Worst videogame moment

At GS a few years ago, I passed up on a chance to get the Star Ocean: The Second Story guide for $2. It's now going for alot more on ebay.

Did anyone here ever expereience this worst gaming moment: paying full price for ET or Superman64?
I had driven down to Pennsylvania so my friend and I could meet up and attend the Royal Rumble '04. Afterwards we were just chilling at his apartment and playing Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain, which was still pretty new. Anyway, his roomate walks across the room and trips over the control cord. The PS2 was set up high, I mean like unnaturally high on the little entertainment center they had, so when the roomate tripped, the PS2 got yanked off and took a LONG fall before it hit the floor. The PS2 was pretty much FUBAR at that point. Very unfortunate, but at the time I was more concered about the fact that my copy of HCTP was stuck in there! We tried digging it out with a fork, but to no avail.

After getting really pissed, I calmly placed a blank CD case on that roommate's desk with a note, basically saying you can mail me the disc later or pay me $50. I guess it was kind of petty in light of the fact that a whole PS2 had just been destroyed, but hey... I wanted my rasslin'.

Oh and the PS2 actually belonged to a different roommate who was away at the time. Man that must have sucked for him when he returned (since I was just visiting, I was long gone by then... musta been some FIREWORKS).
I opened my ps2 to clean it, and then i reached across to get something, but I hit the ps2 and it flipped over and the silver electrical cord fell off. Luckily my friend fixed it though.
My worst moment has to be when all my RL friends and I quit Everquest. Every now and then we'd try and go back, but no one had enough money at the same time so the idea just died. Those were the days.
This is not an actual gaming moment persay... but in 1996 when Square announced they were leaving Nintendo (N64) for Sony (PSX). This led to my boycott of Squaresoft.

That self-imposed boycott didn't last long. As soon as I saw FFVII in gaming mags and finally played the demo at Japantown, I was back on the bandwagon.

Life has amazingly gone on since.
When I was little I went though about 10 NES systems. My parents would buy My sister and I one at Christmas, birthday etc. And if our grades dropped below a C for more then 2 quarters they would sell it off. However when we got a new one back (mainly thanks to my sister and her honor roll) it would be better then the last one we had. They would buy a used lot type the very last NES we had we got 8 controllers, 3 guns, and 80 games. :) That I regret selling to this day. We traded it all in for a SNES. The last NES we had was awesome we had all of the good games for the NES on it. It just wasn't 80 suck ass games it was the best or top 80 on the NES.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']1: I had a hard time playing final fantasy 7 back when I first got it- it was the first serious RPG I had. After about 20 hours of play, I finally got out of Midgar, and was stoked about discovering this huge world map I'd be running around on. Then, my brother wants to play, so I save and let him start a game. He copied over my file at the first save point. I cried.

Wow I woulda had to hold myself from beating the crap out of him.
I went through all of the Mega Man Anniversary Collection for GC. I had every game beaten except 8. I was on Wily's Castle, and having a bitch of a time, stuck on it for days (that damn snowboarding....). So, Saturday morning, I wake up, and first thing I decide to do is take another crack at it. My Gamecube, however, had other plans, and informed me that my Mega Man file was corrupted and all of my data lost. My roommates heard my screams of rage at that.

Less than a week later, on my PS2, I was playing Transformers. Not quite as far into the game, but far enough and with enough Minicons and Datacons for it to be a slap in the face, a similar message: the memory card save is corrupted and cannot be used. Once more, I saw red.

My misfortune apparently prompted a belief in a higher power in one of my roommates. "You know...I'm starting to believe in God, and I think he hates you." ~ Ryan
[quote name='DuelLadyS']1: I had a hard time playing final fantasy 7 back when I first got it- it was the first serious RPG I had. After about 20 hours of play, I finally got out of Midgar, and was stoked about discovering this huge world map I'd be running around on. Then, my brother wants to play, so I save and let him start a game. He copied over my file at the first save point. I cried.


I had a similar thing happen with my Star Wars Rogue Squadron II on Gamecube a year ago or so. It has an asinine menu that pops up WAY TOO easily asking if you want to delete your save when you select it - and the default answer is YES - I want to go smack the developer who did that (it shouldn't let you delete ANY, especially that easily, until they are all full - and we have several empty games still there). I had spent alot of time playing through it getting all silvers and a few golds and thus unlocking almost everything. I went out of town and my wife let my then 4-year old son play it. He knows enough to select the game save I had used so he can get all the missions/ships. But he is a little fidgety and moves the analog stick around a bit much when selecting menus. My wife didn't stop him and he deleted the save (by selecting all the default options - WHY is 'yes' the default for delete on this game but just about NO others!?).

