Will I enjoy Resistance?


2 (100%)
I recently got my ps3 and am looking to get a game or two. I'm a fan of FPS, so Resistance caught my eye. Currently, I'm playing Halo 3, Bioshock, and will soon be getting HL2: Orange Box. Will I enjoy Resistance compared to those FPS? I'm always weary of launch reviews, as I was burned badly by some of the usually positive ones for Perfect Dark Zero.

Would love some feedback.
Resistance is definitely way better than PDZ, I can say that (I own it myself too). I say Resistance is really good, but it may look a little too bland to some and doesn't really do much to evolve the genre. But it's a lot of fun to play online and the single player length is pretty good.
I didn't really like the single player too much. It was fun as hell playing it 4 player splitscreen though. I never got a chance to play online because it was my friend's copy and not mine. I would pick it up again maybe if it was $20, but by that time I think everyone will have moved onto other games like Call of Duty 4 or something...
i hadnt played FPS much and dont have any others currently so i dont face the problem you do. but i love playing the game, mostly online, i play it alot more than any other.
I think you would like it , if you are a fan of first person shooters. It is the only game i own besides NHL2K7. If you get it send my a friend request and we will play. It is agent_bbj.
You have to stick with it. You will be tempted to stop playing after the first couple hours given that they are fairly boring. But the game picks up and offers a nice variety in style of play as you progress. Just go in with an open mind after playing Halo 3 and Bioshock.
If you're asking strictly about the single player experience, I think it would pale in comparison to all 3 of the titles you mentioned. A fun game, mind you - but it doesn't really bring much new to the table.

However, multiplayer is a lot of fun.
Sounds lik eyou really like FPS games, so you should enjoy it.

Just don't expect it to be as good as the AAA FPS games like Halo 3, Bioshock, Gears of War (3rd person, but plays like FPS) as it's not quite on that level.

It's a game that FPS enthusiast can enjoy in single player, but the more casual FPS players, that only like the AAA games should probably avoid (unless buying solely for online play).
I would say download the demo and give it a shot

PS another cool FPS demo on the PSN is the darkness, that ones fun too.

I thoroughly enjoy both but i found resistance for less than $30 on ebay, so that was that. :)

lol lots of PS's in there
Best weapons of any FPS ever. Incredibly inventive. The SP was incredibly fun, though I wish there were larger battlegrounds/large-scale fights. Looks damn nice, too.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']If you believe in God and like cats, you will like Resisance.[/QUOTE]

I only like cats, would I like half of it?

[quote name='depascal22']Yes. The game has great weapons and that's all that really matters in a FPS.[/QUOTE]

What about level design and enemies?
What REALLY got me into it was when you
go up against the big ass chimera that has the flame cannonball thing, the way he dies is so awesome, I was like hell yea!

If your a FPS fan, you'll love this. Sniping is very satisfying, and that is a big plus for me :mrgreen:
Neither gameplay nor graphics can quite compete w/ the top 360 FPSs. But it's still a good time. I haven't played multi a whole lot but I enjoyed it when I did -- pretty frantic pace, lots of instant death.

Definitely don't pay $60 for this since it's so old, but snag a used copy or get a new one on sale (I paid $30 for mine and felt satisfied at that price point). 'Cause at the end of the day, you're gonna need at least one good game on your new PS3, right?
[quote name='dfo']Neither gameplay nor graphics can quite compete w/ the top 360 FPSs. But it's still a good time. I haven't played multi a whole lot but I enjoyed it when I did -- pretty frantic pace, lots of instant death.

Definitely don't pay $60 for this since it's so old, but snag a used copy or get a new one on sale (I paid $30 for mine and felt satisfied at that price point). 'Cause at the end of the day, you're gonna need at least one good game on your new PS3, right?[/quote]

What FPSs would those be?
[quote name='Inf^Shini']What FPSs would those be?[/quote]

That was the first thing that ran through my mind too. :)

I'm assuming Halo 3 and Bioshock.
[quote name='dfo']Neither gameplay nor graphics can quite compete w/ the top 360 FPSs. [/quote]


Looks better than all 360 games. Better than Gears with much more going on. And game play wise it is great. Multiplayer online I still beleive it is tops at 40 players at once.
Resistance : FPS

SNK Fighters :Fighters

Resistance does what it does well, but it's not revolutionary in the slightest. It's a solid "more of the same" FPS, in my opinion. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but unless you're an FPS fanatic, I don't think you'll find anything all that memorable about it.

