Worst game saves/files you lost?

I have never completed Majora's Mask. I have lousy luck with the title through a number of glitched saves. One was on the special GC disc (with the goofy emulation) and another -- the most recent -- was through a ROM. The first had something to do with visiting the Zora area, the second had to do with being unable to acquire big goron bombs due to the big goron dude not recognizing that I had successfully used the damn bomb to blow shit up and win a race.

I've put so much time into that game, only to have it tossed in my face. After this last time, I've said to hell with it. I'll just read a damn walkthrough next time I get the zelda itch.
This one still hurts: Was playing FF7...put TONS of hours and was finally at the end to battle Sephiroth. Found out that my girlfriend I was living with was cheating on me. We broke up...moved out from the apartment and split everything. I got the TV, she gave me the PS1, etc.

I unpack in my new place...she took the memory cards. Sadness ensues.
[quote name='Hoffy']Also, we had a great strategy game called Herzog for Sega. This was mine, my dads, and brother's first real game addiction. Long story short - We lost all the save data because my mom took a hammer to it in front of us after staying up a little too long! :D[/QUOTE]

Your mom's a cunt.

[quote name='Rodimus']Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (N64) - This one still pisses me off everytime I think about this game. Don't get me wrong, I loved Goemon and still consider it awesome, unfortunately this game had one flaw. It was one of the few N64 games that required a memory card to save your data. This was such a load of crap considering it was on a cart. I didn't even know the N64 had memory cards until I played this game. Regardless I enjoyed the game so decided to invested in a cheapy $8 Mad Catz memory card. After a few days and getting pretty far the data got corrupted. I was pissed but decided to format it anyways and start over. Unsurprisingly the data got corrupted a week later. I was done, and got rid of the game. 7 or 8 years latter I try another playthrough, this time a different copy of Goemon and an official Nintendo memory card (I wasn't fucking around). Well, guess what happened? The data got corrupted yet again about halfway through the game. I realized I'm never going to beat this game. The thing is if I lose 100+ hours of a game but actually beat it, I wouldn't be so heart broken. But starting a game I really want to play 3 times, and getting as far as I did is so much more frustrating.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what it is with N64 memory cards. They never worked right for me. Even an official one.

[quote name='Rodimus']^ Yeah, I thought she did it on purpose at first, but she really was just pressing buttons. It just magically happened to be the correct buttons to delete my file. It was partly my fault since I should have started up the game instead of leaving it at the menu screen. Still, I didn't let her touch my Playstation after that.[/QUOTE]

She was 8. She was old enough to read. They breed them cunts early. Either that or she really didn't know how to read. In which case, what's wrong with her parents?
[quote name='plasticbathmonki']The first run of carts for Zelda I required you to hold select when saving or risk losing your game. I had just finished a very long game streak, saving right before Ganon, and failed to hold select down. I lost everything.[/QUOTE]

Select or reset? Because reset was always written on the back of the carts and in the instruction manuals for games that had battery back-up.

Anyway, I never held reset, and I never lost a save because of it. Zelda 1 was my first electronics project because the battery was bad when I got it. I removed it and put in another one. It was held in place with scotch tape :lol: Over 10 years later, and it's still going strong.
I was playing resident evil gcn and learned that it really is survival horror.i didn't know if you have a crimson in the next room and you save with little health and no sprays youre screwed
Deleted melee after unlocking everything. Damn madcatz cats erased my timesplitters 2 data after unlocking everything.it pissed me off
I think I can beat you all, but I've never been totally pissed about it.

All my wii saves (over 100 different saves for games 500+ hours when my wii bricked)
All my Xbox 360 Saves twice (Xbox migration epic fail and corrupted profile the second time around with new stuff, somewhere around 300+ hours)
All my previous Gamecube saves (lost my memory card pikman 2, Killer 7 are my only upsets 150+ hours)
All my previous ps1 saves, lost memory card actually I'm kinda pissed because I was playing FF8 and I got stuck on the 3rd disc where you go off to get Bahalmut? and I got stuck on that island because I rode a chocabo there so I couldn't get off the island. I had to restart the whole game I probably was 50 hours in...