Then he did the same thing on Rogue Squadron III a few weeks later (after I had gotten silvers on those horrible ground missions that I never want to play again!). I learned my lesson at that point and bought a second memory card to back things up on. But I have yet to play through both to get all the upgrades and medals. I will someday as it is still my favorite game of this gen (minus the Dagobah and Jabba missions in III).

Oh, and after playing through and completing Pac-Man World 2 the same damn thing happened with that, but because of an even worse design choice than Rogue Squadron. When you start up, it DEFAULTS to a NEW game instead of load - so he apparently selected that, and THEN, as he thought he should, selected the complete save, which of course overwrote it with the new game. Once again my wife was nowhere to be found to help him (grrr...). I couldn't get too mad about that though because it is an incredibly bad interface design. That was one of the first games I completed on my GC, and there's no way I'll ever play through it again :D. I want to do WORSE things than just smack that developer :D. I lost all the unlocked Pac-Man console and arcade games, which was the only reason to play it again.
[quote name='erehwon']At GS a few years ago, I passed up on a chance to get the Star Ocean: The Second Story guide for $2. It's now going for alot more on ebay.

Did anyone here ever expereience this worst gaming moment: paying full price for ET or Superman64?[/QUOTE]

I paid for Raiders of the Lost Ark for the 2600 way back when... That game was so infuriating (although not as bad as ET). My brother ended up shooting a BB through it (and it still worked, hehe). I wish I had kept all my old 2600 stuff as I didn't start keeping my games until the NES days.
1.) Let's start with something not so bad. My friend who is ADD prone wanted to play some Rogue Leader. Apparently navigating through a few menus was too boring, so in the process of randomly tapping buttons and wiggling around the joystick, he erased my save at the last level. I also hear he managed to erase one of our other friend's ultra-high-level RPG save games.

2.) So here's my big worst moment: Anyone remember Midway's arcade game The Grid? It was a third person arena shooter with a joystick and trackball that could be networked with several cabinets. (It was supposed to be ported to the Dreamcast with 'net play, but we all know how long that system remained viable.) I was stuck on this one level for a year or so. Right next to me was broken cabinet. Right as I finally conquered the level, totally out of breath, the wind was further knocked out of me as the arcade attendant reboot the entire setup because some crazy kid lost their token trying to play the broken cab. If only he'd waited five more seconds for the game to save my progress!!! I know I managed to progress further, but I don't remember whether or not I swore off the game right after that incident or if I went ahead and beat it, fueled by rage.

3.) One really annoying moment that stands out is from Syberia on Xbox. There's a part of the game where you're on a train and you can put or remove stuff from a shelf. But the game won't let you leave the room with/without yadda-yadda item. So I was stuck in the room. I didn't want to have to restart the whole damned adventure. Fortunately someone figured out that if you try really hard (I'm not kidding), you can run out of the room to freedom.

4.) Here's one that's actually an ironic gaming moment, perhaps "good" in my eyes. I'm one of those people who detests Halo. I only really bought Halo 2 because of the "Limited" Edition (bah!); what can I say, I'm a sucker for bonus goodies. It had been sitting in that stupid stacker case for three months; the last time it was played was at the big Halo 2 tourney my club held. I decided to go back and give it a play again only to find one hell of a scratch ring on the bottom of the disc. A devil's "halo," if you will. My guess is it came from rubbing against the label of the bonus disc. I'm not sure how all that abrasion could have appeared if it sat on a shelf for forever, but that's the only reasonable explanation. Not even several run-throughs in a DiscDr have been able to let it play without constant stuttering and long loads. I took it as a sign that I was right in not wanting to play that game.
I know a lot of games have pissed me off... but nothing I really remember....

Oh... I decended to paint my DC black. It didn't turn on when I hit the power button. That made me mad, but it was my own fault.
[quote name='dafunkk12']1.) Let's start with something not so bad. My friend who is ADD prone wanted to play some Rogue Leader. Apparently navigating through a few menus was too boring, so in the process of randomly tapping buttons and wiggling around the joystick, he erased my save at the last level. I also hear he managed to erase one of our other friend's ultra-high-level RPG save games.


