Worse Game Ever Made.....

Ive said it once Ill say it again, Hellboy on playstation. Think resident evil but crap x1000 . The only fighting is olding down the square button and punching. Almost all of the voices were done by the same person. There was like 1 programmer and 1 designer. It was total shitbomb.
I'd have to go with Shell Shock Vietnam '67 for any system. Decent graphics but the gameplay is ridiculuosly simple and all you have to do to complete the game is mainly run around avoid enemies and get straight to the end of each level. The A.I. is just plain dumb.
[quote name='The Truth']Dragon Power on the NES...... Good lord.... to think my teenage wallet was raped of $50 dollars for the god-awful piece of dragon crap.[/QUOTE]

I remember playing that game! You had Goku as a kid and you used your stick to beat gangster rabbits :)
[quote name='Journey']I'm surprised that no one has said Drake for Xbox yet.[/QUOTE]

I don't believe that classifies as a game. It would better fit in the "Spawn of Hell" category.
American Gladiators for the SNES.

As bad as ET was for the Atari 2600, those were early times, so ya sort of have to allow for some "growing pains." However, by the time American Gladiators came out (16 bit era, 2 generations after the Atari 2600), there was NO reason/excuse for a game that bad to have been released. The graphics sucked, the gameplay sucked, the game just plain sucked.

A close second would probably have to be Ultraman for the SNES...lame graphics and super sluggish (wtf was controlling the game?) controls. :}
I'm going to have to agree with a previous poster that said Fatal Rewind for the Genesis. I don't think I kept that steaming pile of poo for more than 2 hours it was so bad.

I'd also like to submit, from this generation, Enter the Matrix. The only game in 1080i that let's you see horribly pixelated FMV.
[quote name='STATIC3D']American Gladiators for the SNES.

As bad as ET was for the Atari 2600, those were early times, so ya sort of have to allow for some "growing pains." However, by the time American Gladiators came out (16 bit era, 2 generations after the Atari 2600), there was NO reason/excuse for a game that bad to have been released. The graphics sucked, the gameplay sucked, the game just plain sucked.

A close second would probably have to be Ultraman for the SNES...lame graphics and super sluggish (wtf was controlling the game?) controls. :}[/QUOTE]

I used to play ultraman all the time :D
Should not it have been Worst games? To answer the question it was Jaws who the hell wants to be a damn boat and then u hunt jellyfish and crap
A few that pop to mind, Spawn on the PSX and PS2 were pretty terrible. Liked the Snes and Dreamcast games but man were those Sony console ones some straight garbage. But even as bad as they were the one game I would say would be the worst ever would be Pulce Racer for the Xbox, bought it for 99 cents during one Best Buy clearance and man was I pissed I spent that much on it. Ended up throwing it in the trash and saving the case in case I needed a replacment.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Whether people understand why there is so much love for Halo or not...

This is about Worst Games Ever made...and even if you don't like Halo, it is no where near that realm. The Halo games (unlike other games) aren't excessively buggy, unplayable, or frequently crash, or untrue to their arcade counterpart.

One of the worst I have ever played is Pac-Man on the Atari 2600. It was nothing like the arcade. The control, animation, the graphics...everything was designed poorly.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, whether you like Halo or not, in no way can ANY game that scores in the 80-90% range for ratings be considered the worst game ever made. When people say otherwise, its so blatantly obvious that they are trying to incite an argument that its laughable.
[quote name='dtarasev']I do belive that the worst PC game is official Daikatana.[/QUOTE]

The multiplayer wasn't too bad. And the game itself wasn't either... its just that it had a 5 year developement (when things took
Unlimited SaGa gets my vote too. Hell, I even tried to like it. But having enemies damaging me for 10 HP (when I had a few hundred) and taking out 3 LP (which, for those who haven't played, aren't easily restored) just drove me over the edge. Why even bother having HP? Just randomly take away my lifepoints and we'll call it a day. That game really was disgusting.
[quote name='ryanbph']Fantavision[/QUOTE]
haha, I remember that was my first introduction to the PS2 (was still just a pc gamer back then). i was at a gamestop in seattle and there was a freaking line to play this stupid game.

i just played red ninja the other day and i think this game could qualify.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']First person to say "ET" gets the cliche award.[/QUOTE]

How many people can say they own it?

I own it... It is the purest form of terrible I've ever seen with my own eyes, or anyone elses'.

I'm gonna throw in Raider of the Lost Ark for Atari 2600, as well. It's the most mind-imploding piece of dogshit I've ever played.
High Octane (some crappy future racing game) for the Sega Saturn...

Umm... what else?