Moreover, the premise of the game is (to me) hilarious. After all, it's common knowledge that, picking out an FPS game at random, there's a roughly 95% chance that the game you choose has (1) you saving the world from the Nazis in WWII or (2) you saving the world from aliens as a premise; thus, the melding of the two most cliche' premises in FPS games is B-movie grade funny.
Ey myke, speaking of hilarious, did you ever watch the last cutscene in the movie selection (I think that was what it's called).
They threw in a bit of humor there, and I laughed at Sgt. Hale's reaction. It has to do with the last section of the game.

I'm looking forward to the sequel, and I can only imagine how well it will look :drool:

Hopefully they can liven up the FPS genre with something new, although I can't even come up with an idea that's already been done or is being implemented into an upcoming game (i.e. Timeshift)
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']If you believe in God and like cats, you will like Resisance.[/QUOTE]

Haha....Rock Island, IL sucks BTW--I went to high school in Geneseo ;)

Anyway, Resistance is just sick, simply sick...its probably my favorite FPS although I've never been a fan of the genre. I heard somebody complain that it had too much cover, but I think it compares to Gears in that respect. I'd take Resistance over Gears of War no questions asked. I'm not a Sony fanboy or anything.
[quote name='jousley']you damn well BETTER like it..because outside of Heavenly Sword and VF5 its the only reason to play the PS3[/QUOTE]

Sigma, Lair, Warhawk, more will be out by the time he/she's finished with these.
[quote name='primetime']That was the first thing that ran through my mind too. :)

I'm assuming Halo 3 and Bioshock.[/QUOTE]I played Bioshock on 360 and while I think it's good, it doesn't make Resistance feel dated (Resistance is still just as good to me, if not better).
[quote name='jousley']you damn well BETTER like it..because outside of Heavenly Sword and VF5 its the only reason to play the PS3[/QUOTE]There are tons of awesome downloads (like Tekken 5 DR, Calling All Cars, Super Stardust HD, LocoRoco, etc.) and more disc based games I feel which are definitely worth owning, like Sigma, MotorStorm, Ridge Racer 7, Warhawk, DiRT (better on PS3), Formula One: CE (if you are a Formula One fan like me), etc. A lot of good stuff is multi-platform, but I can say the same with the 360.
I am a huge console FPS fan, so I have played quite a few. I think if you are already an FPS fan, you are nutz to miss out on this one. It is down to $40 in CAD now, which makes it a great value. Still lots of people online.

Resistance is as good as any console FPS. H3 is better online, for onlne. Bioshock is better at scaring your, and creating atmosphere. But for pure gameplay, Resistance is as good as any.

I think the single player in Resistance is extremely good. A lot going on on the screen, some huge enemies (although H3 now has bigger). A cool storyline, which I would love to know more about.

Like it has been said before, there are some cool guns, but it does not add much new to the genre. What it does, it does very well.

~Shea M.
[quote name='snowsquirrel']
Resistance is as good as any console FPS. H3 is better online, for onlne. Bioshock is better at scaring your, and creating atmosphere. But for pure gameplay, Resistance is as good as any.
~Shea M.[/QUOTE]I don't think Halo 3 is lag free with 40 players like Resistance. ;)
[quote name='tenaciousjack']I recently got my ps3 and am looking to get a game or two. I'm a fan of FPS, so Resistance caught my eye. Currently, I'm playing Halo 3, Bioshock, and will soon be getting HL2: Orange Box. Will I enjoy Resistance compared to those FPS? I'm always weary of launch reviews, as I was burned badly by some of the usually positive ones for Perfect Dark Zero.

Would love some feedback.[/quote]

I didnt care for it. To me it was just a bland WW2 FPS with aliens instead of Nazis. If you've been playing Halo 3 and Bioshock recently, I think you'll find Resistance as a big step back.

Having said all that .. I have a copy of Resistance available in my trade list if you're interested. :lol:
I didnt care for it. To me it was just a bland WW2 FPS with aliens instead of Nazis. If you've been playing Halo 3 and Bioshock recently, I think you'll find Resistance as a big step back.

