Wild ARMs 4 - $29.99 @ Best Buy (online & B&M)


1 (100%)
From a BB employee on the GFAQs boards:

From: EhudBarak | Posted: 2/6/2006 2:53:14 PM | Message Detail
I'm not a fan of the Wild Arms series. I have no interest in picking up this title. It's funny a lot of people will automatically flag that as me being a troll being on this board, but nope, I'm actually helping you guys out.

For anyone who wants the game, it is now priced at $29.99 at Best Buy and it's listed as "Discontinued" in our computers (I work there so I know this to be a fact).

I'm not sure if that means Best Buy won't be carrying it or if it's not being made anymore. But when we no longer carry it it says "Deleted" so it kinda looks like it isn't going to be made anymore...


Looks to be the same in-store, so if you've got a GGC, you can get it for $25 if they have them near you...
I wish the stupid coupon still worked. I wonder how long until they print something else like that?
[quote name='rarebucky']The coupon still worked for me this week.[/QUOTE]
Wait, hold up... what? It scanned in?
[quote name='mkelehan']Wait, hold up... what? It scanned in?[/QUOTE]

Yes, 100%. I used it to get Mega Man X Maverick Hunter for $19.99. The employee didn't look at the exp. date. Likewise, my $5 GGC coupons that supposedly expired in December still scan in as well.
[quote name='rarebucky']Yes, 100%. I used it to get Mega Man X Maverick Hunter for $19.99. The employee didn't look at the exp. date. Likewise, my $5 GGC coupons that supposedly expired in December still scan in as well.[/QUOTE]
Well, shit. I'll have to use it on WA4, Rub Rabbits, and Resident Evil DS. Thanks a lot.
If you want this game, better get it fast, since store pickup is "no longer available", which is usually a bad sign.
[quote name='Roufuss']If you want this game, better get it fast, since store pickup is "no longer available", which is usually a bad sign.[/QUOTE]

I actually saw about a dozen copies of WA4 at the local Best Buy priced at $29.99
[quote name='johnnyle']damn I really missed the $10 off coupon. Thanks op!!![/QUOTE]

i will probably use the coupon on this anyways. $20 is a nice price for this new of a game
Just my luck. Tried the coupon. I got a clerk who actually checked the expiration date and told me she can't take it 'cause it's expired. So, um, yeah. I'll give it another try.

Then again, come on, $19.99, come on, $19.99...
Man, I'm trying to save up, and I want to pick up Empire at War and Rub Rabbits too...

...still, I'll probably go the legit way and use a GGC on this. I've been wanting this game.
bread's done