I thinks thats about it, luckily my ps2 and ps3 are good although my borderlands profile always falls -20 hours times 3...
Man, I've had several save losses.

On NES, I had borrowed a RPG from a friend. I can't remember the what one it was, but I think I was in a swamp or something, and we had a power outage. Lost all my data.

On SimCity, I was at school one day and a neighbors' kid was sick and had to stay at my house for a while. He overwrote my city. I was irate when I got home.

Lastly, and most recently, on Nascar 09 I lost everything due to a save glitch. I had worked my through career mode, won titles in the truck, busch, and cup levels, had three of the four car types fully leveled up, and went to load my game one day and it was corrupted. I was never able to get back into it. I hope next years new Nascar game isn't as buggy as EA's last one.
My ps3 died with all my saves, especially god of war 3, right at the very end of the game.

Simpsons for the 360. Game crashed at the end boss, went back into it said it was corrupted and I vowed never to play it again.... Fun game though.

Also lost a few saves for castlevania for the ds, not sure which one, when i was about half way through it, that pissed me off.

Recently had my psp stolen and lost all my saves on that including kingdom hearts which was one of of 3 characters done.

The first two I can remember were super mario 3 and legend of zelda. After losing saves on them 3 times i threw in the towel. years later finished them via emulators on the pc :)

It sucks but its gonna happen.....
[quote name='Chuplayer']Your mom's a cunt.

She was 8. She was old enough to read. They breed them cunts early. Either that or she really didn't know how to read. In which case, what's wrong with her parents?[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you got a "cunt" complex.
On the Saturn my game saves onto the saturn were lost when the little round watchlike battery died inside the saturn. Sucked really bad because I had poured a ton of time into games like Panzer Dragoon Saga and Dragon Force.
got a new hard drive for my xbox360. transferred all my memory to the hard drive. then the hard drive gets corrupted -_-
all those unfinished achievements .. *sigh* too lazy to go back now.
Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen for the SNES.

I bought the game used at a local used game store for $84. Anyone who has played the game on the SNES knows that you can't save the game mid-level. Well, I was playing the game trying to make sure that I could level up my units correctly (good units had to kill evil ones and vice-versa). Playing that way caused each level to last 4-5 hours. I invested over 100 hours into the game and was close to the end.

One day, my friends kept insisting I go out with them. I finally caved but I was in the middle of a level so I couldn't save. I decided to leave the SNES on but turned off the tv and left. I returned several hours later and turned on the tv only to find a blank screen. I was bummed out but I figured that I would only have to replay the level that I was currently on. I reset the system and was horrified to find out that all the game save data was gone. I'm not going to lie, I shed a tear.

The game was later released on the PSX and a save feature was added so that you could save at any time. I bought the game but only played a couple of levels. Now I laugh at myself but back then it was devastating.
This isn't something I should probably brag about, but it was a long time ago. We used to screw with one of my friends back in the day by pulling out the battery in the back of his Saturn when he wasn't looking. All he played was fighting games, so it just resulted in him having to unlock boss characters again, or whatever.

I also used a holepunch to put a round piece of scotch tape over his drive lens so it wouldn't read his games. It was easily removed without any long term harm.

I guess I was mean. :(
My first few Mass Effect playthrough.

Thought I had lost all my Gears of War 2 progress as well, but thankful it was all saved online. :)
[quote name='CaptainJoel']130 hours of playtime in FFX lost.[/QUOTE]

around 100 here. so brutal. never went back.

also just lost my coveted ff6 save, my most recent playthrough on gba, 90 hours, awesome everything. went to back it up and LOST IT. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU:bomb:
Not too big of a deal, but I was halfway through Alan Wake when my 360 stopped reading discs. When I transferred over to my new 360 S, I guess the save didn't make the jump? Long story short, I did not feel like shining that freaking flashlight for another 3-4 hours just to get back to where I was. Should I dive back into it? Is it worth it?
I was about 30 hours into Shadowrun for the Genesis when for some reason the game save died disappeared. I thought I did something wrong so I started over and then about 20 hours in and it disappeared. I guess the battery was bad. I never was able to finish the game but I remember the first half very well!
Lost about 4-5 years of all my original Xbox game saves when my console finally kicked the bucket a couple of years ago after i played the heck out of that console for those many years. Had many saves for long games lost, like Morrowind, KOTOR 1 & 2, GTA: San Andreas etc.

Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall - was over 200 hours into this beast, when my house was robbed and PC was stolen

Front Page Sports Baseball 1994 - was playing through a full 162 game season and was into September (so we're talking hundreds of hours of gameplay) when, like above, my house was robbed and PC stolen.

High Heat Baseball 2002 - Playing through a long season career with tons of custom players etc. when some jerk hacked my PC and deleted my saves when we played an online game together.
Had a PS2 memory card just for the excess saves from rentals and games I didn't own die a few days after doing a lot of memory maintenance with my memory cards to shuffle saves around for more space. Lost a ton of saves for many of the early PS2 games (probably 2000-2003) that included Ratchet & Clank at the final boss, pretty far in NBA Street's main mode, a ways into FFX, Jak and Daxter, and plenty of other saves that destroyed my interest in play through those games again.

I also had one of those 99 page PS1 memory cards that crapped out on me with saves for games like Crash Bandicoot, FFVII, and others that taught me to stay away from third party cards.
[quote name='Linkgx1']Does anybody remeber when that hoilday demo disc for the ps2 in 2004 corrupted everybody's saves?[/QUOTE]

Posted above
[quote name='slowdive21']

This guy...

EDIT: I know it as the Battlefront demo disc. I wish they wouldn't have changed the sniper class. It was so much better on this demo![/QUOTE]
lost not 1, but 2 saves in Fable II. I remember being stuck in the ground up to my knees and there wasn't anything i could possibly do to rectify it.

My wife lost a save from Fable II as well.
I just remembered Beyond Good and Evil. There is a part near the end of the game when you have to wait for a NPC. He ended up falling off a cliff. I reloaded the game and could not get him to reappear. I had to start over at the beginning again to finish the game. Good game shitty programming.
Animal Crossing Wild World.

I was playing it normally but then all of a sudden, the game locked up and made an odd sound. Turned it off and on again, and then I found that my save data file was missing. :cry:
I tried to start again but, I just couldn't get back into it.
Back in the PS1 days, I bought one of those off brand memory cards that holds like a 100x more than the official PS1 card. It had a digitial number display and you hit a button on it to cycle through different virtual cards.

That card died after not too long and I lost saves for most of my PS1 games, including Firepro wrestling edits that I had probably spent 100 hours creating and tweaking.

That was the last non official memory card I ever bought. Lesson learned.
I lost my Sonic 3 game data once. My sega system was a little messed up and would allow the cartridge to wiggle a little bit when the game was playing (it was probably dirty too), so if I accidentally bumped it while the system was on...corrupted game save was usually the result. :bomb:

Needless to say, back in good 'ol 1994 when the game came out, I was rocking it like a champ - murdering Dr. Eggman's minions one at a time. :twoguns: :whee: I remember getting to the final boss and having no rings left, and being so frustrated that I accidentally kicked the console. :evil: Then BAM, game glitches and freezes so I reset the console only to see that my games saves/data was screwed. :wall: OMG I was pissed. I was like "Dr. Eggman, you win again!!! sonofabitch!!!". :bomb:

Needless to say, it was a bad day...
I have been pretty lucky with not losing game saves, but a couple years ago I was playing Metroid Prime, I was near the end of the game and I had to stop playing, for some reason i didnt get back to it for a long while and when i finally did my file was corrupted. I havnt tried to play a Metroid game since.
A bunch of saves on my Xbox 360 hard drive a long while back. I put in many long hours into Fable 2, Mass Effect, Fallout 3, and Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion all for not. That was one sad day :/
5 months of work on test drive unlimited for the xbox 360, I almost had everything and one day BAM gone, that is why I use my PS3 more now.
bread's done