Wii Want Deathmatches...


is anyone else chomping ant the proverbial bit for some sort of offline 1st/3rd person shooter with deathmatch? MOH heroes 2 let us down with that ridiculous typo, and after playing umbrella chronicles, ghost squad and MOH...i lay awake at night dreaming of the glorious day that i can lay waste to my peers and associates positioned next to me on my couch.

are there any shooter games coming down the pipeline with a multi-player, offline deathmatch feature?
So far it seems that the shooter genre (not counting rail shooters and Metroid) have bombed pretty hard on Wii.

Both the devs and the fans that are interested in shooters have largely already moved to one of the other systems.

Heroes 2 did 31k in November.
although red steel was a bit of a let down overall, it's local multiplayer feature was a blast if only for the fact that you were in fact killing each other on the wii. if you are really jonesing for some deathmatch pick it up used or something, it's pretty cheap these days.
[quote name='tomfoolery']although red steel was a bit of a let down overall, it's local multiplayer feature was a blast if only for the fact that you were in fact killing each other on the wii. if you are really jonesing for some deathmatch pick it up used or something, it's pretty cheap these days.[/quote]
Indeed, it reminded me of Goldeneye a little bit... just not as awesome.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']So far it seems that the shooter genre (not counting rail shooters and Metroid) have bombed pretty hard on Wii.

Both the devs and the fans that are interested in shooters have largely already moved to one of the other systems.

Heroes 2 did 31k in November.[/quote]

Yeah, heroes 2 kinda bombed -_-V

Had it been lets say 29.99. I think we woulda had a huge hit on our hands.

But 49.99 was hella overpriced for that game.. which is sad.. cuz it could have been a huge game for the wii -_-
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']So far it seems that the shooter genre (not counting rail shooters and Metroid) have bombed pretty hard on Wii.

Both the devs and the fans that are interested in shooters have largely already moved to one of the other systems.

Heroes 2 did 31k in November.[/QUOTE]
Good grief those are terrible numbers. I fear for the future of Wii if the third party games aren't selling...
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Good grief those are terrible numbers. I fear for the future of Wii if the third party games aren't selling...[/QUOTE]

Not that it isn't a valid concern - as it is - but Nintendo survived well enough and made profits on two systems before the Wii without much third party support.

I recognize that this is better for Nintendo from their perspective, and not from the collective gamers'.
3rd party games are selling, but there are such a thing as demographics.

Sports & FPS bombs on Wii, JRPGs bomb on the 360.

Party games & Guitar Hero have done very well on Wii.

On the Japanese side, Wii has moved more 3rd party units of software than the PS2 through the first 52 weeks. Lower attach rate, but thats where dominant marketshare comes into play.
I'd much rather have the Wii try to get genres that don't have much coverage on other consoles (hello JRPGs) than for it to try and get more of a genre that is already overflowing on other consoles (360 and shooters :headache:).
I really /don't/ want death matches on this system.

Personally, I'd love to see more cooperative games. (Not capture the flag. Not team death match. Not Realm Vs. Realm. Cooperatives. US versus the horde of computer AI THEM, or structured objectives.)

In general.
On every system.

Cooperative games that have the budget of all the OMIGOD MUST HAVE Multi-player games. Such as COD4.

Most of my best online experiences come from that sort of play. For some reason, true cooperative play seems to attract friendly people who don't constantly swear at you. Not only that, you not only have to plan out your own personal best game, but also have to think about how to improve the /other/ guy's games. Really fond memories of attacking a game with my twitch gamer brother, who would help set up situations where the older, patient, but slow reflex guy could still assist.

Meanwhile my /worst/ online game sessions come from Death matches. I'm pretty good at Halo 3 death match and capture the flag. Yet I still hate the game style. Not because of lack of skill. Because of the players who seem to be attracted to that kind of play. I won't list the bad experiences I've had, because frankly, if you're a gamer, you can imagine them and probably have your own personal list of the same. Something about being anonymous, video games, and direct competition makes people... jerks.

So please don't take this personally, but if Coop online isn't happening on the Wii, then I kinda sorta hope Deathmatch never catches on /either./
Did Heroes 2 for the Wii get any advertising at all? I think most folks who saw it mistook it for Vangard...

I actually am enjoying Red Steel and I think after playing MP3 and Red Steel the Wii has a GREAT potentional for FPS from a controller stand point. The simple point and shoot system instead of using dual analog sticks with 5 different buttons would probably be more ideal to non-hardcore gamers.

I am hoping there is a good on-line (and off) FPS for the Wii.
[quote name='Ryukahn']I'd much rather have the Wii try to get genres that don't have much coverage on other consoles (hello JRPGs) than for it to try and get more of a genre that is already overflowing on other consoles (360 and shooters :headache:).[/QUOTE]

It's not like genre's supported have to be mutually exclusive.

I'd think everyone would want the library to be a varied and balanced as possible.

