Wii U - General Discussion Thread

Why is it that a PC can play games from the Xbox generation of games -> Xbox One generation of games, yet the Xbox One cannot do the same thing?

I'm not trying to troll, it just boggles my mind that people fully justify the Xbox One and PS4 for a lack of backwards compatibility, yet the PC has been doing BC for generations of games.

Especially now that the new consoles are pushing digital when PC games are mostly digital (and digital games on PC have no problem with BC).

Edit: To clarify, my real problem is not with physical disks but more with digital BC (XBLA, PSN games). I don't understand why the architecture of the new consoles is so much different to prevent BC when the PC can easily play games from multiple generations of consoles. The value of digital content is ease of use and availability through backwards compatibility. How can you give these new consoles a free pass for short changing its customers and double dipping on digital content?

What is the incentive to buy a digital game on the PS4 when it might not work on the PS5? In this area the PC is a far better value to the consumer because anything they buy digitally will transfer to any PC they buy in the future.
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[quote name='SaraAB']The 360 backwards compatibility works with the most important games, yes it doesn't work with every game, but there isn't too much you miss out on (except for broken sword :( I have definitely gotten use out of the feature.

For the other games an original XBox is cheap enough, but it helps if you need space in your entertainment center.

My entertainment center for what it is has a ton of space in it, however I only have 2 HDMI ports and they are both full, so for something to come in, something has to go. I even have a whole separate setup with a CRT TV and old systems, its still not enough.

I am not really interested in Pokemon Rumble U, I am playing Pokemon Rumble blast on the 3DS and its pretty good (especially for $10 at BB) but I am not sure if I would want to play another installment of this game especially if I have to buy toys that are contained in random capsules. Basically when you are playing Pokemon rumble blast you can't level up your Pokemon and you have to switch Pokemon as you progress, and abandon the old Pokemon so I am not sure how this would translate to purchasing toys. Hopefully you wouldn't have to purchase toys and have to abandon them to purchase higher level toys...[/QUOTE]

You need a surround sound system. My tv has 4 hdmi in and my receiver has 4 in. That means I can use 7 hdmi devices.

[quote name='antlp89']Why is it that a PC can play games from the Xbox generation of games -> Xbox One generation of games, yet the Xbox One cannot do the same thing?

I'm not trying to troll, it just boggles my mind that people fully justify the Xbox One and PS4 for a lack of backwards compatibility, yet the PC has been doing BC for generations of games.

Especially now that the new consoles are pushing digital when PC games are mostly digital (and digital games on PC have no problem with BC).[/QUOTE]
The PC isn't using the "Xbox game". It's been ported to PC architecture. They aren't going to then port that again. No one is going to port a port of a 3 year old game.

That's the real reason, there's no profit in it and there IS profit in stopping you from selling your games.
[quote name='antlp89']Why is it that a PC can play games from the Xbox generation of games -> Xbox One generation of games, yet the Xbox One cannot do the same thing?

I'm not trying to troll, it just boggles my mind that people fully justify the Xbox One and PS4 for a lack of backwards compatibility, yet the PC has been doing BC for generations of games.

Especially now that the new consoles are pushing digital when PC games are mostly digital (and digital games on PC have no problem with BC).

Edit: To clarify, my real problem is not with physical disks but more with digital BC (XBLA, PSN games). I don't understand why the architecture of the new consoles is so much different to prevent BC when the PC can easily play games from multiple generations of consoles. The value of digital content is ease of use and availability through backwards compatibility. How can you give these new consoles a free pass for short changing its customers and double dipping on digital content?

What is the incentive to buy a digital game on the PS4 when it might not work on the PS5? In this area the PC is a far better value to the consumer because anything they buy digitally will transfer to any PC they buy in the future.[/QUOTE]
Because they're designed and coded to run on a wide variety of combinations of processor, video card, and any other various parts on a PC whereas console games are designed and coded for just one spec. If that next system isn't built on similar hardware as the prior system, then the ability to emulate or run that older software gets much harder.
[quote name='Blaster man']You need a surround sound system. My tv has 4 hdmi in and my receiver has 4 in. That means I can use 7 hdmi devices.