Having said all that .. I have a copy of Resistance available in my trade list if you're interested. :lol:

Just remember that Resistance was a first generation launch title for PS3 and is only now being surpassed by huge games on a system that has been out for around 2 years... pretty impressive if you ask me.
[quote name='Shoki']Just remember that Resistance was a first generation launch title for PS3 and is only now being surpassed by huge games on a system that has been out for around 2 years... pretty impressive if you ask me.[/quote]

Those arent the only games. I was just talking about them in discussion. I think God of War 1 is also graphically superior and much more fun than Resistance. Does that conversely mean that your unimpressed with it now? A ps2 game outshines a ps3 game?
[quote name='Maklershed']Those arent the only games. I was just talking about them in discussion. I think God of War 1 is also graphically superior and much more fun than Resistance. Does that conversely mean that your unimpressed with it now? A ps2 game outshines a ps3 game?[/quote]

So I guess we could say God of war is better than Resistance, Bioshock, and Gears Of War going with that???
[quote name='Maklershed']Those arent the only games. I was just talking about them in discussion. I think God of War 1 is also graphically superior and much more fun than Resistance. Does that conversely mean that your unimpressed with it now? A ps2 game outshines a ps3 game?[/quote]
To each their own.
I think the graphics in Resistance are pretty good for being a launch title, and with a sequel on the way, I'm pretty damn sure it'll look beautiful.

I don't get it when people try to compare two different genres, it really never makes for a good comparison. People seemed to consider GOW/GOW2 repetitive/a button smasher, although I have never played the game and probably never will.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I don't think Halo 3 is lag free with 40 players like Resistance. ;)[/QUOTE]

Are there ever even 40 people online playing Resistance? ;)

I didn't mean to get the fan boys in a frenzy by saying Resistance, VF5 and Heavenly Sword are the only games I have enjoyed on my PS3. There are a lot of multiplatform games that you can play on it, but I usually play those on 360 just because the controller is a lot more comfortable to me.

[quote name='freshzen']Sigma, Lair, Warhawk, more will be out by the time he/she's finished with these.[/QUOTE]

I didn't buy Sigma because I already played it a few years ago . Yeah, it looks prettier than Black, but then again, you have to pay $60 for a graphical upgrade and a little bit of added content.

Lair on the other hand...well, to me, its about the poster child of the new Sony strategy. Hype the crap outta a game and if it releases to lackluster sales and gets killed by the reviews, just write it off. Its Killzone all over again.

Warhawk seemed more like shovel-ware than a real release. A tech demo that someone said "Hmm...we could just package this and release it around Halo 3 so we can have a Online multiplayer game out now as well".

I'm not trying to crap on any system. I'm standing there in line each and every time there is a system launch....but looking over there and seeing my PS3 and Wii with dust on them upsets me. Get Resistance...its really fun! I loved Heavenly Sword...its short, but I truely didnt care, it was that much fun. EXCELLENT cinemas and production btw. If you like fighting games, VF5 is excellent as well.

And as for the poster hyping up download content...come on? Tekken 5? Loco Roco? You can play those on a PSP and a PSone without shelling out $600.
I personally feel Resistance wasn't even designed for PS3 hardware initially. It was probably designed on some PC to hopefully make it a PS3 launch game, when PS3 came around. I expect the next one will take advantage of the PS3 power.
[quote name='jousley']Are there ever even 40 people online playing Resistance? ;)[/quote]Actually, The Resistance community is larger than most all XBL games. Check online and there are 100+ games going on (no joke).

I didn't mean to get the fan boys in a frenzy by saying Resistance, VF5 and Heavenly Sword are the only games I have enjoyed on my PS3. There are a lot of multiplatform games that you can play on it, but I usually play those on 360 just because the controller is a lot more comfortable to me. [/uote]I disagree, because I find the PS3 more comfortable, especially because it has a D-pad that works. Also, the PS3 console doesn't break. :p Since you don't have your PSN name in your profile, I doubt you own one.

