Wind Waker Question.


CAG Veteran
1 (100%)
I haven't played this game yet. I'm going to pretty soon, and I've heard a lot of good things about it. The only thing that troubled me was this supposedly irritating "quest" that takes forever. What is it? (Don't tell me exactly if it's a spoiler) Do you just have to run around and find a bunch of crap without help from a map?
There is just a bunch of fetch quests towards the end of the game. It wasn't that bad to me. An excellent game that you should definately play. Sailing gets better over time.
If you let the sailing or the "fetching" (which is pretty easy to streamline, if I remember) hinder you playing this game, then you don't deserve to play it.
i don't get why everyone bashes the sailing, it would be CONVENIENT to have the islands within 20 seconds of each other, but its not like you can't watch the scenery while you sail, wonderful cel shaded graphics and the clouds move and change as you sail, one of the most beautiful games i've ever played, its like playing a cartoon :applause: and once you get the
ballad of gales
sailing is even less of a hassle (assuming it was even a problem to start with)
sailing is awesome, and right when you start to think it's getting tedious, you get something great that lets you warp all over to cut the time down drastically. The annoying quest though is where you sail around the whole map, find charts and stuff, then find these other things using those charts. Pretty long, but I actually had fun with it as well my first, second, and third time through.
Haha, people that whine about the sailing prolly never tried running around in an MMORPG across zones when you're still LOW level. Damn, the sailing is WONDERFUL compared to that kinda sloooooooow, borrrrrrring, travel.

Sit back, grab a beer, and enjoy the scenery. And know that sooner than later you'll have a shortcut system to more than halve the time of sailing.
I've yet to get more than a few hours into Wind Waker, but the sailing cannot possibly be as bad as what was featured prominently in Suikoden IV. In fact, if you're worried about not liking it in WW, play that game first. I'd be willing to bet steering that little cel-shaded boat will feel like getting a BJ in comparison.
[quote name='Under_Score']The only thing that troubled me was this supposedly irritating "quest" that takes forever. What is it? (Don't tell me exactly if it's a spoiler) Do you just have to run around and find a bunch of crap without help from a map?[/quote]
It's the Triforce quest (no spoilers there; it is Zelda after all). It's not especially difficult, but it does take some time. The complaints directed at it were valid in my opinion. It felt like a shameless attempt to pad the length of the game (incidentally, the game seemed to be missing a dungeon or two). Don't let it deter you though; it's still a wonderful game.
[quote name='Allnatural']It's the Triforce quest (no spoilers there; it is Zelda after all). It's not especially difficult, but it does take some time. The complaints directed at it were valid in my opinion. It felt like a shameless attempt to pad the length of the game (incidentally, the game seemed to be missing a dungeon or two). Don't let it deter you though; it's still a wonderful game.[/QUOTE]

Yes, that's exactly what it was for me. That was just tedious.

And yes again, I believe that a few dungeons were lopped off from the game. IIRC.

I'll probably go back to WW now that my 360 has bored me.
Wind Waker is great. I haven't finished Twilight Princess yet, but the fact that I haven't and have owned it since launch should tell you something.
I think there was supposed to be 2 more dungeon at the Fire Island and the Ice Island but they were cut due to the game taking longer than anticipated to develop. If this game included those 2 dungeons, spread the Triforce quest over the entire game rather than all at once and upped the difficulty to where you actually needed hearts, potions and fairies it would be the greatest game in the history of games. As it stands now it's still a 95/100 for me but I'd LOVE to see a Director's Cut that addresses those three things.
[quote name='javeryh']I think there was supposed to be 2 more dungeon at the Fire Island and the Ice Island but they were cut due to the game taking longer than anticipated to develop. If this game included those 2 dungeons, spread the Triforce quest over the entire game rather than all at once and upped the difficulty to where you actually needed hearts, potions and fairies it would be the greatest game in the history of games. As it stands now it's still a 95/100 for me but I'd LOVE to see a Director's Cut that addresses those three things.[/quote]QFT :applause:
Yeah the game is less tedious than TP overall, the fetching is a pain but most of the time sailing is a blast.

Second best Zelda in my mind, after LttP.
I loved WW, it was the first Zelda game I played. The problem is- now I have a cel-centric view of Zelda since that was my first exposure to the series. Looking at the TP graphics it looks strange to me because I think that Link should be a little kid :)

The sailing did not even bother me ever, and in fact I loved it. I loved the freedom of sailing by controlling the wind using the magic wand and watching the islands pass by as I cruised around in the boat. In fact I thought the red boat was one of the most innovative characters I have ever seen in a game. I liked the sailing so much that when I re-connected my GC after about a year of having it in a box, I popped in WW just to go for a sail hehe.

But take my words re: the sailing with a grain of salt. I also enjoy MS Flight Simulator, so my views may be biased ;)

Anyways, WW is a great game and I am sure you'll enjoy it immensely. IMO it goes beyond just being a game to being interactive art.

