Would you do this for your girlfriend?

[quote name='Snake2715']In any relationship I find it impossible to believe one party has NEVER asked the other to do any favors.

I mean I asked my wife last night to bring me a glass of water since she was up making my dinner, and doing laundry....IKIK.[/quote]

You left out raising your kid and cleaning your house, all while in the bedroom.

Does the universe blow up or somethnig if you fail?

How old are you? She has to be at least 16 for a job, so are you 10?
I'd do anything for you, baby.

Raids, feed you while you're in battle, love you while you're leveling up, just please baby...

Love me the same way I love you.
[quote name='GTzerO']You left out raising your kid and cleaning your house, all while in the bedroom.

Woman knows her place is in front a stove, not the bedroom!

Unless you have put the stove in the bedroom.

Just like God intended.
[quote name='NintendoFanGirl']What if your gf begged, pleaded, bribed, whatever, for you to do it for her while she is at work, to help her.[/quote]
This thread has gone downhill. Can we try to keep the sexism out of it guys?
The game is wow and I'm referring to arena. There, you happy? I've done it several times and I suck. I see them coming at me and I panic. He says my gear isn't good enough so no one will want to group with me. I'm a disc priest (and have a spriest). Yeah, it isn't good enough because I don't have arena gear! I have honor and S1 gear, decent gems and enchants that I earned on my own. He actually told me weeks ago he would help me, but never did. So how is it selfish that I ask him to help me out and he only helps himself? His friend, who also works at the cafe, does it for his gf all the time and his reason is, "I do it for her because I want her to have good gear when we play together". How nice is that.
I guess I'm a horrible person and not giving you the answer you want, but I would tell you to get over your panicing by just doing it some more by yourself. Its not that he is only helping himself. Its just a videogame. If it was something really important I could see your point, but if you ask me this is something you need to learn to do on your own. He is doing it for himself on his character to get things he wants, you should do the same.

[quote name='NintendoFanGirl'] I've done it several times and I suck. I see them coming at me and I panic. [/QUOTE]

Of course you suck after just doing it several times, most people do. You just need to actually do it yourself and get the practice in. Just because you suck at something right off the bat doesn't mean you ask someone else to do it for you. If you want the gear you need to put in the time it takes to get it, just like did/is doing.
All things considered, I'm sure we can all point out NintendoFanGirl's bias in this situation but I'll ultimately say that the boyfriend is indeed being selfish. Being in a relationship entails giving yourself over to another person, making sacrifices and compromises, even if we're only talking about something as trivial as a video game here. There is an issue of character here to me.

Imagine if a significant other asked you to get a drink for him/her, you say yes, then walk over from the living room to the fridge, grab only one drink for yourself, and come back and sip it all in front of the other person.
[quote name='rapsodist']All things considered, I'm sure we can all point out NintendoFanGirl's bias in this situation but I'll ultimately say that the boyfriend is indeed being selfish.

Imagine if a significant other asked you to get a drink for him/her, you say yes, then walk over from the living room to the fridge, grab only one drink for yourself, and come back and sip it all in front of the other person.[/QUOTE]

But a drink takes 30 seconds to get. This is something that takes a TON of time. I see it as someone asking you to work their shift where you work, but wanting to keep the money for the hours too.
[quote name='NintendoFanGirl']This thread has gone downhill. Can we try to keep the sexism out of it guys?
The game is wow and I'm referring to arena. There, you happy? I've done it several times and I suck. I see them coming at me and I panic. He says my gear isn't good enough so no one will want to group with me. I'm a disc priest (and have a spriest). Yeah, it isn't good enough because I don't have arena gear! I have honor and S1 gear, decent gems and enchants that I earned on my own. He actually told me weeks ago he would help me, but never did. So how is it selfish that I ask him to help me out and he only helps himself? His friend, who also works at the cafe, does it for his gf all the time and his reason is, "I do it for her because I want her to have good gear when we play together". How nice is that.[/quote]

Would you like my opinion?

