Wireless controller problem


Hi, hoping someone here can help. I had to change the batteries for the first time on my controller and had a hell of a time getting them out. Finally replaced them and now the "A" button wont work at all. Anyone ever have this happen? Does this mean its broken and I need a new one? I haven't used the controller all that much and there's no excuse for it being broken this fast so I'd hate to have to buy a new one so I am wondering if there's anything I can do here.
You had problems getting the batteries out? Are you using a first party controller? They should come out with no problem.
Yes I was using the Microsoft controller that came with it. For some reason one of the batters was a bitch to get out.
If you had trouble getting the batteries out, and can't use the A button, then you should probably replace the controller because it looks like its getting old
My biggest wireless controller problem is that I still somehow manage to trip over the cord.
Hmm, you should probably get them replaced... I have 3 controllers that are 4+ years old and haven't had these problems yet.
Perhaps you got a faulty one?
As for batteries getting stuck, you mean the case right? Some new ones tend to get stuck, but that shouldn't affect your A button though...
Turns out the next day the A button was fine. Weird. The controller and my system isn't very old. Hopefully the next time I change the batteries they slide right out. I was messing with it for a good 20 minutes before I was finally able to get them out.
Glad to hear its working for you...hopefully it doesn't act up again. Still strange about that the batteries being hard to get out.
Just a suggestion if the batteries are tough to remove.....The battery pack has a slip of paper in it. If you havent noticed it to take it out then you oughta do so. Would make things so much easier. It would probably also help with the button issue since that paper would interrupt the connection ends of the batteries and the pack ends.
bread's done