The PC isn't using the "Xbox game". It's been ported to PC architecture. They aren't going to then port that again. No one is going to port a port of a 3 year old game.

That's the real reason, there's no profit in it and there IS profit in stopping you from selling your games.[/QUOTE]

I don't see why not. How old are the HD remakes they're doing? Shadow of the Colossus was only 5 years old. Heck, look at console ports of year-old handheld games: RE Revelations, Mighty Switch Force, Mutant Mudds.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a Bioshock Trilogy 3 years from now on xbone 4 ( if the floor doesnt drop out beneath them next year).
[quote name='moothemagiccow']I don't see why not. How old are the HD remakes they're doing? Shadow of the Colossus was only 5 years old. Heck, look at console ports of year-old handheld games: RE Revelations, Mighty Switch Force, Mutant Mudds.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a Bioshock Trilogy 3 years from now on xbone 4 ( if the floor doesnt drop out beneath them next year).[/QUOTE]

You're comparing a few HD up-conversions to all Xbox 360 games being reported or are you saying only *your* games should be on X1?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Because they're designed and coded to run on a wide variety of combinations of processor, video card, and any other various parts on a PC whereas console games are designed and coded for just one spec. If that next system isn't built on similar hardware as the prior system, then the ability to emulate or run that older software gets much harder.[/QUOTE]

Don't bother, you've had to say this about 5 times already and people are still gonna act stupid and oblivious as to why its not possible never mind the fact that most people that bitch about a privilege such as BC don't even give a shit about it about a year later.
[quote name='Deader2818']http://playeressence.com/amazon-uk-...g-microsofts-xbox-one-reveal/?fb_source=pubv1

Wii U has had a massive sales jump on Amazon UK since the Xbox One reveal. Its actually up to #11 now and thats for the Deluxe and not the Basic.[/QUOTE]
I think at this point all Nintendo(if they were still doing their press confress) or sony would have to do to win E3 is go up on stage and say "Plays used game, no fees, no DRM, and can't spy on you" then dive of the stage into the cheering crowd and be carried off to be crowned king of video games.
If the XBox One game list is horrible at E3, count me in on buying a Wii U. Many of my friends have said the same thing, going the PS4/Wii U route. Some just going totally Steam as well.
Well not that I'm optimistic about MS first party efforts (Sure there's Halo & Gears, but more often you got stuff like Kameo and Azurik) but we just don't really know what they are showing at E3 because they've been very tight-lipped about it. For that matter beyond a couple big tentpole titles that may not even be out this year (Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bros) we don't really know what Nintendo is showing us either. I'm willing to bet they'll have the best overall game lineups just because the system has been out and now they've really had time to play around with it not to mention all those delayed launch window titles should finally be coming soon.
Kameo was a great 1st year title. I'd love a sequel. Maybe you should play it before forming an opinion of it.

Hell after Twilight Princess an Skyward Sword, I'd buy a Kameo 2 over whatever the next Zelda is in a heartbeat.
I did. I thought it was a so-so game. Maybe you shouldn't go assuming I haven't played it. And I really enjoyed the last couple Zelda games so clearly we have different tastes.
Yeah that's easy enough to explain-I got an Xbox 360 at launch with Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo with the intention of selling it on Ebay. I did open it up and play those just to make sure I didn't want to hold onto it, so I never set up my account on that one. I sold it a couple days later picked up the first 360 I actually owned the following Christmas.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']If the XBox One game list is horrible at E3, count me in on buying a Wii U. Many of my friends have said the same thing, going the PS4/Wii U route. Some just going totally Steam as well.[/QUOTE]

My son, who has been the biggest Xbox fanboy I've ever known, is now open to the notion of building a relatively cheap gaming PC and going with Steam, at least initially (and not preordering/getting a launch ONE). If I can wait until THE ONE is cheaper/bundled I will be happier. Of course we already have a Wii U and I will probably pick up a PS4 but it depends a lot on how they handle used games/multiple profiles/downloadable games.

