Win ANY Virtual Console game, just for making pictures! *WINNER ANNOUNCED!*


41 (100%)
UPDATE 12/26/07: Winner announced! :D

After really annoying myself by saving all of the images and putting them into the thread and previewing them, I FINALLY came to a decision. It was a hard descision and I hate running contests because I feel bad for those who don't win :cry: Really, I should have never of done this! :lol:

So let's get this over with before I get sad and start to cry.
The winner of the "ANY VC game just for making pictures!" is..

::drum roll::

::eek:pens envelope::

With the winning entry of:

[quote name='T4Revan']









Again, a million thanks to everyone whom participated. I seen a lot of creativity here and even a lot of hard work!! :applause: to everyone!

T4, please respond in this thread (so people know i'm being sincere about this, LOL) with your Wii System Code and what game you want. Also, please add my code of 1651-4644-6522-6419 to your Wii ASAP so they both can be registered quickly and I can send you your gift.


Hello :wave:
I am going to run a contest for something very simple and will require minimal work for fellow CAGs.
I have been keeping the [thread=139647]Virtual Console Thread[/thread] updated since the end of May, and I intend to do so into the new year.

My idea is to make a new thread for the first update of January and take it to through (most of) 2008.

It's not going to be JUST a "VC" thread, but will be the Wii Shop Channel thread instead. This way all discussion about shop updates, new channels, new WiiWare, and the weekly VC games can be held there.

ANYWAY! Onto what I need.
I am looking for several banners. I don't know the appropriate term, so I guess banner is correct. Not too small, but please.. nothing obnoxious.

I will need the following:
"Wii Shop Channel" (maybe "Wii Shop Channel Thread", depends on what looks nicer)
"News & Updates"

It's a pretty simple task overall, so if you feel inclined to wouldn't be a lot of work.

The winner will be chosen by me. I will choose the winner based off of whatever feels right to me. So there aren't really that many rules here. you have the freedom to do whatever, but it's up to me to see what I like the best for that thread.

What I AM looking for is:
The main banner be the larges (preferably the same size as the XBLA banners! Check out those threads to see what I mean!)
The "Wii look". Meaning white & light blue. Ya know..that "Wii Look"
That's it.
Oh, keep in mind 1 set of pictures per member.

Deadline for this is Saturday, December 22. I will choose the winner by Monday Dec 24.

Prize: ANY Virtual Console game. Yes, whatever you want. :) Plus you will be given credit in the new thread.

Post all pics here, and use SPOILER tags so the entire thread isn't flooded!
Good luck everyone! Sorry for the sloppy thread, I just feel that it's not some huge contest with tons of rules/regulations..and it's just a very simple task, so yeah.

Great! I'll get to work on some after my final this afternoon! I look forward to the competition! I'm definitely nothing good with Photoshop, but I have made a few neat things in the past.
[quote name='iowaholdem']Great! I'll get to work on some after my final this afternoon! I look forward to the competition! I'm definitely nothing good with Photoshop, but I have made a few neat things in the past.[/QUOTE]

This will not require much knowledge in Photoshop. I am sure anyone can make nice images with JUST MS Paint. I could of made these myself..but.. there are other people with creative ideas. Plus, i want to give away a game :)
Cool, always up for a challengey-thing.
I'll get to work on something when I get home later today.

edit: Scratch that, I cannot make any -- my copy of photoshop won't run properly.
[quote name='thenockmlb']To enter, do we need to make a banner for each section?[/QUOTE]

Yes; entry = 1 set of pics.
If you post just 1 or 2 pics, it will not count. I'm looking for a complete set.
[quote name='Riyonuk']Sorry, but I'm unsure of this XBLA you speak of? Like this?

760px by 160px?[/QUOTE]

Yes, that's the headers for the XBLA threads. They are from and they fit perfectly on top of the thread!

[quote name='xokxtrunks']How big do you want them?[/QUOTE]

I don't have any dimensions. Basically whatever you feel would look nice in a thread to separate each section.

Outrage--very nice. Glad to see someone already started :) Can't wait to see some others!
Finished. Whew! That took longer than expected.








The concept behind the WiiWare banner is that they're all surprised or excited (hopefully pleasantly). Likewise, in News and Updates, they're all shouting. Except for Sonic (who might be yawning) and Crono who is asleep.

Credit goes to Sprite Database for a lot of the sprite images. However, there are a fair number that I took myself from screenshots, especially for Turbografx. Some from Sprite Database were subsequently edited or manipulated.

