Wiimotes hard to get at launch?


2 (100%)
I apologize if this has been answer but I checked the first few pages of the wii thread and did not see this...

The BB my friend works at is getting ~45 Wiis on launch but only 14 complete controllers (controller + nunchuck), I checked a local EB and they are only going to have 2 complete controllers and one extra just wiimote that are already spoken from in preorders. I am freaking out that I might not be able to go at some 2 player action on Sunday!

Anyone else see this?
My Best Buy is only getting half the number of Wiimotes as consoles, and a third the number of nunchuks as Wiimotes.

And EB has zero extra controllers beyond preorders (knew I should have preordered a third set). Thank God for weekly replenishments.
Not a biggie for me as I don't plan on dropping that much more on remotes past the one extra for 2 player action though I would love 4 player.
2 complete wii-motes should of been included!! This is "SUCH" a multiplayer system, and they give us Wii-Sports, with ONE controller. LOL SO angry!!!

$60 IS steep too for a damn controller!
Until we all buy our controllers, and then the new colors will come out in the spring, LOL
This just makes me wonder if Nintendo had some troubles manufacturing the controller. I mean, they are advertising this as *the* multiplayer console, yet they don't even have enough controllers for 2 per console? These things should be all over the place. It's pretty likely that they are able to manufacture the consoles faster than the Wiimotes, and that's why there's only one per system packaged.
I think that the problem and something we might not know yet is the ratio of controllers to consoles. We might see a large jump on this compared to other consoles. Most people might get another controller for the PS3 or XBox 360... the Wii might have people buying 2 or more controllers. One thing is with the 360 more focused on online where you don't need ot buy another controller.

I think I might buy another controller but don';t know about the nunchuck. I am suprised they are not releaseing a bundle with both together. This might be a system I can get my parents to play.
gonintendo linked to an article in business week where miyamoto was talking about how they were tweaking the controller up through the summer, so it's possible they haven't had as much time to produce controllers as they have systems.
[quote name='botticus']My Best Buy is only getting half the number of Wiimotes as consoles, and a third the number of nunchuks as Wiimotes.

And EB has zero extra controllers beyond preorders (knew I should have preordered a third set). Thank God for weekly replenishments.[/QUOTE]

Yikes... that sucks.
With Zelda preordered at EB, a Wii reserved at TRU, and component cables en route from Nintendo, this is the last source of stress yet to be resolved. There is no fail on this. I HAVE to have one extra remote (and hopefully a nunchuk to go with it) before Thanksgiving weekend so everyone can play at the family get together.
The target I work at is getting 24 wiis, and I would say that they have atleast 2 remotes for each system. I know because I stocked them :)
[quote name='Nomar1245']The target I work at is getting 24 wiis, and I would say that they have atleast 2 remotes for each system. I know because I stocked them :)[/QUOTE]

You work at Target? Can you confirm that this is correct? http://wickedsick.org/wii_finder/

It supposedly has the number of units for every target...
[quote name='mofo1115']Not a biggie for me as I don't plan on dropping that much more on remotes past the one extra for 2 player action though I would love 4 player.[/quote]

With the past few consoles (Xbox, GC, 360) I haven't bought a single extra controller with my system. My friends will usually buy one for my console, which will become theirs when they eventually get the system themselves. :lol: It's a sweet deal for me, because I end up with multiple controllers for a good period of time. (And by then I've usually found extra controllers at pawn shops or online cheap.)

So, I don't plan on buying any controllers. If they want to play my console, they'll buy some for themselves!
[quote name='Nomar1245']The target I work at is getting 24 wiis, and I would say that they have atleast 2 remotes for each system. I know because I stocked them :)[/QUOTE]

That is comforting. Let's hope this holds true across all stores.
That's good news. Like a lot of other people I'm sure, I was hoping on stopping by a store (probably BB) on Sunday well after the rush in hopes of picking up a controller. One would think that most people won't pick up the controller without having the console (unless they're like me and have an Amazon.com order), so it shouldn't be that difficult to find... but we'll see I guess.
I went to my local Wal-Mart today to find out what the hell is going on with the Wii launch. To my surprise, they had Wiimotes, Nunchuks, Classic controllers, and Wii points cards all on display and for sale....or so I thought.

