Woohoo, I'm getting a Wii...eventually


112 (100%)
So I made the decision to get a Wii this week. I don't usually buy a system so close to launch because I'm paranoid about bugs and stuff and I like to wait for them to clear up before buying. There doesn't seem to be any of note so I think I'm going to do it.

Now one problem. No Best Buy around me has any in stock!

Besides Zelda, what games do you guys recommend and why? And is the VC as bad as I hear?
The VC isn't bad in any obvious, universal way. Yes, the games are priced higher than most would wish and the selection isn't that great yet, but you'll probably find a use for it and be very happy. Don't get too wrapped up in discussions about the whole concept rather than how enjoyable what is there actually is.

I'd recommend Excite Truck (as would everybody in the official thread here) and Wario Ware in a week. The rest---Rayman, Madden, Trauma Center, Call of Duty 3---will depend on what you personally like.
The bad e-reputation that's begun to encircle the Wii VC is ricidulous.

The VC lets you play games like Gunstar Heroes and Castlevania 4 with full compatibility with modern televisions and for prices lower than you'd find on eBay, therefore it's fantastic. Any further analysis is internet whining.
if your looking for a wii, gamestop has a craptacular online bundle for a little over 600 bucks. it ships on 1/17/07.
[quote name='ZForce915']So I made the decision to get a Wii this week. I don't usually buy a system so close to launch because I'm paranoid about bugs and stuff and I like to wait for them to clear up before buying. There doesn't seem to be any of note so I think I'm going to do it.

Now one problem. No Best Buy around me has any in stock!

Besides Zelda, what games do you guys recommend and why? And is the VC as bad as I hear?[/quote]
First off Nintendo makes quality products so I do not expect the Wii to have any problems down the line so getting one now should be fine if you can find one.

As for games, I would wait until nexr week when Warioware comes out to see how that is. I would also reccomend Excite Truck, Trauma Center, possibly Rayman, possibly Madden.

Is the VC that bad, nah. Actually the shop channel is real easy quick and painless to use, it makes buying games a snap and is real easy. Now the game selection is not that great yet, but in a couple of months it will be awesome. This is the system that only gets better with age.
[quote name='thagoat']if your looking for a wii, gamestop has a craptacular online bundle for a little over 600 bucks. it ships on 1/17/07.[/QUOTE]

Ha! That is craptacular alright.

If the biggest complaints about the VC are the prices then that is fine by me. No one is making you buy those games. $5 for Pinball seems like a stretch, but frankly I'm not sure anyone would have bought that for $2.

WarioWare is a game I'm sure to like. I'm big into games that I can play for 20 minutes and set down. I can't commit to often to more than 30 minutes at a time.
Good luck finding one... better be prepared to camp out at every store and start calling everyone every morning. You basacially have to give up your life to find a Wii.

Don't expect Best Buy to get any in anytime soon, since they've been a no show for weeks.

Your best bet is Wal-Mart, TRU, and Target.
may i chime in?

so some of you spoke of camping out at certain stores....i wonder if tonight may constitute as one of those circumstances?
bread's done