[quote name='javeryh']I think there was supposed to be 2 more dungeon at the Fire Island and the Ice Island but they were cut due to the game taking longer than anticipated to develop. If this game included those 2 dungeons, spread the Triforce quest over the entire game rather than all at once and upped the difficulty to where you actually needed hearts, potions and fairies it would be the greatest game in the history of games. As it stands now it's still a 95/100 for me but I'd LOVE to see a Director's Cut that addresses those three things.[/quote]I would adore a Wiimake with all those suggestions implemented.
Wind Waker was so much fun! It was one of the many big reasons why I think the 'Cube was the best console last gen.
I would say the GC was the system with the most unused potential last gen... it was the ideal machine for gamers and developers but it never caught on like the ps2.
storage medium helped prevent a fair amount of backups, but it also limited the amount of data that could be stored, although i did enjoy the non-existant load times and smooth framerate on the majority of games
WW is easily my favorite Zelda game. TP can't compare, imo. I basically judge Zelda games based on replayability, and WW had (and still has) me begging for more. After I was done with TP, I traded it in to help me buy Pokemon Pearl, and I haven't regretted it since

Are these things I hear about the Fire/Ice islands true, what with cut dungeons?
sailing kills that game that and the lame ending boss battle freakin pathetic. and i hated fishing for stuff damn annoying. sailing is fun in the beginning of course and youre all like ooooooohhhhh and aaaaaahhh but after an few hours its tedious and annoying and drags the game down at times. and even when you get to where you can get to places fasters its limited to spots you should have just been able to get to any place on the map instantly right near the shores. i did like that weird fish though and that noise he makes.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']WW is easily my favorite Zelda game. TP can't compare, imo. I basically judge Zelda games based on replayability, and WW had (and still has) me begging for more. After I was done with TP, I traded it in to help me buy Pokemon Pearl, and I haven't regretted it since

Are these things I hear about the Fire/Ice islands true, what with cut dungeons?[/quote]

yeah tp is a one time games especially after the last 2 or 3 dungeons just drag on with no real purpose. damn shame too and that ending wtf.
ya TP lacks in the replay area for some reason. I think the story is just so annoying, dragged on, and simply awful and twisted that you really don't want to have to play it again. A lot of the gameplay relies on the story...where Wind Waker didnt have as much of that at all, and if it did the time required to get through it was way shorter...
I stopped playing the game when I hit that quest. It's total bullshit. And it happens just when things are starting to get exciting. I can't believe people are defending it but whatever, zelda-fanatics.

Aside from that, it's a really good game (the three quarters of which I played) and it has the best 'zelda moment' I've ever seen.
I liked the 'fetch quest' myself, but I can see how others would not. The game definitely has issues, but it was amazing none the less. I particularly liked how there are always tons of random things to explore. There are lots of little random caves & islands to check out that are completely optional, and that's the kind of thing I really like in a Zelda game. As far as I'm concerned, WW is the one 3D Zelda title so far which has come closest to replicating the experience of a 2D Zelda, because it's the only one with a proper overworld(complete with a grid based map because it's so huge). I do wish the game was a little more difficult, but the battle system was just so much fun that I have trouble faulting them there.

If it had the missing dungeons, the game would've been perfection and probably the best Zelda game ever. As it is, it's still near the top, and yes it's better than Twilight Princess(though I liked TP, as I do all Zelda titles). The only Zeldas I rank higher than WW are Majora's Mask & LttP.
the towns in ww were alot better than th eone in tp too. i freakin hated how dull and empty the town was in tp very little to do and explore and very little reason to go back to explore.
[quote name='The Crotch']Defending? Not really. Just downplaying. It's really quite short and easy if you know what you're doing.[/quote]

Well that's great and all for a second or third play through. I probably should have sussed it out-- I was really getting into the groove at that point.

I probably have less patience than a lot of people for bullshit in video games. Hence, the reason I no longer play WoW.
I am by no means a Zelda-fanatic. In fact, before Wind Waker, I had never even played a Zelda game before. Never even wanted to.

But I played Wind Waker like it was my job.
This is definetley (sp?) one of my top 5 games I've ever played.

Reason being I played it when I was still in elementary school and it provided with so many quests and got me into Zelda (the series, not the lady). The story I thought it was superb along with the combat and puzzles. Sure the sailing was lackluster to start off but then sooner it gets more interesting (enemies starting coming, you'd start finding hidden "secrets" in the water, and more).

By the way, the part your talking about wasn't that bad...
it was just a triforce quest
I remember reading an interview with Aonuma i think, and he basically apologized for how boring the triforce quest was.
I don't think the triforce quest bothered me that much- if it did I would have remembered it being a pain.

Maybe you all are just lazy :). When you're saving the world sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do- even if it is a little boring hehe.

I was really really really enjoying this game until the Tri-Force part. You go, find a map, collect rupees, have tingle translate it so you know where to go. Go there, get the piece, then repeat. Yay.

Still, even though I never finished it I'd say it's my favorite Zelda game. I really liked the graphics style. 20 years from now (if games are still being made) a game like TP will look like crap while WW will still have it's looks.
[quote name='whoknows']Still, even though I never finished it I'd say it's my favorite Zelda game. I really liked the graphics style. 20 years from now (if games are still being made) a game like TP will look like crap while WW will still have it's looks.[/quote]You really should finish it. Final boss fight was epic my first time through. Although I wasn't a fan of the Mega Man-style final dungeon, though.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']You really should finish it. Final boss fight was epic my first time through. Although I wasn't a fan of the Mega Man-style final dungeon, though.[/quote]megaman style?
[quote name='The Crotch']
Pick your poison: The fire boss, the water boss, or the flying boss!

At least, I think that's what he meant.[/quote]Oh yes, exactly. Everything after that was pretty cool.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']You really should finish it. Final boss fight was epic my first time through. Although I wasn't a fan of the Mega Man-style final dungeon, though.[/QUOTE]
Maybe someday, assuming I still have my save file and I'm not to lazy to find the GC and hook it up :p
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