wisdom teeth


i couldn't find cheapassdentist, so i figured i'd give this a shot here...

i haven't had any trouble with my wisdom teeth for a while now, probably for about a year or year and a half. so they decide to start giving me big trouble this weekend. problem is that i have no dental coverage and since i have no work visa, i am also unemployed. i'm calling my family to beg them for help, but i still want to keep the bill as low as possible.

there are a couple of colleges/universities in the area with dental schools. does anyone here have any experiences with this sort of thing? i'd prefer to go to an established dentist, but i may have no choice. it's freakin painful to eat and these teeth have to come out soon.
[quote name='darkmere']i couldn't find cheapassdentist, so i figured i'd give this a shot here...

i haven't had any trouble with my wisdom teeth for a while now, probably for about a year or year and a half. so they decide to start giving me big trouble this weekend. problem is that i have no dental coverage and since i have no work visa, i am also unemployed. i'm calling my family to beg them for help, but i still want to keep the bill as low as possible.

there are a couple of colleges/universities in the area with dental schools. does anyone here have any experiences with this sort of thing? i'd prefer to go to an established dentist, but i may have no choice. it's freakin painful to eat and these teeth have to come out soon.[/QUOTE]

oh shit.. dude how old are you? my parents actually made me get them removed by a denitist oh when i was like 11ish or so. i think i read somewhere if you dont get them removed , they will fuck up your jaw big time. best to get this done and pay for it any way you can because its going to get alot worse down the road. I know, as I have met people who regret never getting them pulled when they were a kid.
i'll be 25 this month. they bothered me a little back when they started coming in, but they've been fine for a while, so i thought i wouldn't have to get them removed. spring break is in 2 weeks. if i'm lucky i'll be chillin, watching movies, playing games, all while high on codeine.
yea like i said before, get them pulled by a denist..don't ever think you will find a cheapassdoctor to help you out.... well actually let me change that, yes you can find one, but the chances of him actually having a state approved license or sterile equipment are pretty slim. just dont pull them yourself.
Yeah, just get to a dentist. There are some things you just aren't cheap about, and surgery is one of them. Timing isn't too bad, it all depends on the person. I think I got mine out when I was 16 or 17. I only really needed one out, but they decided to just do them all to prevent any potential issues in the future. Most peoples' mouths are just too small for them.
i was considering dental schools, not some back alley unlicensed shit. i was just wondering if anyone had input about that. like i said, i'd prefer the nice dentist at the mall with the flat screens on the ceiling to watch tv while he does his thing, but money is a bit of an issue. the dental school at ubc (the university of british columbia) says on their website you can save 20-40% on your bill depending on if the students or the teachers do the procedure, etc. that could be a savings of hundreds of dollars.
I need to get mine out this summer. How much time should I allot for a comfortable recovery? I was thinking of taking summer classes, so I need to plan ahead. BTW, I'm 18 and only one of them has really started to come in, if that helps any.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I need to get mine out this summer. How much time should I allot for a comfortable recovery? I was thinking of taking summer classes, so I need to plan ahead. BTW, I'm 18 and only one of them has really started to come in, if that helps any.[/QUOTE]

shouldnt be that long, but my buddy had his get infected so he was out of action for awhile
I got mine cut out when I was 16 or 17, but since they've grown in I guess it's not as complicated, but still more complicated than a regular dental procedure? I dunno, but if they're able to do it and you're hard on cash then go for the students. I guess they can't kill you, I dunno how bad they could mess up your jaw if they do it wrong. Maybe mess a nerve and cause some permanent loss of feeling? You'd probably be fine.

EDIT: To answer Dead of Knight, when I got mine out there was pretty much zero recovery, I actually ate meat that night, it was pretty tender, but still :p. What usually happens is just some swelling and pain for a few days, it shouldn't be that bad, they'll give you nice pain killers. I guess give yourself a week.
I had to have all 4 of my wisdoms removed at the same time! They had to put me under because they were growing in vertically and had cavities to boot. When I woke up my mouth hurt like id never known before. I hope youre able to get them out Dark, ASAP.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']My mom said like 3-4 weeks or something... so basically, she's full of shit?[/quote]

Sounds a little too excessive to me, if something gets infected like IKohn's friend, then it'll take longer, but shouldn't be more than a few days if it's normal.
it is diff. for everybody painwise...I only had my one side taken out since there was ahole in the top one about 5 years ago...but my other side are pretty much fully in and dont give me a problem at all (so far)...the Dentists like to wait till they are at least partially out of the gum so that it is less cutting