Warhawk seemed more like shovel-ware than a real release. A tech demo that someone said "Hmm...we could just package this and release it around Halo 3 so we can have a Online multiplayer game out now as well".
The game is addictive, trust me. There were development problems at Incognito (only six developers left), and that's why it's multiplayer only.

I'm not trying to crap on any system. I'm standing there in line each and every time there is a system launch....but looking over there and seeing my PS3 and Wii with dust on them upsets me.
It's because you already have a bias for 360, and when you do, you just won't like much on any other platforms. In previous generations, when I may have had a slight bias for one platform over the others, I found it harder to enjoy other platforms. It's just natural. I personally feel all platforms are great, although in my case, PS3 gets all the playing time, while I don't play 360 all that much.

And as for the poster hyping up download content...come on? Tekken 5? Loco Roco? You can play those on a PSP and a PSone without shelling out $600.
Tekken 5 on PS3 actually has online, much better D-pad (the original PSP D-pad was terrible), and the graphics are scaled in HD. LocoRoco on PS3 is NOTHING like LocoRoco on PSP. Super Stardust HD is very addictive, while Calling All Cars is fun. I alo enjoyed PixelJunk Racers, Go! Puzzle, Lemmings, Blast Factor, and others in ways. So what, downloadable games are fun and they are cheap. Releasing a full blown, disc based game on consoles these days isn't cheap (and usually lacks originality these days), which is why there's a lot of downloadable games. I have 13 of them and they make my PS3 enjoyable alone. Who cares if they don't take advantage of the PS3 graphics.

PS3 ain't just $600 anymore.
[quote name='jousley']Are there ever even 40 people online playing Resistance? ;)

I didn't mean to get the fan boys in a frenzy by saying Resistance, VF5 and Heavenly Sword are the only games I have enjoyed on my PS3. There are a lot of multiplatform games that you can play on it, but I usually play those on 360 just because the controller is a lot more comfortable to me.

I didn't buy Sigma because I already played it a few years ago . Yeah, it looks prettier than Black, but then again, you have to pay $60 for a graphical upgrade and a little bit of added content.

Lair on the other hand...well, to me, its about the poster child of the new Sony strategy. Hype the crap outta a game and if it releases to lackluster sales and gets killed by the reviews, just write it off. Its Killzone all over again.

Warhawk seemed more like shovel-ware than a real release. A tech demo that someone said "Hmm...we could just package this and release it around Halo 3 so we can have a Online multiplayer game out now as well".

I'm not trying to crap on any system. I'm standing there in line each and every time there is a system launch....but looking over there and seeing my PS3 and Wii with dust on them upsets me. Get Resistance...its really fun! I loved Heavenly Sword...its short, but I truely didnt care, it was that much fun. EXCELLENT cinemas and production btw. If you like fighting games, VF5 is excellent as well.

And as for the poster hyping up download content...come on? Tekken 5? Loco Roco? You can play those on a PSP and a PSone without shelling out $600.[/quote]
Here we go again...

The guy asked about Resistance and out comes the same old thing :/
[quote name='primetime']That was the first thing that ran through my mind too. :)

I'm assuming Halo 3 and Bioshock.[/quote]

Yeah, I was thinking of those two plus Gears of War. You can debate gameplay, of course, but I think you'd have a tough time convincing an objective observer that Resistance has better graphics than any of those three. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty, just not as pretty as those three.

Again, this is coming from someone who owns both systems and all of those games (and has played all of them a fair bit). The OP specifically asked for comparisons to 360 FPSs, so that's what I gave him ...
Wow....I must have hit a nerve with you, Mana Knight. You seem pretty defensive there, buddy. My PSN name is Advent-Rising btw, so feel free to add me as a friend and I can reply on my "imaginary" PS3 ;) ( I put it into my profile too, so you can sleep easier tonight)

I was purposefully not trying to compare online download games. You might love Tekken 5 with online play, but I would have rather Sony had online play on VF5..a current game. Xbox Live has some wonderful download games and a much better interface. (I love having to update EVERY time I get on the PS Store). Bomberman on Live is awesome, and with Rez and Ikaruga about to be released, I'm sorry if I dont get excited about the Dial a Combo Tekken 5. FlOw was kind of neat, but it felt more like a tech demo. And I had as much fun with Jumping Flash as I did 10 years ago.

