Wise CAGers, please help me learn about HD


I've been hesitant when it comes to reading into HDTVs and whatnot. I was one of those types who said "Standard TV's are just fine". Well, each day I keep hearing more and more about HD. I'm trying to keep up, but it gets confusing on a newbie such as me. I was wondering if you could answer some of the laughable questions you are about to read...

Do they make HDTV's in the 20" - 27" size? I have an entertainment center and the max is 27". I'm not into the big tvs that take up the whole wall, so this'll do me.

Are they still in shape of a box or are they flat and sleek? Which ones are better in your opinion? I'm stuck with a 21" since the back of it hits the wall for being to fat. I think I can get away with a flat screen to have more clearance behind it.

What is this 480i, 720i, 1080i, and 1080p? Is it the higher, the better?

What is the difference between the I and P models, such as 1080i and 1080p.

Are they reasonable priced in the 20" - 27" size?

I have cable, so if I get a HDTV, will I notice the difference with the channels I watch such as Comedy Central, Sci-Fi, Fox, etc? Or do I have to pay my cable company to upgrade my cable into....whatever they have to support HD?

I tried researching, but that just made me lost even more. I'm very simple minded when it comes to TV's. :cry:
to answer some of your questions yes they make those size tvs in HD, but some can get expensive.

You would need an HD cablebox, and they might make the current channels looks worse or not really any improvement since they arent in HD

the higher the better from 480p to 1080p, you wont notice the difference between 1080i and p for the most part.
Thank you. And yeah, I agree. Since all the new consoles have been released, more people might start looking into HDTVs. Plus, I guess that is where we are heading.
[quote name='Judhudson']I've been hesitant when it comes to reading into HDTVs and whatnot. I was one of those types who said "Standard TV's are just fine". Well, each day I keep hearing more and more about HD. I'm trying to keep up, but it gets confusing on a newbie such as me. I was wondering if you could answer some of the laughable questions you are about to read...

These Flatscreen televisions is closer to your regular computer monitor
then to any regular TV.

In fact they are not Televisions at all they are just flat panel monitors simular to the one in your GBA or Digital Camera.

You should call them screens or monitors. In this case you just want something that will get the job done and maybe will give you that boost in picture.

I prefer a monitor/Flatscreen that has no sound input and non of that Region cock blocking crap. Something that has RGB inputs seeing how you will never ever get any higher then RGB.

On the topic of RGB input devices there have been few higher up devices that will support this.

Yes they make them in al size but a video display is probably what you need but if you want sound also you have to choose wisely.

Flatscreens is mostly less then six inches.

Yes you will find that if your cable box support HD television then yes you will see a big diffrence. HOwever sometimes you need to upgrade the box.

Some HDTV screens have cards and and can pick up Cable channels. YOu should consider your Flatscreen a type of computer like your cell phone computer also. It does not use waves it picks up a Wifi like frequency.

IT is onlky a TV screen if you don't care about it so much then don't bother. IN my case until all my computer screens and TC's brake then that is day when I will shop for a new screen.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']These Flatscreen televisions is closer to your regular computer monitor
then to any regular TV.

In fact they are not Televisions at all they are just flat panel monitors simular to the one in your GBA or Digital Camera.[/QUOTE]

I always thought that flat screen HDTV's were a lot like the screen on my GBA, but this confirms it. Good show, RegalSin2020!
test of being able to post, that reading tarot card spam thread musta broke my internets
Dude please don't buy a new HDTV and base its size on what could fit in your entertainment center. It was clearly designed with a 4:3 TV in mind and will probably look bad anyway. If you are talking about expensive built-ins in your living room then I guess you need to think about it but if we are talking one of those build-it-yourself jobs from Ikea or Target then just get rid of it. If you are going to get an HDTV, go all out.

Just my $0.02.
You think so? That sounds logical, as I do have a piece-of-crap entainment center from Big Lots. I'm not really a graphics person by any means, I just want to stay up-to-date. I guess I can hold off a little longer on the tv. After all, they decrease in price each year.

The only problem is, once I do get a new tv, something is right around the corner that'll be the next generations of tv. Is there anything beyond 1080 that they are working on, or will 720 and 1080 last a very long time?
bread's done