Worst parents of all time?

[quote name='Mr_hockey66']how is any different then people giving loved ones fake lotto tickets. or sending the fake publisher clearing house to their home with a big fake check. Yeah you get your hopes up. You get your dreams crushed and then you all laugh about it.[/QUOTE]

Your family plays weird tricks.
This was a really fucked up video. I feel really bad for that kid--that was a really cruel thing to do to one's own child.
I think its funny as hell. I had it happen to me as a kid. Im betting from the kids expression that he had peaked and they were teaching him a lesson. If they really were poor then hows the fat cow got a camcorder, computer and internet and still afford to feed herself enough to keep that caboose that big?
[quote name='txredneckmedic']I think its funny as hell. I had it happen to me as a kid. Im betting from the kids expression that he had peaked and they were teaching him a lesson. If they really were poor then hows the fat cow got a camcorder, computer and internet and still afford to feed herself enough to keep that caboose that big?[/quote]
Really? Were you poor and had your brother film you while saying "cry and look at the camera"? There is such a thing as an internet cafe, maybe they could have gone there, or maybe they went and did it at a friends house. Im not too sure how many middle class families would say "you know we can't afford it LOL."
Honestly, it isn't that bad. If the kid got the system in the end why does it matter, he probably forgot they duped him over.

And if he didn't, maybe he didn't even deserve the damn thing in the first place, maybe he's annoying as shit around the house, doesn't do shit at school, and is an all-around pest.

Gotta think for a while about it people.
[quote name='IAmCrack69']Honestly, it isn't that bad. If the kid got the system in the end why does it matter, he probably forgot they duped him over.

And if he didn't, maybe he didn't even deserve the damn thing in the first place, maybe he's annoying as shit around the house, doesn't do shit at school, and is an all-around pest.

Gotta think for a while about it people.[/QUOTE]

Do you have any proof, or even any reasonable indication the kid A) eventually got the system, or B) 'deserved' to be treated like that?

You don't, on either count. Think about that for a while.
[quote name='txredneckmedic']look....if you all feel so strongly about it....why dont u just send him YOUR 360[/quote]
What does sending him 360 have to do with anything? We're talking about the parents, not if he has a 360 or not. Sending him a 360 won't erase the fact that he has bad parents.
this is fucked up. dont think the kid will not remember this. kids dont forget things like this.

imagine if the N64 kid didnt get an N64? yeah im going to stop imagining right there. Its almost the same lines as this kid.

I hope the parents rot in hell. there is no moral of the story here..and no lesson to be taught. This is just messed up. They fingered pointed at the kid,made fun of him, mocked him...i wonder how old the parents really are?

atleast M$ is being nice and giving the kid an xbox...but its not going to fix him..and if it red rings...its over.
Wow...this thread needs to be closed. I can't tell whether some of you are just twisted adults or teenagers who don't know what they're talking about. The ONLY way the parents' action is acceptable is if the kid was snooping for his presents, and they were teaching him a lesson. That still doesn't make it funny...but at least it serves a purpose.

Mr_hockey66...your logic is illogical. This is nothing close to a temper tantrum. This was the OPPOSITE of a temper tantrum. The kid was just heart broken. It's not like he was kicking his feet and balling. He was stunned. He's a kid. And kids get excited about things that most "grown ups" don't understand.

What if somebody came up to you and told your mother was just killed in a car accident? Even if they told you afterward they were kidding, would it still not bother you? Usually, these are the kinds of things that aren't funny. They're just mean. As you so conveniently illustrated, yes, telling an old lady she's just won a bunch of money, and then telling her you're kidding is not funny. It's stupid and mean.

I've thought about this a lot, because personally, I compare it to seeing somebody trip or fall. To me, (assuming they don't badly injure themselves) this is always funny. Now keep in mind, I try not to laugh right infront of them because I don't want to make them feel bad. Usually, I just think about it later, and it makes me laugh. But I actually questioned whether I was morally corrupt for finding this humorous.

But I decided that the difference is that when somebody trips or falls, I'm not laughing at the fact that they're hurting or embarassing themself. I'm laughing because the act of falling...and even moreso, the act of trying NOT to fall, is funny.

What part of getting someone's hopes up and then tearing them down is funny? Are you laughing at how quickly the happiness you brought them is ripped away? Are you laughing at how funny their face looks when they're upset? Is anybody else finding this a bit sadistic?

As I said in an earlier post though, I STILL believe this was merely meant to teach the kid a lesson for looking for his presents early. They captured it on video because in the context, within the family, it's humorous. To a bunch of outsiders oblivous to the situation, it's not funny at all.
Anyone who says he has bad parents is an idiot. Sorry, but it's the truth.