As for the PS3 controller. Can you honestly say that it doesn't feel cheap in your hands? It feels light and hollow...no heft at all to it. I loved the Dual Shock 1 and 2 (Apparently, so did everyone else). Sony took the motion sensitive feature from the Wii and shoehorned it into the PS3 controller, leaving out vibration. Then they talked about how the vibration feature in controllers was "So last generation"...low and behold, NOW they are putting it back in and releasing the Dual Shock 3 (sold seperately, BTW).

As for you assuming I have a "bias" toward 360. Well "bias" is usually when someone denys the truth of a claim, not on the basis of the strength of the arguments in support of the claim themselves, but because of the extent of the claim's correspondence with one's own preconceived ideas. That's not me, because after having bought all three systems (Wii, 360, PS3), I can say, that my 360 gets most of the play, and the PS3 and Wii have dust on them.

PS3 ain't just $600 anymore....nope..but it was when I purchased it. So I say, if I break it down. $600 for the system, $60 each for Resistance, Heavenly Sword and VF5, on average I have only had to pay about $260 for each game I have really enjoyed from Sony this Generation. Fanboys Unite! ;)

This isn't a cop-out, but a fact, the 360 was out a year before the other two consoles, so present day we can see that MS did something right with regards to when they were going to launch their system b/c they have more games under their belt, and I'll stress this point, FOR NOW. The near-future is looking good for the PS3, and the only game for the 360 that I'm lookin at in the future is Ninja Gaiden 2 (b/c it looks so bad-ass :D)
If you have some other games for the 360 that are comin' out later that might be pretty good, LMK, and just for the 360, nothing that will also be released on the PC.

They did have their early launch back-fire somewhat with regards to a number of faulty systems falling victim to the infamous RroD/overheating, and they're confusing people now with their soft-launch with the new Falcon mobo. I have yet to hear about some nation-wide problem with the PS3 hardware and it's readily known what changes are being made according to SKU n' such.

The only logical reason for the Wii to be selling so well is that it's the lowest price console of the bunch, and that's what many consumers will automatically default to.

We could go on and on about this, but we are REALLY OTT now.

Just to answer the guy's question about whether or not he will enjoy it:

If you like/love FPS games, you WILL ENJOY this game.

If you do NOT like FPS games, you WILL NOT ENJOY this game.

That's the answer, plain and simple.
Inf^Shini, using Mana Knight's logic, since you don't have an Xbox Live handle in your profile, you don't own a 360...so you are biased. ;)

I agree with you about Resistance. Its an excellent game if you like FPS...get it now.

360s have had some problems with the RroD...kind of like the first batch of PS2's has problems with Dirty disk/unable to read errors. I just find it entertaining how the Sony camp always says "Well 360 had a year head start on us!" as an excuse...I do remember another system getting a year head start jump on the major competition and riding that tide to an overall victory...and that was the PS2.

As for games coming out on the 360, Im looking forward to Mass Effect and Ace Combat on the 360. I don't care if something is coming out also on the PC...I don't play games on the PC...I prefer consoles. From your "nothing coming out on PC either" comment, I will have to guess that your name is on the "Don't bring out Devil May Cry on 360! Its one of our only hopes!" petiton...am I right?

BTW, Inf^Shini.. I love that gif. in your signature...gave me a good laugh :)
Mana Knight is a good person to throw on ignore. Every console area here as there one, completely insufferable fanboy, and he is it for the PS3 forum.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Mana Knight is a good person to throw on ignore. Every console area here as there one, completely insufferable fanboy, and he is it for the PS3 forum.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the advice :) I really never understood fanboyism. Maybe Im just spoiled, but I have always wanted to get every system out, so if there is something fun on one system and not on the other, I can play it. I guess if you are loyal and only get one system, you root for it like you would a sports team. I for one, would like to see all the systems do well...competition is what pushes inovation.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Mana Knight is a good person to throw on ignore. Every console area here as there one, completely insufferable fanboy, and he is it for the PS3 forum.[/quote]

I disagree. I find Mana Knight to be hugely entertaining. Plus, he is at least a good source of Sony news, despite the spin that it arrives with.

Not to mention he heavily contributes to most threads, so you'll probably see others quoting him even if you do put him on ignore.
bread's done