Worst Pawn/Resale shop prices you've seen?


16 (100%)
I popped into a place in Poway, CA called Ray Jay's Resale shop after seeing some ads on Craigslist. I was going down past it, so I figured why not.

They have a ton of stuff in there, so I asked, "How much for those Nintendo 64 games?"

"Oh, about $20-$25 each."

And my heart sank. They had a ton of games, but almost all of them were way overpriced. $20 for Pilotwings 64, $8 for dirt common NES games, $6 for dirt common 2600 games. Even $10 for a freakin Dreamcast Generator Disc.

Granted, the items were in really good condition, but still, horrible prices.
For the most part I've got some pretty fair pawn shops around here so I don't have a whole lot of bad experiences, one of the pawns had Mario Party 1 priced at $30 a couple weeks ago, and there's a place in WV that I've only been to twice that prices their games individually to match/exceed gamestop prices($40 for Pikmin 2 for example) which is kinda annoying but that's really the extent of it for me.

Sometimes you just really gotta haggle, it seems that some pawns will mark their prices fairly high expecting the customer to talk it down, so it's always a good idea to at least test the waters before storming away in a huff. I'm sure there are also just some real scumbags around who jack their prices maliciously and you can't do anything about.
$45 for all used Wii games.

Call of Duty 3, Wii Play, and others - $45. I never looked at the insides, but the cases were beyond disgusting and falling apart. Something like $35 - $40 for 360 games you can get for under $20 new at every major retailer.

Same shop turned around and sold me Ocarina of Time for $4, and a complete PS1 X-Com for $3. Hilarious.
The local Consignment shop were really idiots when it came to gaming. I got stuff like Stubbs and Halo there for $8 each, when they were still going for like $15 online. My dad got a PSOne there for $15 when they were still $30 at Gamestop. Then they'd turn around and want $50-$60 for a Gamecube and neither had all the necessary crap (one had no controller, the other was missing cords), when they were $30 at Gamestop.

The Goodwills I go to can be really stupid too. The one I just stopped at wanted $30 for a Gameboy Color in a Gameboy Case with a charger. That's it. No games. I already got a GBC with the battery charger for $3 at another Goodwill. They also tend to shove the WORST and worthless PC titles of all time in their little glass case while leaving stuff like Diablo II and Dreamcast games lay in with the music CDs.

I've stopped at a few flea markets that were ridiculous. $75 for a Gameboy Advance SP, when they're $50 at Gamestop. $15 or $20 for Super Mario World. No thanks guy, not for cartridge only. I got a copy with my system... my dad has two copies he bought for $2 and .50 years after and my sister has one she got for $3.

The local video store, West Coast Video, does trade ins as well. Only THEY NEVER LOWER THE PRICE. They have a copy of All-Pro Football 2K8 for over $30. Used. I could get it off amazon NEW for $6.23. Under $8 total NEW if I wanna go third party through NorAm. Then again, this is the store that sold me Prototype in late June for $13... Which I promptly beat and sold on amazon for $25+ to help get the 50% off deal, so I can't really complain.
this store south of long beach its called like game it or something
the store looks neat and there is a lot of last gen stuff
but games are way overpriced
i kept asking him what stuff cost and he kept having to go to the computer to check. he had no clue what ar tonelico cost and he went to a computer where i could see and he was checking ebay
what a dbag i hope his store goes to hell
bread's done