Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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Drawing is no different than wandering around the map level grinding, it's just more focused. I'd rather sit in one battle for 5-10 min drawing a spell that boosts your stats when junctioned, than wander the map for 20 min gathering AP in FF7. It's the same thing, just different ways of doing it.
Final Fantasy 8 is one of the worst final fantasy games. The draw system, un-skipable gf attacks, dumb card trading rules and story is really weak. I love SpoonyOne review- it sums up the problems with this game.

NSFW due to language






The drawing system actually didn't bother me, even if it was broken as hell. It was that shitty story that put it over the top, and the fact that Squall is possibly the least likeable main character in any RPG.
[quote name='Demon-Xanth']It's not on the list, but "Mystic Quest" was pretty bad. FF8 ruined it though.[/QUOTE]

Mystic Quest should definitely be on the list. It was HORRIBLE.
I don't know why this was bumped from 2k3.

Anywho, anyone who's saying anything that's not FF2 is whack. FF2 is one of the worst RPGs ever made.

The battle system blows. The dungeons suck with their fake doors and empty rooms that force you into long battles. The map design is terrible, nothing's more fun than wandering a map and getting into a battle where you die right away. It has to be the most un-fun game ever.

Draw system? It's okay. You figure out early and spend battles drawing magic out of people, whatever. The battles become fast and you don't really care after a while. But not with FF2! No, you gotta beat up monsters (or yourself), and MAYBE level up stats. You don't even know if grinding is effective! How could you? Oh yeah, if you're not prepared with random levelling, monsters will beat the crap outta you. AWESOME.

8 / 9 / 10 have crappy stories and emo characters? At least the writing in a game was developed enough to where you could hate the stories. 2 had a complex story written like a 2nd grader. you don't know what's going on and if you didn't watch Star Wars you probably would never know anything that's going on.

MQ is too and "easy"? Well FF2 is tougher than anything because the game sucks. MQ is way more fun to play through. Even the writing is actually decent.

FF2 sucks.
[quote name='mtgrungoblins']Mystic Quest should definitely be on the list. It was HORRIBLE.[/QUOTE]

Mystic Quest isn't THAT bad, if you take it for what it was meant to be: an introductory, beginner's RPG for somebody unfamiliar with the genre. Yeah, it was extremely simplistic and had its fair share of problems, but at least it was still pretty fun. Oh, and the music was great, too.
I voted 8. Mainly due to the fact that I really couldnt stand the card game. I know it wasnt a major part of the game, but it made me feel as though they were trying to draw you in with gimmicks and sappy stories. My favorite FF was IX, but I seem to be one of few with that feeling.

edit- plus squall (that is the leads name in 8 right?) is a douche
final fantasy XII was the least FF-ish game. more like a PC dungeon crawler. right now i'm 80 hours into it, but the story isn't that engrossing. i thought VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X were all top notch, Final Fantasy VIII being my favorite; i've played it so many times because i love the junction system, the music, and the story.
To all complaning about GFs and Summons, I just played through FF7 and am most of the way through FF8 and in neither game did I summon more than 3 times. They're much more fun without relying on summons. In FF8, summons are almost useless except that Carbuncle gives you all reflect which is useful on a few bosses. You can do more damage faster with intelligent junctions than GFs.
FF12 is by far the worst FF game..... it's battle system is like a MMORG.......hello Square, you guys already did FF11, no need to redo the same thing again
FF8 was my favorite, mainly because I found the characters to be the most interesting in the series, and I didn't mind the battle system (which most people hate). The ending was kinda... awkward, and the story kinda plummeted on disc 3, but I still enjoyed.

FF12 is my least favorite, as the battle system was just annoying, and the story was... boring and drawn out. There wasn't anything in the story that really made me interested in it... ever.

As a whole though, I find the FF series to be only average as far as RPGs go. I've never found the stories to be absolutely intriguing, and that's what drives the RPG genre IMO.
Break up FF2 and FF3 and I'd vote for 2. 2 wasn't very good.

I liked 12 a lot. Once I had my team set up into an automated machine of death, it was a blast.
[quote name='Firebrand']Final Fantasy 8's junction system and magic system...prevented me from even getting into the game.[/QUOTE]

A very broken system
It's a fanboy thing to say, but I love the series overall. Some aren't perfect, and others tried new things that just didn't work out so well (FF2's leveling system, FFVIII's draw system).

I think the worst is FF1. Not the NES version, not the GBA version, but the PSP version. It's embarrassing that SE wanted to sell you a prettified version of that game for $30. They added some nice stuff, but the core gameplay is the same (that is to say it's 20 years old). Had they bundled the remakes of 1 and 2 on the same UMD, it wouldn't be a problem. By itself, though, the PSP FF1 is a travesty. Strangely enough, the steep entree into FF2 (getting over the leveling frustration enough to get into the game and enjoy it) disappeared in the PSP version, and was my favorite revision by far.