Took me a few days to start eating again after only the one side came out

I remember when i had my tonsils out and everybody said it would only hurt for the first day or so....total bullshit...i couldnt talk for about 4 days and drinking was excruciating...
It varies greatly. My sister had hers out before I did. She was out of commission and eating no solids for over a week, while I was off my Tylenol with codeine in two days.
[quote name='Jedi1979']the Dentists like to wait till they are at least partially out of the gum so that it is less cutting[/QUOTE]

So I should wait if only one of them is even close to being out of the gum?
First of all, you have to cut regardless if they're coming out of the gum anyway. It's not the cutting of the gums that's painful, it's separating the tooth from the jaw and severing the nerve that goes with it that hurts like a bitch.

And recovery?? It's getting a couple teeth ripped out, you'll be back in a day. Just don't go eating solid food for a couple days.
[quote name='depascal22']First of all, you have to cut regardless if they're coming out of the gum anyway. It's not the cutting of the gums that's painful, it's separating the tooth from the jaw and severing the nerve that goes with it that hurts like a bitch.

And recovery?? It's getting a couple teeth ripped out, you'll be back in a day. Just don't go eating solid food for a couple days.[/quote]

well, that is what i remember him specifically telling me....the less he has to cut the smoother the procedure is and faster the recovery...

That is also the reason i didnt get the other side done...since the teeth werent even through the gum yet
First of all, doctors will tell you whatever the hell they have to tell you so you calm down. It's the nervous nellies we get that hop all over the table whenever you start to inject local anesthetic. It's not good to operate on a moving target. Most dentists will take out all 4 wisdom teeth so you don't have to come back again. This guy didn't so now he can charge you for another procedure. It's just business but you got screwed.
ok...obviously you have some problem with dentists....

FIRST OF ALL, i was as calm as can be...the dentist was cool and explained everything as clear as can be....I had no problem with him at all, only reason i even needed my wisdom teeth out was because of a hole in one of them...so why should he dig into my other side when the teeth werent even showing or presenting any problems....he had checked the placement through xrays and everything seemed fine

now if his motive was to get me to come back a second time...well, he is still waiting after 5 years so nobody got "Screwed"
so i made a few quick phone calls to my family and it turns out i have more money in my funding account than i thought i did (which is good...i'm an idiot and would have blown most of it by now if i had known it was there.) looks like i can go to a real dentist after all. i'm making an appointment tomorrow to get my teeth looked at asap. i also have cheapass traveler's insurance that basically only covers emergencies, so i'm gonna try and figure out if this falls under some catergory they'll cover (one of my classmates says it should.)

now the real challenge: finding something to eat for dinner that won't hurt too much.
Even if you go to a dental school, this is something an oral surgeon does, cutting into your jaw and getting the teeth with inch and a half roots out of your jaw is not first year dentist school stuff.

Mine 20 years ago were done in two passes, but that's because one was horribly impacted (code for infected as hell and at an angle they were growing into my other teeth). That took over a week of no solids to heal. The other three were done at once, and because they were planned, significantly cheaper and maybe 3-4 days of pain total. Good drugs will be given. Back then it was like a grand total, but that was also including emergency surgery for the one.

If it's hurting that much, there's a good chance they're impacted. While that sucks for you physically, it may be an insurance boon.
now i think, im not sure, but for some strange reason, i think i kept my wisdom teeth in a small container.......let me go look for them :p
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I need to get mine out this summer. How much time should I allot for a comfortable recovery? I was thinking of taking summer classes, so I need to plan ahead. BTW, I'm 18 and only one of them has really started to come in, if that helps any.[/QUOTE]

A week. Tops.
For me, it hurt more when they were coming in. But since I was given full anesthesia, I was asleep during surgery. Afterwards, I felt groggy. It was similar to being drunk. I couldn't stand straight no matter how much I willed it but there wasn't any pain from the gums. It did start to hurt once I went to the movies w/ the family. I remember we all saw Street Fighter in the movie theater that my gums started hurting. So either the numbing agent was wearing off or my gums hated Street Fighter more than I did. :lol:
Well, I guess I'll be the "other side" as a warning to those of you who wait. I waited until my late 20s to get the things out. They never hurt, but one of them "grew" into the tooth next to it and shattered it (both of those had to be pulled) the others were on the way of doing the same thing so they all got pulled. Since I waited so long they were nice and cozy with my jaw. One of the teeth riped a hole in my sinus when it was pulled. I spent 2-3 weeks on soft foods until the bleeding stopped and it took about 2 months before my sinus healed enough that I wasn't coughing up blood in the morning (it would pool in my throat at night). I went to a highly reccommeded dental surgeon too.