I'm looking at building a PC that will be just a little more than I expect the ONE to cost anyway. And it should be a little more powerful.
It's good reading some of these replies. MS isn't entitled to our wallets despite what they or gamers think. With a lot more people like io's kid, it certainly seems like MS could be ushering in the second video game crash, and once again Nintendo will come out on top.
It seems like I'm the only one here looking forward to getting the Xbox One when it launches. I am disappointed that it won't play 360 or arcade/on demand titles, but not enough to skip buying it, as I don't see the Wii U or PlayStation 4 being decent alternatives.

I am tempted to start buying more computer games, though.
After purchasing the WiiU I refuse to further buy anything next gen. The WiiU ruined it for me and besides there is still tons of software on the PS3 and XBOX 360 which I both own, that by the time the real next gen hits us most of the games I wish to own and play will be dirt cheap.
Take it with a grain of salt

My understanding this particular Direct would be week after next, early that week. That was the plan for this particular direct, so evidently they moved it so it can be during E3 itself...interesting. I'm still thinking there may be a smaller Mini direct week after next though. So as to not spill the beans, ill share what I believe will be the contents of this Dorect along with a few tidbits about each thing. It's going to be a largely Wii U Direct. These aren't in any particular order of actual showing, rather its going by what things people want to hear the most about.

1. Retro: Finally after at least a few years development, their game is finally ready to be unveiled. What is it? It's an old Nintendo IP that people have wanted them to do for a while, but no one thought they had the guts to do it-but they did. I'm very happy with the one they chose to do. It'll definitely fall into that "Wooooo helllll yeah!!!" category for a vast majority I think. Trailer set to be shown at the Direct.

2. Mario....wow is everyone in for a really huge treat with this!!! I know the exact title of the latest adventure. Everything's been so vague hint wise so ill say something a little more exact about it. That 100 Year Guy is right on one thing-it's an enormously large, grand adventure in scope and size. Development began on Wii, not too long after Galaxy 2 was done. This adventure brings together a lot of levels, concepts, ideas, level types, mechanics and characters people have been begging for a long time for. Maybe you'll finally see Wart again this time ;) it makes very clever, imaginative use of the game pad but its definitely not forced. You can certainly play with traditional controls. Trailer and a giid look at game play on the Direct. Release set for late October. This October.

3. Zelda. First the bad news..it's a mid 2015 title at the soonest. They are debating between middle and Thanksgiving/Christmas 2015. Aim is to have most of if not all the game to look like that tech demo from 2 years ago. Story is the longest and grandest in the series. You MAY see some brief concept art at this E3 but they're looking more to fully unveil it early next year. They're debating between a few ideas as well as concepts and which they want to use. They want a familiar yet really fresh take on this for everyone. How soon you'll get it depends on that. They may again make a brief mention at this direct with the understanding it's still too early to show. No exact title yet. Just Zelda Wii U ATM.

4. Mario Kart U....this mighta changed but last impression I got from it is its basically a souped up Mario Kart 7...literally. Think that, online play if course and Miiverse integration slapped in. It should be out in time for this Christmas 2013. Aim was to bring out something for the U that's on the safe side that's guaranteed to help jump start the U. Some added tweaks and whistles here and there. Trailer plus some gameplay at the Direct.

5. Super Smash Bros. 4...As promised by Mr. Iwata and Reggie, it will finally be unveiled during this Direct. What you're about to see is...odd. How to describe...there will be an unveil trailer, and during this trailer a few characters in the. Roster will be announced. All the others are black shadowy silhouettes. You should get a good idea who some of them are, others will be "Who the hell's that supposed to be!?" The full roster will be gradually unveiled from now till release. Release is aiming for Thanksgiving 2014. It might slip to closer to Christmas though. The aim is to launch both the 3DS and U games same day, so they'll do what it takes to get that to happen. This is the big 2014 game for Nintendo. 3DS version is further along than the U one. That one will also be shown on th Direct. Some parts of U version done, others still cooking. Coding, etc set to start in earnest this fall. It looks great ;)

6. General Wii U...possibly price cut, they really would rather not but they understand this nay be the only way to re jump start it. Possible Ambassador Program 2, looking at a few neat ideas for that. They will attempt one last time to very clearly communicate what the U is and isn't. They want to get people excited again and show good value.