Sounds like you're acting like a drama queen to me, it's a damn game.
Let me point out that he has an epic flying mount on one character and a flying mount on another, potions at his disposal, free enchants, all freely given by me without him even asking (and sometimes he's asked).
Seems like you temporarily need a new boyfriend...perhaps a Chinese gold farmer/powerleveler? All he'll ask for in return is $2 per hour and perhaps some unconditional love.
The OP title should change to, "I'm upset, please come in and agree with me (featuring ambiguity pages 1-2)" :D

For fuck sakes, I hate fussing over such little things. As posted "its just a game" is the correct answer. What ever happened to the independent woman movement started by Destiny's Child in the late 90s/early 2000s. I don't know anything about WoW but I'm sure theres plenty of other stuff you can do to level up and come back to your goals later. "Can't someone else do it" is not a winner's attitude. Maybe this whole thing has a deeper meaning in your relationship and you could do some thinking on that. However I'll avoid the seriousness and just say go forth young lady and slay your own dragons! Use this video for motivation. Girl power!

Ok, all kidding aside. Why wouldn't he? What's a few hours of his time to help you, especially if you've helped him by giving him enchants and stuff.

What's the point of this thread other than to validate your side? Any decent boyfriend would just do it.

Like I said earlier-

Dump him.
[quote name='rodeojones903']But a drink takes 30 seconds to get. This is something that takes a TON of time. I see it as someone asking you to work their shift where you work, but wanting to keep the money for the hours too.[/quote]

Maybe I don't know enough about MMOs since I don't play them at all; I suppose it is a huge chore. But the way I see it, if the guy already has enough time to play the game for hours everyday into the double digits, he can devote some time to helping out his girlfriend. If anything, I think her request is meant for them to ultimately spend more time playing together, not for her to turn him into a slave laborer.

You're looking at this like it's a business venture. That's definitely not the way to approach a matter concerning two people in a relationship.
If she becomes independent it will turn the game into more fun when they play together instead of "Ooh I want those, get them for me!"
Then he should earn his own gold and buy his own epic flying mount, right? I guess if it doesn't benefit him, he doesn't want to do it.
I've had a similar situation with my wife...she loves to play on Pogo.com, she has an account and she loves collecting badges...kind of like achievements, there's time's that she's asked me to play a game she either doesn't understand or doesn't like to get the weekly badge...I've done it pretty regularly...most of those games are boring but every now and then I'll get a kick out of them.
What a dick.

Whenever I do things for my brother, friend, or wife, I consider it a chance to show off how incredibly awesome I am. After I'm finished I get to raise my arms in the air, scream, "I AM THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE!" take a victory lap around the house/apartment, and then stand in front of them and flex for a minute.
Start playing the game with some other guy and then set up an in game marriage. Make sure he somehow knows about this but thinks your are unaware of this knowledge. Keep up this ruse to toy with his immature emotions and when he confronts you on this dump his ass and tell him you are sick of being with someone who cares more about games than actually living.

In reality though I would have to say that you both have an unhealthy addiction to the game and probably don't have a real relationship outside of video games.
[quote name='camoor']Would you like my opinion?

Sounds like you're acting like a drama queen to me, it's a damn game.

I know where this is going... You asked him and he gave you an answer you didn't like. Maybe he said no or he has to think about it, whatever. So your trying to get us to get in the middle of the conflict by saying yes we would do that, sure!!!
Just from hearing your argument i've come to the conclusion that you and your boyfriend must seriously be the lamest couple ever.

"why wont you battle for me in the arena, i gave you potions and enchanted items!"

girlfriends already bitched too much, now its just getting ridiculous.

"buy me this, buy me that, you dont love me, we never cuddle anymore, why wont you battle for me in the arena?"
Yeah... look, OP?

I'm married. Really /really/ married. You know what is one of the worst things a couple can do to friends or random strangers?

Using them as fodder for an argument.
[quote name='Gourd']Yeah... look, OP?

I'm married. Really /really/ married. You know what is one of the worst things a couple can do to friends or random strangers?

Using them as fodder for an argument.[/quote]

I'll agree with that. After giving my opinion earlier, I started to feel a little guilty for even doing that.
[quote name='Gourd']Yeah... look, OP?

I'm married. Really /really/ married. You know what is one of the worst things a couple can do to friends or random strangers?

Using them as fodder for an argument.[/QUOTE]

As a random stranger I feel like I should be offended....but I'm not...
[quote name='NintendoFanGirl']This thread has gone downhill. Can we try to keep the sexism out of it guys?[/quote]

Shut up and make me dinner!

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']not only would i do it, but id get drunk too[/quote]

If I was teh boss and I found a drunk dude playing Warcraft, I would fire his :booty:
bread's done