When this video took place, where was he?
In a house.

What was in the house?
A Christmas tree, presents, etc.

This was a mean move by the parents but by no way are they bad. My friend shoplifted from Target and got arrested, it was a stupid thing to do and he learned his lesson. I'd love for one person here to tell me they have never done anything wrong to anybody in there lives. Never been mean to your parents, siblings, friends etc. No one can say that and be honest about it. It was a mistake just like what these parents did. Calling their prank mean...that's one thing, but bad parents? Not by the looks of it.

And I'm not defending them, it was a fucked up thing to do, but still, they aren't bad parents, just mean and perhaps a little confused on their 'boundaries'.
[quote name='Nealocus123']Anyone who says he has bad parents is an idiot. Sorry, but it's the truth.

When this video took place, where was he?
In a house.

What was in the house?
A Christmas tree, presents, etc.[/QUOTE]

Ah yes, the old "Who cares if you were abused when you were a child? You should be thankful you were being abused IN A HOUSE, pussy."

You're right. As long as someone provides shelter and a Christmas tree, anything is fair game.

And no, he wasn't physically abused in the video, but I'm pretty sure he took one hell of an emotional beating. And that will stick with him a lot longer.
[quote name='btw1217']Ah yes, the old "Who cares if you were abused when you were a child? You should be thankful you were being abused IN A HOUSE, pussy."

You're right. As long as someone provides shelter and a Christmas tree, anything is fair game.

And no, he wasn't physically abused in the video, but I'm pretty sure he took one hell of an emotional beating. And that will stick with him a lot longer.[/quote]

Abused? Are you seriously fucking kidding me dude? I'm not even going to bother with your disgusting ignorance if you think that is abuse. Go outside, turn on CNN, read a book. You'll see what being abused is.

Everyone is emotionally abused in their life whether it's their family or at school. It's part of life, it just so happens this kids moment was taped and viewed by thousands.
[quote name='Nealocus123']Anyone who says he has bad parents is an idiot. Sorry, but it's the truth.

When this video took place, where was he?
In a house.

What was in the house?
A Christmas tree, presents, etc.

This was a mean move by the parents but by no way are they bad. My friend shoplifted from Target and got arrested, it was a stupid thing to do and he learned his lesson. I'd love for one person here to tell me they have never done anything wrong to anybody in there lives. Never been mean to your parents, siblings, friends etc. No one can say that and be honest about it. It was a mistake just like what these parents did. Calling their prank mean...that's one thing, but bad parents? Not by the looks of it.

And I'm not defending them, it was a fucked up thing to do, but still, they aren't bad parents, just mean and perhaps a little confused on their 'boundaries'.[/quote]

You're using absolutism here in a case where it can't be proven. There is nothing to show they are good parents/have any redeeming features whatsoever by this video, either, going by your logic. How you can make a claim to definitively say they are not bad parents based solely upon this video and nothing more escapes me. And there is a hell of a lot more to indicate that they are in all likelihood bad parents. If you think that this video speaks (more) highly of the parents, rather than giving some dark insight into how emotionally abusive they can be/apparently are, than you have some ideological beliefs which I thankfully will never be able to follow.

Providing shelter and food does not instantaneously make one good parents, as the poster above me alluded to. By your reasoning, incestuous/rapists could instantly qualify as good parents.

EDIT: And how is that NOT abusive? You are searching for examples of more abusive measures, and to be fair, something far worse could have happened to the kid. But to see the empty hollow dead look in his eyes...I've watched the video a couple more times, and for just a second, I thought at the beginning I could see, when the kid perfectly times his initial look into the camera , how some may have thought the whole thing had been staged...but when you see that hollow, empty, look on that kids face, and HE'S NOT EVEN MAKING A SOUND...that was just abject and depressing as all hell to watch.I don't know, are you one of those people who just shrugged at the things Michael Vick did to dogs? True there's always something worse than can be done, but when something heinous occurs right before your eyes and you clearly label it as not, seems a pretty myopic thing to do imho
[quote name='darkcecil32']You're using absolutism here in a case where it can't be proven. There is nothing to show they are good parents/have any redeeming features whatsoever by this video, either, going by your logic. How you can make a claim to definitively say they are not bad parents based solely upon this video and nothing more escapes me. And there is a hell of a lot more to indicate that they are in all likelihood bad parents. If you think that this video speaks (more) highly of the parents, rather than giving some dark insight into how emotionally abusive they can be/apparently are, than you have some ideological beliefs which I thankfully will never be able to follow.

