shipped back to from nintendo, it was out for repairs. They didn't say what the problem was, but it had the repair cost and it was $175. Though I didn't have to pay anything because its has one year warranty. I would still have like to know what the problem really was. So basically two weeks ago my wii u stopped turning on, it was suggested that I reset the power supply and it work, then a few days later it did it again, but this time it completely died. So I had to send it in for repairs, its been a fast process they only had it two days and its fixed.
Can anyone convince me that the Wii U is worth purchasing at this time? I like the concepts for Batman but I've read about the slow down / stuttering issues. Sonic Racing and Super Mario look like the options at this time - and I can get my 6 year old into it.
[quote name='jmbreci']Can anyone convince me that the Wii U is worth purchasing at this time? I like the concepts for Batman but I've read about the slow down / stuttering issues. Sonic Racing and Super Mario look like the options at this time - and I can get my 6 year old into it.[/QUOTE]

It's basically a wii 2.0 with 3ds like functions, if you don't have a problem shelling out close to $500 then go right ahead. It is Christmas, I still remember opening my Deluxe NES set and you only get that enjoyment from your kids a few times in life.
[quote name='beatngurnuts']Getting my wii u shipped back to from nintendo, it was out for repairs. They didn't say what the problem was, but it had the repair cost and it was $175. Though I didn't have to pay anything because its has one year warranty. I would still have like to know what the problem really was. So basically two weeks ago my wii u stopped turning on, it was suggested that I reset the power supply and it work, then a few days later it did it again, but this time it completely died. So I had to send it in for repairs, its been a fast process they only had it two days and its fixed.[/QUOTE]

You'll get a slip of paper back with it which will tell you what was wrong with it. At least that's how it was with Wii and DS.
[quote name='jmbreci']Can anyone convince me that the Wii U is worth purchasing at this time? I like the concepts for Batman but I've read about the slow down / stuttering issues. Sonic Racing and Super Mario look like the options at this time - and I can get my 6 year old into it.[/QUOTE]

With all due respect, if you need to be convinced to purchase something when it doesn't appear that cost is the issue, that probably means you shouldn't.

That being said, Batman ran just fine for me and Sonic Racing is my favorite game on the system with its off TV play. Mario U is fun and Nintendoland is surprisingly challenging, especially DK.

Maybe your 6-year-old would like a 3DS better? You can still get one for $40 off at Best Buy through Saturday.
[quote name='jmbreci']Can anyone convince me that the Wii U is worth purchasing at this time? I like the concepts for Batman but I've read about the slow down / stuttering issues. Sonic Racing and Super Mario look like the options at this time - and I can get my 6 year old into it.[/QUOTE]

Just wait for the price drop when the Xbox comes out next year. There's very few games right now since it just launched and the price is the highest it will ever be. Even if you bought now, you'd have to take an ass raping every time you made a game purchase since everything is new. Just wait like everyone else.

[quote name='skiizim']It's basically a wii 2.0 with 3ds like functions, if you don't have a problem shelling out close to $500 then go right ahead. It is Christmas, I still remember opening my Deluxe NES set and you only get that enjoyment from your kids a few times in life.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of the NES, I had this game and actually managed to beat it back then. Hey, they should do a reboot!
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I'm going to get a seizure watching that video! @_@ I never owned the game when I was a kid, I did play it in the arcade a lot though.
I have to say for me and my girlfriend this game is great. Gives me a decent challenge and she feels like she's doing something

*she's not that great but I still love her haha*

And its great while I have friends over. But I will say that solo I haven't really touched it.
[quote name='HeroToTheMasses']Can you play Wii games online with the Wii U?[/QUOTE]

Online yes, WiiConnect24 (the standby internet that fed channels data and some games features) No.
[quote name='foltzie']Online yes, WiiConnect24 (the standby internet that fed channels data and some games features) No.[/QUOTE]

Awesome. Thank you.

And if anyone wants to stock up on games for the Wii, Best Buy has a pre-order B2G1 deal going on. Made the most of it and picked up The Last Story, Little King's Story, and Sakura Wars.
[quote name='foltzie']Online yes, WiiConnect24 (the standby internet that fed channels data and some games features) No.[/QUOTE]

But wha about friend codes? I thought you had to exchange friend codes and fr what I could tell, there was no means of doing that.
[quote name='nbballard']But wha about friend codes? I thought you had to exchange friend codes and fr what I could tell, there was no means of doing that.[/QUOTE]

I haven't tried to exchange FC for a age on the WiiU Wii mode so I can't speak to that, but I just payed a round of SSBB and it worked fine*.

* fine being measured on the usual lag scale.
Does anybody have an idea of when Aliens: Colonial Marines is coming out for the Wii U? I know the PC, PS3, and 360 versions are releasing on Feb 12th 2013 but no word yet on the Wii U release?
[quote name='Metal Militia']Does anybody have an idea of when Aliens: Colonial Marines is coming out for the Wii U? I know the PC, PS3, and 360 versions are releasing on Feb 12th 2013 but no word yet on the Wii U release?[/QUOTE]

They confirmed as being within the WiiU "launch window", so 1st quarter of 2013 (before end of March, hopefully).
[quote name='HeroToTheMasses']Awesome. Thank you.

And if anyone wants to stock up on games for the Wii, Best Buy has a pre-order B2G1 deal going on. Made the most of it and picked up The Last Story, Little King's Story, and Sakura Wars.[/QUOTE]

You mean pre-owned?
I am on the fence on whether to buy this system. I played one yesterday at Best Buy and thought it was a lot of fun, but I am worried about third party for the system. This is mostly due to the fact that I keep seeing speculating on the graphical capabilities as a reason that third party developers will stay away from the system. What's your thoughts, should I buy one or not?
Finished the story mode for New Super Mario Bros. U. 100% Completion with all coins found.
What a great game. I've always been most fond of the 2D iterations. This one is definitely up there with SMB3 and SMW. The one little nagging aspect is I think it borrowed maybe a little too much from those two games...

Still playing Nintendo Land in bursts. I just have a couple of the multiplayer games left to get stars on.

Hoping to see a new price reduction in the Sonic kart game or Tekken; I'd like to pick both of those up.

I hope the update for TVii (if it requires one) isn't as terrible as the previous ones have been.
bread's done