Win 8.1 Update 1


290 (100%)
Is anyone else having issues updating 8.1, specifically KB2919355? I've tried all the fixes that M$oft suggests, to no avail. The error code I get most often is 80073712. Nothing seems to work, not even manually installing the update. I guess it's just typical Windows bullshit. Figures.

Windows bullshit is pretty easy to avoid these days.

That error is quite common right now. I've gotten more than a few calls asking me to fix or address it. So far it's all in M$ hands.

Yes, I solved it by doing a fresh install of Windows 8.1 and letting it do a repair.  After that, I was able to download the required KB and then install.

Sorry, I forgot all about this thread. Yes, I did get it fixed and didn't have to, nor would I, reinstall my OS to do it. I'll search my history and post the solution once I find it.
K. These are the steps I went through, after trying nearly everything else.

  1. Download offline installers:
  2. Fix Windows Update:
  3. Scan Windows system components:
    sfc /scannow
  4. Remove KB2919355 package:
    dism /online /remove-package /packagename:package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
  5. Clean up the WinSxS folder:
    dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase
  6. Clean up disk with system files remove:
  7. Restart computer
  8. Run offline installer:

Here's where I found this info:

And, those are commands run as Administrator. Maybe this will help someone else.

bread's done