That's why the PS2 was so successful, it had great games in every genre.
The Simple Wii Series in Japan has a shooter for volume 6. Too bad out of the 30+ Simple DS Series, I can only think of 1 or 2 games that got localized. :(
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']Had it been lets say 29.99. I think we woulda had a huge hit on our hands.[/QUOTE]

I don't think that this is something publishers want to read, and something developers don't want to hear (in the form of "we're looking more into the budget market") from publishers.

At all.

I think CoD4 is a *very* curious omission from the Wii. What's the deal with that? It's MP is so fuckin' hot-shit-on-a-plate incredible, and I think (naively, perhaps) that it would have sold very well on the Wii, and made people look at the console as a "serious" online device.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't think that this is something publishers want to read, and something developers don't want to hear (in the form of "we're looking more into the budget market") from publishers.

At all.

I think CoD4 is a *very* curious omission from the Wii. What's the deal with that? It's MP is so fuckin' hot-shit-on-a-plate incredible, and I think (naively, perhaps) that it would have sold very well on the Wii, and made people look at the console as a "serious" online device.[/quote]

Probably cuz COD3 didnt do so well, granted it didnt do so hot either on the other platforms, but it did especially poor on the wii. It seems like the target demo for FPS is miniscule compared to the other consoles.

Maybe nintendo figures if kids want to play FPS theyll go to another console?
I figure it was both that CoD3 didn't sell well, and that the developer (remember CoD3 was a different one) wanted to put all efforts into the 360 and PS3 versions since they could push the graphics (best I've seen so far) and build the awesome online mode on the two consoles with decent online networks.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I figure it was both that CoD3 didn't sell well, and that the developer (remember CoD3 was a different one) wanted to put all efforts into the 360 and PS3 versions since they could push the graphics (best I've seen so far) and build the awesome online mode on the two consoles with decent online networks.[/QUOTE]
right, that's why they made a DS version.
[quote name='blackbird3216']right, that's why they made a DS version.[/QUOTE]

That's a totally seperate game that was developed by n-space, not Infinity Ward.

The poor sales of CoD 3 on the Wii are probably the main reason they didn't bother with one.

But I also imagine that it would take a lot of effort to "dumb" the graphics down, given it's probably the best looking game I've played. As such, probably not worth the money to do that port, given how poorly CoD3 sold.

If CoD3 had sold better, maybe they'd have done a port. Or maybe they'd have just farmed it out to n-space or someone else to make a different version of the game for the Wii, rather than a straight port with last gen graphics.
[quote name='dmaul1114']That's a totally seperate game that was developed by n-space, not Infinity Ward.

The poor sales of CoD 3 on the Wii are probably the main reason they didn't bother with one.

But I also imagine that it would take a lot of effort to "dumb" the graphics down, given it's probably the best looking game I've played. As such, probably not worth the money to do that port, given how poorly CoD3 sold.

If CoD3 had sold better, maybe they'd have done a port. Or maybe they'd have just farmed it out to n-space or someone else to make a different version of the game for the Wii, rather than a straight port with last gen graphics.[/QUOTE]
Uhh, i sorry about being so arrongant about this but, WHY do people think that the wii is LAST GEN GRAPHICS? Clearly, even with Sonic and the secret rings, the graphics are amazing, impossible to do on a GC. No framerate issues, no slowdowns, all crisp clean, 480p widescreen. The only reason why people think "last gen" is because almost all multiplatform games on the wii are ported from the PS2, a console that is almost 2x-3x less powerful. People don't want to take a risk if there is no PS2 version, as that's all they are doing. The reason why COD3 sucks and no one bought it was because they just ported it from the PS2. Now, if they ported it from the PS3, they'd be some substation inprovement, something that they don't want to risk, with bad reasons to cover it up. No one bought it because it plain sucked. If SSBB came out on the PS3, but graphics ported DIRECTLY from the wii(a weaker console, but definitely able to show some good graphics) with bad controls, would you buy it? Probably going to be no. So im asking developers, give the wii a chance, and you'll be impressed. Maybe if it's not a direct port from the PS2 with tacked on controls, it'll be better and sell better. It's not last gen. It's current gen. And it surely is capable of some nice visuals. People just don't want to take the chance. Take the chance, wii is capable of the graphics, and it's not about resolution. Good textures are possible with the wii. The first people to realize this will probably be Free radical with Timesplitters, if there isn't a PS2 version.
Last gen may be a bit harsh, but the fact that it only does 480p is enough for me to throw that label on them.

But it doesn't really bother me much, as gameplay is king. But that doesn't mean that many developers want to push cutting edge graphics in their games, and obviously the PS3 and 360 are better venues to do that.

Though if the Wii keeps selling like crazy, then we'll likely see more games developed for the Wii in FPS and other genres.

Personally, I'll largely stick to FPS on the 360, as it's one genre where I do care a good bit about graphics as they tend to be more real world settings so more realistic graphics help with immersion.

With games in fantasy settings like Mario Galaxy, that doesn't matter so much, and art design is the key to the immersion more so than being realistic, in HD etc.
[quote name='blackbird3216']WHY do people think that the wii is LAST GEN GRAPHICS?[/QUOTE]

When you compare what the Wii displays against the 360/PS3 and Xbox/GC/PS2, it's much closer to the latter group than the former. Is it the fault of developers using GC/PS2 ports for Wii titles (CoD3, MLB PowerPros), or of Nintendo for making some of their late GC titles debut on the Wii (LoZ and SPM, for starters)? Also, the GC was capable of 480p on select titles, so the Wii isn't really innovating here (though moving to Widescreen is nice).

