Would Anyone recomedn PSO still?


11 (100%)
Hey CAG due to life, I sort of missed the dream cast and game cube gaming generation or era or whatever you guys would call it and I have been trying to catch up a little on some of the great games I missed out on.

Even though the servers are down, would anyone still recomend Phantasy Star Online to a player like me who has never played it?

Thanks guys.
For the DC? No, not really. While the Sega servers are down there are still eight private ones up, two of which I think are open to the public ( not 100% sure on that). I would say if you really want to play PSO, you need to hunt down a copy of PSO 1+2 plus. Even if you play offline only, yes PSO will always be worth playing, but then again I am a huge Phanatasy Star fanboy so eh.

On a side note check out http://www.pso-world.com if you want more info on any of the games.
Yeah, its worth it. Great game. I actually still have it and play it occasionally on my Wii. It's pretty fun and addicting, only downside that I know of is that there is no save points (oh, how I hate that fact). Well...there are save points in the game but if your in a dungeon and you get to Ruins 4 but have to shut it off, then you loose that dungeon and have to start over from Ruins 1.

Other than that, its still a fun game.
ruins 4? wtf....

edit- o thats right.. did they add a 4 on the gc version. i have it but its been ages.

Does the wifi work when used with wii?
Well thanks guys. That sold it for me. I am a big big listener of the 1up show on top of the CAG CAST of course, and they kept comparing Too Human to PSO or at least attempted to make the comparison. Since I am excited about Too Human, I wanted to see what the hype for PSO was.

I am bummed I missed the online experience.
It might still be playable online with Xbox Live. I used to play PSO Live but haven't in ages.
Anyway, I would recommend you save your money for something better than PSO.

PSO Live was frustratingly corrupted with item duplicators, hackers, cheaters and glitches. For all the money we paid continually to Sega, they updated the game with new content maybe once or twice, ever, and turned a blind eye to the flagrant destruction of the game's economy.

The gameplay itself is nothing to write home about in single player(though what online rpg really is). Simple 3-hit combo combat, grinding and item collection through four dungeons that aren't as impressive as they were 8 years ago. 4-player split screen was a welcome feature though.

If you're going to pay to play online I would recommend you play something up to date and from a company with a better online track record than Sega. If you're going to play it alone, there are much better single-player experiences out there these days.

PSU might be different, but PSO I cannot recommend.
I spent many hundreds of hours on PSO, so it's a great game, but it's only truly great when it's online. You can try Phantasy Star Universe, though, I didn't like it too much in comparison to the old games or to newer stuff. From what I can tell, Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom seemed a lot like PSO with level grinding and tons of weapons and rare items. Only thing is that areas are random, so there's no learning maps. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but from the demo on XBL that's what I gathered.
Sorry for going a little OT. I just checked the price of PSO I & II Pus on half.com. The suggested selling price for my copy is $72. I might just have to let it go if I can get that kind of loot for it.

Anyway, I do like this game. It is lots of fun. If you have friends to play with, it is even better.
I jumped on the PSO bandwagon late. Like 2 years ago late. It was pretty fun, I played it with a friend online and between the 2 of us it was great. I wouldn't like it solo, though. Although you can call it a really simple system with not much variety, there was a certain elegance to how they pulled it off. If the servers are down, I wouldn't really touch it.

PSU, on the other hand, I did not like at all. I only played when it first came out but the variety isn't there and you don't get a lot of opportunities to solo. PSO scaled the difficulty to your party, but in PSU to get the better items you have to play the harder missions which have a uniform difficulty and thus, multiple people in the party are needed.
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