I'm not really happy with the N64 banner, but it's tough to find good N64 snapshots, and then it would have taken hours to edit out the images. If I happened to win, I would go back and do this with a selection of Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros, and a fair number of the cartridges represented now in the banner.
Just 1 set per person. Feel free to make different ones and choose what you like best. But to be fair, I'm only going to allow 1 set per person.
[quote name='sonderiaom']Marking a spot for my later entries.[/quote]


Looks like some stiff competition already though...:applause:
Here's my entry:










I tried to keep the Wii aesthetic and coloring. I think I did a pretty good job, first time I've worked in Photoshop in about a year.
[quote name='mnty1990']Here's my entry:










I tried to keep the Wii aesthetic and coloring. I think I did a pretty good job, first time I've worked in Photoshop in about a year.[/quote]Just wanted to say that I think your banners have the most potential right now. Great idea, but I think the execution could use a little work. Personally, I think the word Games really detracts from the quality of your banners. Now, I'm definitely not critiqueing to be rude or anything, but I think if you got rid of the Games part and reworked the layout to fit the space, yours would be the best banners by far.

On second thought, if you do keep the Games, it definitely needs to be in smaller font. Right now as I look at all those banners, what draws my attention the most is the Games and not the systems or system names. The second word Downloads in your WiiWare Downloads is much more successfully exectued than Games is. Oh, and if you do keep Games (in one form or another) do your best to align the word Games on all of the banners so that they're all in the same spot. It looks a little wonky when the same part of the banners shifts around a lot.

Just my two cents.
Alright thanks for the feedfack, I'll definitely keep working on it. Yeah I knew about the alignment cause I just positioned everything by dragging around and basically estimated where the last one was. I'm off to school, and I'll rethink the games or maybe change the whole things. IDK! You'll just have to wait and see :]
:applause: Really nice work from everyone right now.

Just so everyone knows, if you post a set of pictures..and you are CAN change them. The deadline is the 22, so you can keep changing the pictures until you are satisfied. It's just whatever is posted in this thread by the end of the day is what counts :)

So, BTW, is everyone OK with me choosing the best one? I just don't want to seem shady. I understand this isn't some big contest with a big expensive prize, but still. I'd like to be as fair/awesome/cool as possible.

Keep up the good work everyone!
Gonna post mine as I finish them.










Done. Most of these turned out nice, but I couldn't find a good controller image for neogeo...

Edit: Finally found a neogeo controller for the neogeo image!
Again, very nice work so far guys :)
T4, that's really cool. You def need to find a neogeo controller! It looks so out of place with out it! :lol:

I can say I'm torn between a few right now :whistle2:( yeah. Keep them comin!
Wow strong entries right off the bat! I suggest taking a new approach with future entries..... Since Lilboo is the judge throw some wang or hairy booty into the pic somewhere. ;)
Bumping back to the first page.

Hopefully some of you whom held spots come back and enter in them.
This is going to be a hard decision, but I don't mind. :razz:

Keep in mind, this is ending on Saturday! (Meaning Saturday will be the last day for people to enter)
[quote name='yukine']blandstalker wins!

Where did you get all those awesome sprites? :lol:[/quote]

Thanks for the kind words.

The sprites came from Sprite Database although there are some that I stole from a screenshot from one place or another.
Tomorrow is the last day.
Hope some more people who said they were going to enter late, come back and enter!

If by any chance you need a little more time..then just let me know. It doesn't HAVE to end tomorrow ya know :razz:
Ok today is the last day.
If no one needs extra time, whomever entered already will be the entrants and I'll announce the winner tomorrow or Monday!

Lets see what I can do...

will work on the others, but I'm sure you get the drift of what I'm going to do though. \\:D/
[quote name='lilboo']Ok today is the last day.
If no one needs extra time, whomever entered already will be the entrants and I'll announce the winner tomorrow or Monday![/quote]
As in you're closing it to any further submissions, or you'll close it at the end of today? I still want to enter but I've been away from a computer taking care of sick family so I'm not sure if I'll get to enter or not.
[quote name='shinryuu']Gwhwhalrlwaehaeldkjl

Lets see what I can do...

will work on the others, but I'm sure you get the drift of what I'm going to do though. \\:D/[/quote] Update








I'm not dead Liboo! I'm working on them, so don't say I'm out until the stroke of midnight. (Doomed and CheapAssGamer presents: A Cinderella Story):lol:
Feh, I don't really have a cut off time. Maybe tonight at midnite, or whenever I wake up tomorrow and get online and I'll make an announcement that it's closed..LOL

I really am hating that I made this contest. I'm seeing some great work here and I really feel like saying there's a first place tie between everyone..:lol:

No hard feelings on anyone. Seriously. You all have done amazing work thus far, and picking a winner is going to be very hard for me.
Shop channel is with a white background to set it apart, but that could easily be removed and made transparent. I really wanted to make tacky animated headers, but sick kids don't leave you a lot of time to do stupid fun stuff on the computer.








[quote name='shinryuu']Nice! I like yours and it would defintely be cool if it was animated. :D[/quote]
Thanks! Yours are cool and I was actually considering something similar but didn't want to steal your thunder (I really like the clean images embedded in your letters). I minimized the available colors in my palette for a pared-down look. I wish I had been able to devote more time to it - if nothing else to do justice to the nature of the contest. I wish more things like this popped up on CAG; it's totally fun.
bread's done