Work At Home

[quote name='hero101']Just create a website and you could sit at home like cheapyd.:lol:[/QUOTE]

That sounds good and all. But not if it entitles having to appear on terrible shows like Attack of the Show ::shudders::
Learn about real estate. Despite the current subprime crisis (google it), real estate is still a great way to make money and you build equity. Equity is good for use as leverage in starting up other businesses via bank loans. In fact, thanks to the subprime crisis, there's a lot of prime real estate selling for pennies on the dollar; it's a buyer's market. If you are considering this, start an LLC. Limited liability corporations are great ways to protect your assets as well as making money. Your corporation location also matters. If you do start a company, have your corporate home base in Nevada. There are a few tax advantages (such as no franchise taxes, no personal/corporate income taxes, & very minimal reporting/disclosure requirements) and corporate shielding (for asset protection), as well not requiring the LLC owner to be a Nevada resident or US citizen (quite useful if you're a Canadian looking to do business in the US). These are only beginning tips. I suggest you do your due diligence and research the shit out of this topic if you're serious about making money this way.
um, remember thats no STATE income/corporate taxes. You still have to pay federal taxes. Plus, Im sure these people looking for easy money at home dont have the knowlege, capital, or credit to flip houses. Also, many real estate markets (especially some of the really hot ones just a year or two ago) have become very soft, and flipping a house instantly may not be advisible. I wouldnt even consiter it unless you have 12+ months of house payments avalible in liquid assets.
Ty's Circle;3343412 said:
I have good news for you three and anyone else out there. I am currently involved in my own home based business and am making thousands of dollars a week. The best thing is you can do it too, just visit this page to learn how:

um, yeah, Im sure. Burn in hell, spammer. Peddal you amway/nuskin/(insert pyramid scheme name here) somewere else.

Though, If you really want to learn the secret of making money at home using the internet, Ill sell you my 'information kit' for $25 :wink:
[quote name='uli2000']um, remember thats no STATE income/corporate taxes. You still have to pay federal taxes. Plus, Im sure these people looking for easy money at home dont have the knowlege, capital, or credit to flip houses. Also, many real estate markets (especially some of the really hot ones just a year or two ago) have become very soft, and flipping a house instantly may not be advisible. I wouldnt even consiter it unless you have 12+ months of house payments avalible in liquid assets.[/quote]

Which is why I tell them that these are only the beginning steps and they need to do the research if they're serious about this. And I never once mentioned flipping. I follow the Warren Buffett mindset and do long term investment personally (predominantly buy and hold *indefinitely if possible*) and mostly commercial properties. I'm actually glad about the subprime mess since it filters out many unqualified buyers which leaves room for serious investors. And with many buyers out, it means it's a buyer's market and I can cherry-pick good properties for very little. But your last point is most definitely correct. If you don't have a year's worth of house payments liquid, wait until you do. But, in my estimation, it is one of the most rewarding profession should you be successful in it.
um..... good luck
there are a few things the misses is trying
1) in home day care
3)alpine access ---customer service over the phone at home this has potential and hopefully will work out.......
Government surveys? Check out a company like Westat. All you would need is a wired phone, headset, and internet access. I got hired there, but I was too anxious about talking to people over the I ended up not doing it.
Talk about entreprenuership..
we had a student here in the complex that her own modeling/porn website and she seemed to well... she drove a new BMW convert...
so all else fails... porn
[quote name='HACBassoon']Anyone ever have any luck with the work at home systems? It would be nice to pick up some extra cash. Thanks[/QUOTE]

some mystery shopper things work if you want to do that

if you just want to sit on your butt at home try ebay. Buy video games cheap and resell them. or contact a use game seller. You be lucky to make around 5 bucks per game though and your going to have invest a pretty penny before some compaines will deal with you
Heard about a secretary at a law firm in Maryland who unbeknownst to the partners, upgraded the firms internet access speeds and ran a porn site out of the office.
I've been trying to earn extra cash, but so far with not much success. You could do something like in my sig, but it's not worth the effort anymore. The approval process is a week, and you only get about $4-$6 an article. I'm big on editorials, and they aren't paying anymore.
bread's done