See, this backs up my claims that this is at least partly due to bad interface design. Sure, an adult (or someone who can read anyway) should be able to stop themselves from deleting the files, but it is still a bad design. Hopefully, after he dies, the coder responsible for that will spend at least some time in bad user interface design purgatory where he will be subjected to the following question each time he moves his arms - "Do you want a 1000 lb weight dropped on your head? ?" and if he so much as twitches the wrong way the default "YES" is activated. Then, after his body is rebuilt, he'll have to recode the entire Rogue Leader game from scratch and get asked the question again...

As for the designer of the Pac-Man World 2 opening menu - he just needs to be shot NOW.
Well wanna know what i spent 30 precious dollars on that i will never see again?..............................Mortal Kombat Advance. I played it for about 5 seconds quickly got my ass beat by scorpion then just was bummed for a while. I couldnt return it cause we lived far away from the mall.
Booted up my SNES copy of LOZ: A link to the Past only to find out that the battery died. I had a completed game with every item collected saved on there. I know spent at least 50 hours getting everything and finishing it.
This ddin't happen to me, but did happen tomy cousin (starmask). Back when FFVll first came out him and his brothers were playing while their mom was sleeping and for some stupid reason (there a buch of dumbasses) they were messing with trying to get her awake, finally one of them dumps water on her fcae, she immediantly gets up grbas the PSOne with disc on FFVll in and hurls it at the wall. Not only was the system destroyed, but the disc was cracked.

For me, the worst thats happend was when I stepped on my copy of MMX for SNES when I was a kid.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Beating Halo. I still can't believe I sat through that entire piece of garbage.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I bought an Xbox for that game because all the hype surrounding it (and I wanted Ninja Gaiden and Kotor).
I rented Halo, beat it and was highly dissapointed.

But a bad time was when I was playing Driver 2, that game is so damn hard. I was on a mission where you have to destroy 4 cars in 6 minutes (if I remember correctly) and after 183829384723947239437239487 tries I get to the last car, its almost gone and I have enough health in my car to destroy it...out of excitement I accidently crash on something, cant catch up to the car and time runs out.

I threw the controller across the room not really thinking it was still attached to the Playstation. The game broke, the Playstation broke, and one of the analog sticks on the controller broke :bomb:
I haven't found an apartment yet so I keep having to move in and out of different dorms and my stuff keeps getting moved in and out of storage. Usually my dad comes down from Seattle to help me move my things...he hates the fact that I play games because he thinks I'm never going to make it to med school if I keep up the habit (I think he's just pissed because he was the one who bought me my first games, hehe). He's not very careful with the storage boxes that contain my games at all; I leave everything but my PS/PS2/XBOX/GC games at home. He throws the boxes around every single time and whenever I open up the boxes and check my games, there's always at least one game that falls loose inside the case and gets all scratched up floating around inside. My mint, practically perfect Grandia discs were the last ones to get all scratched up (I haven't even had a chance to play it yet.) Before that was Gitaroo Man. He also accidentally threw away my 512 GB memory stick pro duo (it fell out of the bag I keep all my PSP things in and apparently he thought it was "garbage"). There, my three worst videogame moments...

Well, then again, there was the time in middle school when my friend's house got robbed and my copy of Goldeneye 007 (N64) disappeared. After months of playing almost obsessively, I had managed to unlock 007 mode and all the cheats (without using the gameshark), not to mention that it took a long time to save up for a full price N64 game on a tiny allowance...

I've probably had worst moments but I've managed to successfully erase those from my memory. Thank God.
In Lunar 1 you can't trade Alex's flute to another character. Now before the game came out, WD released a demo. I got the demo, and found out that you could save your progress so you could pick right up when the game came out. In the demo though you could trade the flute. So I gave it to Nall to have room. When I got to the very end of the game after beating the last boss, you need the flute. Game wouldn't let me trade it back. I was quite furious. Had to start the whole game over.
1- Playing the entire original Space Quest and having to start over because the Alien at the beginning of the game had kissed me and at the end of the game the offspring tore throughmy chest.

2- Indiana Jones for N64...got all the way to the end and could not float up in the light things. Restarted and played again up to that point and got stuck again.

3- Playing the original PITFALL on my Intellivision and finally raching the hgh score where you could take a picture of the screen and mail it to Activision for a free T-Shirt
Took picture and promptly forgot to mail it for 5 years.

