Would you get a rabies shot?


So Thursday night I went to the er to get a cat bite checked out from a kitten around 4 months old (it was a stray). It was bleeding pretty bad and hurt pretty bad but I told him that the kitten looked healthy and it didn't have foam around it's mouth from what I could tell. He told me that I most likely wouldn't catch anything and should be fine,but I'm kinda freaked cause it started to get swollen tonight and still looks the same. Should I be worried? I know this is a stupid place to ask these kind of questions but I check it out online and they kinda seem to contradict what the other site says.
How long have you had the kitten? Usually they will show signs of rabies within 10 days, so if it's still acting healthy and you've had it more than 10 days, then it's unlikely to have rabies. I would be more worried about a bacterial infection, since cats (compared to dogs) are notorious for having really dirty mouths with lots more bacteria. You should probably be on antibiotics, and hopefully that ER doc recognized it and put you on something.
Cat claws contain a lot of bacteria and they infect whatever they scratch. the wound will swell up a lot before it goes down, and it will swell up for a while. I also think that its worse with kitten scratches. I also just realized you were talking about bites, that's weird our kitten bites pretty hard and she never breaks the skin, because her baby teeth aren't strong or sharp enough yet. I'm sure the doctor would've recommended you get a rabies shot if he thought you needed it.
Yeah I thought he would have given me antibiotics for it as well but all he gave me was nesporin. He also said my bites/cuts weren't deep enough to need antibiotics yet it was bleeding for a good 6-8 min. Oh btw is wasnt my cat, it was a stray.
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