Will Nintendo follow suit?

The same goes with everything in life: better cars, better computers, better cell phones, better televisions.

Just buy it, enjoy it. And if a new model comes out, so be it. Your paying to enjoy the gaming moments, not for hardware that will become obsolete no matter what you do.
There's always a risk of it happening, of course, but you just have to decide if you'd be happy with your purchase, regardless of what comes down the line. If you're always worried about upgrades, you would never buy a computer. The nice thing is that updates to consoles tend to be non-essential, so if you are happy now with it, you should still be happy later.

Anyway, my guess is that Wii improvements will only come to the controllers (more memory, better speaker, etc.) which are easily replaceable down the line. Again, nothing essential.
At least the gamecube was durable.
You would be worse off with a ps3 or 360 right now because they are more likely to break. Nintendo is going to try and milk you for all your worth with accessories and updates, it is what they do best anymore.
I don't think Nintendo's ever released an improved version of a home console so quickly after launch... they had the revised NES and SNES but they came long after the originals. There was also the revised GC but that was more of a un-improvement with the only change being the loss of the digital out.

The 360 is a high end machine which used a lot of cost cutting parts... but now with better parts at a lower price and competition, it would be in their best interest to release a more reliable and more capable system.

I honestly doubt Nintendo would do such a thing... most of the technology in the Wii is proven.
I could have sworn I read an interview with Reggie some time last fall where he talked about the lifespan of the Wii being more like 4 years rather than 5-6 as it would be fairly inexpensive to release a full HD console that many years down the line and the HD television penetration would be much higher by then. I might google to see if I can find it.
There's the rumor of the DVD-enabled one (at least in Japan) next year, but I wouldn't anticipate any gaming-related hardware updates.
It'll be like that Panasonic Q thing if anything ever does get changed. No different in any way other than a flashy box that played DVDs.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']Are you? They never changed the Cube or the N64...[/quote]

You mean they don't constantly come out with new colors, controllers or screens?
I have said this multiple times now, and every time it seems to be ignored, but why do people view this as a rip off situation? It's a trade off. You get to play Wii games now as opposed to waiting a year for a (possible) redesigned unit.

That's the whole damn point.

Also, handhelds != consoles. I know Nintendo has a history of this sort of thing, but they didn't do it with the Cube (the Q doesn't count since it was Japan only and in limited quantities), and the reasons for a handheld redesign are different than a console, being that a console has much less reason for it.

As something (I think shipwreck or FriskyTanuki) said, if you have an issue with the color of a game system, you have serious issues.

Besides, on a site like CAG, where seemingly no one has any kind of attachment to their games and systems and is always reselling them or trading them in, I'd imagine someone would just go that route if they absolutely, positively, must have a black system or something.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']I'm starting to have lots of second thoughs about buying my Wii at launch, I don't wanna get ripped off and have Nintendo come out with a new and better Wii later (Not just different colors, something like 361 and that PS3 http://www.joystiq.com/2006/12/20/ken-kutaragi-talks-av-centric-ps3-uh-psx3-ps3x/ here.) I really don't wanna keep mine if they're going to make a better one like they do with all their handhelds.[/QUOTE]
Well Nintendo has already confirmed that a Wii with DVD playback is coming, so yeah, they are following suit.
bread's done