I went up to the counter to buy my new found booty, only to find that they woudn't scan. Both controllers rang up as "Item not for sale." She said that they weren't in the inventory system yet.

I was so pissed! So close!

BTW, that Nunchuk is freaking small!
[quote name='lebowsky']I went to my local Wal-Mart today to find out what the hell is going on with the Wii launch. To my surprise, they had Wiimotes, Nunchuks, Classic controllers, and Wii points cards all on display and for sale....or so I thought.

I went up to the counter to buy my new found booty, only to find that they woudn't scan. Both controllers rang up as "Item not for sale." She said that they weren't in the inventory system yet.

I was so pissed! So close!

BTW, that Nunchuk is freaking small![/QUOTE]

I guess the logical question is then, how many of them were there?
LOL if there's a shortage on Wiimotes im really gonna be PISSED!

But.. as long as we can all actually GET our systems.. it's ok :)
[quote name='lordwow']I guess the logical question is then, how many of them were there?[/quote]

On the shelf, there probably about 8 of each controller (Wiimote, Nunchuk, and Classic). I did see some more sitting in a shopping cart down one of the aisles so I am assuming there were probably about 15 or so of each and maybe more if they were still in the process of bringing everything out.

The lady I talked to said that they had "a ton" of Wii games but that they were locked up until Sunday. I was trying to coax Twilight Princess out of her but no luck.
[quote name='Namelessloser']went to best buy found a crap load of wiimotes. Bought one heres my proof :D


I would say everyones best bet is to run out and look at the stores now to see if they have put things out. I also went to CC and Target to find nada. :([/quote]

I've been checking BB and Target all week. No luck. Some stores are being really hardcore about not releasing any 1st party stuff before the actual launch, even though the accessories aren't street dated.
Mine didnt have everything out. But they did have most games (no zelda :( ) No NunChaku's either.

I was super worried about the wiimote though. I didnt want to buy a console I plan to play with my girlfriend and our friends with only one controller. So I guess I got a little paranoid and made sure I didnt. Thankfully best buy has some things. I'd estimate about 30+ wiimotes were available when I went. (this is the best buy in corpus christi, texas)
Pic for the hell of it:

[quote name='chernggoh']dammit, I just went to two BB out in the palo alto, CA area, NOTHING![/quote]

It's worse having them in your hands and being denied, believe me.
[quote name='lebowsky']It's worse having them in your hands and being denied, believe me.[/quote]

haha, I seriously don't doubt that. It looks like there's plenty of controllers available. It still bothers me to think that I might not be able to get an extra wiimote/nunchuck. I found games yesterday and it's already killing me.
got my wii today!

thanks to this thread, i'm going wii-mote hunting.

nintendo sent me 2. i need to pick up 2 more.
[quote name='glockant']got my wii today!

thanks to this thread, i'm going wii-mote hunting.

nintendo sent me 2. i need to pick up 2 more.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='chernggoh']Thanks for that. Now we all hate you. haha[/quote]

haha, you only got a few days left!
I just came from a Circuit City where a guy was putting out Wii accessories. I asked if this meant I could buy them. He checked the computer to make sure they were "in there," then checked with his manager. Got the go-ahead. Unfortunately, got denied at the register. Stuff wouldn't ring up, giving the error that it had to be sold as part of a "max system." :cry: So close...

While at a Best Buy, I checked the inventory system, and if the numbers are right (which they may not be), none of the stores in north and central Florida have any component cables (Nintendo, React, or Psyclone) on order. Of course that doesn't mean the stores won't mysteriously receive them anyway, since shipments of 360's last year were pretty random.
We already know there won't be any component cables, third-party or otherwise, available in-store at launch. That's why there was a huge rush to get them from the Nintendo store.
got the wiimote and the classic controller today, along with Trauma Center and Monkey Ball. if i keep this up, i just nned to get the wii and zelda Sunday morning.
[quote name='porieux']If you are the Nintendo ambassador why do you have an Xbox logo on your page?[/quote]

i'm not employed by nintendo.
so, i don't have ties to anyone.