I'd also throw up the DS remake of FFIII. Having played through the NES version, I simply prefer that as a piece of nostalgia. The slapped-on story was paper thin and did nothing for me, and the extras didn't really do it for me either.

I'm of the opinion that not all FF games are equal even when talking about different versions of the same title.

FFIX's story almost completely escapes me. I remember enjoying the game, but I can't recall moments from it the way I do the others. So for that, by default, makes it the "worst." But I'd still gladly play through it again.

Here's a question I'd like to see opinions on: what's the worst FF minigame? Blitzball, triple triad, the card game from FFIX? Something else? Chocobo races or the entire golden saucer area?
FFX-2 was without a doubt the worst entry, but since it's bundled with FFX I'll give my vote to FF3 (DS). The story in that game is so craptastic and the combat so dull that even after owning a year and trying to play it half a dozen times I'll still only half way through.
The only one since IV I couldn't get into was VIII... I played through pretty much everything else...

I don't know if it was the system or what, it was just kinda meh for me...
[quote name='mykevermin']Here's a question I'd like to see opinions on: what's the worst FF minigame? Blitzball, triple triad, the card game from FFIX? Something else? Chocobo races or the entire golden saucer area?[/QUOTE]

Blitzball sucked hard. I hated it. I really liked Triple Triad and Tetra Master. I only did the chocobo races to get Knights of the Round, but having a chocobo that could go anywhere was cool.
the hell guys! if there where to be worst Final Fantasy it would be Final Fantasy 11! sure Final Fantasy 9 had bad graphics but thats not why I like it I like it because it was like reading a romance novel now I aint a romance kind of guy but the games story took my breathe away. The game play was good the storyline was good the graphics was ok compaired to Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 9's graphics was better they don't look like dolls. This is what upsets me people don't know a good game when they play it thy only go for the graphics... well I don't I go by the gameplay and story structure and if you paid any attention the story was beautiful. You all have a right on your opinions but you should try them again and really pay attention...
I've played and beat:

FF1, FF6, FF7, FF10

Played but didn't finish: FF2, FF8, FF10-2, Final Fantasy Tactics

Of those FF2 was the worst as the leveling system was terrible with having to take damage to level up, and thus end up needing to attack your own characters etc.

FF8 I got pretty far in (maybe to the last boss) but didn't finish as I'd have needed a lot of level grinding to finish. I didn't like the story, characters, stupid draw system to get magic etc.

FFX-2 I just found cheesy and boring and couldn't get into it.

FFT was ok, I'm just not into strategy games so it just wasn't my cup of tea. Especially hated that characters could die for good and force you to replay battles if you lost a character you'd spent a ton of time leveling up.
yes, its true. final fantasy 6 is by far and away the best ff ever. and always will be, the numbers dont lie here!
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest is the worst Final Fantasy. This is not even debatable.

The biggest fuck you, is that it was renamed Final Fantasy USA when it was released in Japan. That's right... a retarded, watered down, painfully short and ugly game, perfectly tuned for the American palate.
[quote name='jimjom']yes, its true. final fantasy 6 is by far and away the best ff ever. and always will be, the numbers dont lie here![/QUOTE]

I didn't find that it aged well when I tried to play it on the DS a couple years ago though, loved it back in the day on the SNES though.

But to be fair, I don't like JRPGs at all anymore, so that probably had more to do with it than it not aging well.
[quote name='zenintrude']Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest is the worst Final Fantasy. This is not even debatable.[/QUOTE]
it is MUCH better than 5 and 2.

and why this topic reappear after 2 years

I can't believe I voted for FF I over II, II is awful.
[quote name='kainzero']it is MUCH better than 5[/QUOTE]

Wow... what are you smoking?! While 5 does not have an award winning story, its battle system is revolutionary and absolutely fantastic.

(And that said, I like the story quite a bit. Plus the music is some of my favorite in the series... Ahead on Our Way is fucking brilliant.)
Is it just me or has there been an influx of cag newbies bumping old threads lately?
At least they're searching and bumping rather than reposting the same topics.

No reason discussions can't be renewed every couple years when there are tons of new people who've signed up.
[quote name='zenintrude']Wow... what are you smoking?! While 5 does not have an award winning story, its battle system is revolutionary and absolutely fantastic.

(And that said, I like the story quite a bit. Plus the music is some of my favorite in the series... Ahead on Our Way is fucking brilliant.)[/QUOTE]
I don't see how it's revolutionary, given that FF3 and DQ3 established job systems in the NES era.

Now MQ...
-No random battles. In fact, instead of grinding endlessly for random drops by enemies, you could just go to the battlefield and complete it and get your prize.
-Speaking of grinding, instead of fighting easy enemies forever to get money to buy potions, you can simply revisit the town and open the chest.
-Zelda-like elements when wandering the map. Later employed by games like Lufia II and Wild Arms and somewhat similar to Secret of Mana.
-Multiple resistances that aren't limited to just elements. You have resistance to certain types of attacks as well.
-It came out for half the price. This IS CAG.
I haven't played 2 or 3, I picked 5 but am most happy to see that 4 and 6 were the least voted for although, I would say if I didn't choose 5, I would have choose 7 because of it's ridiculous following that I believe is just jaded. It's a good game but com'on!
I signed up for this forum just so I could post on this topic. Aren't I cool?

