WWE Legends of Wrestlemania - Out now! Buy it or the Warrior will lecture you!

[quote name='007']The yearly series thing... correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they losing the license in the fall anyway? How's that work out?[/QUOTE]

Maybe they are just going to do the Legends of Wrestling thing and just pay for the persons likeness if they continue. Basically this game is ending up a WWE branded Legends of Wrestling anyways and the only real fault many saw with the Legends series was the game engine as it had great rosters.
Ah, I was under the impression that the reason that the contract expiration was even being brought up was because it had already been sort of determined that WWE wasn't going with them again. I hate to say it, but if there's a chance of staying with them, I'd be all for it. Innovation is great and all, but a newly minted 'lack of features cause we were building an engine' game is not something I'd look forward to.

That's really my biggest issue with the Smackdown series. People complain but, in fairness, it's about as good as we're going to get under the controlling power of the WWE. Ultimately, it's always WWE's call on what makes the game. Always.

I'm curious to see where a series would go, though. We've done 1-15. 15-25? We're starting to just make a Smackdown game. The logical thing would be to take it up to WM20, but I have no idea how they'd deal with that, since neither main event is viable for use (Benoit and Angle). While a series is interesting in concept, re-doing 1-15 over and over isn't going to work, unless they add HUGE guys each time. With the DVD release forthcoming, though, I'd almost guarantee if we got a sequel, we'd get Savage. That's your selling point right there.

Regardless, getting a demo is exciting. It'll basically answer all questions, since most of like the concept, but are afraid of the execution.
[quote name='007']Ah, I was under the impression that the reason that the contract expiration was even being brought up was because it had already been sort of determined that WWE wasn't going with them again. I hate to say it, but if there's a chance of staying with them, I'd be all for it. Innovation is great and all, but a newly minted 'lack of features cause we were building an engine' game is not something I'd look forward to.[/quote]

TNA Impact comes to mind, and that game was syphilis on a disc.

I'm curious to see where a series would go, though. We've done 1-15. 15-25? We're starting to just make a Smackdown game. The logical thing would be to take it up to WM20, but I have no idea how they'd deal with that, since neither main event is viable for use (Benoit and Angle). While a series is interesting in concept, re-doing 1-15 over and over isn't going to work, unless they add HUGE guys each time. With the DVD release forthcoming, though, I'd almost guarantee if we got a sequel, we'd get Savage. That's your selling point right there.

Less storyline nonsense, more roster. I don't think that this series will be, by any stretch, and annual thing. But, like the WWE's immensely underutilized video library, there are hundreds of wrestlers that could make another disc. Von Erichs, Stings, Funks, Mutas, the ECW roster (the ECW we enjoyed, I mean)...it's endless. And, of course *cough*savagerazordieseldemolition*cough*

As if that hasn't been said. ;)

The problem isn't the lack of talent to go from here; it's (1) how much pull such a game would sell if it was solely non-Hogan, non-Warrior, non-Andre talent, and (2) how willing the WWE would be to release a game that features talent who made names for themselves outside, primarily, the WWF/WWE. Which is slightly less probable than Bret/Shawn WMXII rematch headlining this year's Wrestlemania.

Regardless, getting a demo is exciting. It'll basically answer all questions, since most of like the concept, but are afraid of the execution.

I'm pretty sure I'd pee on myself if they ever announced an ECW era game with the full roster with the engine used for SmackDown games. Can you imagine the possibilities? It'd be hindered with a few guys being in different brands now (Is Raven still in TNA or is that done with?) but the game would be amazing! And they could definitely have Joey Styles call the action.
hey whats up I heard it was supose to come out today but I did't see anything on xbox live but are u sure it is def coming out thursday the demo for the xbox 360?
Raven won't be dealing with WWE for a while, what with suing them and all.

Speaking of which...I'm not sure whether it ever got mentioned in the wrestling thread, but the lawsuit was thrown out by the judge.
[quote name='Scorch']I'm pretty sure I'd pee on myself if they ever announced an ECW era game with the full roster with the engine used for SmackDown games. Can you imagine the possibilities? It'd be hindered with a few guys being in different brands now (Is Raven still in TNA or is that done with?) but the game would be amazing! And they could definitely have Joey Styles call the action.[/QUOTE]

No, but he is/was part of that "employee/independent contractor" civil suit against WWE, so I'd say he stands a Macho Man's chance of making it into that hypothetical game.
[quote name='tbz2009']hey whats up I heard it was supose to come out today but I did't see anything on xbox live but are u sure it is def coming out thursday the demo for the xbox 360?[/quote]

No, I just felt like making up dates.
It looks like, unless there's a third person in the arena, the camera constantly rotates around the ring.
Demo is up... don't know how I feel about this game. I'll play it a few more times, but I wish it just used the SVR gameplay engine and not this timed presses thing.
[quote name='dg7md']Demo is up... don't know how I feel about this game. I'll play it a few more times, but I wish it just used the SVR gameplay engine and not this timed presses thing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the timed button presses slow the game down for me. Not as fluid as SDVR.
Wow, the demo sucks.