4- Spider for Playstation
[quote name='obiwayne']1- Playing the entire original Space Quest and having to start over because the Alien at the beginning of the game had kissed me and at the end of the game the offspring tore throughmy chest.[/QUOTE]


You got hosed old school! :lol:
[quote name='io']See, this backs up my claims that this is at least partly due to bad interface design. [/QUOTE]

On the flip side, I'm playing Obscure (Xbox) at the moment and when you hit a button to skip a cut scene it pops up a menu letting you hit B to quit the scene or A to continue with the scene. A feature I wish more games would implement. If I want to skip a scene I can, but it also prevents me from accidentally hitting the button and skipping a scene I want to check out.

I remember being annoyed that Tiger Woods (I think all of the current versions) only let you store 3 profiles on the Xbox HDD. Don't ask me why EA is trying to stoke memory card sales? Do they even make a memory card?
I was playing Diablo on the computer, and you can save while in a dungeon and while in the middle of battle. Near death one time, I saved my game and died soon after. Only problem is, the save had occured about 3/4 of a second before some giant rhino-thing charged into me. I didn't have any positions on my belt, couldn't kill it in time, couldn't run away, and couldn't access character menu.

So after every load, I kept hearing a painful groan as my character crumpled to the floor. Haven't touched Diablo since.
I don't know about you guys, but I like playing through 1-player games on my own and having the satisfaction that I completed it by myself. I had been playing Super Mario Sunshine for a good 5 hours and had gotten pretty far. I came home one night and found my roommate sitting in front of the TV playing Mario Sunshine. He thought it would be cool if he cleared some of the levels to help me out. I ended up starting the game over to play the levels I hadn't cleared.
I traded Grandia I for the PS in for $7 at gamecrazy........but no bad videogame moments except getting cheated on in Halo 2 (standby, mods, super jumps).
I have three worst moments - one I was reminded of by the Space Quest comment.

I once played King's Quest 5 and got stuck for HOURS trying to figure out what to do next. Finally had to start over and realized that towards the beginning of the game there is a rat that runs by you with a cat chasing it (I think). You get one shot to save him and if you miss it you're screwed. Interesting side-note - I REALLY liked the typed commands of the old versions and was disappointed when they went to point-and-click commands. These two events together are why I stopped at KQ5.

Also, played Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on NES and was on the verge of killing Shredder when it froze. Huge deal for me because I spent MONTHS trying to beat that game. I did eventually beat it after taking about a month off after that...

Finally, there was the Metal Warriors FACTORY SEALED debacle. I got it and a "Complete, Mint" copy of Secret of Mana (both SNES) from a guy on Ebay. They both arrive, and the Metal Warriors box is dented. I check out the Secret of Mana game, and it isn't even close to being "mint". The map even had a huge tear in it (4 inches!). So naturally I was pretty skeptical about this "Factory Sealed" Metal Warriors game. When I couldn't stand it any longer, I pulled out the video camera and taped...myself...opening what turned out to truly be...a new, factory sealed Metal Warriors! Doh!
Usually I tell the story of how I sold 2 NIB Earthbounds for $6 each at Funcoland (bought for $5 each BB clearance) but I bet CAGers know that one.

I had this good, good, old friend from childhood named John . . . I usually sucked all of my friends into at least one videogame. With John it was Mario Bros. . . . the original 2 player single screen arcade game (1983-ish). After high school we parted ways but kept in touch . . . years later he moved to the city I was in (Milwaukee) and became my roommate.

I also had a great college job as a "security" staff member at the Student Union. Paid $6 something an hour in the 1980s (like $10 today) and mostly you wandered around with a big walkie talkie and keys. It was fun and I became a "lead" and quickly had some senority.

It just so happened that the rec room in the Union had Mario Bros. John and I played a few times (now about 1987).

During a holiday weekend when the Union was completely closed, I took John in (with my pass key) and we played Mario Bros. in the eerie empty Union. This was cool . . . an old buddy . . . and a great game.

A pair of my fellow security guys came through and "caught" us . . . would have been no problem because I was close with everyone except this newer guy and he was on. I think we scared the shit out of him but he completely overreacted and wrote me up.

First off, it was a complete buzz kill for the game we were playing.

Secondly, I got in such hot water that I almost didn't recover.

I would guess that was the last time John and I played a videogame together.
When I got my D2 account deleted for botting.

When I found a Windforce from botting but somehow can't find it a week later.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']In Lunar 1 you can't trade Alex's flute to another character. Now before the game came out, WD released a demo. I got the demo, and found out that you could save your progress so you could pick right up when the game came out. In the demo though you could trade the flute. So I gave it to Nall to have room. When I got to the very end of the game after beating the last boss, you need the flute. Game wouldn't let me trade it back. I was quite furious. Had to start the whole game over.[/QUOTE]

Not to rub salt in the wound... but... if you got in touch with Working Designs, they had a way around that glitch so you could finish the game.

