Wow Omfg! Love M

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CAG Veteran
I love microsoft:cry: This was the best decision i have made when it comes to buying consoles. First console i ever owned was the game cube and that was a wreck. Well i recently sold my ps3 for a 360 and im loving ever moment of Gears and Halo, Mass Effect, Fable, Naruto rise of ninja. :) NOW THE GAME I BOUGHT THE PS3 FOR TEKKEN6 IS COMMING TO 360 :)! I fuckING LOVE MICROSOFT.
[quote name='polizia']I love microsoft:cry: This was the best decision i have made when it comes to buying consoles. First console i ever owned was the game cube and that was a wreck. Well i recently sold my ps3 for a 360 and im loving ever moment of Gears and Halo, Mass Effect, Fable, Naruto rise of ninja. :) NOW THE GAME I BOUGHT THE PS3 FOR TEKKEN6 IS COMMING TO 360 :)! I fuckING LOVE MICROSOFT.[/quote]

The million dollar question is, What are your plans in regards to foreign policy?

[quote name='guinaevere']Another happy customer... I have no idea the point of this thread, but its harmless for now.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I think I could take care of that if I wanted.
[quote name='Strell']Oh, I think I could take care of that if I wanted.[/quote]...must resist teh urge! Must ...behave. Must... not encourage.
yeah, the whole nerdpoints thing has ruined all other consoles for me. It really provides more longevity to games, though it makes purchasing a single player only game pretty useless until the inevitable price drop.
Awww, let the kid have his moment. His first console was a gamecube, so he's likely a young'in. And what kid doesn't love Gears and Halo? Seems really psyched for Tekken.

Give the OP a little room for rampant gaming joy before the cynicism kicks in.
Kefka, you're insatiable. And yeah, I'm leaving things. Nothing wrong with having a moment of happiness over a good system and some games.
[quote name='keithp']Mr. Gates, you really should stop posting.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Strell']Oh, I think I could take care of that if I wanted.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='SynGamer']/fucking noob[/QUOTE]
All of you need to be strangled.

As Kefka said, let the dude be happy before he turns into a prick like those I quoted.
[quote name='javeryh']How is the Gamecube a wreck? It's one of the best systems of all time.[/QUOTE]

Amen. I like the 360 a little more than my PS3. They are both good 360 just has more games right now. I don't wanna talk about the Wii.
I have a feeling that OP like FPS and violent games that most kids and young adults play all the time. Other than Timesplitters, Eternal Darkness, and Killer 7 there aren't many mature titles for purchase on the GC. Also, there hasn't been a Madden for years.
[quote name='javeryh']How is the Gamecube a wreck? It's one of the best systems of all time.[/quote]

If you try to use it as a football, I would agree. Otherwise, No.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']If you try to use it as a football, I would agree. Otherwise, No.[/quote]

Um, no. The Gamecube would suck as a football but as a gaming system is it awesome. FACT.
[quote name='Chacrana']Enjoy it while it lasts...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I have to agree with him. I was happy with my 360 and played it considerably over my PS3. Now that the GPU died, I'm all about the PS3. Little wary of buying another since it seems a lot of CAGs are besieged by the RROD.

PS3 has some great games too. Uncharted, Metal Gear Solid, Resistance Fall of Man to name a few. Looking forward to Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, and White Knight Chronicles.
[quote name='guinaevere']Another happy customer... I have no idea the point of this thread, but its harmless for now.[/QUOTE]

A sign of things to come.
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