Worms Open Warfare 2


10 (100%)

Worms goes Online on PSP and DS
Open Warfare 2 wriggling to handhelds this summer.
by Rob Burman, IGN UK
UK, April 19, 2007 - After rumours that a sequel to Open Warfare was heading to DS and PSP, THQ has confirmed the Worms are making a return to handhelds this summer and, more interestingly, both games are set to feature an online multiplayer mode.

Predictably titled Worms: Open Warfare 2, the game's Wi-fi multiplayer mode allows players to compete across the globe and battle stats are then updated to leaderboards on the Open Warfare 2 website, so you can easily see how you compare to other Wormers. As yet the number of simultaneous online players competing in a single game has yet to be announced.

As well as the multiplayer mode the sequel also has plenty of new customisation options, including a level editor, team flags, tombstones and even victory dances for the worms. Here's hoping the Funky Gibbon is included in the dances.

Meanwhile, for the single-player Team 17 is lining up a host of new modes like Rope Race, Fort, Puzzle and Campaign. A firing range lets players try out the destructive nature of new weapons such as the Bunker Buster or Buffalo of Lies and classics like the Super Sheep, Concrete Donkey and the Holy Hand Grenade. Hallelujah!

We'll bring you more information on Worms: Open Warfare 2 in the near future.

Might be really good, although I never played the first one. Anyone have it and care to comment on it? I've only played Worms on the PC, and that was awhile ago. Seems like the DS would be a great platform for this game.

Anyone up for a Worms CAGfest tourney when it comes out? :D
you're damn right! I can't wait to play this title... I hope its not as buggy as the last one (allegedly) was. a CAG Tourney would be pretty badass... It'll also be nice to play my old lady while we can lay in bed instead of on the couch with the 360...
I also never played the first DS game, but I have played a few of the PC titles. This seems like it could be good, so I'll keep an eye on it.
[quote name='AshesofWake']the first DS one sucks SOOOO much, omg, i hope they do this next one right! pwwweeeeeezzz[/quote]

Really, so its not like the XBLA title? I was starting to search ebay and other stores for it. Might just have to wait for part 2 next month then.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Really, so its not like the XBLA title? I was starting to search ebay and other stores for it. Might just have to wait for part 2 next month then.[/quote]No the first worms games is basically worms 1 weaponry with ds graphics and basically a piece of crap. DO NOT get the first game. I myself have never owned a worms game (but I want one badly), and I never bought the first one. The second game looks pretty good because they got a lot of weaponry and items and online play (the first title I might actually play online a lot for the DS, lol). I am getting this when it hits because I like worms but I never owned a worms game, lol.


sorry guys, i had to raise this thread up, since the game is coming out this tuesday!

It really has come along very nicely and I am more than excited for this to come out! I have been waiting for a good artillery style game to come out for the DS, and Wifi is always a major plus for any game. (now lets cross our fingers for a Gunbound DS lol)
I used to play worms armaggerdon on the PC all the time and i tried the first one which left me disappointed. But i am happy to say that I gave this game another try since i LOVE worms and i must say i am really pleased with it. the game is dramatically improved from the first. the sound is very good, the animations, the weapon choices (BANANA BOMB!) and not to mention online play. Ive been playing the eur version and have been having a great time playing it. I would definately recommend it to any fan of the worms series whos been waiting for a great handheld version.
Judging by the screenshots for the DS, do or would you find the screen format limiting? It would appear that it the field of view is very tall and narrow- spread over the two screens. This kind of wastes a lot of screen because you probably see too much sky and can't see far enough over to the sides at enemy worms?

In contrast, I think the PSP version of the game lens itself better to the screen because it is wide format.

But not owning a DS or a PSP this is just an inquiry to see if any others share this opinion?

I have never played a worms game before, but I look forward to this game. Wifi seems like an excellent way to play this. Can't wait to get this game as long as the reviews are good.
Got a very favorable 8.7 "Great" rating at IGN:


Closing Comments
The Nintendo DS and its tiny screens may not be the best outlet for the classic Worms experience, but THQ and Two Tribes managed to bring it all together for the handheld gamers. Worms: Open Warfare 2 is a massive upgrade to the original game, so much so that it really should have been its own brand instead of "Number Two" of the 2005 release. Awesome single player campaigns, fantastic multiplayer support, and some unexpected treats specific to the unique features of the handheld. It absolutely trounces the first game in every category and finally gives the Nintendo DS the true Worms experience.