Instead of trying to be innovative to "evolve" this genre, they should really "devolve" and go back to the original Smackdown games on PSone & PS2 for good gameplay.
[quote name='dg7md']Demo is up... don't know how I feel about this game. I'll play it a few more times, but I wish it just used the SVR gameplay engine and not this timed presses thing.[/QUOTE]

Damn, thats not what I like to hear. When the SVR engine is better thats not a good thing, its a bad thing.
[quote name='guyver2077']how do you even perform finishers.. i beat the rock by just putting him in some lame submission :([/quote]

you have to build your "chain" to "chain level 3", then hit X + A at the same time.

.. then you have to make sure you time your presses to follow the animations to perform the actual move.

[quote name='musha666']Damn, thats not what I like to hear. When the SVR engine is better thats not a good thing, its a bad thing.[/quote]

I thought the exact same thing. It is a great concept that would be great if you had more freedom with the superior SVR engine. At least with that game you could have some epic and lengthy quality matches that at least seem realistic at some parts. LoW's gameplay though, it just feels really crippled and all matches so far have played out the same way without really any "wow" moments. It just doesn't feel like you have any control over what happens in the match. Something new in this game that I like though are the camera angles, but it spins around so much sometimes that you might get a headache.

I really want to like this game so I'll keep trying out the demo, but I can't really get into it if I am thinking "this would be so much better if it played like Smackdown..." throughout.
[quote name='HydroX']you have to build your "chain" to "chain level 3", then hit X + A at the same time.

.. then you have to make sure you time your presses to follow the animations to perform the actual move.


WOW. its like raw 2 all over again. It even kinda plays like it.
[quote name='guyver2077']WOW. its like raw 2 all over again. It even kinda plays like it.[/QUOTE]

oh fuck. if you're criticizing a wrestling game...

This might be a huge stretch, but what if the gameplay gets so universally panned like I have read so far and they actually end up having a patch that can make this play just like the SVR games with free control and no timed button sequences? I have no idea how they built this game since it pretty much plays like SVR except for grappling mechanics, but it was an idea that came to me.
[quote name='dg7md']This might be a huge stretch, but what if the gameplay gets so universally panned like I have read so far and they actually end up having a patch that can make this play just like the SVR games with free control and no timed button sequences? I have no idea how they built this game since it pretty much plays like SVR except for grappling mechanics, but it was an idea that came to me.[/quote]

As probable as patching in the WWF logo, it was built with that type of gameplay so it's staying.
It's .. okay. It will take a bit to get used to. I enjoy QTE's though. I think the QTE's help pace the match a little better, there's not nearly as much downtime as there is in Smackdown games.

I do enjoy how Austin's finisher is a combo. A Lou Thesz press, the walking elbow, then the stunner, broken up by QTE's (Rock even sells it like he did where he rolls backwards and bounces off the ropes!). It'll take a bit to get used to, sure, but it'll be fun.

I wonder how the SvR09 guys will play with this new system. It'll be interesting.
[quote name='mykevermin']oh fuck. if you're criticizing a wrestling game...


And I'm done. No point in even downloading the demo. Back to getting that asinine final achievement in SD!09
[quote name='mykevermin']oh fuck. if you're criticizing a wrestling game...


I enjoyed Impact too, it's a fun game with friends... but Backstage Assault AND WM21? I... I am at a loss for words.

Either way, the demo is alright. It looks like the modes are planned out very well, it's just the gameplay that needs work. Is it just me, or are there seemingly more combos / controls / things to learn in this, then SDVR2k9? I don't see it being a pick up and play type of game for older fans, simply because of all of the button combos, and certain conditions you must meet to do anything.

I thought I'd hate them too, but the QTE actually work quite well. They could use this system in SDVR for submissions, as opposed to the terrible Lock Picking mechanism.