My suggestion to everyone is to get them all out early so you don't have these problems. Also, unless you like the sound of your teeth being broken off your jaw, I would pay the $200 to be asleep during the procedure.

Cheapass Dentistry!

$3 at Home Depot

$9 at Home Depot

Total Cost: $12 + tax!
[quote name='umcthomas']Well, I guess I'll be the "other side" as a warning to those of you who wait. I waited until my late 20s to get the things out. They never hurt, but one of them "grew" into the tooth next to it and shattered it (both of those had to be pulled) the others were on the way of doing the same thing so they all got pulled. Since I waited so long they were nice and cozy with my jaw. One of the teeth riped a hole in my sinus when it was pulled. I spent 2-3 weeks on soft foods until the bleeding stopped and it took about 2 months before my sinus healed enough that I wasn't coughing up blood in the morning (it would pool in my throat at night). I went to a highly reccommeded dental surgeon too.

My suggestion to everyone is to get them all out early so you don't have these problems. Also, unless you like the sound of your teeth being broken off your jaw, I would pay the $200 to be asleep during the procedure.


damn, that sucks....but did you get regular checkups before you had your problem...if so they should have been able to catch that one tooth growing the way it did...if not well, then this should be a warning to all who dont get checkups regularly
there's no way I'm waiting to get mine removed as they're coming is sideways right into my molars.
I can already feel the teeth moving because its getting harder to get my retainer in.
[quote name='LiquidNight']there's no way I'm waiting to get mine removed as they're coming is sideways right into my molars.
I can already feel the teeth moving because its getting harder to get my retainer in.[/QUOTE]

ITS A LIVE!!!..........RUN FOR IT!!!
[quote name='Jedi1979']everybody just go watch that scene in Cast Away....you know which one;)[/QUOTE]

WILSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
No need to get all panicked, okay I was all hipped up but when I went in the room and sat down I was out in like uhhhhh 3 min.....or so then I woke up and hurt like hell, but I got through it actuallly I like the feeling of it.
[quote name='ITDEFX'] i think i read somewhere if you dont get them removed , they will fuck up your jaw big time. best to get this done and pay for it any way you can because its going to get alot worse down the road. I know, as I have met people who regret never getting them pulled when they were a kid.[/QUOTE]

Thats true when I was about 13 my dentist told me to pull them even though there is nothing wrong yet. I never got it done. Now 8 years later I need them pulled and to do so they have to peform surgery. They have to saw into my jawbone to pull them out. So yes I wish I would've done it a long time ago.
For the love of God get knocked out when they pull em'. I had all of mine pulled with just novocaine, and the separating of those big fuckers from my jaw was rather inpleasant.

As for recovery, just don't spit out (at least don't make a point of it) the blood thats oozes from your gums. You can get "dry sockets" if you do this, and according to my dentist that is quite painful.
[quote name='Graystone']Thats true when I was about 13 my dentist told me to pull them even though there is nothing wrong yet. I never got it done. Now 8 years later I need them pulled and to do so they have to peform surgery. They have to saw into my jawbone to pull them out. So yes I wish I would've done it a long time ago.[/QUOTE]

im glad my parents had this done to me early on and over the summer (so I dont miss school), the only thing that sucks is the soreness for a short time and a the holes in the back of my mouth inwhich food was so kind to fall into and i had to dig it out and clean it out before it sealed up or else i might have a piece of meat stuck in side my gums :O lol
Hey OP, you should call different dentist offices and ask them if they have any payment plans. This should certainly be an option.
I got my top two out while I was awake. They were fully erupted, so I got local anesthetic, dentist ripped them out. Aside from the nauseous sounds you hear and the fact that you'll be a little jilted by the experience, you'll be fine. I bled for half a day and was up and running by the next morning.

This past Christmas (on the 23rd, actually) I got the bottom two out while being put under. They were coming in sideways. I literally got into the chair, closed my eyes, and IMMEDIATELY got wheeled out. Don't remember a thing. Went home, slept for 5 hours, bleed for a little longer than that, and then got up and partied with friends.