Another Take
from Mark Bozon
I’ve been a huge Worms fan since the very beginning, which is why I feel I owe it to both myself and you – our readers – to throw in my opinion as well. There hasn’t been a truly impressive Worms game in quite some time, and then here in the last few months we’ve gotten a very true-to-form effort on Xbox 360, and now Worms: Open Warfare 2; both classic franchise offerings in their own regard. As far as Open Warfare goes though, this game really pulled me in over the last few months by delivering not only spot-on Worms gameplay, but also a ton of additional DS-specific modes and options that added depth to a series that - quite frankly - hasn’t changed too much over the years. As far as this reviewer is concerned, Worms: Open Warfare 2 feels less like “Another good Worms game,” and more like a definitive compilation for fans that also happens to be portable. Tie that in with online, tons of customization, and impressive presentation and you’ve got what I feel is one of the best DS games of this year, period. If you’re a Worms fan, this one’s a no-brainer.
I'm picking this up later today! Anyone else find it strange that the game wasn't advertised in ANY of the ads posted here? I thought it got delayed because I didn't see it anywhere, and Amazon also said the ship date was the 26th, but I did a check online and stores are showing it as in-stock. Strange.
I got a copy for me and a copy for my g/f with a price match from the Circuit City ad (buy 1 handheld game get 1 50% off) at Best Buy. I've had a lot of fun with the game as I play Territory Wars on addictinggames quite a bit.
Picked it up today, having some good fun. My only complaint so far is that the CPU is retarded good at aiming. IDK if this has always been true for the Worms series because the last one I played was probably like a decade ago. But, after playing a few campaign missions, goddamn the CPU is good.

EDIT: It's my conclusion now that the CPU is more cheap than good. Their ability to aim and use EXACTLY the right amount of strength when launching grenades and bazookas is ridiculous. ESPECIALLY with the bazookas. If you've played the game, the bazookas have an arc to them. The CPU seems to know the exact angle of the arc every damn time.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Picked it up today, having some good fun. My only complaint so far is that the CPU is retarded good at aiming. IDK if this has always been true for the Worms series because the last one I played was probably like a decade ago. But, after playing a few campaign missions, goddamn the CPU is good.

EDIT: It's my conclusion now that the CPU is more cheap than good. Their ability to aim and use EXACTLY the right amount of strength when launching grenades and bazookas is ridiculous. ESPECIALLY with the bazookas. If you've played the game, the bazookas have an arc to them. The CPU seems to know the exact angle of the arc every damn time.[/QUOTE]

The series' AI has always been like that. They either miss horribly, which are probably mistakes that are coded into their AI, or they are spot on, and more often than not you'll see the latter.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Picked it up today, having some good fun. My only complaint so far is that the CPU is retarded good at aiming. IDK if this has always been true for the Worms series because the last one I played was probably like a decade ago. But, after playing a few campaign missions, goddamn the CPU is good.

EDIT: It's my conclusion now that the CPU is more cheap than good. Their ability to aim and use EXACTLY the right amount of strength when launching grenades and bazookas is ridiculous. ESPECIALLY with the bazookas. If you've played the game, the bazookas have an arc to them. The CPU seems to know the exact angle of the arc every damn time.[/quote]
I noticed this too and it really pissed me off, the best thing to do, for me that is, is to get in odd angles that they have a hard time picking u off, then the AI tells them to throw not hard enough, getting them to throw a grenade right in their own face :D
[quote name='Pestilence']I noticed this too and it really pissed me off, the best thing to do, for me that is, is to get in odd angles that they have a hard time picking u off, then the AI tells them to throw not hard enough, getting them to throw a grenade right in their own face :D[/QUOTE]

=/ But the problem is that when I'm in an odd angle, it's hard for me to hit them. Blah.
yo is anyone else having a problem with disconnections? my game keeps giving me an error code after almost every game and then i have to reconnect...very weird and i hope it's not a bug :(
[quote name='beane316']yo is anyone else having a problem with disconnections? my game keeps giving me an error code after almost every game and then i have to reconnect...very weird and i hope it's not a bug :([/QUOTE]

