Will my Mom play/use a ds?


11 (100%)
Reaching for a mothers day gift. Just a little background..Shes 52, watched me grow up playing videogames all the time, not once played a game with me, and she works long, long hours, bout 55-60 a week in an office setting.

I would love to get her brain age, flash focus, etc., but how many of your moms/parents play and use a ds?

Thanks for the input yall.:cool:
One of my friends has a parent about the same age, and she has really gotten into it, starting with Brain Age and Picross, and then eventually getting into Phoenix Wright and Trauma Center.

I also have a coworker who is into the same types of games - I'm trying to get Clubhouse Games for her without having to kneel before some opportunistic douche.
My mother used to play games then stopped once the SNES came out. She got a DS for AC, and now she plays the thing every day. Usually puzzle games like Sudoku or Dr.Mario in Brain Age.

It's worth a shot, and if she doesn't like it, you got a back up DS.
I say no. My mother is 50ish and a work-a-holic, too, but I doubt she's into games (mine shares a negative outlook on all games now). Though she helped me play NES games back in the day. Try to ask her indirectly if she likes video games or not. I'm sure though she has other bigger interests besides video games.
I would say no too, my mom could care less about video games. Other than she knows that I like them. She isn't against them or anything. She has played the Wii at my cousins house but wasn't too thrilled with it. I like arcade games so I dragged her to an arcade show we have here and she seemed to like that (I found her playing zaxxon though, and it was hilarious because thats like, an impossibly hard game! and she has never played games in her life). She played pac man but I had to explain the concept to her.

She didn't really feel that the Wii was intuitive and all of us had a hard time grasping the controls and even my grandmother tried it. I let her try pinball hall of fame on the PSP and she seemed OK with that too. The Wii really isn't as intuitive as its made out to be, you really can't just pick up and play it, it does take some practice even for someone who has never played games before.

I am sure if I brought an arcade game home (if i had the space for it, which unfortunately I don't) that she would play it, but I doubt she would play anything else. There is just nothing more intuitive than an arcade or pinball machine. She would especially play the arcade game if she knew it was cheap or if I would have gotten it for free, the one thing my mom likes is a good deal!
Depends on the game. I know my mom would love CrossworDS that just came out and games similar to it. I'm not sure the few games she'd be interested in would justify a system purchase though.
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