[quote name='vietgurl']Well, then again, there was the time in middle school when my friend's house got robbed and my copy of Goldeneye 007 (N64) disappeared. After months of playing almost obsessively, I had managed to unlock 007 mode and all the cheats (without using the gameshark), not to mention that it took a long time to save up for a full price N64 game on a tiny allowance... [/QUOTE]

This reminds me... way back when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, someone broke into our house and stole one of our Nintendo games (and oddly, nothing else.) We called the cops, they did their thing, and we assumed we'd not hear from them again.

A good 3 or 4 months later, I come home... and my mom informs me the game was returned! Apparently it was stolen by some neighborhood kid, who gave it to a friend as a birthday present, then got scared he'd get caught and gave it to another kid as a Valentine's present. I still don't know how they caught him... perhaps I'll ask my mom about it later and see if she knows/remembers. (it was also only after the theft and return that we beat stage 1 and found out the ship turned into a robot. That was cool.)
[quote name='DuelLadyS'] (it was also only after the theft and return that we beat stage 1 and found out the ship turned into a robot. That was cool.)[/QUOTE]

which NES game are you talking about?
I was playing through zelda: links awakening on got stuck on the second level for around a year (thing was that you needed to sprinkle magic powder on the torches). THis was before the internet was a normal thing and I was in third grade. I ended up having to write a letter to nintendo power to get this figured out.
[quote name='RiCeBo1']When I got my D2 account deleted for botting.

When I found a Windforce from botting but somehow can't find it a week later.[/QUOTE]

Good. For admitting to being such a douche I hope you get pulled in to the street kicking ans screaming and be torn limb from limb. Honestly, your worst gaming moment is being caught cheating? People like you really need to die.
[quote name='smalien1']I accidentaly deleted a Banjo-Kazooie save game.[/QUOTE]


In all seriousness, this happened to me. I was probably 13, and had gotten a good 32 hours into the game. My sister was playing with her friend (they were both around 9), and I got up to go to the bathroom. They're wrestling on the floor, and the game is set to the profile selection screen. Somehow, whilst rolling around on the floor, my sister's friend deleted my gamesave. Sonofabitch.

Only took me about 16 hours to get back to where I had been, but damn was I mad.
Heres a few...

I accidently deleted my megaman legends 2 save thinking it was my legends 1 save, I was so far in legends 2 ;_;.

After playing batman and robin for snes I took it out and set it down....and the thing fell apart @_@

Castlevania:CotM, I was at the last boss and poof the save battery erases my game

Similiar story, Super Metroid was about to face Mother Brain and poof bye bye saved game.
[quote name='Kayden']Good. For admitting to being such a douche I hope you get pulled in to the street kicking ans screaming and be torn limb from limb. Honestly, your worst gaming moment is being caught cheating? People like you really need to die.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: I was just kidding that did happen to a friend of mine. He almost broke down in tears. Worst video game moment? Probably the first couple of times I played the mission Supply Lines in GTA:SA...
my cousin used 2 cover my eyes when i was playing video games, and i remember getting really pissed ( i was 8-9) and struggling, my foot hit the cord, and knocked the snes off the shelf and it broke..she went home laughing...my dad came over and put it together (i dno how he fixes this stuff) and it worked like new..crazy...but boy was i pissed
How do you accidentally boot the ps2 with the tray open, select the memory card and then the save file and then delete it?
This didn't happen to me, but it's still funny.

My room mate was playing Castlevania Chronicles, and upon reaching the final boss he reached up to turn the volume up on the TV. For some unexplained reason he flinched, and his hand smacked the power button on the Playstation.

Of course he saved but in that game you can only save three levels before the boss, which means reaching the boss all over again.
[quote name='Kayden']How do you accidentally boot the ps2 with the tray open, select the memory card and then the save file and then delete it?[/QUOTE]

i was deleting files from games i didnt play and acidentaly did that one
This is like yearsssssssss ago. When I still played FF II, the real FF II jap version. I had an NES system but had an adapter so I could play famicom catridges, japanese version on NES. Anyway, it was not so easy to get famicom catridge to work on NES. I needed to push and pull so many times just to get it to work. I pumped most of the weapons and magic to level 16 by doing AAB method. Then, one day my brother took FF II out of the NES system and played something else. I got so pissed and knew what was going to happen!!! By the time I got the FF II to boot again from the push and pull then all the saves were gone :bomb:
bread's done