Providing shelter and food does not instantaneously make one good parents, as the poster above me alluded to. By your reasoning, incestuous/rapists could instantly qualify as good parents.[/quote]

Don't be so quick to point the blame on me as your post has the same problems. Who the fuck are you to judge these people and their parental skills by a 3 minute youtube video? Who made you so high and mighty? As I clearly stated in my post I no way endorse or approve of the prank they pulled. Just like everything else in this world you guys are wound so tight that little pranks like this totally knock you off your block. I have no idea who you are as a person but I am positive you've done some pretty shity things in your life as have I and everyone else here. The only difference between you and these parents is there shity moment was taped and put on the internet whether you believe it or not. If I video taped your shity moment and posted it for thousands to see you wouldn't be so quick to point the finger would you?

This is how I feel and I refuse to go on and on and argue about it. Feel free to flame me more but I know I'm in the right as is everyone because this whole situation is a matter of opinion.

PS - The fact they were aware that their child needed winter clothes shows that they didn't want their kid to freeze in his old worn out clothes which seems pretty damn 'redeeming' in my eyes. Also the fact they went the extra mile and bought a Christmas tree even though they are probably low income family shows something too. I know first hand how hard it is for a low income family to provide for their children. I come from a single mother with three kids and even though I never got a N64 or PS2 for Christmas my mom made sure to stretch every penny so we could have a tree (which granted the illusion of a real Christmas).
"You can call me closed-minded for basing my reflection off one incident, but that was just so cruel and unwarranted ..."

-I acknowledged earlier that my views could be considered short-sighted in an earlier post. Who am I to judge? I don't feel like I'm on some holier-than-thou high horse for being apalled by what I saw. But clearly, our views on what can be considered abusive and what can not be is clearly different.

Of course it's open to a matter of opinion, I just had a very hard time seeing how you reached yours. That's why there's discussion going here. I'm not stripping you of your opinion, everyone is always entitled to his/her own beliefs.

I am not judging solely on the concept, but the reaction that succeeded the "prank"...do you laugh at people you see on the verge of tears and continue to laugh? I sure as hell have never done that.

And no, I actually have never done anything like that to anyone in my life. Most people who know call me one of the nicest, if not the nicest person they know. I'm not claiming to be perfect, and I've done bad things to others no question, but I don't take glee in watching people suffer and have guilt and remorse, which I felt should have been expressed in that video immediately after the child's reaction was made clear. That is why I take issue with it.

(not sarcastic) That's wonderful that your mother did that for you guys and tried to preserve the festive spirit of the holidays as best as she could. I will not argue on the point that winter clothes are vital and showed at least the parents didn't want the kid to die in the cold, as that's obviously quite true. But in the grand scheme of the context of that video, the only way it could have ended well is if they had gotten him the 360 at best, and at worst (and very least as far as I'm concerned) apologized immediately to him.

Materialism doesn't define the holidays. If a family can't afford presents, that's perfectly fine. But I think the point others are trying to make is, with such a young child, that was an uncalled for prank. I'm not advocating that every little 10 year old who wants a 360/ps3 gets one...I'm just advocating that they aren't fooled into getting one on a day that is supposed to be filled with such hope and joy.

Getting nothing for christmas due to finances: perfectly acceptable.
Getting tricked AT THAT AGE: revolting
It cannot be proven that the parents "abuse" the child or are otherwise negligent in any way.

It cannot be proven that the parents generally do a decent job and actually bought the child the Xbox 360.

It cannot be proven that the child is good or bad, or snooped, etc.

Ergo, all arguments maintaining any of these statements are based on conjecture and therefore tripe.
Apparently, there is more to this story. If you look at the Youtube video on Youtube, the description states that the kid snuck to see what it was and they did this to get back at him and he actually did get a 360 for Xmas.

If its true they just gave him a box with clothes in it, thats rather mean, nothing more nothing less, but if its true that the kid was snooping and they did this to discourage that and gave him the console, then its hilarious.

screenshot of the mother's post where story originated
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Do you have any proof, or even any reasonable indication the kid A) eventually got the system, or B) 'deserved' to be treated like that?

You don't, on either count. Think about that for a while.[/quote]

Well first off ... the original video on youtube says he did, what person would have to lie about that in the first place? Where would that ever get him or her? The 3 people that actually know them that may see it, may say something. LOL

Plus think about how they got a brand new looking Xbox Arcade box from with half of the insides to the box? Probably from when they took the system and accesories out of it.

The kid snuck a peek at something he was told not to, disobeying a direct order from his parents. If it was me, he woulda got the empty box and watched me play his 360 for 2 weeks as a punishment.
bread's done