i just signed up and they randomly picked me to be an ambassador.
[quote name='fldash']We already know there won't be any component cables, third-party or otherwise, available in-store at launch. That's why there was a huge rush to get them from the Nintendo store.[/QUOTE]
Actually nobody knows anything. First Nintendo says they'll only be available online, then they say they'll be in stores. And according to our Best Buy "playbook," we're supposed to at least have third-party cables to sell.
If you plan on getting your accessories at GameStop/EB, I would call well ahead of time--local stores got around 3 each of the wiimotes/nunchucks, and so far all are for reservations. Only one WiiPoints card at one of the locations, also reserved.

More shipments could still come in before Sunday, but you might find it easier to get your extra controllers at other stores.
has anyone heard anything about wiimote stocking at toys r us? i got my reserved wii there so id prefer to just get everything all at once ya know?
This entire thread has me concerned. I will probably check out Best Buy on Tuesday and see what the heck is going on. Hopefully they'll get another shipment of controllers in before Black Friday.
I spoke with an associate at my local BB and he went to the back and found these lovely items for me. I purchased Excite Truck from GameStop.

Lucky bastard. Every store in my state follows the rules to a 'T'. No Nintendo branded items until the 19th. Period. Aggravating to say the least...
Operation Wiiliminary Purchase Complete!!!

Wiimote = ACQUIRED
Nunchuck = ACQUIRED
Classic Controller = ACQUIRED

Woot! Walked into Best Buy in Culver City tonight and found them all hanging there waiting for me. There was one other guy there too who had all three in his hands. The distribution was really alarming though. There were about 36 Wiimotes but only 7 Nunchucks. Even crazier was the fact that there were only 2 Classic Controllers! I got the last one after the guy before me got his. It didn't look like they just weren't all out either as there weren't any boxes around or anything. Everything was all freshly stocked and arranged. And when I was leaving the guy at the door said I was the first person he's seen buy Wii stuff so it looks like that was indicative of the actual shipment numbers. Seems odd but who knows. I'm just happy I got them. I was really worried I wouldn't be able to get a second set for two player goodness. Playing with your Wii alone just isn't as fun!
Yeah, I'm really concerned too. I managed to get a wiimote at the Torrance Best Buy, but their nunchucks were totally out. They said they only had like 5 nunchucks for their 40 or so wiimotes they had. That's an 8:1 wiimote:nunchuck ratio! :bomb: Still hunting for my nunchuck! I hope the Target or TRU allotments of nunchucks are generous. If any of you SOCal/South Bay CAGers see any nunchucks post here! :cool:

Update: The Culver City BB had nunchucks! Thanks for the heads up boc! I have 3 GC controllers so I think I'm okay on skipping the classic controller. SWEET! One less thing to worry about on launch date!

[quote name='boc']Operation Wiiliminary Purchase Complete!!!

Wiimote = ACQUIRED
Nunchuck = ACQUIRED
Classic Controller = ACQUIRED

Woot! Walked into Best Buy in Culver City tonight and found them all hanging there waiting for me. There was one other guy there too who had all three in his hands. The distribution was really alarming though. There were about 36 Wiimotes but only 7 Nunchucks. Even crazier was the fact that there were only 2 Classic Controllers! I got the last one after the guy before me got his. It didn't look like they just weren't all out either as there weren't any boxes around or anything. Everything was all freshly stocked and arranged. And when I was leaving the guy at the door said I was the first person he's seen buy Wii stuff so it looks like that was indicative of the actual shipment numbers. Seems odd but who knows. I'm just happy I got them. I was really worried I wouldn't be able to get a second set for two player goodness. Playing with your Wii alone just isn't as fun![/quote]
Awesome! :D

Yeah I didn't really want the classic until I had a need for it but since it was the only one left out of two total I decided to grab it hah.

[quote name='fdu']
Update: The Culver City BB had nunchucks! Thanks for the heads up boc! I have 3 GC controllers so I think I'm okay on skipping the classic controller. SWEET! One less thing to worry about on launch date![/quote]
bread's done