All-in-all, a rental.. doesn't seem to be worth paying full price for.
Am I the only person who really enjoyed the demo? I've always been disappointed by the SvR games (and wrestling games in general since the PERFECT No Mercy for N64). This one feels more simple and arcade-like. QTEs during the finishers could be fun, too.
I played a match as hogan vs andre and stone cold vs rock and it was pretty cool. I didnt really try to learn the controls that much. Once i get the controls down i think i will enjoy it. I was afraid of the QTE happening too often but it doesnt seem to be the case. I also wonder if they will allow you to change to a camera angle that doesnt spin around. But so far im pleased with it.
Within 2 minutes of starting the demo:

Hogan didn't come out on the cart at WM 3. He walked out.

Andre shouldn't have music.

The world title belt is wrong.

Heenan should be wearing a white suit.

The arena isn't terrible, but sure won't be mistaken for the Silverdome.

All of this is minor nitpicking, but since everyone else has talked about the unappealing gameplay, I won't bother.

Most importantly, I'm not in the game. Come on THQ, I was RIGHT ON THE AISLE.
Downloaded the demo here a bit ago.

I'm a little confused, to say the least. I didn't think such drastic changes were coming for the engine. It almost seems that my matches were just too short, and I hope that isn't the case come time for the final product.

The new controls will take getting some used to. But this whole thing just begs for a rental. Maybe I'll Goozex it in the future, but for now it'll reside in my GameFly queue.
The more I play it, the more I like it. I enjoy the stringing combos. I like how the running automatically runs at your opponent. I was playing Andre vs. Hogan and I did the Punch, Punch, Punch, AND THE BOOT~!.. Hogan off the ropes.. BAH GAWD THE LEG DROP! ONE, TWO.. NO!! HEENAN PUT ANDRE'S FOOT ON THE ROPE!.. classic heel stuff.

I think I'll pick it up. It'll be pretty fun. It grows on you.
Okay I ended up dloading the demo. Played a match and I don't think I'm coming back to this game anytime soon. Gameplay just wasn't fun for me, and the inaccuracies in the game are astounding. WWE needs to go with a publisher / developer that actually pays attention to these minute details.

[quote name='KaneRobot']Within 2 minutes of starting the demo:

Hogan didn't come out on the cart at WM 3. He walked out.

Andre shouldn't have music.

The world title belt is wrong.

Heenan should be wearing a white suit.

The arena isn't terrible, but sure won't be mistaken for the Silverdome.

All of this is minor nitpicking, but since everyone else has talked about the unappealing gameplay, I won't bother.

Most importantly, I'm not in the game. Come on THQ, I was RIGHT ON THE AISLE.[/QUOTE]

I also noticed in the Rock Vs Stone Cold match:

-Wrong Arena

-Wrong belt, which is weird because the WWE Attitude Belt is in WWE 2008

-Rock wears the belt. Instead of carrying it.

-JR & King called the action, when it was King & Cole (I believe I could be wrong on this one)

-No sort of run-in?

-No sort of weapon interaction?

Besides that, the entire game looks & feels like a WWE 2009 hack / Expansion pack with a crud mini game engine attached to it. I'll pass until it's about $20 or so.
[quote name='cozinator']Am I the only person who really enjoyed the demo? I've always been disappointed by the SvR games (and wrestling games in general since the PERFECT No Mercy for N64). This one feels more simple and arcade-like. QTEs during the finishers could be fun, too.[/QUOTE]

I haven't enjoyed a wrestling game since No Mercy (which I agree was perfect), and I thought this demo was no exception. It's absolute garbage.

I want to play a WRESTLING game, not Simon.
[quote name='mykevermin']You were the dude in the tye-dye and afro.[/QUOTE]

I was like 7 years old at the time, so I really wish that were the case.

I gave it another shot this morning. The QT stuff is actually not a terrible idea - it was worth a try at least - but it's the gameplay besides that that is just really bad. Much too stiff, no flow to it at all. Like many other wrestling games it just feels like you press buttons and then the game takes over for a while. Smackdown is guilty of that too at times but it's not as bad as this.

If they smoothed out the gameplay during the match, and then reserved QT stuff for only major highspots and finishers it would probably be 40 bucks worth of fun. As it is now, I don't think I'd touch it for any more than $19.99. The Relive mode was kind of cool from the miniscule taste of it the demo gives.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Okay I ended up dloading the demo. Played a match and I don't think I'm coming back to this game anytime soon. Gameplay just wasn't fun for me, and the inaccuracies in the game are astounding. WWE needs to go with a publisher / developer that actually pays attention to these minute details.

I also noticed in the Rock Vs Stone Cold match:

-Wrong Arena

-Wrong belt, which is weird because the WWE Attitude Belt is in WWE 2008

-Rock wears the belt. Instead of carrying it.