Are you playing through Wi-Fi or single-cart multiplayer? IGN made a note in their review saying the single cart MP was unusually unreliable.
Haha, I just got through playing my sister in a single card MP match, and right at the end of our third game it messed up. It sucks too, because she didn't get to see my sweet kill of her last worm (I firepunched it off of a ledge and into a small pool of water). We had two good complete matches before that though, so it wasn't all bad.
Anyone order this from Buy.com with GCO? I tried and they cancelled my order (Buy.com, not Google). The bastards!! I was wondering if it's just too low of a price for them to honor it. Anyone successful in doing it?
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Are you playing through Wi-Fi or single-cart multiplayer? IGN made a note in their review saying the single cart MP was unusually unreliable.[/quote]

Yea, I played single cart with my cousin and it kept de-syncing...which sucked, but my problem last night was while me and my g/f were using wi-fi. She read something about wi-fi going down last night so maybe that's why...we haven't tried it yet tonight so I dunno yet for sure, but I figure that's the case.
[quote name='keithp']Anyone order this from Buy.com with GCO? I tried and they cancelled my order (Buy.com, not Google). The bastards!! I was wondering if it's just too low of a price for them to honor it. Anyone successful in doing it?[/QUOTE]

It's because buy.com is so hit and miss it's unbelievable. To me? They're a complete miss. One of the worst online retailers IMO. I bought 1 thing from them, and had 3 other orders mysteriously "cancelled." Never ordered from them since. That was about 4 or 5 years ago.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Picked it up today, having some good fun. My only complaint so far is that the CPU is retarded good at aiming. IDK if this has always been true for the Worms series because the last one I played was probably like a decade ago. But, after playing a few campaign missions, goddamn the CPU is good.

EDIT: It's my conclusion now that the CPU is more cheap than good. Their ability to aim and use EXACTLY the right amount of strength when launching grenades and bazookas is ridiculous. ESPECIALLY with the bazookas. If you've played the game, the bazookas have an arc to them. The CPU seems to know the exact angle of the arc every damn time.[/QUOTE]

I was gonna say - haven't you played the 360 XBLA version? It is exactly the same way.

I keep trying to buy this game but can't find it at Gamecrazy (where I have credit to burn). The 2 stores I went to only got 1 copy each. I alsi didn't see it at Fred Meyer or Target (though I wouldn't but it at either place for full price anyway). It seems to be fairly limited though. I suppose EB/GS probably has it and I have some credit there as well.
i just picked this one up. i've gone through a lot of the 1 player games. some of them are pretty goofy. and i've played online a couple times and had a pretty good time. i hope i can get some of my friends hooked on this game. i think we'd have a good time.

i'm having a hell of a time aiming the bazooka though. i hope i get better at that.
I still haven't found this in store. I just checked Wal-Mart again an hour ago and still no luck.
Bumping since many of us bought this in the Gamestop sale. Also wanted to remind people that a demo is aviable on the Nintendo Channel. I tried it and bought the game due to it. It's really fun.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']EDIT: It's my conclusion now that the CPU is more cheap than good. Their ability to aim and use EXACTLY the right amount of strength when launching grenades and bazookas is ridiculous. ESPECIALLY with the bazookas. If you've played the game, the bazookas have an arc to them. The CPU seems to know the exact angle of the arc every damn time.[/QUOTE]

If memory serves, it's always been like that. I remember that being the case in Worms Armageddon, at least. It takes practice, but you will be able to aim relatively consistently after you play for a while.

I picked up the game on Monday. I haven't had a chance to sit down with it and play (I'm starting a new job next week, so lots of errands this week), but I'll give it a shot in the next day or two and get my friend code up in this thread. If this is even half as good as the PC titles, it's going to be a fantastic game. :)
I've only gone through the tutorial so far, but I can already tell I'm going to love it. The last Worms game I played was on the Dreamcast.
This is really good ^_^

I have a Wi-fi question :bomb:
I'm trying to set my DS for Wifi and it's the first time using it since I set up a WEP key on my wireless. I have the 26 character code, and I input it (I triple check it) and it never seems to work.. :whistle2:k

I don't want to change any wireless settings around, because I don't want to mess things up for my 360 and Wii...so..any help = great ^_^
finally found this today at my one gamestop, it was in the regular ds games section and it still had the 19.99 tag on it. I said isn't this the one that's on sale for $9.99 new, to the guy, and he looked it up, and of course it was. Neither of my gamestops had any copies of this game when i checked monday morning.
I've been playing through this lately, and I'm stuck on the unlockable Test 2 in Laboratory Draw mode, it's the only one I have left. Anyone have a strategy for this one?
bread's done