Win Any Brand New Video Game <$59.99!

Ok, I feel dumb now. What username and where do I post it?

EDIT: Ohhh ok. Well, I got my foot in the door as customer number 6.
I'm not exactly sure what userid I'm supposed to use as I never had the choice to select one, but my customer number's 7.
Posted. In the spirit of this thread, I have a comment. Can you fix your title graphic so it's not the size of an address label? My resolution is 1920x1080 and I can barely see the thing.
Visited the site..

So just post here I'm assuming?

I'll check the site out a bit more later when I have more time.
[quote name='funkydunkleman']Why are all the cases missing?[/quote]

They were sacraficed to the god that EB/GS prays to. JK

Site looks cool, Ill keep watching it and buy some stuff.
would be great if they could be sorted by more then just system, like rpg action sport etc.

registered, hope i win ;-)
I assume we just register and then post something here? I'm not sure how you'd really be able to find out who is who then, but oh well, I entered (I think).

Thanks OP.


Assuming you might need this, I'm customer #10.
Hi, looked over your website and I'd like to give you some constructive criticism:

Make the "
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]" link an actual link so readers can click on it instead of having to highlight and paste it into their browser. Also, the "main" graphic in the top left is too small. It is very hard to read the smaller text. Either enlarge it or make a new one.
Suggestion : Since you are selling individual case only games, it would be a good idea to include the condition of the game, or at least give something general like "All games in XX condition unless otherwise stated."
website looks shaddy as hell. reminds me of those Wii scams from a few months ago. not saying this is a scam just throwing in my 2cents. it has that vibe :X
hmmm you might want to give some more details about the items you are selling. Especially for the wholesale ones, since you can barely see what games they are.
bread's done