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11 (100%)

large version - http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3012/2435385982_2c807bf7e8_o.jpg


large version - http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2418/2434569049_6ed5d03f9a_o.jpg

I want to get rid of this thing, but before i do i was wondering if i put this up on eBay would you buy it?

It's a "Spam Shield" mainly made with AOL discs, but has a few Launch and misc cds in there. 3 layers deep/big/whatever.

It's 18" x 20" and is about 5 lbs. Has an adjustable strap and handle that i made out of cardboard. Feels pretty damn sturdy. Also 5 of the discs on the front are a slight shade of green and form a V.

Can be used for:
- Annoying your friends by reflecting the sun's rays into their faces
- Confuse animals
- Fight Medusa


backstory if anyone cares...

made this in my 3D design class. assignment was to do something with "found objects". create a scene / tell a story / make something / etc. i wanted to make something and remembered that i had a crap load of CDs that i used for target practice. semi-inspired by the mirror shield from zelda.
Short answer: No
Long Answer: Hell No

Don't get me wrong tho thats pretty cool, i also make stuff all the time out of crap for fun.
But yea no one will ever pay anything for it unless it has some value to it or is hard to make or hell have any use at all.

So yea thats pretty cool .... but don't hold your breath on the whole selling idea.
It's cool. I wouldn't buy it, but if you wanted to just give it to me, I'd be cool with that.
Not really. I don't know what I'd do with it...
I wouldn't but another man's junk is another man's treasure so someone out there probably would. Put it on craigslist and see if you get any bites.
[quote name='mitch079']I wouldn't but another man's junk is another man's treasure so someone out there probably would. Put it on craigslist and see if you get any bites.[/quote]

Exactly. Make sure you call it "LoZ's Mirror shield" to get hits.
[quote name='Redie']Package it up and find out how much to ship under first class?[/QUOTE]

First class... since it's cds it could be shipped media mail technically ;)
You know I was just thinking to myself the other day, what the fuck am I going to do if a rampaging gorgon was to wander into my house? I could cover my eyes, but then it could just claw me and call me names. I could run away, but then the gorgon would be getting free cable/internet at my expense. This CD shield seems to solve all of my problems. Thank you OP, I will be making one of my own post-haste!
Plus, if you need to light any torches, you can just reflect a beam of light onto them. Also works to blind the shit out of people.
There's going to be so many people in here eating their words when Ganon steals the triforce of power and ruins the world as we know it.
You're crazy.

There's an old man near my house living in a cave with a wooden sword. I'm going to get that and come kick your metal detector having ass.
Yeah, well i hear theres this cave in the mountains that has this giant sword hidden in it. Imma get it and kick yo ass.
Throw it on eBay, and then say that the buyer can microwave it for massive loads of fun. Some idiot is surely going to buy it then.
bread's done