X and Yarn Yoshi will have trailers. Both 2014 games. SMT x Fire Emblem is still too soon to show, but it's a really weird ass collaboration project-will be in a good way for fans of both,

One final huge surprise.,.its both a oh hell this makes sense and with kind of thing rolled into one. The aim is to introduce it fully in Fall of Winter. Timing still being decided. May or may not be announced at the Direct.

That's all for your Nintendo stockings, see you all after E3 ;)
I think anyone expecting a brand new Zelda Wii U before Holiday 2014 at earliest (and that's incredibly optimistic) is delusional. It's like 5 years minimum between major releases in that series and they already have 2 Zeldas coming out this year. But it is starting to sound like my Wii U will get a ton of play starting in August.
[quote name='Erad30']But it is starting to sound like my Wii U will get a ton of play starting in August.[/QUOTE]

yeah forget the first 7 months of the year, I can't wait to play Luigi Bros, Pikmin 3 and Rayman all in a 4 week window. Good thing N and Ubi held those for a better launch period. :)
Where is that list from?

If they get Mario out this year and it's basically Galaxy but better, oh boy that might just be my GOTY right there. If Mario is as good as that post but comes out in 2014, same idea.

I didn't expect Zelda to come out until 2014-2015. Hell Zelda can take a few years off, I want this Zelda to be different but perfect. Something that makes me say oh I am not playing the same Zelda over again but something that says yes, this is how Zelda should be.

Right now my WiiU is collecting dust but that's just because I have other things in my backlog. I am still glad I bought a WiiU because Mario, SMT X FE, Monolith Soft RPG justify that system alone.
I agree that console Zelda can take a couple more years. I much more excited about 3DS A Link to the Past 2 than I was about Skyward Sword anyway.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Where is that list from?

If they get Mario out this year and it's basically Galaxy but better, oh boy that might just be my GOTY right there. If Mario is as good as that post but comes out in 2014, same idea.

I didn't expect Zelda to come out until 2014-2015. Hell Zelda can take a few years off, I want this Zelda to be different but perfect. Something that makes me say oh I am not playing the same Zelda over again but something that says yes, this is how Zelda should be.

Right now my WiiU is collecting dust but that's just because I have other things in my backlog. I am still glad I bought a WiiU because Mario, SMT X FE, Monolith Soft RPG justify that system alone.[/QUOTE]

It's some guy on NeoGaf who decided to open his yap and they, of course, put him on the spot like the firing squad they are. Can't say I blame them, though. Good thing I don't have a Gaf account though, or I would've given them some tidbits about Sonic Lost World months ago (it wasn't titled then).

I suspect the next Main Zelda is going to take a while. They probably haven't started the meant of development yet, considering they're releasing Wind Waker and LttP 2 this year. I have this feeling that it will be a Four Swords Zelda game, but in 3D, which is something I'm not opposed to.
A great Mario game and a rehash Mario Kart 7 would be all they need for this Fall. It is a little disappointing that the lack of titles might be making them rush Kart out too quickly as I'd prefer a better, fleshed out, original title (or as original as it can be within the MK constraints), but it will be good for the Wii U anyway. I might have to pass on Mario Kart Wii U if that is really the case though. I haven't even played more than 30 minutes of MK7 yet :lol:.
They're going to have to put a lot of content in Mario Kart 8 to make sure people go out and get it. If it's what they pulled with Mario Kart 7, reviewers and fans alike will call them out on it.
[quote name='KingBroly']They're going to have to put a lot of content in Mario Kart 8 to make sure people go out and get it. If it's what they pulled with Mario Kart 7, reviewers and fans alike will call them out on it.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but not the casuals who need to buy the Wii U to boost sales.
[quote name='Erad30']Admittedly I've been very disappointed with the MK series lately. MK Wii & 7 were pretty meh.[/QUOTE]

See, I feel this way too - and yet those games are both huge sellers. That's why I think a Wii U Mario Kart is a winner (sales wise) no matter what (assuming it has the usual Nintendo competence and polish). If it were identical to the Wii Mk that would be a problem (since most families/casuals probably have that). But if it is close to the 3DS one I don't think that is a deal breaker for them. It will be a big-screen, HD version allowing local multiplayer which is an upgrade over the 3DS. I admit, I'm somewhat intrigued by the local multiplayer capability as I would have to assume they will allow one player on the Gamepad and one player full-screen on the TV. That would make it better to play with my kids at least. I was never a big fan of split screen (I mean, I like having the option, but don't like that I can't see as much as I want when playing that way).

