Will & Grace question


While channel surfing, I came across a new? episode of Will & Grace, and it looked different. For some reason, it reminded me a little of a soap opera, or maybe something from the BBC. I'm not sure how to quantify the difference, but it didn't seem to have that sitcom look. Maybe the colors are less saturated or something.

My question is, why does it look different? Or am I imagining things?
[quote name='kaw']I can't stand the show, but I think I heard it was a live episode.[/QUOTE]
It was indeed a live episode. I dont know what makes it look different but I noticed that same thing.
Does anyone actually watch that show? I realize it appeals mostly to females but I at least know a couple guys who have watched Friends but I've never met a single person who watches Will & Grace.
[quote name='kaw']I can't stand the show, but I think I heard it was a live episode.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the answer. I won't say it was driving me batty, but it was a nagging little question in the back of my mind.

[quote name='sevdustflyer']Does anyone actually watch that show? I realize it appeals mostly to females but I at least know a couple guys who have watched Friends but I've never met a single person who watches Will & Grace.[/QUOTE]

I occasionally watch an episode in syndication, although I can't remember when I last watched a new one. I only watched tonight's episode for about five/seven minutes trying to figure out why it looked strange.
It used to be mildly entertaining, now it's rehashed crap. Ok, it was always rehashed crap, but made somewhat watchable with all the gay jokes.
I'll watch the show for a minute or two if Debra Messing or Megan Mulally are looking particularly hot but other than that I cant figure out why its on tv yet (but I can say that for about 99.8% of the shiat on network tv).
I like the show but I can only take it in small doses. It can be a little too-mean spirited some times.
I watch an episode at 11:30pm almost every weekday. And by watch I mean leave on while I do something else. It isn't a bad show; the writing is amazingly witty at times.
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