Win a FREE DS and Code Lyoko DS


2 (100%)
I hope this is allowed, but seeing as how this is the contest section and people post links, I'd think this is the right place.

Anyway I'm running a Code Lyoko trivia contest on my site. The grand prize winner will get a DS (phat, but hey free is free) and a copy of Code Lyoko. Two other lucky winners will get a copy of Code Lyoko.

The first trivia question will be given at midnight (PST) and will net you one entry into the contest. Also you can get 3 entries (for one answer) by finding the trivia question on my subsite when it has information about The Game Factory. This contest ends on the 14th. To see all rules visit this link:

Feel free to share answers in this thread!

UPDATE! Contest is now live:

#2 is up:




Google is your friend. :)

That's how I came up with the trivia questions. You can use any means to find the answers, I don't care. Again you can even share them here if you want.
I've actually never watched the show, but the game does look somewhat interesting to me. I guess I'll give it a shot.
Well I know my forum goers are posting the answers there if you want an easy way to enter. Kinda hoped people would post them here as well, but what can you do?
I didn't post my last answer because honestly, I don't even think it was right. I browsed around the show's wiki page, and that was the best answer I could find.

As for the second answer, I'm pretty sure I know what this one is. I believe the answer is a teddy bear.

And I have to admit, while browsing the wiki pages about this show, I have become somewhat interested in the show. Too bad I don't think it comes on anymore. Nevermind, it does still come on. And I watched the first two episodes on Youtube, and wow, this show was pretty awesome. I'm definitely gonna pick up the first season on DVD, since it's only like $15.
So, I've answered the question all three days so far, but the contest continues until the 14th. So, do I continue to answer questions (in case I got one of my answers wrong) or am I not allowed to answer any more because I've answered 3 questions (regardless of whether I've answered them correctly or not).

EDIT: I decided to use those reading skills I've learned (lol), and realized the 3 questions I was referring to is the bonus questions about E3 rather than the daily questions. D'oh!

Awesome contest by the way. I too have never seen the show before this contest (or even heard of it actually... No cable at my house :( ) but I've gotten pretty interested in it. I'd buy the first season, but being the CAG I am, I'm requesting it at my local library, lol. (But in the meantime watching some on YouTube).

(Here's day 3 since OP hasn't had a chance to update post yet)
If my math is correct (and it might not be, planning for E3 has fried my brain) then 12. You can't submit more than one entry per day however, you have to do it the day the question is released.

And sorry about not updating, wasn't sure if people were wanting to follow this or not. :)
Well, I'm definitely still following this, and I just want to say thanks for running and posting about this contest! Even if I don't win the game, I found a great new show to watch, so I still kinda won something! :D
[quote name='Rockgamer']Well, I'm definitely still following this, and I just want to say thanks for running and posting about this contest! Even if I don't win the game, I found a great new show to watch, so I still kinda won something! :D[/quote]

To be honest, the number of entries has been very low so if you have been entering there is a good chance to win something.
bread's done