-JR & King called the action, when it was King & Cole (I believe I could be wrong on this one)

-No sort of run-in?

-No sort of weapon interaction?

Besides that, the entire game looks & feels like a WWE 2009 hack / Expansion pack with a crud mini game engine attached to it. I'll pass until it's about $20 or so.[/quote]

Sorry but some of this is just ridiculous nitpicking. And there is weapon interaction because The Rock picked up the steps and beat the crap out of me with them.
It's a point that I brought up before, but the question is how many of these inaccuracies are intentional by WWE, instead of mistakes by THQ?

Anyway, it's also still just a demo. I'd imagine that the belt/arena thing may well be 'correct' in the real game... at least the belt thing.
I am going to retract some statements I made about this game. The more I play it, the more I am understanding how it plays. I am starting to enjoy this a lot, mostly because it really does feel a bit different than the usual SVR gameplay. I will pick this one up because I just had a couple epic Hogan/Andre matches after doing the tutorial system and getting a clearer understanding of how this game plays out.

I had an awesome match ending a while ago, Andre goes to the top rope and splashes Hogan... he's DONE, match over. Unrealistic but man I was marking for that.

It takes some getting used to but overall I like the chain system, it leads to more realistic wrestling matches than the "run around and grapple" tendencies SVR turns into at times. I don't like a few of the little inaccuracies as others have mentioned, but this is the closest thing we'll get to reliving some Mania moments any time soon.

Man, Real American, I could listen to that all day.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Dumb question but, those ???? in relive, you can't unlock any of them correct? Or what's there is what's there just for the demo.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you can only do that Rock-Austin match.
The more I play the demo, the more I seem to be having fun with it. It seems to me that finding out the real fun would be to play it with a friend. I could see epic matches forming with this game if both players know what they're doing.

That being said, I'd really like to see if the final product helps support that statement.

I haven't really played the SVR series (didn't enjoy the control scheme) but I am really having find with this game. The more i play it the more I enjoy the control scheme and the timed button presses.

I'm curious how the other wrestlers moves will differ and if the computer AI is decent enough.

This could be a first day buy after all..

I don't completely hate it, so that's a good thing.

The main thing I don't understand is that in the drive to create a more accessible 'arcade' control scheme, they've seemingly created something that's almost on par with SvR in terms of being complicated. Pointless, and it makes me wish they'd just gone with the SvR scheme to begin with. (Or, at least, made the import thing work BOTH ways)

I hate hate hate hate hate the revisions that, assumably, WWE forced them to make. Hogan isn't just too big, he's too big that it's distracting (for me, anyway). The character models seem fantastic (outside of Rock), but Hogan looks like one of those damn Bend 'Ems they made a while ago.

Sidenote: Foley can't be playable, but he still gets to be in video packages? Ridiculous.

Other than that... I'm intrigued. Intrigued enough to buy it outright? Probably.
Just played the demo and the gameplay is fun. At this point though, how many people would actually want it to play exactly like the same Smackdown games we've been playing for years now.
[quote name='007']I don't completely hate it, so that's a good thing.

The main thing I don't understand is that in the drive to create a more accessible 'arcade' control scheme, they've seemingly created something that's almost on par with SvR in terms of being complicated. Pointless, and it makes me wish they'd just gone with the SvR scheme to begin with. (Or, at least, made the import thing work BOTH ways)

I hate hate hate hate hate the revisions that, assumably, WWE forced them to make. Hogan isn't just too big, he's too big that it's distracting (for me, anyway). The character models seem fantastic (outside of Rock), but Hogan looks like one of those damn Bend 'Ems they made a while ago.

Sidenote: Foley can't be playable, but he still gets to be in video packages? Ridiculous.

Other than that... I'm intrigued. Intrigued enough to buy it outright? Probably.[/quote]

Do you want him to be completely blurred out in the video package?
I had fun with the demo and it is a nice change from the Smackdown series. I am glad it takes a while to build up the finishers since in Smackdown you can pull off a finisher way to fast. I still have not bought SvR 2009 as I was waiting for the patch to fix the CAWs which never seemed to make their stated January 27 date so I will probably just pick this up instead. It will be nice to be able to look at the wrestlers move sets to see how much variety each really has and how to pull off certain moves. Now if they had a Wrestlemania X8 nWo Hogan outfit, I would definitely buy this day one.
I had a great time playing this game. My Son loves wrestling and we were able to have a legit match withough spamming or me dumbing it down to have a good match with him. Day one purchase for me.
bread's done