Will trade referals, trying to get a Wii


1 (100%)
Hello everyone. My goal is a free wii. I am willing to trade some stuff to get there. I need a total of 5 (or 6) referals. Ideally, I will trade referals to get them (you complete an offer for me, and I complete an offer for you on another site). I also have some stuff that I am willing to give away for a complete referal. I would prefer to get a couple by trading referalls before I send out anything. So here is the deal.

Some info about the site.
1.) It seems to credit pretty fast for this type of site. The offers that say they "credit instantly" really do.

2.) Be careful with your info, I did one offer, and typed in a different email
address than the one I signed up for YourNintendoWii4Free.com with, and I did not get credit for the offer. Make sure all the info is the same for offers and the main site.

3.) It takes 1 offer completed, and 5 referrals who do the same to get a Wii. For 6 referals, they also have a Wii+2 games.

4.) Many of the offers offer free trials to things. Be careful, because they often charge you for shipping. Before you decide to do one, check out the site and find the cost of shipping. Some are $2 or less.

What to do for me
If you are interested in trading referalls, please PM me with details of the site you would like me to do, and I will PM you back with the link and some advice.

If you would like to complete a referal for something on the list below, please PM me with what you would like. I will PM you back, with the link and advice. When you complete the referal, I will send you the item.

Frequency - PS2 (used, mint)
The Bouncer - PS2 (used, mint)
Summoner - PS2 (used, mint)
1600 Marketplace points

Finally, if you would just like to help me out, click on this banner, sign up for the site, and complete an "A level" offer. I will appreciate it very much.

Ok, thats it, PM me for anything and everything. And thanks for helping me out.

PS: If you can't or don't want to help me out with the free wii site, but still want to help me get free things for whatever reason, I would be happy if you checked the site in my signature out with my referral link. It is www.videogamelagoon.com (non-ref-link), and it is by the same people who do gaminglagoon, which has been posted all over CAG for a while now. I am very close to getting a free game. Beware though, I have not been able to get any offers to credit in the past two weeks. If you want to check it out, do one offer (most are completely free with no credit card), and wait for credit before doing any more. Have fun.
bread's done