Okay, this is what I think. This is just an opinion: don't hate me. You have yours, I have mine.

This is my opinion on FFI-XIII (including X2-- and excluding XI, because it's an MMO), along with the Mystic Quest/Adventure game, Legend games, Crystal Chronicles 1 and 2, Final Fantasy Tactics, Crisis Core and Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced.

Yes, I am a huge, lifeless Final Fantasy FANATIC!

x = Bad (0 points)
~ = Neutral (1 point)
o = Good (2 points)
Rating on a 1-10 scale

"Challenging" is including the game as a whole, not just sidequests, so before you throw out "I'd like to see you kill Ruby in FF7!!!!!!!111", keep that in mind.

Final Fantasy (NES) - 5/10
[~] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[~] Job System
[~] Battles
[o] Challenging

Final Fantasy II (NES) - 4/10
[o] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[x] Job (& Upgrade) System
[x] Battles
[o] Challenging

Final Fantasy III (NES) - 5/10
[x] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[o] Job System
[~] Battles
[o] Challenging

Final Fantasy IV (SNES) - 8/10
[o] Main Plot
[o] Character Development
[~] Job System
[o] Battles
[~] Challenging

Final Fantasy V (SNES) - 6/10
[~] Main Plot
[~] Character Development
[o] Job System
[o] Battles
[x] Challenging

Final Fantasy VI (SNES) - 8/10
[o] Main Plot
[o] Character Development
[~] Job (Esper) System
[o] Battles
[~] Challenging

Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - 9/10
[o] Main Plot
[o] Character Development
[~] Job (Materia) System
[o] Battles
[o] Challenging

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (PSP) - 8/10
[o] Main Plot
[~] Character Development
[~] Job (Slot) System
[o] Battles
[o] Challenging

Final Fantasy VIII (PSX) - 8/10
[o] Main Plot
[o] Character Development
[~] Job (Junction) System
[o] Battles
[~] Challenging

Final Fantasy IX (PSX) - 7/10
[~] Main Plot
[o] Character Development
[~] Job (AP) System
[o] Battles
[~] Challenging

Final Fantasy X (PS2) - 8/10
[o] Main Plot
[o] Character Development
[o] Job (Sphere Grid) System
[o] Battles
[x] Challenging

Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2) - 5/10
[~] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[o] Job System
[o] Battles
[x] Challenging

Final Fantasy XII (PS2) - 3/10
[x] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[~] Job System
[x] Battles
[o] Challenging

Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - 9/10
[o] Main Plot
[~] Character Development
[o] Job System
[o] Battles
[o] Challenging

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest/Legend (SNES) - 1/10
[~] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[x] Job System
[x] Battles
[x] Challenging

Final Fantasy Legend: 1-3 (GameBoy) - 2/10
[~] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[x] Job System
[x] Battles
[~] Challenging
I rated all three of these the same because they're all three on EXACTLY the same level. If you don't believe me, try them out. They're horrid.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (Gamecube) 4/10
[x] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[~] Job System
[~] Battles
[o] Challenging

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Wii/DSi) 2/10
[x] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[~] Job System
[x] Battles
[~] Challenging
Something about this one was far worse than the first one.

Final Fantasy: Tactics (PSX) - 5/10
[~] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[~] Job System
[~] Battles
[o] Challenging

Final Fantasy: Tactics Advanced (GBA) - 8/10
[o] Main Plot
[x] Character Development
[o] Job System
[o] Battles
[o] Challenging


THESE ARE ONLY MY OPINIONS! As well thought out and carefully placed as it is, it is still my -opinion- and YOURS may differ from mine!

So the worst Final Fantasy in my opinion is Mystic Quest, while the worst in the main series is Final Fantasy XII.
I haven't enjoyed a 'main' FF game since 7. (6 is my favorite by far).

I haven't played a 'main' FF game since 10 (did not come close to finishing).

To me the series became too much about beautiful CG movies. It's the same reason I no longer play or care about the Metal Gear Solid series.

Watching my wife play the newest game makes me realize I made the right decision.
Its good to see 4 and 6 have the least votes. I liked most of the Final Fantasy games except II, III, and X-2. I never played Tactics, and I actually liked Final Fantasy VIII. Of course Final Fantasy VIII was my first Final Fantasy. I hated drawing magic, but I like using the magic in the junction system. Adding Ultima to elemental defense making me absorb all elements? Add drain to attack making you take health from enemies? Hell yes.

I am waiting for the day where Sqaure runs out of ideas for making new stories for Final Fantasy and just make console remakes of Final Fantasy 4 through 9.
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