It remains to be seen if the Wii is technologically closer to the 360/PS3 or last-gen, but from what is being released on the system thus far, it looks like the latter. Are people really pushing the hardware, though?
[quote name='mykevermin']When you compare what the Wii displays against the 360/PS3 and Xbox/GC/PS2, it's much closer to the latter group than the former. Is it the fault of developers using GC/PS2 ports for Wii titles (CoD3, MLB PowerPros), or of Nintendo for making some of their late GC titles debut on the Wii (LoZ and SPM, for starters)? Also, the GC was capable of 480p on select titles, so the Wii isn't really innovating here (though moving to Widescreen is nice).

It remains to be seen if the Wii is technologically closer to the 360/PS3 or last-gen, but from what is being released on the system thus far, it looks like the latter. Are people really pushing the hardware, though?[/QUOTE]
no, the problem is they aren't pushing the hardware. They are pissing on the hardware. Porting PS2 graphics on the wii? That's why GH3 looks so bad on the wii. It's ported from the PS2. BTW, Nintendo isn't known for having great graphics on launch titles(with some exceptions). After losing Factor 5, no one is going to risk it until some good developer realizes that the wii can push. Sure, the wii is closer to the latter, but who said it's the same as the latter? Why can't they do 720p is the question.
I'm pretty sure games like Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 do push the hardware.

They look MUCH better than most of the other games on the system. Graphics are perfectly fine for me in those games.

But, I'd still agree with myke that even those games still look closer to X-box 1 level graphics, than Xbox 360.

But again, not worth getting upset over as those were two of the best games I've played in years. A few jaggies don't change that.

720p isn't coming though. The video processors in the Wii just can't hack running games at that resolution, as they weren't designed to do so etc.
Wii is definitely closer to last gen than next gen. This is something that shouldve been settled a long time ago and embraced.

Even pushed to its theoretical limits, the raw numbers just dont allow it to approach anything on the HD platforms.
Dammit DMK, I opened it early... You should put an extra spoiler tag in there with the line "No peeking, ya fucker!" just for people like me.
[quote name='Gourd']I really /don't/ want death matches on this system.

Personally, I'd love to see more cooperative games. (Not capture the flag. Not team death match. Not Realm Vs. Realm. Cooperatives. US versus the horde of computer AI THEM, or structured objectives.)

In general.
On every system.

Cooperative games that have the budget of all the OMIGOD MUST HAVE Multi-player games. Such as COD4.

Most of my best online experiences come from that sort of play. For some reason, true cooperative play seems to attract friendly people who don't constantly swear at you. Not only that, you not only have to plan out your own personal best game, but also have to think about how to improve the /other/ guy's games. Really fond memories of attacking a game with my twitch gamer brother, who would help set up situations where the older, patient, but slow reflex guy could still assist.

Meanwhile my /worst/ online game sessions come from Death matches. I'm pretty good at Halo 3 death match and capture the flag. Yet I still hate the game style. Not because of lack of skill. Because of the players who seem to be attracted to that kind of play. I won't list the bad experiences I've had, because frankly, if you're a gamer, you can imagine them and probably have your own personal list of the same. Something about being anonymous, video games, and direct competition makes people... jerks.

So please don't take this personally, but if Coop online isn't happening on the Wii, then I kinda sorta hope Deathmatch never catches on /either./[/quote]

Honestly, just don't buy the games then.
But, I do agree on cooperative online, I had the perfect example.
When I played RE4, mercenaries mini game was disappointing, since I was looking for more survival type game. I especially enjoyed the scene when you were trapped in the house with Luis. I thought, it would've been so much better if they replaced mercenaries with a survival type thing like this. Imagine online with 2/3 people fighting off hordes of zombies. RE4 would have sold so much more Im sure.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'm pretty sure games like Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 do push the hardware.

They look MUCH better than most of the other games on the system. Graphics are perfectly fine for me in those games.

But, I'd still agree with myke that even those games still look closer to X-box 1 level graphics, than Xbox 360.

But again, not worth getting upset over as those were two of the best games I've played in years. A few jaggies don't change that.

720p isn't coming though. The video processors in the Wii just can't hack running games at that resolution, as they weren't designed to do so etc.[/QUOTE]
who said the wii couldn't do 720p? The PS2 did 1080i.
[quote name='blackbird3216']who said the wii couldn't do 720p? The PS2 did 1080i.[/QUOTE]

1. Pretty sure Nintendo reps said in interviews that we wouldn't see any 720p games on the Wii. Too lazy too look for them now.

2. If it could do it, don't you think the big first party games like Mario Galaxy would do so?

I don't see why you keep belaboring this. The Wii isn't a graphically powerful machine. We all just have to accept that and just enjoy the games, or just not bother with one and stick with the 360 and PS3 if graphics are that important.
bread's done