I'm just saying that a new MK will be eye candy to a parent looking for a new console. When I used to see people buying Wiis at retail, they would usually pick up Mario Kart or Smash Bros. or Mario Galaxy to go along with it (with Mario Kart probably the #1 choice). Having 2 titles like that on the shelves this Christmas will no doubt help push the system, even if the game itself doesn't end up being a classic.
[quote name='io']A great Mario game and a rehash Mario Kart 7 would be all they need for this Fall. [/QUOTE]

Really? Riding the first year on one Mario game and a new Mario and rehash Kart(and Luigi Bros) will float them until this time next year? That's just sad, IMO.
Well, I liked Mario Kart Wii. :) I have not played 7, though we have it - handheld racers don't do that much for me. I mainly like racing with my kids splitscreen. I hope that Mario Kart U is well done, though, so I certainly don't want to see it rushed either.
There are four in Ohio, though none of them are close enough for me to realistically drive to. It's only for four hours each on two days, so they're barely doing this.
They are definitely still adding to those locations. I checked a couple hours ago, and there was only one in Illinois.

Now, there's two...one being Bloomington...which is 30 minutes from me. Nice!
[quote name='Deader2818']My regular Best Buy is doing it. Is it sad im going to take off early that day to go play demos and get free Luigi loot?[/QUOTE]
One of the stores that is participating is only 10 minutes away from my work, so I might be doing the same thing...

[quote name='Rig']They are definitely still adding to those locations. I checked a couple hours ago, and there was only one in Illinois.

Now, there's two...one being Bloomington...which is 30 minutes from me. Nice![/QUOTE]

This. When I checked earlier, there were only two in PA, none near me. Now one popped up that's a short drive, further than my usual BB's, but still only 20 minutes or so from home.
[quote name='Rig']They are definitely still adding to those locations. I checked a couple hours ago, and there was only one in Illinois.

Now, there's two...one being Bloomington...which is 30 minutes from me. Nice![/QUOTE]

Schaumburg baby!
[quote name='Corvin']Really? Riding the first year on one Mario game and a new Mario and rehash Kart(and Luigi Bros) will float them until this time next year? That's just sad, IMO.[/QUOTE]

Well, I don't think that's all they will have for a whole year. I'm just saying it is good to have those out before the Christmas buying season to get the masses to pick up a Wii U. But even so, there will have to be more to it than that. Most importantly, the Wii U will have to be a cheap alternative to the One and PS4. If those come out at $500 or Nintendo drops the price then that, in combination with having those "checkbox" type games on the shelf, should help them quite a bit. I never meant to say that alone would satisfy me or any other CAGs or "hardcore" gamer types. But those games are all most casuals need - just like all they need on the Uno is Madden and CoD.
Yeah it's hard to imagine, but I remember working at best buy and lots of casual customers had no idea the Wii played anything beyond Wii Sports. And even when I informed them otherwise, that was still pretty much all they wanted. Casual customers don't need more than a couple of big titles a year, they don't buy a game or two every month.
why does bestbuy get all this good stuff and never have it in my area. I have really started to hate that store can't wait till they go bankrupt which will happen in a year or two
[quote name='Deader2818']Wow, so you want them to go bankrupt just because they don't have this near you? lol what a selfish asshole.[/QUOTE]

it's not just that it's other things that has happend to me with them from order stuff of their website and not getting right product and having thier customer servicer people tell me i lied and really did get the right thing. But they are pretty much done as a company everyone that reads company news magazines know that.
bread's done