Winter is nearly upon us


CAG Veteran
Wow, it's hard to believe it's almost Winter (December 21). The years/months/weeks/days just blend together so quickly now, don't they? What are you doing this Winter? Also, share your favorite Winter memories here.
My wife and I were just talking about this but for us it is because we moved to a warmer climate over the summer and it hasn't gotten cold yet.
Having grew up in Anchorage and now living near Portland. I find myself almost missing winter. And hating people's cowardly reaction to it. Portland gets maybe two snowfalls of 1-2 inches twice a year. Both times the snow is gone in less than a week.

However, the days leading up to those snowfalls just turn into a total panic. Co-workers checking 24/7, asking everyone about road conditions. Local news breaking into shows to report "Snow level dropping below 1000 feet! Everyone lock your doors and stay inside!"

And I'm just trying to bite my tongue from calling everyone wimps and cowards. The same damn thing happens every year after every snowfall. You think they'd be used to it by now.
[quote name='eldergamer']Having grew up in Anchorage and now living near Portland. I find myself almost missing winter. And hating people's cowardly reaction to it. Portland gets maybe two snowfalls of 1-2 inches twice a year. Both times the snow is gone in less than a week.

However, the days leading up to those snowfalls just turn into a total panic. Co-workers checking 24/7, asking everyone about road conditions. Local news breaking into shows to report "Snow level dropping below 1000 feet! Everyone lock your doors and stay inside!"

And I'm just trying to bite my tongue from calling everyone wimps and cowards. The same damn thing happens every year after every snowfall. You think they'd be used to it by now.[/QUOTE]

Watch what happens when it rains in LA.
I'm going to abandon my dump of an apartment and go back to my hometown for 2 months and just become a couch potato/reluctant assistant to my parents small business. Until the Spring semester starts that is.

I'm also hoping I finally get a car so I don't have to keep borrowing my sisters.
And this is partially why I hate Portland so much:

Portlanders should be prepared for snow and ice,” said Mayor Sam Adams.

City and State road crews are better prepared for Monday because, says Adams, “we have clearer warning from forecasters, we’re providing clearer warning to the public, and we’re marshaling our equipment and personnel earlier.” Crews have been anti-icing bridges, overpasses, critical streets, and highway roads all weekend in preparation for this storm.
“The Portland region is facing similar conditions to the storm of last December 29 when we were all surprised by snow that arrived mid-day and did not let up. Over 1,000 vehicles were abandoned on area freeways largely because people did not have a plan, tire chains, and emergency supplies in their

Adams encourages Portlanders not to venture out Monday if you don’t have to. “If you must venture out, plan to commute by transit. If you must drive, put together an emergency kit for your vehicle that will keep you warm and safe if you get stranded. Be sure you have an alternate
way home.”

The high today is 35, the low 28. The message from the mayor? For the love of God, Stay Home! These are inhumane conditions! How could anyone possibly drive when it's raining and 30 degrees! Man cannot survive! And it's not like this happens once or twice a year, every year as well!
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I live in canada. its always cold here.. so winter isnt much of a change other then it getting colder and the bloody snow comes... brr

VGM out...
I'm up in Canada time to for the ladies to break out those sexy sweaters and big puffy ski jackets that have just a hint of curve in all the right places. you know she's got a righteous body when it shows up thru layers son.. multiple layers. awww yeah.
i hate snow and everything that comes with it this thread just reminded me i need to go buy a snow shovel
Usually I don't mind winter, but I'm going to hate it this year if it gets crazy. Working as a cart attendant this year, and the thought of having to shovel all the snow and wipe the carts of snow is just blah. Rain sucks already as it is and they're calling for that on Black Friday of all days. >_
I hate winter, besides all the cold weather, snow, ice and it getting dark early, all amusement parks near me closed on Halloween and I have to wait until April for them to open again. Being a coaster enthusiast, the offseason is horrible.
It was 72 today in Central Illinois. Did *not* expect that when I got out of bed this morning! :O

I'm actually not a fan of the cold winter. Snow isn't really the annoying part; I just hate the temperatures.
I loathe this season with a passion. It's difficult enough dealing with the holiday psychos on the road without freezing your ass off in the process. Hard snow, black ice, interaction with more morons than usual, etc. Uh... what's there to love again? Since I live in Ohio I'm sure we'll receive a bountiful amount of inches this year. Nothing better than having to ice skate to your car on the street after it rains because the city couldn't care less about salting it properly. What's worse is complete strangers still insist on driving down our steep hill at 30+ MPH. I remember last year I had to call off work one morning because I literally couldn't get to the f*cking thing without busting my ass. The entire street was a thick sheet of slick ice. Despite this some idiot in an SUV going about 35 maybe 40 flew down it after I somehow managed to crawl myself back to the sidewalk and did a complete 360 spin all the way down after skidding to a stop. Jesus must have been with the guy because he managed to complete it without hitting any parked cars or telephone poles. I reaaaaaaallllyyyy should have recorded that shit.

It could be worse though... I could live in Buffalo during this time of year instead.
bread's done