Had absolutely no problems afterward. Didn't get dry sockets, had to rinse mouth out for a while. Honestly the worst thing was not being able to eat such great food for a few days, and instead HAD to drink soups, mashed potatoes, etc. You feel a dull soreness the whole time, but it's not bad. There was a small instance where driving back home - which was 6 hours from my parent's house - gave me an AGONIZING headache, but taking some meds cleared that up, and sleeping worked like a charm.

I'm sure it could potentially be a painful scenario, but in both instances I was literraly up within 6-12 hours and acting like it was no big deal at all.

Everyone seems to like to sensationalize wisdom teeth removal. I hate eye exams more, what with the dialated pupils and monstrous headaches that accompany them.

You'll be fine if you get them out. It's suggested that you get them out either 1) when they are painful or 2) when you are 18. I'm 23, got them removed both at 19 and 23. No real issues either time.

You'll be fine.
[quote name='darkmere']i couldn't find cheapassdentist, so i figured i'd give this a shot here...

i haven't had any trouble with my wisdom teeth for a while now, probably for about a year or year and a half. so they decide to start giving me big trouble this weekend. problem is that i have no dental coverage and since i have no work visa, i am also unemployed. i'm calling my family to beg them for help, but i still want to keep the bill as low as possible.

there are a couple of colleges/universities in the area with dental schools. does anyone here have any experiences with this sort of thing? i'd prefer to go to an established dentist, but i may have no choice. it's freakin painful to eat and these teeth have to come out soon.[/quote]

Not to get you bummed out on this subject, but that was one of the worst surgery/medical experiences i've ever had. I've heard it goes either way for people. But consider this, they are removing, basically, chunks out of your skull. The holes show up on an xray and then, of course, over time fill in. Anything that goes on around the head has potential to f you up. When i woke up from the drugs i started vomiting and just felt f'ing horrible. It was hell for 2-3 days. Just be ready for either road.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']Not to get you bummed out on this subject, but that was one of the worst surgery/medical experiences i've ever had. I've heard it goes either way for people. But consider this, they are removing, basically, chunks out of your skull. The holes show up on an xray and then, of course, over time fill in. Anything that goes on around the head has potential to f you up. When i woke up from the drugs i started vomiting and just felt f'ing horrible. It was hell for 2-3 days. Just be ready for either road.[/QUOTE]

I had mine removed over 7 months ago and my holes still havent filled in completely. Than again, I had no pain after surgery so I cant complain.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']Not to get you bummed out on this subject, but that was one of the worst surgery/medical experiences i've ever had. I've heard it goes either way for people. But consider this, they are removing, basically, chunks out of your skull. The holes show up on an xray and then, of course, over time fill in. Anything that goes on around the head has potential to f you up. When i woke up from the drugs i started vomiting and just felt f'ing horrible. It was hell for 2-3 days. Just be ready for either road.[/QUOTE]
Heh... I think the worst part for me was the drive home. I was put under during surgery, so halfway home, I got nauseated and threw up on the side of the road when my mom pulled over. Then we had to go back to get more gauze put in :p I was fine after that.
i booked an appointment for next thursday to get an exam. they said it should come to about $75 including x-rays...not bad. i also have the thursday after that tentatively booked to take care of whatever teeth need to be removed. now i need to call my insurance company and see if they reimburse for wisdom teeth (they might not since it's traveler's insurance for emergencies, but it's worth a shot.) in the meantime i picked up clove oil and it's done wonders for my pain. that stuff rocks.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Thanks guys. I knew she had to be wrong.[/QUOTE]

wouldnt say a total liar...took me a while before i could eat solid foods the same, but then again i got all 4 pulled and they had to drill one of them. I CERTAINLY wasnt eating the same that very night....it was a bitch for over a week for me id say.
[quote name='darkmere']i booked an appointment for next thursday to get an exam. they said it should come to about $75 including x-rays...not bad. i also have the thursday after that tentatively booked to take care of whatever teeth need to be removed. now i need to call my insurance company and see if they reimburse for wisdom teeth (they might not since it's traveler's insurance for emergencies, but it's worth a shot.) in the meantime i picked up clove oil and it's done wonders for my pain. that stuff rocks.[/quote]

what is clove oil? never heard of it.. homeopathic local anisthetic?
bread's done