Some police game that I can't remember for the PS1. It said on the box that you would go bust criminals and do real cop stuff, but you put the game in and you get a crappy racing game.

Plus the opening FMV had the WORST voiceover acting ever. The main character is shown as a child, and he sees his father (a cop) being killed.

"Oh, no. They killed him. They killed my dad." No emotion in the voice acting...
Interesting...I like both ET for Atari and Back to the Future for NES, and Raiders of the Lost Ark for Atari was sweet beyond belief. I believe my worst game ever vote goes to Swamp Thing for NES. If you haven't given that one a whirl, give it a try. Horrid.
Xenosaga Ep 1 for PS2. Between the hour-long cutscenes, hard to see paths (I had to restart to figure out where the path to the beginning room was whren I was escaping the ship) and the fact that it took me an hour of wandering aimlessly around a ship to bring the evil looking guy his dinner (An event that should've taken no more than 2 minutes if done right,) this game was awful. Why they're still making sequels is beyond me.
[quote name='Brak']How many people can say they own it?

I own it... It is the purest form of terrible I've ever seen with my own eyes, or anyone elses'.

I'm gonna throw in Raider of the Lost Ark for Atari 2600, as well. It's the most mind-imploding piece of dogshit I've ever played.[/QUOTE]

I own both and have beaten both. For some reason I was really drawn to both as a kid.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I own both and have beaten both. For some reason I was really drawn to both as a kid.[/QUOTE]

I own both ET and Raiders and I enjoyed both back in the day.

I started Driv3r last night. It couldn't be as bad as everyone says right?

Wrong... it gets my vote.
Intellevision Lives for GAMECUBE. Trying to replicate the touchpad of the intellevision would be difficult for any game controller but the geniuses that developed it for Gamecube have got to be the worst game designers in the world.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I own both and have beaten both. For some reason I was really drawn to both as a kid.[/QUOTE]

I still have both of them, too... but how the fuck did you beat them? I literally had no idea what was going on in either game.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']First person to say "ET" gets the cliche award.[/QUOTE]

Well, I think it actually is the worst game I have ever played. This comes from a guy that has owned 2 copies of the game! (I think nachzeher ended up with one a while back...) I've never played a game so boring...
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']Should not it have been Worst games? To answer the question it was Jaws who the hell wants to be a damn boat and then u hunt jellyfish and crap[/QUOTE]

:lol: I actually have that game. I liked it...and I finished it...
Resident Evil 2 (or was it 3?) for Dreamcast. It was buggy - it wouldn't recognize some types of memory card, and so would try to format them.
hmm, i'm tempted to try and play ET just because of the rave reviews everyone is giving it.

is it so bad that it's worth a try or would i enjoy watching ochem lectures more?
If you're looking for other bad Dreamcast titles, try that 1937 spirit of speed game (it seems in 1937 cars steered randomly with no input from the driver) and jeremy mcgrath bee racer (it wasn't actually called that, but the bikes sounded and moved like bees).

And Wario World was not a bad game. It was short. That's all.
[quote name='ryanbph']Fantavision[/QUOTE]

Gee, that's one of my favorite games.

I love floating in space, hitting off firework chains late at night.

And the VS mode is actually really fun - not a bad buy for the $5 it goes for.

If nothing else it has a great mode where you can replay your chains and "go 3D" - seeing the fireworks blossom from panning camera angles.
[quote name='crawdd']Xenosaga Ep 1 for PS2. Between the hour-long cutscenes, hard to see paths (I had to restart to figure out where the path to the beginning room was whren I was escaping the ship) and the fact that it took me an hour of wandering aimlessly around a ship to bring the evil looking guy his dinner (An event that should've taken no more than 2 minutes if done right,) this game was awful. Why they're still making sequels is beyond me.[/QUOTE]

As you might guess, I disagree.

I didn't have any problem with the paths, and as for the cutscenes I thought they were fairly interesting and cool. However the game does reference some pretty obscure topics.

As for knowing what to do - I don't think I've ever finished an RPG without hitting up gamefaqs
Worst games ever:

Rambo (NES)....What the shit? When the hell is Rambo reduced to killng horribly animated snakes and lizards?

Sega CD: Tie Sewer Shark, now this game is literally a coaster, something to rest your drink on. Kris Kross: Make your own Shiteo, damn....

SMS: Aztec Adventure Hated this game since day 1.

Genesis: I didnt buy that many bad games for it but I did buy Fatal Labyrinth, which regrettably took off about 15-20 hours of my life...
I also have to nominate Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. If you've ever tried playing this game, at all, you know what I mean. There is no game that can beat Armorines in the worst game catagory.
bread's done